Senate Democrats

November 2011
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Day November 15, 2011

Senate Floor Wrap Up for Tuesday, November 15, 2011

ROLL CALL VOTES 1)      Confirmation of Sharon Gleason, of AK, to be United States District Judge for the District of Alaska; Confirmed: 87-8 2)      Confirmation of Yvonne Rogers, of CA, to be United States District Judge for the District of Northern California; Confirmed: 89-6   LEGISLATIVE ITEMS Discharged the HELP committee and adopted S.Res.241, a…


Reid Substitute amendment to Energy and Water appropriations is pending

When the Senate resumed consideration of H.R.2354, the Energy and Water appropriations bill, Senator Reid withdrew the committee reported substitute amendment. He then offered a new substitute amendment #956, which included the text of Energy and Water, Financial Services/General Government; and State/Foreign Operations appropriations. Senator Menendez raised a Rule 16 point of order that was…


Debunking the GOP Myth of Job-Killing Regulations

Nevada Senator Harry Reid took to the floor today to make it clear: Republicans would rather promote the myth of “job-killing” regulations than provide a substantive plan to get Americans back to work. Safeguards that keep our water clean, our air fresh, and corporations honest are not killing jobs, as Republicans claim. As former Reagan…


Recess until 3pm

The Senate stands in recess until 3pm to allow for the weekly caucus meetings.


Roll Call Vote on confirmation of Rogers nomination

12:28pm The Senate began a roll call vote on confirmation of Yvonne Rogers, of California, to be U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of California. Confirmed: 89-6


Roll Call Vote on Gleason nomination

12:01pm The Senate began a roll call vote on confirmation of Sharon Gleason, of Alaska, to be U.S. District Judge for the District of Alaska. Confirmed: 87-8


Reid: Businesses, Economists Debunk Republican Myth Of Job-Killing Regulations

Republican Economist Says GOP Spreads the Falsehood Because It Has No Plan to Create Jobs Washington, D.C. – Nevada Senator Harry Reid made the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the Republican-propagated myth of “job-killing regulations.” Below are his remarks as prepared for delivery: It’s impossible to open a newspaper or watch cable…


Senate Floor Schedule for Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Convenes: 10:00am Following the prayer and pledge, there will be a period of morning business until 11am, with Senators permitted to speak therein for up to 10 minutes each. The Majority will control the first half and the Republicans will control the next half. At 11am, the Senate will proceed to Executive Session to consider…
