Women's Summit 2012 Invite

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Headshot of Senator Mark R. WarnerMARK R. WARNER

Mark Warner was elected to the U.S. Senate in November 2008, and serves on the Senate Banking, Budget, Commerce and Intelligence committees. Halfway through his first term, Senator Warner has established himself as a national leader in efforts to find bipartisan consensus to create balanced solutions to reduce the federal debt. He also has been a champion for military men and women, their families, and our military veterans. Senator Warner also is a leader in Congress in efforts to promote private-sector innovation and to help our nation's small businesses and start-up companies succeed.

From 2002 to 2006, Senator Warner served as Governor of Virginia, where he worked in a bipartisan way to turn record budget deficits into a surplus. Governor Warner also focused on improving public education and expanding economic opportunity in every region of the state. He recruited 135,000 new jobs to Virginia during his four-year term. When Governor Warner left office in 2006, Virginia was consistently recognized as the nation’s “best-managed state," the “best state for business” and the state offering the best educational opportunities to its young people.



Marie C. Wilson HeadshotMARIE C. WILSON

An advocate of women’s issues for more than 30 years, Marie is founder and President Emeritus of The White House Project, co-creator of Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work ® Day and author of Closing the Leadership Gap: Why Women Can and Must Help Run the World (Viking 2004).  She also has served as president of the Ms. Foundation for Women. In addition, Marie was the first woman elected to the Des Moines City Council in 1983, co-authored the critically acclaimed Mother Daughter Revolution (1993, Bantam Books), and served as a delegate to the 1995 United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women. Born and raised in Georgia, Marie has five children and four grandchildren. She resides in New York City.

Toni Blackman HeadshotTONI BLACKMAN
An artist, a U.S. State Department Cultural Ambassador and a 2012 DOVE Soap Real Women Role Model, Toni Blackman is skilled at helping others gain greater access to their own creativity, heighten critical thinking skills and boost confidence.  As America’s first “hip-hop ambassador,” she has consistently advocated hip hop as an international platform from which to position the U.S. as a good global citizen. Toni has traveled and worked in 30 different countries, including the Aspen Institute Summit in Oman, the prestigious Pio Manzu International Conference in Italy, during the World Cup at the ManUp Summit in South Africa, at the FORD Foundation and during the City Xpo Big Ideas Conference in Virginia.  Toni has been invited to co-teach a course at NYU next spring, and she has served as an artist-in-residence with the Jefferson Center in Roanoke for six years. 



Saturday, October 13, 2012

8:30 AM – 9:00 AM             Registration/Networking breakfast

9:00 AM – 9:30 AM             Greetings and Address by Senator Mark Warner

9:30 AM – 10:20 AM           Marie C. Wilson, Founder and President Emeritus of The White House Project

10:20 AM – 10:30 AM        Break  

10:30 AM – 11:20 PM        Breakout Sessions I

  • Financial Fitness: Getting your Personal and Family Finances in Shape We all worry about money. Learn how to take the stress of financial worries out of your life by getting organized, making smart choices and planning for the future. Join representatives from the banking, credit card, and financial planning community in a discussion to take you from banking novice to retiring in comfort.
    • Moderated by Wendy Murdock, Group Executive, Policy & System Integrity Development, MasterCard Worldwide.
    • Panelists:
      • Heather Anderson, Business Development Officer, Member One Federal Credit Union.
      • Michaela Sharpe, CFP® and Long Term Care Specialist, Genworth.
  • Healthcare Reform Q & A – An informational session provided by experts on The Affordable Care Act who can answer your questions about changes and future trends in healthcare delivery and insurance.
    • Moderated by Elizabeth Falcone, Office of Senator Mark R. Warner.
    • Panelists:
      • Nancy Agee, President and CEO, Carilion Clinic.
      • Claire Winiarek, Director, Public Policy and Research, Amerigroup.
      • Joanne Corte Grossi, Regional III Director, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 
  • Growing Beyond Pleasing: Loyalties, Authority and Identity issues in Developing Women Leaders at Work and Home – A drive to please is a popular example cited by women of all ages. It is often misconstrued as a mandate for politeness, leading to avoidance of speaking to an issue of importance or saying "yes" beyond a healthy stress point. Further, how we relate to authority making demands, deeply informs how we deploy our own authority across situations. To develop this capacity, we connect self-reflection, skill development, and systemic thinking for improved results at work and home. Join us for dialogue and experiences that foster insights on this important topic.
    • Presented by Abrina Schnurman-Crook, Ph.D., Executive Director of the Batten Leadership Institute at Hollins University.

