AW2 Soldier Wins Adventurer of the Year Award

By Tania Meireles, WTC Stratcom

We would like to congratulate AW2 Soldier LTC Marc Hoffmeister for his recognition as a winner of National Geographic Adventure Magazine’s Adventurer of the Year Readers’ Choice Award. He received an amazing 20,000 votes to tie with another adventurer.

Hoffmeister was quoted as saying, “This goes beyond personal recognition. It’s what the team did to get up the mountain. I’m pretty humbled, let’s just put it that way.”

Hoffmeister will be interviewed by the DODLive Bloggers Roundtable about his achievements at 1 p.m. EST on March 18. Please visit to listen in.

In December, the AW2 Blog did a two part profile on Hoffmeister about his Operation Denali climb and his nomination as an Adventurer of the Year honoree by National Geographic Adventure Magazine.

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An Interview with AW2 Soldier LTC Hoffmeister – Part II

June 16, 2009 -  AW2 Soldier SPC Dave Shebib, AW2 Solder LTC Marc Hoffmeister, and Bob Haines (left to right) unfurl the Military Order of the Purple Heart guidon, proudly honoring their fellow combat wounded from the summit of Denali.

June 16, 2009 - AW2 Soldier SPC Dave Shebib, AW2 Solder LTC Marc Hoffmeister, and Bob Haines (left to right) unfurl the Military Order of the Purple Heart guidon, proudly honoring their fellow combat wounded from the summit of Denali.

AW2 Soldier LTC Marc Hoffmeister was recently named by National Geographic as one of their “Adventurers of the Year” for his successful climb of Mount McKinley (also known as Denali) as part of Operation Denali. Hoffmeister was the team leader of a group of wounded warriors who set out to climb the 20,320 ft. summit in order to symbolize their strength and perseverance over adversity.

In April 2007, LTC Hoffmeister was severely injured while serving in Iraq when an IED outside of Al Hillah blew up his Humvee. Hoffmeister was evacuated to Germany and then back to the U.S. where he had eight surgeries on his arm and endured months of painful rehabilitation.

Recently, I had the pleasure of chatting with LTC Hoffmeister about his experiences as an outdoor adventurer. Click here to read the rest of the article from National Geographic and click here to vote for AW2 Soldier LTC Hoffmeister in the National Geographic Reader’s Choice Awards for “Adventurer of the Year.”

Below is the second part of my interview with LTC Hoffmeister, please click here to read Part I.

1) How has being an outdoor adventurer prepared you to transition back to the Army?

I believe that every challenge I face in the back country makes me a better Soldier and leader. Whether climbing or skiing local peaks, summiting Denali, or completing a 100 mile Arctic Mountain Bike race across frozen Alaska, I’m forced to constantly control fear, evaluate risk, balance it against my ability and equipment, then mitigate that risk and move forward. It’s not that different than what we do in the military really — except that it’s what I do for fun!

2) Your wife, Gayle, has obviously been a big factor in your recovery. Do you mind sharing how your relationship has made you stronger?

Life is hard in the military these days, no reason to sugar coat it. I was wounded during my third deployment. The stresses on families of repeated deployments are hard enough and the added stress of being wounded and the subsequent recovery process make for some long days. My wife has sacrificed an incredible amount of herself to create the conditions for me to recover as much as possible. From sacrificing all of her leave time to be at my hospital bedside, to caring for me during home recovery and shouldering the full burden of maintaining the home and family while I struggled to get my feet back under me, she did it all.

She is an amazingly strong woman and her efforts go largely unrecognized. She is the unsung hero that has enabled me to achieve my dreams and I am forever indebted to her. I strive each day to try and give back even a portion of what she has given me even though she doesn’t expect or want me to.

3) What does your AW2 Advocate think of you climbing mountains and engaging in other outdoor events? How has your AW2 Advocate supported your adventures?

The AW2 program, specifically Michael Hamm, enabled me to build the team by getting the word out in the beginning. AW2 is an important communal forum where we can bond, share experiences, and build opportunities. Operation Denali is an example of that.

4) I’ve heard that when you aren’t climbing mountains that you work for a foundation that provides service dogs to injured Soldiers and Veterans. Can you describe what your foundation does and what it means to you to support other wounded warriors?

It’s not a foundation in itself, but a program we’ve set up with the local chapter of the Military Order of the Purple Heart, the State of Alaska Department of Corrections, and the Hiland Mountain Correctional Center. The inmates at the correctional center participate in a rehabilitative program in which they train service dogs for the disabled. We work with the program to match wounded warriors in need of a service dog and facilitate the dog’s training for the specific needs of the individual. The program is a great example of Veterans helping Veterans. I think it’s important that we all recognize the generosity of the many people and programs out there to assist us in our recovery.

