Posts Tagged ‘Defense’

October 29, 2012: Ottawa

Monday, October 29th, 2012

This morning I attended the change of command ceremony for the Chief of Defense Staff at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa. My good friend General Walt Natynczyk stepped down after four years of distinguished service.

Since arriving in Canada, Julie and I have become good friends with Gen. Natynczyk and his wife Leslie. We have gone to hockey games, dinners, parades, celebrations and every other type of event with them. I spent a week in Afghanistan with Gen. Natynczyk not long after I arrived here visiting Canadian and American troops. It was one of the highlights of my experience as Ambassador.

Ambassador Jacobson with General Natynczyk in Afghanistan, December 2009. (Credit: US Embassy Ottawa)

Ambassador Jacobson with General Natynczyk in Afghanistan, December 2009. (Credit: US Embassy Ottawa)

I have seen first-hand the strength of character, the leadership abilities, the decency that Walt brought to the job. As I have gotten to know senior members of the United States military I have heard — over and over — about the respect they all have for him. He served with our troops in several locations and commanded Americans in combat in Bosnia.

The Canadian people — and the American people — should be grateful for his service. He will be missed.


January 26, 2012: Ottawa

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

Over the last two days, I participated — along with military, political and diplomatic leaders from the United States and Canada — in the 228th meeting of the Canada-US Permanent Joint Board on Defense. The PJBD says as much as anything about the nature of the relationship between our two countries. In a world marked by profound change, the Board is Permanent. It was formed in 1940 by the Ogdensburg Declaration, to create a body that could consider, in the broad sense, the security and defense of the northern half of the Western Hemisphere.

Each country provides a co-chair, along with a mix of military and civilian members. The Canadian co-chair Laurie Hawn, the Member of Parliament from Edmonton Centre, is my friend from our trip together to Afghanistan over Christmas in 2009. Laurie was joined by the new US co-chair, John Spratt. John is a recently retired congressman from South Carolina. During his distinguished career he was the Chair of the House Committee on the Budget, and the long time member of the Armed Services Committee. The two of them will, no doubt carry on the Board’s distinguished tradition.

The first US co-chair back in 1940 was Fiorello LaGuardia. He famously said: “My generation has failed miserably. We’ve failed because of lack of courage and vision. It requires more courage to keep the peace than to go to war.” The meeting here in Ottawa was part of our bilateral effort to display the courage and the vision necessary to keep the peace in North America and around the world. (I believe LaGuardia also invented the phrase “your plane is delayed.”)

During the course of the meeting, we signed three agreements that will contribute to the safety and security of our citizens on both sides of the border. The first was the Civil Assistance Plan (CAP), which is a plan for Northern Command in the U.S. and Canada Command to provide support to civil authorities in the event of a disaster in either country. The second is the Combined Defense Plan (CDP), which gives guidance to our militaries on how to defend North America. The third is a Memorandum of Understanding that will allow us to share information more readily.

Among the attendees at the meeting was the Commissioner of the Canadian Coast Guard, Marc Grégoire. Commissioner Grégoire is leading the Coast Guard during an exceptionally exciting time. In addition to their daily duties of search and rescue, maritime safety and security, icebreaking and maintaining navigation aids, today, January 26, 2012, marks the 50th Anniversary of the Canadian Coast Guard.

Commissioner Grégoire indicated this would be commemorated on the newly released Canadian 50 dollar bill. The Canadian Coast Guard is part of Canada’s National Shipbuilding and Procurement Strategy and, as part of that project, design work has begun on a new state-of-the-art polar icebreaker.

I’d like to join the Commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, Admiral Bob Papp, who was also at the meeting, in congratulating the Canadian Coast Guard for 50 years of service to Canada, humanity and the environment and to offer my thanks for being such a valued and critical maritime partner of the United States.