Posts Tagged ‘Africa’


Seize the Opportunity and Expand to Africa with the Doing Business in Africa Campaign

November 28, 2012

Francisco Sánchez serves as the Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade. Follow him on Twitter @UnderSecSanchez.

Aerial view of Cape Town, South Africa. (photo © Graham Bedingfield/iStock)

Aerial view of Cape Town, South Africa. (photo © Graham Bedingfield/iStock)

Now is a great time to do business in Africa.  Consider these stats, highlighted today in remarks given by Acting Secretary Rebecca Blank:

  • Sub-Saharan Africa is home to 6 of the 10 fastest growing markets in the world.
  • Economic growth in the region is predicted to be strong – between 5 and 6 percent – in coming years.
  • And – most importantly – millions of Africans are finding a path from poverty to greater opportunity and prosperity.

This progress is good news for our friends in Africa; it’s also good news for American businesses.  As these numbers show, the growing African market is an increasingly attractive destination for quality products and services.  It just so happens that goods that are “Made in America” are the best in the world.  Now, we just need to link this supply with the demand, and make it easier for U.S. firms to operate in the dynamic African market.

One important effort towards achieving this goal: the “Doing Business in Africa” (DBIA) campaign which I launched with Acting Secretary Blank in South Africa earlier today.

It’s a whole-of-government approach that will:

  • promote more U.S. trade with Africa;
  • increase trade financing;
  • and engage with important stakeholders – like the United States’ African Diaspora community – to ensure they have all the tools needed to do business in the African market.

To achieve these goals, the campaign is involved in a number of initiatives, including:

  • organizing an Africa Global Business Summit Series so that U.S. companies can hear directly from our Ambassadors in Africa and Senior Commercial Officers about opportunities in the region;
  • opening the U.S.-Africa Clean Energy Development and Finance Center in Johannesburg, South Africa in 2013 to help identify and access U.S. government support for clean energy export and investment needs; and
  • developing an Africa Business Portal, providing valuable information about trade assistance programs and financing.

To learn more about the DBIA campaign, visit the websiteIt’s sure to represent an important step towards the goal of increased prosperity and opportunity.

Another important step that coincided with the launch of the DBIA campaign is our historic trade mission to Zambia – the first-ever.   I am currently leading a delegation of 13 U.S. companies to both Zambia and South Africa.

This trade mission represents an important opportunity for U.S. businesses.  Trade between the U.S. and these two countries is booming.  In the case of U.S. and Zambia, total bilateral trade more than doubled in 2011.

In the case of South Africa, the largest U.S. export market in Sub-Saharan Africa, total U.S.-South Africa trade was nearly $17 billion in 2011, up from $13.9 billion the year before.  And, both the companies on the mission and the parties we are meeting with are determined to keep this momentum going.

To accomplish this, we are talking with public and private sector officials to facilitate U.S. business opportunities in Sub-Saharan Africa. Participating firms are gaining market insights, making industry contacts, and solidifying business strategies with the goal of increasing U.S. exports to the region.

By boosting U.S. exports, we can strengthen the American economy and fuel economic growth.  This work also advances the President Obama’s vision of greater U.S. engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa, as outlined by the Administration’s “U.S. Strategy on Sub-Saharan Africa” released in June.

All of us at the Department of Commerce share the President’s belief that Africa can be the world’s next great economic success story and value the opportunity to leverage our resources to support this trade mission and the Doing Business in Africa campaign.

Visit the DBIA website on to learn more about this exciting new initiative.


On the Horizon: New Business Endeavors in Sub-Saharan Africa

July 26, 2012

Francisco Sánchez serves as the Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade. Follow him on Twitter @UnderSecSanchez.

Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Francisco Sanchez testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs on July 25, 2012.

Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Francisco Sanchez testifies before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs on July 25, 2012.

On June 14th, President Obama announced a new U.S. strategy for Sub-Saharan Africa. This is a region of growing economic prominence and I am pleased that the President is focused on how the U.S. and African countries can work together to expand economic opportunities for all of their citizens.

The U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa will expand our efforts to increase economic growth, trade, and investment in the region while elevating our commercial relationships. It places an emphasis on development and partnerships and as a result, there will be an increased focus on improving economic governance and regional integration, expanding African capacity access global markets, and encouraging U.S. companies to invest in the region.

And that is exactly what I told Congress yesterday while testifying before the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs. On the invitation of Senator Chris Coons of Delaware, I was privileged to address the Committee and highlight the important work the Department of Commerce and our own International Trade Administration is doing in the region.

