Senate Democrats

December 2011
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Month December 2011

Agreement on 2 month extension of Payroll Tax

During today’s pro forma, the Senate entered an agreement to pass a bill providing for a 2 month extension of the reduced payroll tax, unemployment insurance, TANF, and the Medicare payment fix; agree to the request for a conference with respect to H.R.3630; and authorize the Chair to appoint conferees on the part of the…


Statement by Senator Harry Reid on House Agreement to Pass Senate’s Bipartisan Compromise

“I am grateful that the voices of reason have prevailed and Speaker Boehner has agreed to pass the Senate’s bipartisan compromise. Year-long extensions of the payroll tax cut, unemployment insurance and Medicare payments for physicians has always been our goal, and Democrats will not rest until we have passed them. But there remain important differences…


Senate GOP to House GOP: “You’re On Your Own”

“After defiantly rejecting a Senate compromise to extend a payroll tax break and jobless pay, Speaker John A. Boehner stood before the television cameras on Tuesday enveloped by scores of House Republicans. Even as a group, they seemed very much alone.”  [New York Times, 12/21/11] Nevertheless, they may have just suffered the worst 24-hour news…


Papers Across the Country Agree: House GOP Brinkmanship Risks Jan. 1st Tax Hike on Middle Class

Newspapers On House GOP: “Disingenuous,” “Hypocritical,” Offering Taxpayers “A Lump Of Coal,” and are “Playing A Dangerous Game Of Brinksmanship” The Citizens’ Voice, Wilkes-Barre, PA Denver Post Editorial: House Republicans “Disingenuous” Rejection of Payroll Tax Cut Extension. “as if to explain the reason for the poll numbers, House Republicans have just blocked a bipartisan Senate…


Boehner’s So-Called ‘Conferees’ Are Opponents Of Payroll Tax Cut

Speaker’s Picks Prove Call for Further ‘Negotiations’ Is a Sham In case it wasn’t already clear that the House GOP’s call for a “conference committee” was simply a ploy to bury the payroll tax cut, just look at who Speaker Boehner has selected to “negotiate” for the House GOP. It’s a veritable “who’s who” of…


Minutes Apart, Cantor and Boehner Claimed That They’ve Always Wanted A Full Year Extension

Cantor: “John Boehner and I have always been together in saying we want a year’s worth of tax relief for the working people in this country.”  [MSNBC, 12/20/11] Boehner: “There’s no disagreement here.  There’s no disagreement at all.  About the fact that everyone wants to extend this for the next year.”  [Boehner Floor Speech, 12/20/11]…


Reid: “Unconscionable” for Speaker Boehner to Block Bipartisan Compromise That Would Protect Middle

Washington, D.C. — Nevada Senator Harry Reid issued the following statement today. “It is unconscionable that Speaker Boehner is blocking a bipartisan compromise that would protect middle-class families from the tax hike looming on January 1st – a compromise that Senator McConnell and I negotiated at Speaker Boehner’s own request. First Senator McConnell would not…


Reid Calls on Boehner to Stop Blocking Senate’s Bipartisan Compromise

Washington, D.C.–Nevada Senator Harry Reid issued the following statement today. “Speaker Boehner should allow an up-or-down vote on the compromise that Senator McConnell and I negotiated at Speaker Boehner’s request, and which was supported by 89 Republican and Democratic senators. “With millions of Americans struggling to make ends meet, it would be unconscionable for Speaker…


GOP Spin Meter

BOEHNER’S NEW EXCUSE FOR OPPOSING PAYROLL TAX CUT IS BIGGEST WHOPPER YET After Months of Opposing Tax Cut Altogether, House GOP Now Claims Extension Is Too Short The GOP’s latest excuse for opposing a middle-class tax cut is the most desperate one yet. After spending months opposing any extension of the tax cut, Speaker John…


Clock’s Ticking for the House to Pass the Middle Class Tax Cut
