
Students & Kids
Congressman Lynch talks with local school children about the importance of reading.I am always excited to hear from the many young people in the Eighth district who are interested in how their government works or who want to pursue careers in public service. The following links are here to provide you with more information about how you can become involved in the political process.

Learning About Your Government
Did you know that George Washington is the only President to have been elected unanimously? Or that America's first post office, public school, and public garden were all in Boston, Massachusetts?

Check out the U.S. Government's page for more information, links, and fun facts about your government. Or, try Ben's Guide to the U.S. Government for Kids, which features four age-appropriate levels of links and information for grades K-2, 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12. Get informed!

Internship Opportunities
I am pleased that as your Congressional representative, I am able to offer many talented young people an opportunity to participate in public service as interns in both my Washington, D.C. office and district offices. Interns learn how government works by researching legislation, attending meetings, and assisting me with constituent casework and inquiries.  If you a college student interested in interning in the Washington, D.C. office, please contact Peter Gordon at  If you are interested in opportunities in my district offices, please contact Sarah Revell at   

Congressional Art Competition
I have the privilege of selecting one piece of student artwork per year to represent Massachusetts' Ninth District in Congress as part of the Annual Congressional Art Competition. The winning artwork will be displayed in the tunnel between the Capitol and the Cannon House Office Building for the entire year, along with other winners throughout the country. If interested or for more information, please contact my Boston office or visit the Art Competition page on my website. 

Service Academy Nominations
One of my jobs as a U.S. Congressman is to recommend young men and women from the Ninth District of Massachusetts for admittance to the four U.S. service academies. Please see the Academy Nominations page for more information about how to apply.