Monday, February 18, 2013
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HQ SACT is the physical headquarters of NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT), General Stéphane Abrial, and houses the command structure of NATO's Allied Command Transformation (ACT).

Located in Norfolk, VA, USA, HQ SACT directs ACT's various subordinate commands including the Joint Warfare Centre (JWC), The Joint Forces Training Centre (JFTC), the NATO Undersea Research Centre (NURC), various NATO Schools, the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC), and various Centres of Excellence.

Office of Supreme Allied Commander Transformation
Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) is responsible to the Military Committee (MC) for overall recommendations on transformation. Leads the transformation of NATO's military structures, capabilities and doctrines in order to improve the military effectiveness of the Alliance. Cooperates with SACEUR on integrating and synchronising transformation efforts with operational activities and elements. Promotes the capabilities of NATO forces, made available by Nations for the Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF) HQ capability and the NATO Response Force, as well as other functions assigned by North Atlantic Council (NAC)/Defence Planning Committee (DPC) and directed by the MC.

Office of Deputy SACT

Deputy SACT will act in support of SACT, deputizing for him when appropriate, and assisting him to fulfill the HQ SACT functions as set out below:

  1. Focused internally on leading HQ SACT, and externally acting as the key spokesman both in the US and Europe on political, defense and security matters related to the Alliance and transformation in particular.
  2. Consistent with NAC priorities and objectives, HQ SACT will provide the conceptual framework for the conduct of future combined joint operations: Define how future operations will be conducted and the capabilities they will need: Take new operational concepts, from others or self-generated, assess their viability and value, and bring them to maturity through doctrine development, scientific research, experimentation and technological development: Then implement them both through persuading nations individually or collectively to acquire the capability, and through providing the education and training, enable the concept to be implemented by NATO forces.
  3. HQ SACT will be the focus and motivating force within this process. Much will in practice be delivered through elements in Europe. The Norfolk Headquarters is responsive and has sufficient strength and weight to drive the efficient use of resources.
  4. HQ SACT will deliver some elements of Transformation, but the real power to deliver rests with the nations and with HQ NATO. Allied Command Transformation's key function will therefore be to lead Transformation. Much of its effectiveness will depend upon its influence. To exercise influence it will need strong linkages not only with other NATO bodies, but also directly into nations. The key link is with the US. Effective linkages will be established directly with nations and their National Liaison Officers.

Office of Chief of Staff
Chief of Staff (COS) is responsible to SACT and DSACT for the staff activity necessary to Transform NATO. It is the focal point for the initiation and co-ordination of all ACT staff efforts. This entails tasking and providing guidance to all HQ SACT Divisions and subordinate Commands, and directly interacting with NATO HQ, ACO, MODs and CHODs of Alliance and non-NATO nations. The COS provides advice on the complete range of Transformation issues to DSACT and SACT. As the third Senior Officer in the HQ, he is also one of three officers in the Command Group and will act in place of DSACT or SACT in their absence.