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DISA’s Operations Directorate coordinates and synchronizes DISA’s “Operate and Assure” line of operation in support of the full spectrum of military requirements and operations and supports United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) in its mission to provide secure, interoperable, and reliable operation of the Department of Defense (DoD) net-centric enterprise infrastructure.


  • Support and synchronize agency capabilities across the full range of operations 
  • Operate and defend the DISA enterprise infrastructure
  • Transform and advocate for DISA network operations (NetOps)
  • Achieve full operational capability (FOC) for the DISA Command Center and formalize support to U.S. Cyber Command
  • Support and improve DISA NetOps centers
  • Operationalize DoD gateways and sustain Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) capabilities
  • Improve/exercise continuity of operations and crisis action planning/execution
  • Optimize mission-partner engagement to the combatant commands
  • Optimize support to the Joint Staff and National Military Command Center
  • Execute enterprise information assurance (IA) and transform DISA net-defense capabilities
  • Transform agency quality assurance and performance management programs
  • Professionalize the workforce and improve quality of life
  • Provide governance and process management
  • Provide fiscal stewardship
  • Transition national capital region workforce from Arlington, Va. to Ft. Meade, Md. with transparency to the field units