Senate Democrats

November 2011
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Day November 29, 2011

Senate Floor Wrap Up for Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ROLL CALL VOTES 1)      Udall (CO) amendment #1107 to S.1867, the DoD Authorization Act; Not Agreed to: 37-61 2)      Paul amendment #1064;  Not Agreed to: 30-67(60-vote threshold)   LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Adopted S.Res.337, designating December 10, 2011, as “Wreaths Across America Day”. Adopted S.Res.338, a resolution to authorize the production of records by the Committee on…


Roll Call Vote at 11am Wednesday; 2nd Degree Filing Deadline 10:30am Wednesday

At approximately 11:00am on Wednesday, November 30th, the Senate will conduct a roll call vote on the motion to invoke cloture on S.1867, the Department of Defense Authorization Act.   The filing deadline for all second degree amendments to S.1867 is 10:30am on Wednesday, November 30, 2011.  If your Senator has a germane 2nd degree…


No more votes today

The Landrieu amendment #1115 (SBIR), as modified, was agreed to by voice vote. There will be no further roll call votes tonight. The next vote will occur around 11am tomorrow. That vote will be on the motion to invoke cloture on S.1867, DoD Authorization bill.


Roll Call Vote on the Paul amendment #1064

6:09pm The Senate began a roll call vote on the Paul amendment #1064 (Iraq); Not Agreed to: 30-67


2 votes @ 6:20pm in relation to Paul and Landrieu amendments

By unanimous consent, the Levin-McCain amendment #1092 (contracting) was agreed to. The Senate is now considering the Paul amendment #1064, with 30 minutes of debate equally divided in the usual form. Upon the use or yielding back of time, the Senate will resume consideration of the Landrieu amendment #1115 with up to 30 minutes of…


Possible next series of votes

Senator Levin announced on the floor that he is currently working on an agreement that would result in 2 votes both with 60-vote thresholds. Those votes would be in relation to the Paul amendment #1064 (Iraq) and the Landrieu amendment #1115 (SBIR). The managers are also working on clearing a package of approximately 40 amendments.…


Roll Call Vote in relation to Udall (CO) amendment

2:34pm The Senate began a roll call vote on the Udall (CO) amendment #1107 (detainees); Not Agreed To: 37-61


NEW VIDEO — Barclays Analyst: GDP Will Drop 1.5% if GOP Lets Payroll Tax Cut Expire

In an interview with Bloomberg Television, Barclays analyst Michael Pond warned that letting the payroll tax cut expire at the end of this month could cause a drop in GDP of up to 1.5 percent. Key Excerpt:Pond: “One of the things that we’re watching is the payroll tax extension and the signals that we’re getting from Washington…


Debate Only on the Udall amendment until 12:15pm

The Senate is now debating the Udall amendment #1107 to S.1867, the DoD Authorization bill.  The time until 12:15pm will be equally divided between the proponents and opponents of the amendment.  Additional debate on the amendment is possible beyond 12:15pm.


Reid: Republicans Should Work With Democrats To Stop A Middle-Class Tax Hike

Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid made the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding Democrats’ proposal to stop a middle class tax increase and cut taxes for hundreds of millions of American workers and business. Below are his remarks as prepared: Senate Democrats’ number one priority this Congress is to pass common-sense…