When we are able, it is important to contribute to the fight and find ways to help our fellow wounded, even if it’s as simple as helping a nonprofit group recruit Soldiers for a local fishing trip or a dinner meal. All AW2 Soldiers and Veterans should all strive to inspire those in the early phases of recovery that there is light at the end of the tunnel, that life is worth living and that there is always a way to overcome the obstacles which confront you.

5) Anything else you would like to add?

As an avid outdoorsman, I live by a simple maxim, “When in doubt, go up!”

It’s a pretty good analogy for life if you think about it. Going up is never easy, but once you get to the top, the view is exceptional, you can clearly see the route back home, and way down can be a hell of a lot of fun if you pick the right path.

And speaking of going up and getting other AW2 Soldiers and Veterans involved – while on Denali, we met several instructors from the Army Mountain Warfare School in Jericho, VT. One of their instructors, Bert Severin, is also Director of Sunrise Adventures,, and is hosting the annual ice climbing festival at Smuggler’s Notch in Jeffersonville, VT, from January 29-31, 2010. This is a huge, civilian event, details are on the website, and Bert would like to extend the invitation to any interested Wounded Warriors to participate. The clinic is free to wounded warriors and Sunrise Adventure Sports will provide the climbing equipment and training to get you up the ice. I will post all the details in an upcoming blog, but if the thought of putting axe to ice gets your heart pumping and you’re ready to go now, call Bert at (802)730-2978 and get on the list. You’ll have to work transportation, food and lodging, but Bert and his crew are eager to help out and get you on the mountain. So get out there and experience the freedom of the hills!

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An Interview with AW2 Soldier LTC Hoffmeister – Part I

The Operation Denali team poses for a photo before their climb. Front row, left to right: Marc Hoffmeister, Gayle Hoffmeister, Todd Tumolo, Dave Shebib, and Matt Nyman. Back row, left to right: Bob Haines, Jon Kuniholm, Matt Montavon, and Kirby Senden. Photo courtesy of LTC Marc Hoffmeister

The Operation Denali team poses for a photo before their climb. Front row, left to right: Marc Hoffmeister, Gayle Hoffmeister, Todd Tumolo, Dave Shebib, and Matt Nyman. Back row, left to right: Bob Haines, Jon Kuniholm, Matt Montavon, and Kirby Senden. Photo courtesy of LTC Marc Hoffmeister

AW2 Soldier LTC Marc Hoffmeister was recently named by National Geographic as one of their “Adventurers of the Year” for his successful climb of Mount McKinley (also known as Denali) as part of Operation Denali. Hoffmeister was the team leader of a group of wounded warriors who set out to climb the 20,320 ft. summit in order to symbolize their strength and perseverance over adversity.

In April 2007, LTC Hoffmeister was severely injured while serving in Iraq when an IED outside of Al Hillah blew up his Humvee. Hoffmeister was evacuated to Germany and then back to the U.S. where he had eight surgeries on his arm and endured months of painful rehabilitation.

Recently, I had the pleasure of chatting with LTC Hoffmeister about his experiences as an outdoor adventurer. Click here to read the rest of the article from National Geographic and click here to vote for AW2 Soldier LTC Hoffmeister in the National Geographic Reader’s Choice Awards for “Adventurer of the Year.”

Below is the first part of my interview with LTC Hoffmeister, so be sure to check back tomorrow for Part II.

1) How does it feel to be named to National Geographic’s “Adventurer of the Year” list?

It’s both an unexpected and awesome feeling to be recognized on a national scale and among such an impressive group of recipients, but more than anything it feels a bit awkward to be singled out for something that was a team accomplishment. The team members of Operation Denali came together to do a singularly remarkable thing and it took everyone’s effort and courage to achieve it. I am proud of the honor but want everyone to recognize that every member of our team is an Adventurer of the Year — their willingness to embrace the challenge of our mission was inspirational.

2) What motivated you to get back into outdoor adventures?

My wife Gayle pushed me early on in my recovery to get back to what we love to do in the outdoors. Whether she knew it or not (and I believe she did), the act of getting back into the mountains was spiritually cleansing and rehabilitative. It gave me the motivation to regain my independence.

3) What were some of the challenges that your team in Operation Denali faced during the climb?

We faced the same challenges of any high altitude expedition: heavy loads, long movements, frigid cold, hypoxia due to altitude, and we faced all of those on top of managing limitations from our wounds.

Several of us have compromised nervous systems from our injuries which made us more susceptible to cold injuries and required diligence to avoid further injury. Managing technical tasks and gear distribution within the team in order to be as efficient as possible despite our injuries was important to try and maintain the health of each team member throughout the expedition.

4) Did you apply your military training and leadership skills to motivate your fellow team members during the climb?

