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Distinguish Your Organization: Become an ENERGY STAR Leader

NOTE: Beginning April 10, the Leaders recognition program will be put on hold. While on hold, EPA will be assessing options for how to grow and evolve this program to best meet the needs our partners. EPA will not accept or process applications for Leaders recognition received after April 10, 2013. If your organization is currently eligible for Leaders recognition, you must submit your completed application by April 10, 2013.

Owning a building that achieves top energy performance is a sign of good management, but owning a portfolio of buildings that achieves continuous improvement in energy performance demonstrates superior management and environmental leadership. Those ENERGY STAR partners who demonstrate continuous improvement organization-wide, not just in individual buildings, qualify for recognition as ENERGY STAR Leaders.

Review the information below to learn how your organization can become an ENERGY STAR Leader!

See list and stories about current ENERGY STAR Leaders

How will becoming an ENERGY STAR Leader distinguish my organization?

Improved efficiency reduces pressure on our nation's power systems, helps businesses, governments, and other organizations save money, and protects our environment. These important benefits are why EPA, in partnership with leading associations and state and local governments, is encouraging building owners across the country to become ENERGY STAR Leaders. If, for example, the energy efficiency in every commercial and industrial building nationwide improved by 10%, Americans would save about $20 billion on energy costs each year1 while preventing greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 30 million vehicles2.

An ENERGY STAR Leaders designation helps you leverage your management success, as organizations with strong energy management often outperform their competitors by as much as 10%. Associations, financial analysts, and other stakeholders can use the Leaders designation as an objective way to distinguish leading organizations from their peers. In addition, with more than 68% of U.S. households recognizing ENERGY STAR as the national symbol for protecting the environment through energy efficiency3, ENERGY STAR Leaders can promote their energy efficiency improvements to customers and clients.

EPA promotes ENERGY STAR Leaders by allowing visitors to the ENERGY STAR website easy access to the list of Leaders in the ENERGY STAR Partner database. Each year, EPA recognizes a new group of ENERGY STAR Leaders for their accomplishments in improving the energy efficiency of their buildings.

Who is eligible to become an ENERGY STAR Leader?

Based on Portfolio Manager results, ENERGY STAR Leaders recognition is provided for the following achievements:

  • Portfolio-wide energy efficiency improvements of 10%, 20%, 30% (or more) reductions in normalized energy use;
  • An average rating of 75 or better portfolio-wide. Partners who meet this goal are recognized as Top Performers.

To be eligible for recognition as an ENERGY STAR Leader, a business or organization must:

  • Be an ENERGY STAR Partner. If your organization is not currently a partner, join ENERGY STAR today to learn more about the importance of superior energy management and gain access to the many free tools and resources available to ENERGY STAR Partners;
  • Own two or more facilities that are eligible to receive a rating using EPA's national energy performance rating system found in Portfolio Manager; and
  • Have total ratable space comprising at least half of the total square footage owned.

How do I apply for ENERGY STAR Leaders recognition?

  • Join ENERGY STAR (if you are not already a Partner), and create an ENERGY STAR Leader's account in Portfolio Manager.
  • Enter data for all buildings (including buildings eligible and ineligible to receive a rating). Portfolio Manager will aggregate the individual building data and determine the adjusted percent energy reduction across your portfolio of buildings. For those buildings eligible for a rating, the system will determine the average energy performance rating between 1 and 100 for the portfolio.
  • Demonstrate improvement by reducing your portfolio's normalized energy use by 10%, 20%, 30% or more, and/or, achieve an average energy performance rating of 75 or better across your entire portfolio of buildings eligible for a rating.
  • Apply for ENERGY STAR Leaders recognition as you achieve each milestone.

Where can I find more detailed instructions about setting up and managing a Leaders account in Portfolio Manager?

See the Help function within Portfolio Manager for more detailed information on how to establish and manage your Leaders account, and how to apply for ENERGY STAR Leaders recognition for your achievements.

Be a Leader — Change our environment for the better.

1 Energy Information Administration. "2003 CBECS Detailed Tables. Table C4A. Expenditures for Sum of Major Fuels for All Buildings, 2003." December 2006. 1 June 2007. Energy Information Administration. "2002 Energy Consumption by Manufacturers--Data Tables. Table 7.9 Expenditures for Purchased Energy Sources, 2002." 2002. 1 June 2007.
2 Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas and Sinks: 1990-2005. "USEPA #430-R-07-002, Table 2-16: U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector and Gas with Electricity-Related Emissions." April 2007. 14 June 2007. From Table 2-16 US Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Economic Sector (CPPD Approved Source) Commercial Total CO2 = 1024.98 mmt Industrial - Electricity Related Only CO2 = 679.7 mmt Total CO2 = 1704.68 mmt Using US Climate Technology Cooperation Gateway Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator (CPPD Approved Source/Calculator) 1704.68 Million Metric Tons CO2 = 304,951,699 vehicles; 10% reduction for Challenge = approximately 30 million vehicles (Source: EPA).
3 "Building a Powerful and Enduring Brand: The Past, Present, and Future of the ENERGY STAR® Brand" Prepared by Interbrand for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. June 2007.