U.S. Department of Justice

Public Attitudes to Youth Crime: Report on Focus Group Research

Publication year: 2012 | Cataloged on: Oct. 31, 2012

Library ID

  • 026414

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  • 2012
  • 33 pages

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  • Public Attitudes to Youth Crime: Report on Focus Group Research

ANNOTATION: Public attitudes towards youth crime regarding its extent, anti-social behavior (ASB), restorative justice, and volunteering to help youth are examined. While the findings are from Great Britain, some very important observations are made that can be applied to other countries. Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; local concerns; participants’ views on four scenarios of youth offending and method(s) of response (disposal) to each; restorative justice; community involvement in youth crime and justice; and conclusion. “Participants felt that youth crime had a destructive effect on their neighbourhoods. However, there was substantial support for tackling low-level, first-time offending by young offenders without resort to formal prosecution. Although some respondents did volunteer, there were differing views about the challenges of working with hard to reach young people in the community.”

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