• yellow dot YES Abroad Country
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The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program was established in October 2002 to provide scholarships for high school students (aged 15-18 years) to spend up to one academic year in the U.S. The program is vital to expanding communication between the people of the United States and its partner countries in the program in order to promote mutual understanding and respect. Students live with a host family, attend a U.S. high school, engage in activities to learn about American society and values, acquire leadership skills, and help educate Americans about their countries and cultures.

Since 2003, over 253 Yemeni students have received the YES Scholarship, lived with a host family, attended a U.S. high school, been involved in different activities including community service work to learn about American society and culture, acquired leadership skills, and helped educate Americans about their countries and cultures.

YES students have the opportunity to:

  • Live with an American family; 
  • Study at a U.S. high school; 
  • Experience U.S. culture and society first hand; 
  • Participate in a youth leadership training program; 
  • Improve their English; 
  • Make new friends; 
  • Help Americans learn more about Yemen and Yemeni culture!

The prestigious YES Scholarship covers all major expenses, including airfare, room and board, health insurance, pocket money, and educational supplies. Scholarship applicants are evaluated on the basis of language skills, applications and supporting documents, interviews, and diversity.



Eligible candidates must:

  • Reside in Yemen and possess Yemeni citizenship;
  • Be currently enrolled in grades 9, 10, or 11;
  • Obtain a sufficient score on the TOEFL Junior test;
  • Demonstrate flexibility and a commitment to cross-cultural understanding;
  • Commit to pre-departure activities, including, EL study, community service activities, and skills training, starting in December 2012 and continuing until June 2013;
  • Display an excellent or very good academic record and at least a “good” in core subjects for the past three years and in the year preceding travel; and
  • Be 15 years of age by August 1, 2013 and no older than 18.5 years old by August 1, 2013.

Application and Selection

How to Apply?

  • Read the YES flier and program eligibility requirements;
  • Download and complete the preliminary YES application form [http://www.amideast.org/yemen/academic-and-cultural-exchange/kennedy-lugar-youth-exchange-and-study-program-yes] (or pick one up at our office in Sanaa or Aden).
  • Return the pre-application and all required documents in person to AMIDEAST Sanaa or Aden by the deadline. 

Successful applicants should:

  • Abide by all YES student rules;
  • Participate in host family daily life;
  • Live in any location in the U.S. and with any family grouping;
  • Attend classes full time in the U.S. and maintain a “C” average; and
  • Provide a record of all necessary immunizations before arriving in the U.S.

For Parents

Studying abroad in high school can benefit your child in a multitude of ways. The decision to allow your child to participate can be difficult. There are numerous factors to consider when deciding whether or not the YES Program is the right choice for your child. We compiled the information below to help answer some of the questions you may have. For further information, please e-mail the YES office in your country.

Who will support my child while abroad?
YES participants are placed in volunteer host family homes and into host schools in the United States by established and reputable placement organizations that have competitively been awarded grants by the U.S. Department of State to implement the placement portion of the YES program. While on the program, your child will have regular contact with a trained coordinator in his or her community who will provide support, assistance, and guidance, and who will be in regular contact with the placement organization’s national headquarters. As the consortium lead on the grant for YES operations, also competitively awarded by the U.S. Department of State, American Councils has a national office in Washington, DC, which cooperates with all placement organizations nationwide and with all overseas recruiting offices. Each country participating in the YES program, has an in-country office with at least one permanent and full time employee in each YES country. These staff, who are the main contacts for the parents of YES students, who, in turn, communicates with all organizations who place YES students in host communities.

As a parent, how can I help promote the well-being of my child?
One of the ways you can help YES plan for your child’s successful participation in the program is by providing all relevant information regarding your child’s personal health and family history in the forms provided in the application. This information will not be evaluated as part of the selection process, but is considered when finding host communities. Relevant information includes, but is not limited to, a diagnosis of or treatment for an illness, a physical disability, a learning disability, a behavioral or emotional disorder, a dietary restriction, or drastic changes in weight. Recent traumatic experiences or significant changes in the student’s natural family, including serious illness, death, divorce, incarceration, or custodial changes, can also influence a student’s participation. Living and studying abroad can be a stressful and challenging experience for people of any age. These stresses can be compounded by any existing physical or mental health issues or concerns at home that arise prior to the start of the program. In order to help YES organizations and their staff to make appropriate accommodations for your child’s experience, please inform your local American Councils office of relevant situations as quickly as possible throughout the application process and while your child is on program.

What is the involvement of the U.S. Department of State?
The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Organizations implementing the YES program report to the U.S. Department of State.

Where will my child be living?
All YES students live with host families who have been carefully screened and selected. Host families receive formal orientation and training to introduce them to cultural differences and to prepare them for the hosting experience. Local coordinators provide support to participants and host families throughout the program. Students attend a school in their community alongside American peers.

What happens in the case of an emergency?
YES implementing organizations are prepared to respond to emergencies in the United States. Each organization provides 24-hour assistance in the event of an emergency and facilitates appropriate medical treatment, including evacuation, if necessary. YES consults with the U.S. Department of State to monitor the safety of participants while in the U.S.

Will my child have medical coverage while abroad?
YES participants are provided with accident and sickness medical coverage to ensure that, in the case of an emergency, students will be treated as soon as possible.

What costs are covered?
The YES scholarship covers costs related to:

  • Round-trip from your home country to the United States;
  • The cost of a 4-day Pre-Departure Orientation;
  • Placement with a U.S. host family for 10 to 11 months;
  • Monthly stipend;
  • Health insurance; and
  • The cost of program activities and materials

What costs are not covered by the scholarship?
Some costs that you can expect to incur from your child’s participation in the program include: costs associated with obtaining a passport; required medical examinations and immunizations; and extra pocket money while on program.


How will YES help my child prepare to go abroad?
YES provides a wide variety of support mechanisms for students preparing to go abroad. Preparation for the YES experience begins shortly after the finalists are selected with weekly follow up by each American Councils YES program country office. Additionally, all YES finalists are required to attend a four-day Pre-Departure Orientation where they cover relevant topics that they will face during their program year. At the Pre-Departure Orientation, they are provided a student workbook and handbook, which is theirs to keep and contains the material covered in the Pre-Departure Orientation. Lastly, upon arrival to the United States, YES students attend an orientation in Washington, DC with YES students from other countries, where critical information is reviewed before the students depart for their host communities.

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YES Senate Reception
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Yemeni YES Participant Discovers a Different Side of America
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