U.S. Department of Justice

The Real Costs and Benefits of Change: Finding Opportunities for Reform During Difficult Fiscal Times

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Aug. 30, 2010

Library ID

  • 024621

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  • 2010
  • 19 pages.

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  • The Real Costs and Benefits of Change: Finding Opportunities for Reform During Difficult Fiscal Times

ANNOTATION: Individuals advocating for cost-effective juvenile justice reform need to turn to this guide “to help reinforce the value, both in terms of dollars and substance, of progressive programming for juveniles that leads to positive youth outcomes and healthy communities” (p.1). This document is divided into four parts: the problem, moving toward reform in a time of fiscal crisis; substantive and tactical strategies to realign and reduce spending while maintaining progressive programming; using the fiscal crisis as an opportunity to deinstitutionalize, the key research; and conclusion.

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