  • How To Keep Your Kids Safe on the World Wide Web and the World Beyond – It can be a challenge for any parent or grandparent to keep up with today’s computer-savvy children so it is critical that we arm ourselves with the knowledge and tools to protect our children from engaging in online behavior that could jeopardize their safety, well-being, and reputations.  As our children grown into young adults, they need to have a healthy awareness of their surroundings both online and outside.  This workshop will aim to educate you about the impact and use of emerging and expanding technologies; how to approach safety concerns with our children; and how to arm them - and you - with the information they need to stay safe.   
    • Presented by Nancy Healey, Assistant U.S. Attorney and Project Safe Childhood Coordinator for the Western District and Gil Harrington, mother of murdered Morgan Harrington, safety advocate and founder of Help Save The Next Girl Foundation. 
  • It Starts with You: Making an Impact on Public Policy – Learn how to break out of your comfort zone, forge meaningful connections in your communities, mobilize support from policymakers, craft an advocacy message, and build coalitions around issues important to you. Session will include tools and examples of actual successful advocacy initiatives led by women and links to appropriate resources in the advocacy process.
    • Presented by Dr. Jennifer A. Taylor, Assistant Professor, Master of Public Administration Program, James Madison University.

11:20 AM – 11:30 AM        Break

11:30 AM – 12:20 AM        Breakout Sessions II

  • If We Can’t Have It All, Can We Have It Balanced? – A lively roundtable conversation about “what balance looks like” and how to continue learning new competencies and develop support systems and networks to be successful in a competitive workplace, while maintaining a healthy personal life.
    • Moderated by Tara B. Borchers, Manager of Diversity and Succession Planning, Dominion Resources.
    • Panelists:
      •  Shannon L. Venable, Vice President-Information Technology, Dominion Resources Services.
      • Lorraine S. Lange Ed.D., Superintendent, Roanoke County Public Schools.
      • Kate Foster, PMP, CSM, ACC, Impact Makers-Director of Client Relations and KickStart Specialists-Principal.
  • Empowerment through Philanthropy and Volunteerism – A panel exploring the different ways women can employ their skills and resources to benefit the community and empower themselves in the process.
    • Moderated by Ginny Jarrett, Administrative Chairman of the Roanoke Women’s Foundation.
      • Panelists:Kandy Elliott, Communications Chair of the Roanoke Women’s Foundation.
      • Amy Foster, President of the Junior League of the Roanoke Valley.
      • Kim Stanley, Vice President of Operations, Cox Communications, representing Cox Charities and Cox Conserves.
  • The 3 C’s for Small Business: Capital, Counseling and Contract – Discover how women business-owners can start and grow a viable business through available resources and programs for counseling and mentoring, lending initiatives (traditional and micro-lending), and different procurement vehicles to assist with federal contracting.
    • Moderated by Michelle Maiwurm, Office of Senator Mark R. Warner.
    • Panelists:
      • Ana R. Harvey, Assistant Administrator, Office of Women's Business Ownership, U.S. Small Business Administration.
      • Beth M Tanner, Assistant Vice President/Regional Bank Private Banker, Wells Fargo.
      • Gwen L. Faw, Vice President, Affluent Sales Coach, Wells Fargo.
  • Ages & Stages: Women’s Health & Wealth – Although you may be busy with family, work and community responsibilities, you still need to remember to make your health a top priority, so you can be your best for all that life demands. Health and wealth experts will advise you on what to expect and how to be prepared for the next decades of your life.
    • Moderated by Dr. Martha S. Anderson, Carilion Clinic Center for Healthy Aging.
    • Panelists:
      • Catherine Hagan-Aylor, RN, MSN, Clinical Nurse Specialist nurse specialist, Carilion Clinic Breast Care Center.
      • Michaela Sharpe, CFP® and Long Term Care Specialist, Genworth.

12:30 PM – 1:20 PM           Box Lunch and Panel: “We’ve Come a Long Way!” More details soon!

