Space Flight Center
WFIRST - Wide-Field Infra-Red Survey Telescope

The Wide-Field Infrared Survey Telescope (WFIRST) is a NASA observatory designed to perform wide-field imaging and slitless spectroscopic surveys of the NIR (0.7 - 2.4 microns) sky for the community. It will settle essential questions in both exoplanet and dark energy research and will advance topics ranging from galaxy evolution to the study of objects within the Galaxy and within the Solar System. It is the top-ranked large space mission in the New Worlds, New Horizon Decadal Survey of Astronomy and Astrophysics.

WFIRST Science Programs

» Sky Surveys
large area near infrared surveys
Infrared maps unlock the secrets of star- and planet-formation.
» Exoplanets - Microlensing
(large area imaging survey)
» Dark Energy
large area spectroscopy and imaging surveys, supernova monitoring
Dark energy is speeding up the expansion of the Universe, but its nature is a mystery.
» Guest Investigator Program
observing time competitively selected GI programs
Galactic Center
Galactic Center
Group photo from SDT Meeting in November 2012
SDT Group Photo

Latest News

Oct 6, 2012

WFIRST-NRO AFTA Science Definition Team 2012-2013

» Details

Sep 6, 2012

New Science Definition Team Charter and Dear Colleague Letter Released

» Details

» Older News

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Dr. Rita Sambruna
NASA Headquarters
WFIRST Program Scientist

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