USGS - science for a changing world

Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center

Fisheries Restoration

Enhancing the Restoration and Preservation of Native Fishes

18th Annual USFWS Aquaculture Drug Approval Coordination Workshop Presentations

Principal Investigators

Mark P. Gaikowski
Kim T. Fredricks
Jeffery R. Meinertz

Support Analysts

Long Term Objective

  • Conduct research to gain U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval of drugs critical to state and federal natural resource agencies rearing fish for restoration and preservation of native fish populations.

Short Term Objectives

  • Develop drugs to control mortality associated with bacteria in fish.

  • Develop drugs to control mortality associated with fungus in fish.

  • Develop drugs to prevent mortality associated with viruses in fish.

  • Develop drugs to reduce parasite densities on fish.

  • Develop drugs that allow for the immediate release of sedated fish.

  • Develop drugs to improve the efficiency of fish rearing.

Current Projects

Develop drugs to control mortality associated with bacteria in fish.

Depletion of Florfenicol Amine from the Fillet Tissue of Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Maintained in a Recirculating Aquaculture System and Treated with Aquaflor®-medicated Feed
Principal Investigator: Jeff Meinertz

Field Effectiveness of Terramycin 343® (Oxytetracycline HCL) to Control Mortality in Coolwater and Warmwater Finfish due to Flavobacterium Columnare
Principal Investigator: Maren Tuttle-Lau

Develop drugs to control mortality associated with fungus in fish.

Develop drugs to prevent mortality associated with viruses in fish.

Develop drugs to reduce parasite densities on fish.

Field Effectiveness of 35% PEROX-AID® (Hydrogen Peroxide) to Reduce Gyrodactylus sp. Infestation Density in Coolwater and Warmwater Finfish
Principal Investigator: Maren Tuttle-Lau

Develop drugs that allow for the immediate release of sedated fish.

The Availability of Freshwater Fish to the Angling Public Following Electrical Immobilization and Sedation by Benzocaine or Eugenol
Co-principal Investigators, Kim Fredricks, Mark Gaikowski, and Jeff Meinertz

Determining exposure parameters that maximize eugenol residues in the fillet tissue and determining the sample times that will adequately characterize the depletion of eugenol residues from the fillet tissue of rainbow trout exposed to AQUI-S® 20E
Principal Investigator: Jeff Meinertz

Eugenol total residue depletion from the skin-on fillet tissue of rainbow trout exposed to 14C labeled Aqui-S® 20E exposed to AQUI-S® 20E
Principal Investigator: Jeff Meinertz

Develop drugs to improve the efficiency of fish rearing.

Method Transfer Study for the Analytical Method to Determine 17-Amethyltestosterone Concentrations in Fish Feed
Principal Investigator: Jeff Meinertz

USGS Scientist in laboratory with fish eggs
USGS Scientist in laboratory with fish eggs
Perch, Perca flavescens, in Fyke Net
Perch, Perca flavescens, in Fyke Net
Federal fish hatchery treatment to reduce parasite infestation density on fish

Federal fish hatchery treatment to reduce parasite infestation density on fish.

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Page Last Modified: August 20, 2012