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Solar System Exploration
Earth: Overview
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Color image showing the full disk of Earth.
A true-color NASA satellite mosaic of Earth.

Earth is an ocean planet. Our home world's abundance of water -- and life -- makes it unique in our solar system. Other planets, plus a few moons, have ice, atmospheres, seasons and even weather, but only on Earth does the whole complicated mix come together in a way that encourages life -- and lots of it.

Featured Mission: Earth Science Missions
Orbiting spacecraft study our home world from above as a whole system and aid in our understanding how the planet is changing.

Editor's Note: This page provides a brief overview of our home planet. For a comprehensive look at the Earth, visit NASA's Earth Science Division.

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Just the Facts
Orbit Size (semi-major axis):  149,598,262 km
Mean Radius:  6,371.00 km
Volume:  1,083,206,916,846 km3
Mass:  5,972,190,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg
20 Mar 2013: 
10 Aug 2013 - 13 Oct 2013: 
22 Sep 2013: 
18 Nov 2013 - 7 Dec 2013: 
21 Dec 2013: 
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People Spotlight
Karen Yuen Karen Yuen
"I think the space program is the only place for people with funky backgrounds! There is definitely not a 'one size fits all.'" Read More...
Rosaly Lopes - Planetary Scientist
Shonte Tucker - Spacecraft Thermal Engineer
Dawn McIntosh - Computer Engineer
Ralph Carruth - Manager, Materials and Processes Laboratory
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Last Updated: 13 Dec 2012