• yellow dot YES Abroad Country
  • red dot YES Country
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The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program was established in October, 2002 in response to the events of September 22, 2001. The program is funded through the U.S. Department of State and sponsored by the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs (ECA) to provide scholarships for high school students (15-17 years) from countries with significant Muslim populations to spend up to one academic year in the U.S. Students live with host families, attend high school, engage in activities to learn about American society and values, acquire leadership skills, and help educate Americans about their countries and cultures. The program is “FREE OF CHARGE” and is merit base. All fees and costs are covered by the U.S. government. 

The YES scholarship program is implemented by a consortium of organizations lead by American Council. iEARN-Liberia coordinates the recruitment and orientation exercises for the exchange program in partnership with the U.S Embassy, Public Affairs Office in Liberia and the Ministry of Education.

Students are selected on the basis of their application, test scores, and in-person interviews. Females, non-elite, disabled, minorities, and students from underprivileged communities who meet the criteria are strongly encouraged to apply.




Students meeting the following criteria can apply:

  • Citizen of Liberia;
  • The student, including immediate family member must not have applied at any time for permission to emigrate to the U.S. or for a Green Card;
  • Minimum 15 years of age but not more than 17 years at time of travel to USA;
  • Students currently enrolled in 9 and 10th grades;
  • Be enrolled in a secondary school in Liberia at the time of application.
  • Minimum grade of ‘B’ in all subjects’ average without any failing grades. Please provide a current academic year transcript and verified true copies of the transcripts for the last two academic years.
  • Excellent English language ability.(oral and written)
  • Have a thorough knowledge of Liberian culture and values, and be able to accurately present Liberian culture in American schools and communities.

Students are most likely to be shortlisted if they meet the above criteria as well as the following:

  • Pass the Secondary Level English Proficiency (SLEP) Test with a high score of 50 and above.
  • Possess a valid Liberian passport at the time of final application.
  • Meet the U.S. Visa eligibility requirements (J-1 Status).
  • Record of all necessary immunizations, as outlined in the Student Application Form, before arriving in the U.S.
  • Demonstrate maturity, flexibility, adaptability, good character and scholastic aptitude.
  • Willingness to participate in host family’s daily life.
  • Should demonstrate a strong commitment to promoting cross-cultural understanding.
  • Agreement to attend class as a full-time student and secure at least “B” average in all subjects in an American High School during their academic year in the U.S.
  • Willingness and agreement to abide by the ‘YES Student Rules’ as outlined in the YES Student Application Form and all other rules and polices during the program.

Application and Selection

The K-L YES application and selection process is structured into three steps/processes.

  • Round 1: Pre-Application, students who meet the K-L YES Program eligibility are encouraged to apply pick up a pre-application form through their school administration or the county education office. *Please note: Our recruitment activities are conducted on a regional basis. Please contact our office to know the recruitment date for your region.
  • Round 2: SLEP Test, students are eligibile will be require to take a English language proficiency test. Student scoring 50 and above will be selected for the next phase.
  • Round 3: Proctored essay, students will complete an essay demonstrating interest in the YES program.
  • Round 4: In-Person Interview (Group and Individual), students who demonstrate maturity, flexibility, adaptability, good character and willingness to participate in host family’s daily life are most likely selected as finalized

For Parents

Studying abroad in high school can benefit your child in a multitude of ways. The decision to allow your child to participate can be difficult. There are numerous factors to consider when deciding whether or not the YES Program is the right choice for your child. We compiled the information below to help answer some of the questions you may have. For further information, please e-mail the YES office in your country.

Who will support my child while abroad?
YES participants are placed in volunteer host family homes and into host schools in the United States by established and reputable placement organizations that have competitively been awarded grants by the U.S. Department of State to implement the placement portion of the YES program. While on the program, your child will have regular contact with a trained coordinator in his or her community who will provide support, assistance, and guidance, and who will be in regular contact with the placement organization’s national headquarters. As the consortium lead on the grant for YES operations, also competitively awarded by the U.S. Department of State, American Councils has a national office in Washington, DC, which cooperates with all placement organizations nationwide and with all overseas recruiting offices. Each country participating in the YES program, has an in-country office with at least one permanent and full time employee in each YES country. These staff, who are the main contacts for the parents of YES students, who, in turn, communicates with all organizations who place YES students in host communities.