I believe we all did at various times. During any physically strenuous endurance event or expedition, everyone has highs and lows. As a team, we bonded tightly enough to recognize who was having a good day and who was not. Those doing well would quietly pick up the slack for the others by carrying an extra piece of gear, digging in the cache of food/equipment, laying out or recovering ropes or helping to set the other rope team’s tent. We did this without any discussion, it was habit born of our shared experiences in the military and in combat.

5) Describe your thoughts when you reached the summit. What was your reaction to achieving a life-goal that you set for yourself long before your injury?

Probably not the answer you expect, but the summit was almost anticlimactic, partly because the weather had enveloped us in a swirl of snow but more so because the full team did not stand on top with us. It lent truth to the old adage that it was more about the journey than the summit. To better answer your question, let me quote my summit day journal from the climb:

“It’s been a long year’s journey to this point, but we did it. Only half the team managed to summit, but it took the entire team’s effort to make that happen. It truly saddens me that the full team didn’t top out, especially Gayle, my inspiration for the climb. At the same time, I’m struck by the parallel of our team’s efforts with that of our wounded warriors and fallen heroes. They may not have seen the fight thru to the end, or finished their combat deployment, but it was their sacrifices that enabled their unit’s success and our nation to win its wars and bring everyone else back home. I also think of the 53 Fallen Paratroopers and 356 wounded Spartans of my Brigade’s deployment to Iraq and I whisper a prayer for them and those already back out in the fight. This climb was for them in many ways and I hope they will somehow know that two Arctic Wounded Warriors of the 4th Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division Spartans stood atop Denali in recognition of their sacrifice, bringing closure to a mission now complete.”

Remember to check back tomorrow for Part II of our interview with AW2 Soldier  LTC Hoffmeister.

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AW2 Soldier Makes ‘Adventurer of the Year’ List

June 16, 2009 -  AW2 Soldier SPC Dave Shebib, AW2 Solder LTC Marc Hoffmeister, and Bob Haines (left to right) unfurl the Military Order of the Purple Heart guidon, proudly honoring their fellow combat wounded from the summit of Denali.

June 16, 2009 - AW2 Soldier SPC Dave Shebib, AW2 Solder LTC Marc Hoffmeister, and Bob Haines (left to right) unfurl the Military Order of the Purple Heart guidon, proudly honoring their fellow combat wounded from the summit of Denali.

AW2 Soldier LTC Marc Hoffmeister was recently named by National Geographic as one of their “Adventurers of the Year” for his successful climb of Mount McKinley (also known as Denali) as part of Operation Denali. Hoffmeister was the team leader of a group of wounded warriors who set out to climb the 20,320 ft. summit in order to symbolize their strength and perseverance over adversity. On 16 June 2009 at 1830 local time, Hoffmeister and two other Soldiers successfully reached the summit.

In April 2007, LTC Hoffmeister was severely injured while serving in Iraq when an IED outside of Al Hillah blew up his Humvee. Hoffmeister was evacuated to Germany and then back to the U.S. where he had eight surgeries on his arm and endured months of painful rehabilitation.

According to the article in National Geographic, Hoffmeister was an avid outdoorsman prior to his injury and he had always planned to climb Denali with his wife, Gayle. However, when he returned home to Alaska after his rehabilitation, he felt depressed and spent many days living on the couch:

Then in early 2008 his wife, Gayle, announced that she was going to climb Denali, with or without her husband. “I said, ‘Not without me, you aren’t!’” Hoffmeister recalls. In the weeks that followed, his sense of purpose returned. “I figured that if I’m sitting here dealing with this hardship, there must be others doing the same thing,” he says. “I wanted to find them and get over it together.”

His wife inspired him to organize a group of wounded warriors to take on the challenge of Denali. On 1 June 2009, his team of five men and his wife flew in to the Kahiltna Glacier at the base of Denali. His team included his wife, longtime friend Bob Haines, and three other Iraq Veterans: Jon Kuniholm, an ex-Marine who’d lost an arm to an IED; AW2 Veteran Matt Nyman, an Army Ranger who sustained a leg amputation; and AW2 Soldier SPC David Shebib, an Army combat medic who suffered severe head and chest injuries. The group also hired guides from the Alaska Mountaineering School to aid them in their quest to conquer Denali.

While not all of the team members were able to ascend to the summit, all of the climbers safely returned home. Each of them proved that while they may have sustained severe injuries, one can overcome many of life’s challenges that conventional wisdom would call impossible.

Click here to read the rest of the article from National Geographic and click here to vote for AW2 Soldier LTC Hoffmeister in the National Geographic Reader’s Choice Awards for “Adventurer of the Year.”

For more information on LTC Hoffmeister and the amazing team that comprised Operation Denali, click here to visit the Operation Denali Web site and click here to watch a video about the climb from the Anchorage Daily News.

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