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National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors and Congestion Study

Getting Involved

Public involvement is a key component of the Congestion Study process and designation of National Corridors. DOE encourages all interested persons to participate by submitting their comments and questions, attending public meetings, and reading publications and related materials.

Public Meetings

On April 26, 2007 DOE announced 3 public meetings in response to the draft National Corridor Designations. On May 8, 2007 DOE announced 4 additional meetings. There were three meetings held in response to the draft Southwest National Corridor and four meetings held in response to the Mid-Atlantic National Corridor.

PDF Press Release: DOE Announces Locations of Four More Public Comment Meetings on Draft National Corridor Designations (74 KB)

PDF Federal Register Notice: Notice of errata and meetings. (45 KB)

DOE held public meetings in the following cities on the following dates:

Transcripts and materials received are also available under "View Public Comments, Public Meeting Materials, and Other Correspondence."

Public Comment Period

On April 26, 2007 DOE announced a comment period on the draft National Corridor designations. The public comment period on the draft National Corridors closed Friday July 6, 2007.

NEW! Responses Received

Responses received to designation of the draft National Corridors are available under "View Public Comments, Public Meeting Materials, and Other Correspondence."

For More Information

For more information, contact David Meyer in DOE's Office of Electric Delivery and Energy Reliability at 202-586-1411. For legal information, please contact Mary Morton, DOE's Office of General Counsel, at (202) 586-1221. All press inquiries should be directed to DOE's Office of Public Affairs, at (202) 586-4940.

Past Public Participation Opportunities

Search Submitted Congestion Study Comments

Public comment documents submitted for the National Electric Transmission Congestion Study are available for online browsing or downloading.

DOE Technical Conference on the Criteria for Designation of National Corridors

DOE hosted a public technical conference concerning the criteria for evaluation of candidate areas as National Corridors on March 29, 2006 in Chicago, IL. The chief purpose of this conference was to discuss key issues raised by commenters' responses concerning the criteria here proposed for the evaluation of geographic areas for designation as National Corridors. An audio web cast was held for those who were unable to travel to Chicago for the technical conference.

PDF Proceedings (agenda, web cast archive, presentations, attendees).
PDF Written transcript of the conference (343 KB)
PDF Comments received on the plan presented at the Technical Conference (234 KB)
DOE Federal Register Notice of Inquiry (NOI) and Comments on Considerations for Transmission Congestion Study and Designation of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors

On January 27, 2006, DOE approved a Federal Register Notice of Inquiry which was published in the Federal Register on February 2, 2006. The Notice of Inquiry seeks comments on issues relating to the Congestion Study and Designation of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors. The comment period closed on March 6, 2006. The Notice and the compiled comments are posted below.

The Department of Energy sought comment and information from the public concerning its plans for a transmission congestion study and possible designation of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors ("National Corridors"). Through this 30-day Notice of Inquiry, the Department invited comment on draft criteria for gauging the suitability of geographic areas as National Corridors and announced a public technical conference concerning the criteria for evaluation of candidate areas as National Corridors.

PDF Full text of the Notice of Inquiry (74 KB)
PDF Comments received as of March 6, 2006 (4.0 MB)
PDF Comments received after March 6, 2006 (988 KB)

Sec 1221(a): Congestion Study & Designation of National Interest Electric Transmission Corridors
Section 1221 NIETC
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