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Applying for a Nonimmigrant Visa (Hranka) Waiver

For foreign nationals looking to come to the United States -- even for a temporary visit on a nonimmigrant visa -- U.S. immigration laws can pose some serious barriers to entry.

Home Sales in Illinois: What the Listing Real Estate Broker Must Disclose

As a buyer or as a seller in Illinois, you may use the services of a real estate broker, or a sales agent employed by a broker.

Arizona Bankruptcy Exemptions

Arizona Bankruptcy Exemptions

Employer Liability in Car Accident Cases

If a car accident occurs while an individual is driving a vehicle in order to perform his or her work duties or to do something for his or her employer, there may be employer liability.

How to Do a Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure

A deed in lieu of foreclosure is going to vary somewhat depending on your state and depending on who your loan is through.