Pete's Q & A on Jobs, Hope, and Infrastructure

Nov 27, 2012 Issues: Jobs and Economy

In October, Pete sat down for an interview with Dan Carden and Matt Saltanovitz of the Northwest Indiana Times on jobs, infrastructure, the economy, and the future of Northwest Indiana. Here are some highlights:

QUESTION: One thing on everyone's mind is the economy and whether it is improving. There seem to be some indications that it is. Is that something you're seeing as well, and if so what role did the federal government, through the stimulus and similar programs, play in helping improve the economy?

ANSWER: "...we need to introduce certainty into the economic climate. We have an issue between now and the end of the year on the debt ceiling. You have an issue at the end of the year about the Bush tax cuts. You have an issue at the end of the year about sequestration, which are automatic across-the-board spending cuts on discretionary the extent that you have a significant degree of uncertainty hanging over the economy, it is harmful.

Secondly, I believe as far as economic vitality, as far as wage rates, making a living wage, we need to be more focused on maintaining and encouraging manufacturing in the United States..."

QUESTION: What will prompt the necessary change to avoid [sequestration]?

ANSWER: "'ve got to be a hopeful person. Not Pollyanna, but hopeful. I do believe that one person can lead the world a little bit better, and not me, just all of think about what Congress looked like in the 1850s, we had tough times. I mean, people walked over to the Senate and beat people nearly to death, people carried guns on the floor..."

QUESTION: Any final thoughts on attracting business to Northwest Indiana?

ANSWER: "...everyone always talks about taxes and all these other things, and I'm sure they all matter. But if you don't have the infrastructure, I'm not even going to look at you."

Read the full Q & A here.