1:20 PM – 1:30 PM             Break

1:30 PM – 2:20 PM             Breakout Sessions III

  • Entrepreneurs: Funding Your Start-Up - Learn about the advantages and pitfalls of raising capital from both conventional sources such as friends, venture capital firms and Angel investors, as well as emerging sources like crowd funding websites.  Experts in finance and entrepreneurship will also provide insight into key issues and resources intended to promote the growth of startups.
    • Moderated by Nanci Hardwick, CEO, Aeroprobe Corporation.
    • Panelists:
      • Sara Hanks, CEO, CrowdCheck.
      • Jean Peters, Managing Director, Golden Seeds.
  • Let’s Grow Locally!– Learn the benefits of eating locally grown produce and the how-to’s of growing your own food, via community gardens, kitchen gardens, container gardens and even school gardens.
    • Moderated by Elanor Starmer, Special Assistant, Marketing and Regulatory Programs, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
    • Panelists:
      • Cynthia Lawrence, Founder, Food for Thought, a community edible education partnership establishing gardens and kitchen classrooms throughout urban Roanoke City middle schools.
      • Mark Powell, Founder, Roanoke Community Garden Association.
  • Stuck in the Middle: Caring for Mom and Dad - One day most of us will have to face many hard issues regarding the care of our aging parents.  For some, that day comes gradually.  For others, it comes without a moment’s notice.  The big question is, “Are you ready?”  This presentation will move from Crisis 911 to Caregiving 911.  It is imperative to start sooner than later to prepare you and your family.  In this engaging and informative speech, you will gain the essential information and tools you need.
    • Presented by Barbara McVicker, eldercare expert, author, national speaker and star of the PBS Special Stuck in the Middle: caring for Mom and Dad.
  • What's Your EQ? (Emotional Intelligence)Emotional Intelligence is as powerful a predictor for job success and leadership as is IQ. This talk will highlight the components of Emotional Intelligence, their role in success and the challenges to achieving EI.
    • Presented by Dr. Patrice M. Weiss, Professor and Chair of the Department of OB/GYN at the Carilion Clinic/Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine.

  • Power up your Personal Brand – There’s no hiding behind your company brand anymore.  This quick course is custom designed for professionals, in any field or position, who want to learn the latest findings in what builds or breaks your personal brand image.  You’ll learn how to develop your personal brand of influence through effectively communicating social media and email.  There’s a whole new language and you’ll learn it fast.
    • Presented by Lynda McNutt Foster, Vice President, Voltage Leadership Consulting.

2:30 PM – 3:20 PM             Toni Blackman, Artist, U.S. State Department Cultural Ambassador

3:30 PM                                 Wrap-Up, Prize Drawings and Affirmation




This is a nonpartisan, nonpolitical official U.S. Senate event. Individuals with disabilities who require an auxiliary aid or service should contact Reagan Blewett at 202-224-6210 no later than Monday, October 1, 2012.

Venue: The Virginia Women’s Conference will be held at The Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center, 110 Shenandoah Avenue, Roanoke, VA 24016. Phone: 540-985-5900. http://www.hotelroanoke.com/conference-center/index.php

Parking: Free parking all day on Saturdays at the following lots: Gainsboro Garage (25 Shenandoah Ave, Roanoke, VA 24016), Tower Garage (10 S Jefferson St, Roanoke, VA 24011) Warehouse Row Lot (100 block of Salem Avenue, Roanoke, VA), Higher Ed Center Lot (Wells and Center Avenue, Roanoke, VA), and where available on Gainsboro Avenue.

Map of area parking lots: http://www.downtownroanoke.org/parking/parking-map-and-information/park-roanoke

Registration: Check-in will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the North Entry Foyer of The Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center.

Breakfast/Lunch: A continental breakfast, box lunch, and refreshments will be provided.

Breakout Sessions: Breakout session locations will be indicated in the program you receive upon check-in.

Lodging: Our host hotel is The Hotel Roanoke & Conference Center. We encourage you to call (540) 985-5900 to reserve your room by September 21, to get the special rate. You should make reservations under “Virginia Women's Conference.” For other lodging: http://www.visitvablueridge.com

Visiting:  For more information about visiting Virginia’s Blue Ridge, go to http://www.visitvablueridge.com

Attire: Business casual is recommended. Please be comfortable.


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