U.S. Department of Justice

Reducing Disproportionate Minority Contact: Preparation at the Local Level

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Oct. 23, 2012

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  • Reducing Disproportionate Minority Contact: Preparation at the Local Level

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: This bulletin provides information that will useful for you if you are trying to create a strategy for reducing disproportionate minority contact (DMC) of youth in your local jurisdiction. It covers: the importance of preparation; talking about DMC; crime, race, and youth in the media; public attitudes about crime, race, and youth; taking public attitudes into account—suggestions for local DMC efforts; funding sources for local DMC efforts; the minimum core steps to prepare for DMC-reduction efforts; basic tasks for the steering committee; keeping DMC at the forefront of juvenile justice activities; the Burns Institute process—community momentum; and the Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiative (JDAI)—changing the system.

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