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Status of Regulatory Guides Reviewed/Developed by Fuel Cycle Safety and Safeguards (FCSS)

The following information has been updated through July 14 , 2012. The dates provided for the Regulatory Guides (RG) to be published are considered tentative and are not binding on the Commission or its staff. This information is intended to provide you and your stakeholders an early notice and opportunity to participate in the NRC Regulatory Guides Update Program.

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Regulatory Guide Title Status Technical Contact
RG 3.12 General Design Guide for Ventilation Systems of Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants Published as final on December 17, 2010 (see 75 FR 79049) exit icon

Timothy Johnson

RG 3.13 Design, Construction and Inspection of Embankment Retention Systems at Fuel Cycle Facilities Published as final on August 2, 2010 (see 75 FR 45171). exit icon

Osiris Siurano

RG 3.15 Standard Format for License Applications for Storage Only of Unirradiated Power Reactor Fuel and Associated Radioactive Material Draft Guide 3036 under development and expected to be published in Federal Register by end of 2012. Breeda Reilly
RG 3.16 General Fire Protection Guide for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants Published as final on April 17, 2009 (see 74 FR 17885) exit icon James Downs
RG 3.25 Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Uranium Enrichment Facilities Published as final on January 7, 2009 (see 74 FR 728) exit icon Breeda Reilly
RG 3.39 Standard Format and Content of License Applications for Plutonium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Plants Published as final on October 21, 2011 (see 76 FR 65544) exit icon Sabrina Attack
RG 3.52 Standard Format for Health and Safety Sections of License Renewal for Uranium Processing and Fuel Fabrication Published as final on June 3, 2009 (see 74 FR 26737) exit icon Breeda Reilly
RG 3.55 Standard Format and Content for License Renewal Applications for Uranium Hexafluoride Production Draft final rule sent to the Commission dated May 7, 2012 (SECY-12-071). Draft guide development to start after Commission's vote on draft final rule. Matthew A. Bartlett
RG 3.67 Standard Format and Content for Emergency Plans for Fuel Cycle and Materials Facilities Published as final on May 2, 2011 (see 76 FR 24539 exit icon) Kevin Ramsey
RG 3.71 Nuclear Criticality Safety Standards for Fuel and Materials Facilities Published as final on January 3, 2011 (see 76 FR 189). exit icon Tamara Powell
RG 3.74 Guidance for Fuel Cycle Facility Change Processes Published as final on January 6, 2012 (see 77 FR 823). exit icon

Kevin Morrisey
Tel. 301-492-3130

RG 4.16 Monitoring and Reporting Radioactive Materials in Liquid and Gaseous Effluents from Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilties Published as final on December 28, 2010 (see 75 FR 81675) exit icon Gregory Chapman
RG 4.20 Constraint on Releases of Airborne Radioactive Materials to the Environment for Licensees Other Than Power Reactors Published as final on April 25, 2012 (see 77 FR 24746) Gregory Chapman
RG 5.3 Statistical Terminology and Notation for SNM Control and Accountability These 4 guides are being combined into one new guide. Draft guide is being developed and expected to be published for comments during the third quarter of 2012. Steven Ward
RG 5.18 Limit of Error concepts and Principles of calculation in nuclear Material controls
RG 5.22 Assessment of the Assumption of Normality
RG 5.36 Recommended Practice for dealing with Outlying Observations
RG 5.4 Standard Analytical Methods for Measurements of UF4 and UF6 These 5 guides are being combined into one new guide. Draft guide is being developed and expected to be published for comments during the last quarter of 2012. Steven Ward
RG 5.5 Standard Methods for Chemical Mass Spectrometric, and Spectrochemical Analysis of Nuclear Grade Uranium Dioxide Powders
RG 5.39 General Methods for the Analysis of Uranyl Nitrate Solutions for Assay, Isotopic Distribution, and Impurity Determinations
RG 5.48 Design Considerations – Systems for Measuring the Mass of Liquids
RG 5.58 Considerations for Establishing Traceability of Special Nuclear Material Accounting measurements
RG 5.8 Design Considerations for Minimizing Residual Holdup for Special Nuclear Material in Drying and Fluidized Bed Operations These 3 guides are being combined into one new guide. Draft guide is being developed and expected to be published for comments during the last quarter of 2012. Steven Ward
RG 5.25 Design Consideration for Minimizing Residual Holdup of SNM in Wet Processes
RG 5.42 Design Considerations for Minimizing Residual Holdup for Dry Processes
RG 5.9 Guidelines for Germanium Spectrometry Systems for Measurement of Special Nuclear Material These 8 guides are being combined into one new guide.  Draft guide is being developed and expected to be published for comments during the last quarter of 2012. Steven Ward
RG 5.11 Non Destructive Assay SNM contained in Scrap and Waste
RG 5.21 Non Destructive Uranium Enrichment Assay by Gamma Ray Spectrometry
RG 5.23 In Situ of Plutonium Residual Holdup
RG 5.34 Non Destructive Assay for Plutonium in Scrap material By Spontaneous Fission Detection
RG 5.37 In-Situ Assay of Enriched Uranium Residual Holdup
RG 5.38 Non Destructive Assay of HEU Fuel Plates by Gamma Ray
RG 5.53 Qualification, Calibration, and Error Estimation Methods for Nondestructive Assay

RG 5.10

Selection and Use of Pressure-Sensitive Seals on Containers for Onsite Storage of SNM Superseded by RG 5.80 (see 75 FR 79049) exit icon Steven Ward
RG 5.15 Tamper-Indicating Seals for the Protection and Control of Special Nuclear Materials Superseded by RG 5.80 (see 75 FR 79049) exit icon Steven Ward
RG 5.13 Conduct of Nuclear Material Physical Inventories These 2 guides are being combined into one new guide. Technical basis has been completed.  Draft guide is being developed and expected to be published for comments during the last quarter of 2012. Steven Ward
Tel. 301-492-3426
RG 5.33 Statistical Evaluation of Material Unaccounted For
RG 5.26 Selection of Material Balance Area and Item Control Areas Draft guide is being developed and expected to be published for comments during the last quarter of 2012. Steven Ward
RG 5.28 Evaluation of Shipper-Receiver Differences in Transfer of Special Nuclear materials These 3 guides are being combined into one new guide. Draft guide is being developed and expected to be published for comments during last quarter of 2012. Steven Ward
RG 5.49 Internal Transfers of SNM
RG 5.57 Shipping and Receiving Control of Strategic SNM
RG 5.67 Material Control and Accounting for Uranium Enrichment Facilities Authorized to Produce Special Nuclear Material of Low Strategic Significance This guide is being withdrawn.  A Federal Register Notice expected to be published during the third quarter of 2012. Steven Ward
Tel. 301-492-3426
RG 5.80 Pressure-Sensitive and Tamper-Indicating Device Seals for Material Control and Accounting of Special Nuclear Material

Published as final on December 17, 2010 (see 75 FR 79049).

Information previously contained in RG 5.10 and RG 5.15.
Steven Ward
Tel. 301-492-3426
RG 8.5 Criticality and Other Interior Evacuation
Superseded by Rev 2 of RG 3.71 (see 76 FR 189). exit icon Tamara Powell
RG 8.24 Health Physics Surveys
During Enriched Uranium-235 Processing and Fuel Fabrication
Published as final on June 5, 2012 (see 77 FR 33253). Gregory Chapman
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Wednesday, July 18, 2012