Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science - Tampa Bay Study

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Home | Tampa Bay Study
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Tampa Bay Study - Welcome!
This page is archived and is no longer being maintained. Project ontent was last updated in 2007. For current research, visit
Tampa Bay Watershed.  Click image to view enlargement.
Tampa Bay Watershed
Contents for Tampa Bay Study
List bullet  Digital Library
List bullet  IMS (Interactive Mapping System)  
List bullet  Data
List bullet  Maps
List bullet  Remote Sensing Imagery
List bullet  Reports, Posters, Presentations
List bullet  Meetings & Conferences
List bullet  Meet the Scientists
List bullet  Field Trip Calendar
List bullet  Photo Tours
List bullet Outreach & Education
List bullet  Topobathymetric Data for Tampa Bay, Florida
List bullet  View data from sediment cores collected in Tampa Bay
List bullet  Download 2004 digital orthophotos (DOQQ's) from Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD)
List bullet NASA EAARL LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) Data in Tampa Bay
List bullet  USGS Bathymetric Data (Sonar) for Tampa Bay
List bullet  2005 USGS Tampa Bay Study Open-File Report Series
List bullet 2002 & 2003 Landsat imagery in Digital Library
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Related Websites

Tampa Bay Estuary Atlas, an edition of
USGS St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center
USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

Tampa Bay, one of the Gulf of Mexico’s largest estuaries, exemplifies the environmental stresses that our nation’s bays and estuaries face. More than 2 million people live in the Tampa Bay watershed, and the population continues to grow. Increased development demands more fresh water, creates greater air and water pollution, and results in continued anthropogenic alterations in the Bay and along its coast. Successful management of our nation’s coastal resources requires an understanding of how natural and anthropogenic changes have affected coastal ecosystems in the past, and how these changes will continue to affect these resources in the future.

The USGS Tampa Bay Study responded to the need to use an integrated science approach for studying the interrelations between geological, biological, chemical, and hydrological components of estuarine systems, and the impact of natural and anthropogenic change to all components of estuarine systems. The USGS Geological (GD), Biological Resources (BRD), Water Resources (WRD), and National Mapping Disciplines (NMD) worked together with other federal, state, and local partners to develop and implement an integrated, multidisciplinary science strategy for estuarine research.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission University of South Florida Southwest Florida Water Management District Florida Department of Environmental Protection Tampa Bay Estuary Program University of Louisiana at Lafayette Gulf of Mexico Program Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Florida

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Gulf of Mexico Integrated Science
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This page last revised: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 @ 02:03 PM  (JSG)
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