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The DISA Senior Enlisted Advisor (SEA) is the principal advisor to the Director and to the staff in developing policies on morale, welfare, health, training, discipline, and on the use of all the Agency's assigned enlisted personnel.

Noncommissioned officers who are assigned collateral duty as Senior Enlisted Representatives may be required to perform similar SEA duties at the discretion of their directors, commanders, or their designated representatives.


  • Evaluate the quality of life and job satisfaction on work safety, on- and off-base living and subsistence, and on educational, medical, and other services affecting enlisted personnel and impacting mission accomplishment.
  • Monitor compliance with military standards, including appearance, discipline, and conduct of enlisted personnel.
  • Maintain and promote the effectiveness and efficiency of the chain of command.
  • Advise councils as specified by the Director, including the Joint Enlisted Advisory Council. The SEA reports to the Director on the progress, problems, and/or directions of these matters in each of the council’s activities.
  • Serve as chairperson on boards including the "Outstanding Enlisted Person of the Quarter and Year," "Air Force Airmen of the Year," "Navy Sailor of the Year," and DISA enlisted awards and recognition boards.
  • Promote professional military training. As assigned by the Director, serve as chairman/advisor in the selection of well-qualified NCOs to attend basic or advanced leadership programs, seminars, or other educational programs to enhance professional growth and career goals.
  • As required, attend the Director’s staff meetings to keep informed of the Director’s policies on personnel matters, morale, and welfare.