Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Partnerships and Technology Transfer

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Sponsored Research


scientistsThe Oak Ridge National Laboratory is happy to support companies participating in Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and/or Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) programs with federal agencies, when it is appropriate to do so and when the facilities and staff are available to do so. An important point to remember is that, as a national laboratory, ORNL is prohibited from competing with the private sector. Therefore, if the assistance the SBIR/STTR company needs is available in the private sector, ORNL is not able to be a partner in those cases.

ORNL does not issue SBIR-STTR solicitations; those are handled by the federal agencies themselves. An excellent source of information on current SBIR/STTR solicitations (and all things SBIR/STTR) is www.zyn.com.

If your company wishes to engage the laboratory with respect to an SBIR or STTR proposal, one way to identify the laboratory's scientific and engineering research capabilities would be to peruse the web content located at http://www.ornl.gov/ornlhome/science_technology.shtml. For further information, please contact:

Mark Reeves, Research Partnerships; Telephone 865.576.2577, Email reevesme@ornl.gov

In the case of STTR, the funding agency will require, from the proposing company that teams with a research institution such as ORNL, evidence that the proposing company has entered into an agreement with the research institution to gain access to any intellectual property developed under the STTR project for commercial exploitation. ORNL provides the following sample templates for an STTR Intellectual Property Rights Agreement for use in such a case.