Press Releases

"But here we are again. Last year, the Senate overwhelmingly, in a bipartisan way, passed the Violence Against Women Act. Last night, they did [again]. Now, we’re calling upon the majority in the House to bring that bill to the floor. Delay is not an option, every moment of delay is harmful to women – a delay when so many women are still forced to suffer in silence in the face of abuse. It’s not an option when women fear for their lives, really – in their own homes, or in the workforce. It’s not an option when the safety of millions of Americans – members of the LGBT community, Native Americans, and immigrants are at stake, particularly with the delay in the House..."

February 13, 2013

“The President’s objectives match the priorities of House Democrats. It is time to create jobs through manufacturing, investments in education and training, and support for clean energy jobs and a modern infrastructure. It is time to heed the President’s call for real progress to reverse the rising tide of climate change, enact comprehensive immigration reform, and prevent gun violence."

February 12, 2013

“Today, the Senate acted to reauthorize and strengthen the Violence Against Women Act, protecting and preserving a critical line of defense for women and families against domestic abuse. This is the second time the Senate has voted to renew and expand this landmark law in the 501 days since it expired. House Republicans refused to bring this comprehensive legislation to the floor last year; now, it’s time for them to follow the Senate’s lead, allow a vote on this strong, bipartisan measure, and send this bill to the President’s desk without further delay."

February 12, 2013

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi today sent a letter to House Speaker John Boehner calling on House Republican leadership to cancel the upcoming nine-day House recess until an agreement is reached to avert the sequester.

February 11, 2013

“The repeal of the discriminatory ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy ensured that any American can serve the nation they love regardless of whom they love. Now, founded on that same principle, all of the loved ones of our soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen will enjoy more of the benefits, rights, and responsibilities of their fellow military families."

February 11, 2013

Fact Checks

As many continue to suffer from tough economic times and still too high rate of unemployment, American families and small businesses face additional hardship of record gas prices - averaging nearly $4.00 per gallon. This is causing both pain at the pump, as well as rising costs for food and other basic household goods. But Republicans want to keep handing taxpayer subsidies to Big Oil and pass 'Drill Only' bills that do nothing to ease the pain at the pump.
May 12, 2011
This week marks the first anniversary of the Affordable Care Act - a law that ensures all Americans have access to quality, affordable health care and significantly reduces long-term health care costs. The debate on health reform was often filled with frightening--and wrong--information. One year later, we check in on what happened and what didn't.
March 21, 2011
Since Enactment of Health Reform, There Have Been Nine Straight Months of Private Sector Job Growth - Adding 1.1 Million New Private Sector Jobs
January 18, 2011
According to a report released yesterday by the Center for Automotive Research, government action supporting the auto industry prevented a $26.8 billion loss to the American taxpayer and saved nearly 1.5 million American jobs.
November 18, 2010
Congressional Republicans are planning to unveil the 'new' GOP agenda tomorrow, 'A Pledge to America.' Early press reports indicate Republicans will promote more of the same failed policies
September 22, 2010


The following article by Ed O'Keefe appeared on the Washington Post's 'Post Politics blog' detailing President Obama's appearance at the House Democratic Issues Conference and highlighting President Obama's belief that Democrats should pursue an ambitious agenda in the 113th Congress.
February 7, 2013
The following editorial by the New York Times Editorial Board appeared in the January 24th, 2013 print edition of the New York Times highlighting House Republicans failure to meaningfully address the debt ceiling issue by postponing the debt ceiling increase for 90 days -- doing nothing to reassure markets, or businesses, or inspire confidence in voters that their elected officials are seriously addressing this important issue.
January 24, 2013
The following editorial by the New York Times Editorial Board appeared in the January 10th, 2013 print edition of the New York Times discussing the detrimental impact of the House Republicans 'majority-of-the-majority' rule and highlighting Leader Pelosi's repudiation of this informal practice during her Speakership.
January 10, 2013
The following article by Carl Hulse appeared in the New York Times about Leader Pelosi's priorities at the start of the 113th Congress.
January 9, 2013
The following article by Carolyn Lochhead appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle highlighting the crucial place Leader Pelosi has in finding a resolution to the "fiscal cliff."
December 30, 2012


“I want to, Madame Speaker, to congratulate, I was going to call him Dutch, but Congressman Ruppersberger and the other Members of the Maryland delegation, more importantly, join them in congratulating the Ravens on a – they beat a mighty champion at the Super Bowl. As a proud 49er fan, who grew up on Johnny Unitas in Baltimore, going to those games as a teenager, and raising my own children on Joe Montana and Steve Young, you can just imagine how exciting this game was for me."
February 6, 2013
“Well if the Ravens and the 49ers fans can come together, hopefully so can the Democrats and the Republicans on an issue of this grave concern to our country, our budget, which should be a statement of our national values. Instead, as Mr. Van Hollen said, we see the Republicans playing games with the budget. Playing games, that’s what they have been doing and that’s what they continue to do as we go into this spring. Well, we need to find solutions – playing games, it gives new meaning to the term ‘March Madness,’ because that’s what will result if we have to face a sequester. It’s a very bad idea; a sequester should be out of the question; and we should be talking about how we find a solution instead of a sequester."
February 6, 2013
“It was also important to hear from him specifically as a voice of labor, because I almost always, in many of my meetings with my Members and in public as well, quote Walter Reuther who said something very, very important. We all know, well, some of you are too young to know, you know from history, the rest of us know from our younger days, what an important he was in our country, as well as a leader of the U.A.W. And he said, and I’m going to read it because I want it to be a direct quote: ‘There's a direct relationship between the bread box and the ballot box, and what the union fights for and wins at the bargaining table can be taken away in the legislative halls.’ I want Members to hear that all the time, because it talks about what our responsibility is. But it also talks about the fact that you cannot – he began the quote by saying that direct relationship between the bread box and the ballot box – you cannot separate them..."
February 6, 2013
“Good afternoon, everyone. We are gathered here to celebrate something so momentous, when it passed twenty years ago in the Congress, and was sent to President Clinton, he said: ‘Family and medical leave is a matter of pure common sense and a matter of common decency. It will provide Americans what they need most: peace of mind. Never again will parents have to fear losing their jobs because of their families.’"
February 5, 2013
“Americans and Members of Congress should remember two words about this legislation: three months, three months. That’s how long Republicans are prepared to raise the debt ceiling today. They really don’t even address the debt ceiling issue, three months. But Republican leaders are doing more: they have made promises to their fellow Republicans, to get their vote, to even go beyond the Ryan budget, this is like the Ryan budget on steroids. They have called this bill ‘no budget, no pay.’ But who pays under the Republican budget? Seniors pay – ending the Medicare guarantee. Seniors, children, and people with disabilities pay – cutting Medicaid. Children pay because it will cut investments in their education, in their future, in their self-fulfillment, in the competitiveness of our country and the global economy, veterans pay because of the gutting of our domestic spending priorities."
January 23, 2013


"So, in order to reignite the American Dream – that’s what we’re about – to build ladders of opportunity for those who want to work hard, play by the rules, take responsibility, to have those ladders have sides about small business and entrepreneurship and a strong and thriving middle class, we have work to do. And I have made a decision to submit my name to my colleagues to once again serve as the House Democratic Leader."
November 14, 2012
House Democratic Motions on the Previous Question during the 112th Congress.
October 5, 2012
House Democratic Motions to Recommit during the 112th Congress.
October 4, 2012