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Digitization Activities

My first couple of blogs focused on born-digital and scanned images created by Federal agencies and accessioned to the Still Picture unit, but I’m now shifting gears and highlighting some of our in-house digitization activities. The main series I’m going to talk about can trace its roots back to 1974 when we received the first [...]

Navy Transport Stranded on Fire Island Beach

I’m writing this blog post to highlight and provide a link to a recent article posted online by National Archives volunteer and Still Picture researcher Harry B. Kidd.  The article, “Navy Transport Stranded on Fire Island Beach“, tells the story of the grounding of the USS Northern Pacific on the Fire Island sandbar and the [...]

Department of Defense Digital Photographic Files

A few weeks ago, thanks to the hard work of the Still Picture Processing Team and ARC staff, our largest series of digital photography was made available online through the Archival Research Catalog (ARC).  This series, “Combined Military Service Digital Photographic Files, compiled 1982-2007″ (ARC Identifier 6274097), contains 269,667 JPEG images of numerous military activities from the Defense [...]

From Analog to Digital

When I first started working with the Still Picture Processing Team in College Park, MD , my first three projects dealt with gelatin dry plate glass negatives, albumen cartes-de-visite and Kodachrome film.    Even though we will still be accessioning analog photography for years to come and dealing with the issues that come with that (most [...]

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