2010 Gala

2010 Gala

Thank you for attending the 2010 USO Gala, our biggest and most successful gala so far!  We especially want to thank the 2010 gala sponsors for their continued support dedication to our nation’s men and women and uniform and their families. Please leave a personal message below about your experience at the Gala.

  • Candi Teeter - Phoenix, AZ USA

    October 17, 2010 | 11:26 AM

    "SR William McDaniel We miss you!!!! Thank you all for your courage and what you do for this country to keep us safe and protect our freedoms."

  • Robert Patrick Moscato - Buffalo,NY

    October 13, 2010 | 11:09 AM

    "To all Men & women in our Armed Forces all I can say is Thank you. To the USO I want to thank you for serving thoes who serve."

  • Rocky & Jill Sickmann - St. Louis, MO USA

    October 13, 2010 | 11:09 AM

    "Thanks for all you do for our country. We are supporting and praying for all of you and your families. Be safe and stay strong! On behalf of Anheuser Busch and the Sickmann family - We salute you and this Bud is for you. Enjoy a cold one when you return! Rocky and Jill"

  • Robert Patrick Moscato - Buffalo,NY

    October 07, 2010 | 7:59 PM

    "To all Men & women in our Armed Forces all I can say is Thank you. To the USO I want to thank you for serving thoes who serve."

  • Celine and Steve Gordon - Reston, VA

    October 07, 2010 | 7:37 PM

    "Thank you for protecting our country and our freedom. You are in our thoughts always. Celine and Steve"

  • Jake DiGregorio and Leslie Cnossen - Washington, DC

    October 07, 2010 | 7:26 PM

    "As the sister of a wounded veteran, I just want to honor all of the sacrifices that you and your families have made. You have our deepest respect. God bless!"

  • Tim Solms - Alexandria, VA USA

    October 07, 2010 | 7:16 PM

    "For those chosen to serve, serve proudly and well. You and your families are in our prayers. - a Grateful Nation"

  • The Connaughton Family - Washington, DC

    October 07, 2010 | 7:16 PM

    "Thank you for your service to our country. We live in Washington, DC with our two children--all of us appreciate the sacrifice that your entire family is making."

  • milo - Los Angeles, CA

    October 07, 2010 | 7:16 PM

    "thank you for you service, and your heart, you all are the pride of this great country. MV"

  • John - Bethesda, MD

    October 07, 2010 | 7:06 PM

    "Thank you so kindly for your patriotism and your dedication to keeping people in our county free and safe from harm. Your due diligence has not gone unrecognized by all. Be safe and come home to the country you have placed your life in jeoopardy to protect God bless and thank you."

  • Michael P. Leavitt -

    October 07, 2010 | 7:06 PM

    "Thank you for your service and for protecting our freedom."

  • Rocky & Jill Sickmann - St. Louis, MO USA

    October 07, 2010 | 7:06 PM

    "Thanks for all you do for our country. We are supporting and praying for all of you and your families. Be safe and stay strong! On behalf of Anheuser Busch and the Sickmann family - We salute you and this Bud is for you. Enjoy a cold one when you return! Rocky and Jill"

  • Rocky & Jill Sickmann - St. Louis, MO USA

    October 07, 2010 | 7:06 PM

    "Thanks for all you do for our country. We are supporting and praying for all of you and your families. Be safe and stay strong! On behalf of Anheuser Busch and the Sickmann family - We salute you and this Bud is for you. Enjoy a cold one when you return! Rocky and Jill"

  • Shearer Family - Arlington, VA,USA

    October 07, 2010 | 7:06 PM

    "We thank you for your service. We are so proud of you and love our great country."

  • Kerry Ahern -

    October 07, 2010 | 7:06 PM

    "Thank you for all of your time, effort and sacrifice. We truly appreciate all that you do and hope that you and your family are all safe and happy."

  • Madison Pettis - Hollywood, California

    October 07, 2010 | 7:06 PM

    "I want to say thank you SO much for your service. My brother is in the Army and served a year in Iraq. To all of the military families, I know how hard it is to have a loved one so far away. But just try to try to look forward to the next time you get to talk to them, and the happiness you feel when..." Read More

  • john hanson - Alexandria Virginia

    October 07, 2010 | 7:06 PM

    "The USO gala is the best event of the year and raises awareness of the need for America to come together to support troops and families. To our service members, thanks for your service and sacrifice. To our families, thank you for all you do to help your loved oness."

  • Terence Thomas - Silver Spring, MD

    October 07, 2010 | 7:06 PM

    "Thank you all for your service and sacrifice. Keep up the good work!!"

  • Vickie - Lexington,Ky. 40513

    October 07, 2010 | 7:06 PM

    "I just want to thank you for your dedication and service to our country. Please know that we pray for your safety and security daily."

  • owen j beiren jr -

    October 07, 2010 | 7:06 PM

    "welcomed in 100 WWII Vets from Florda todtay at Regean airport. They are part of Honor Network wher they are flown in free by John Doe Public. They arrived at 10:30 and flew home at 5:30 tonite. I might a survior form Iwo Jima who spent all 36 days on that 7.5 mile Island, you would have been proun..." Read More

  • Suzy Dozier - Wilmington, Delaware

    October 07, 2010 | 6:36 PM

    "There are no words special enough to convey our thanks for the sacrifices you all make for us everyday! You all are appreciated more than you could every know! Thinking of you all and praying for your safe return--May God Bless you, everyone! Our Heroes! Don't come any better! Have a really good ..." Read More

  • Miss Teen USA 2010 - New York, NY, USA

    October 07, 2010 | 6:36 PM

    "To the Military Families of the USA, First and foremost I'd like to say thank you so much. I don't think any amount of thanks could suffice to the amount of courage, dedication, and sacrifices you have made to our country, but I would still like to send my thanks and love to you all. You are what..." Read More

  • dana Dillon - tacoma WA USA

    October 07, 2010 | 6:30 PM

    "Thank you and your family for all your sacrifices and service to the USA!!"

  • Miss USA - New York, NY USA

    October 07, 2010 | 6:30 PM

    "To The Strong and The Brave Military Families, I want to begin by thanking you for supporting our country and believing in keeping it safe. I admire your courage for your loved ones. Always believe! God Bless You, Rima Fakih Miss USA 2010"

  • Pat Stansbury - Atlanta GA

    October 07, 2010 | 6:30 PM

    "Thank you for your service and your patriotism. A patriotic America is a strong America, and the strength of America is in your capable hands. A strong America is a safer global community. God bless each of you and God bless America"


    October 07, 2010 | 6:30 PM

    "To our brave and proud men and women of our armed forces. Today you fight for freedom just as the original founders of our country.The differance is you fight for freedom for others that is one of the great things AMERICANS do for the rest of world ! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..." Read More

  • Bill Cardiff - Calgary, Canada

    October 07, 2010 | 6:30 PM

    "I'm going to watch the Gala tonight live also!"

  • Tim Kobosko - Arlington, VA

    October 07, 2010 | 6:30 PM

    "It is an absolute pleasure to be in the company of such great Americans. Take the time to read the stories of our USO service members of the year. They are truly amazing and make you realize how lucky we are to have these great individuals protecting our freedoms."

  • Mr. Smith - Virginia

    October 07, 2010 | 6:30 PM

    "It's such an honor to be here tonight with these men and women who so bravely serve this country. The event is beautiful...it's just what they all deserve!"

  • mjah -

    October 07, 2010 | 6:30 PM

    "This is so great and I think about you all often and thank you for what you do and hope you all come home soon. Go USO!"

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