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USAID funded drugs stored in a Lagos warehouse
USAID funded drugs stored in a Lagos warehouse

Supply chains for essential health commodities remain weak throughout Nigeria. Many facilities often suffer from stock outs of essential commodities, contraceptives, and malaria drugs. DELIVER, a USAID funded project, is designed to improve the availability of essential health supplies in both the public and private sectors by strengthening Nigeria's supply systems, collaborating with global and regional partners to ensure constant availability of supplies, and strengthening USAID's provision of commodities to national programs.

In Nigeria, DELIVER supports the Government of Nigeria to design, develop, and strengthen safe, reliable, and sustainable supply systems that provide a range of affordable, quality, and essential health commodities including contraceptives and diagnostics to clients. DELIVER provides technical assistance, including capacity building for managers, service providers, and supply chain personnel, through on-the-job-training, system design, and performance improvement strategies.

DELIVER Strategy:

USAID works with Nigeria’s Family Health Department of the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) and state governments to reduce stock-outs of contraceptives and other reproductive health products at service delivery points. The project also ensures sustainability by improving the availability and use of data for supply chain decision-making.

Through the project, USAID supports malaria prevention by procuring and distributing long-lasting insecticidal-treated bed nets and Artemisinin-based combination therapies. DELIVER also provides significant logistic management technical assistance to the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) of the FMOH and its partners to improve supply chain management of malaria commodities.

DELIVER improves Nigeria’s procurement and supply management capacity; measures the qualitative and quantitative performance of Nigeria’s malaria logistics system; funds and implements the distribution of long lasting insecticide treated bed nets; and develops the capacity of government to monitor and supervise the country’s malaria commodity logistics systems. 


  • Project Name: DELIVER
  • Partner: John Snow, Inc
  • Annual Budget: (FP/RH) $1,500,000; (Malaria) $ 5,000,000
  • Life of Activity: 2006- 2013
  • Geographic Areas: Bauchi, Kano, Sokoto (Nasarawa), and nationwide through the Federal Ministry of Health