Getting on the GSA Schedule

Vendors interested in becoming GSA Schedule contractors should review the Getting on Schedule page, in order to understand the process involved in obtaining a GSA Schedule contract. The Center for Acquisition Excellence offers an online training course, "How to Become a Contractor—GSA Schedules Program," which provides valuable information for all prospective Schedule contractors.

Vendors should also consider submitting offers under the Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Express Program, a specialized program established under the GSA Schedules Program. The goal of the MAS Express Program is to simplify, streamline, and ultimately accelerate the process for vendors to obtain Schedule contracts. In order to participate in the MAS Express Program, vendors must meet specific criteria for certain products/services and must successfully complete Pathway to Success, an education seminar designed to assist prospective Schedule contractors in making an informed business decision as to whether obtaining a GSA Schedule contract is in their best interests.

The Vendor Support Center (VSC) provides a variety of information to assist Schedule contractors in understanding and meeting their Schedule contract requirements and marketing their Schedule contracts to government customers:

  • New Contractor Orientation Webcast. Under the Vendor Training tab on the VSC, access this webcast to understand key contract requirements and how GSA will evaluate contractor performance.
  • The Steps to Success—How to Be a Successful Contractor. Access this publication to gain an overview of Schedule contract requirements and information as to how to successfully market a Schedule contract to government customers.

Other Training Opportunities

GSA also provides eOffer Training, including training in the use of digital certificates, to assist vendors submitting Schedule offers electronically.

The Center for IT Schedule Programs offers training seminars for GSA Schedule 70 on "How to Prepare a Quality IT Offer." Vendors may obtain information regarding this and other features of IT Schedule Programs by visiting the GSA website.

GSA's Office of Small Business Utilization offers workshops on GSA Schedules Contract Training. Additional details regarding these sessions are available on the Office of Small Business Utilization website.