As a parent, how can I help promote the well-being of my child?
One of the ways you can help YES plan for your child’s successful participation in the program is by providing all relevant information regarding your child’s personal health and family history in the forms provided in the application. This information will not be evaluated as part of the selection process, but is considered when finding host communities. Relevant information includes, but is not limited to, a diagnosis of or treatment for an illness, a physical disability, a learning disability, a behavioral or emotional disorder, a dietary restriction, or drastic changes in weight. Recent traumatic experiences or significant changes in the student’s natural family, including serious illness, death, divorce, incarceration, or custodial changes, can also influence a student’s participation. Living and studying abroad can be a stressful and challenging experience for people of any age. These stresses can be compounded by any existing physical or mental health issues or concerns at home that arise prior to the start of the program. In order to help YES organizations and their staff to make appropriate accommodations for your child’s experience, please inform your local American Councils office of relevant situations as quickly as possible throughout the application process and while your child is on program.

What is the involvement of the U.S. Department of State?
The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Organizations implementing the YES program report to the U.S. Department of State.

Where will my child be living?
All YES students live with host families who have been carefully screened and selected. Host families receive formal orientation and training to introduce them to cultural differences and to prepare them for the hosting experience. Local coordinators provide support to participants and host families throughout the program. Students attend a school in their community alongside American peers.

What happens in the case of an emergency?
YES implementing organizations are prepared to respond to emergencies in the United States. Each organization provides 24-hour assistance in the event of an emergency and facilitates appropriate medical treatment, including evacuation, if necessary. YES consults with the U.S. Department of State to monitor the safety of participants while in the U.S.

Will my child have medical coverage while abroad?
YES participants are provided with accident and sickness medical coverage to ensure that, in the case of an emergency, students will be treated as soon as possible.

What costs are covered?

The YES scholarship covers costs related to:

  • Round-trip from your home country to the United States;
  • The cost of a 4-day Pre-Departure Orientation;
  • Placement with a U.S. host family for 10 to 11 months;
  • Monthly stipend;
  • Health insurance; and
  • The cost of program activities and materials

What costs are not covered by the scholarship?

Some costs that you can expect to incur from your child’s participation in the program include: costs associated with obtaining a passport; required medical examinations and immunizations; and extra pocket money while on program.

How will YES help my child prepare to go abroad?
YES provides a wide variety of support mechanisms for students preparing to go abroad. Preparation for the YES experience begins shortly after the finalists are selected with weekly follow up by each American Councils YES program country office. Additionally, all YES finalists are required to attend a four-day Pre-Departure Orientation where they cover relevant topics that they will face during their program year. At the Pre-Departure Orientation, they are provided a student workbook and handbook, which is theirs to keep and contains the material covered in the Pre-Departure Orientation. Lastly, upon arrival to the United States, YES students attend an orientation in Washington, DC with YES students from other countries, where critical information is reviewed before the students depart for their host communities.

Students with Disabilities Find Community in Gardening
Students with Disabilities Find Community in Gardening
YES students with disabilities learn about their new host community through volunteer project Continue >
Liberian Alumni Keep School Clean
Liberian Alumni Keep School Clean
YES alumni donate cleaning materials to 5 schools in the region. Continue >
Civic Education Week Brings International Students Together
Civic Education Week Brings International Students Together
YES students unite in nation's capital for week of civic engagement. Continue >
YES Alumni Small Grants Program
YES Alumni Small Grants Program
YES Alumni from around the world have the opportunity to apply for funds for alumni projects and programming. Continue >
Books For Monrovia
Continue >
YES Alumni In Liberia Conducts Health Club Leadership Workshop
YES Alumni In Liberia Conducts Health Club Leadership Workshop
Alumni established a network of school Health Clubs in 10 high schools within Monrovia. Continue >