• yellow dot YES Abroad Country
  • red dot YES Country
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The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program was established in October, 2002. The program is funded by the U.S. Department of State and sponsored by the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs (ECA) to provide scholarships for high school students (15-17 years) from countries with significant Muslim populations to spend up to one academic year in the U.S. Students live with host families, attend high school, engage in activities to learn about American society and values, acquire leadership skills, and help educate Americans about their countries and cultures. In 2007, YES Abroad was established to provide a similar experience for U.S. students (15-19 years) in selected YES countries.<p>

In Egypt, YES program is administered by AFS Egypt through AFS USA. The first batch, was in 2003-2004.  Candidates go through a rigorous selection process to qualify for the scholarship. Once selected, they go through orientations and preparation process over 11 months to be ready to set off their new wonderful experience. These orientation camps introduce the participants to a new world of commitment and responsibility and how to be a proud ambassador for our country, EGYPT and share our culture. Volunteers donate their time and effort to make sure the participants are well equipped to learn as much as possible from the experience.   Alumni of the YES program are now leading these orientations and are continuously adding from their experiences. <p>
For the ninth consecutive year, The kennedy-Lugar Youth exchange and Study (YES) program keeps on growing bigger and bigger. lots of stories to be shared. <p>



Coming soon.

Application and Selection

Coming soon.

For Parents

Coming soon.
Student delivers look at world way beyond the Northwoods
Student delivers look at world way beyond the Northwoods
Ahmed from Kuwait will attend Chequamegon High School this year. Originally from Egypt, he hopes to return home one day. Continue >
Interacting with the Internet
Interacting with the Internet
21 YES Alumni gain technological training and tools to make a positive impact. Continue >
YES Students Reach Lofty Goal for Community Fundrasier
YES Students Reach Lofty Goal for Community Fundrasier
Continue >
Students Explore Homelessness Through Volunteerism and Service
Students Explore Homelessness Through Volunteerism and Service
YES Students assist local homeless tent city and food kitchen. Continue >
Egyptian Teen an Inspiration
Egyptian Teen an Inspiration
Somaia, blind since 10, gained independent living skills during her YES year. Continue >
Breaking Stereotypes Over the Dinner Table
Breaking Stereotypes Over the Dinner Table
Jewish families and Muslim students in DC area opening hearts and minds. Continue >
Native American Cultural Night for YES Students
Native American Cultural Night for YES Students
Continue >
Exchange Students as Peace Builders
Exchange Students as Peace Builders
ECA sponsored students hosted in DC visit the US Institute of Peace. Continue >
An American Perspective on an Interfaith Exchange
An American Perspective on an Interfaith Exchange
DC-area eighth grader reflects on interfaith exchange with local YES students Continue >
Civic Education Week Brings International Students Together
Civic Education Week Brings International Students Together
YES students unite in nation's capital for week of civic engagement. Continue >