U.S. exports reached $2.1 trillion in total value last year – an all time record. And these exports supported 9.7 million valuable jobs. I want those numbers to climb even higher and Sub-Saharan Africa is a promising venue to do just that.

In fact, in 2011, U.S. exports to Sub-Saharan Africa were just over $21 billion. Rich in natural resources and emerging opportunities, this region has incredible potential. The mutual benefits are boundless and Commerce and the Administration are doing everything we can to develop these partnerships and markets.

To promote business opportunities, Commerce has taken part in a number of initiatives:

  • The U.S. Commercial Service maintains a balanced presence in the region through offices in Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa.
  • Our Partnership Post Program with the State Department operates in 25 countries within Sub-Saharan Africa, providing U.S companies with vital export assistance in numerous lucrative markets. This partnership is an important component of our efforts to leverage federal resources.
  • The hard work of our Advocacy Center has helped U.S companies win bids that will directly support U.S. jobs in several states.
  • Through our chairmanship of the Trade Promotion Coordinating Committee (TPCC), we have begun developing a “Doing Business in Africa” campaign. The campaign involves outreach to the African Diaspora communities here in the U.S to raise awareness of federal assistance programs for doing business on the continent.
  • New trade missions have been scheduled and we are starting to recruit participating U.S. businesses. In September, the Department of Commerce will lead an Aerospace Trade Mission to South Africa while November will see a multi-sector mission travel to South Africa and Zambia.
  • We are working to establish the United States-East Africa Community Commercial Dialogue.  Among other things, this initiative will work to create business opportunities in key sectors.
  • And to reassure U.S. businesses, we are working to address concerns regarding intellectual property.  A common anxiety in all instances of international trade, the Commercial Law Development Program is working to structure IP guidelines and hosting workshops to train government officials.

These are just a few of the projects and resources we are developing. I urge everyone to continue to visit our blog for regular updates in the coming months on our work to support U.S. businesses exporting to Africa – and the development of the continent as a whole.


Small Baltimore Engineering Business Believes in “Doing Well by Doing Good”

April 13, 2012

Doug Barry is an International Trade Specialist in the Trade Information Center, part of the U.S. and Foreign Commercial Service

Engineer Kimberly Brown started Amethyst Technologies five years ago.  Her Baltimore, Maryland-based company now has 24 employees and recently expanded its markets to include Africa with help from the U.S. Commercial Service.  Dr. Brown spoke to Doug Barry of the International Trade Administration’s Trade Information Center.

Barry:  Your work in Africa is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense.  It sounds like the U.S. government is a good entree for small companies of a certain type to get into the international marketplace.  True?

Brown:  Definitely I agree with that statement.  It was our first prime contract.  And we had different tasks.  And our last task was the Tanzania-scope project.  So as a small business, we were just trying to do business in Maryland.  And we were given the opportunity to provide services to support the U.S. Army in Tanzania and Kenya.  That’s really the only reason why we are in Africa now, and we’re pursuing other opportunities. 

Dr. Kimberly Brown of Amethyst Technologies

Dr. Kimberly Brown of Amethyst Technologies

Barry: Where will you go next?

Brown:  We are currently pursuing opportunities in about five countries.  Most of those opportunities right now are with foreign governments.  We also have been talking to the large NGOs.  Because our work supports global health initiatives, we have value-added resources to assist with the President’s Malaria Initiative, with the Global Health Initiative. 

Barry:  It must be a wonderful feeling to get up every day realizing that you’re contributing to saving lives and improving the lives of, potentially, millions of people.

Brown:  Definitely.  It makes it all worthwhile.  It’s an added bonus to doing business when you’re doing something that is very beneficial, very needed, and it will change lives.  Small things make a very large difference.

Barry:  What do engineers like you contribute to the finding of cures for malaria and other kinds of diseases?

Brown:  We set up laboratories.  One of the primary things we do on the engineering side is we ensure U.S. Food and Drug Administration compliance for equipment. We develop software.  We get specs for clean rooms, laboratories.  So we set up World Health Organization-compliant laboratories for drug testing, developing standards for education, for health care, for transportation and agriculture.  So as engineers, we offer something very unique and beneficial to global health.

Barry:  What did you hear about the U.S. Commercial Service and its local office, the Baltimore Export Assistance Center, that piqued your curiosity about how the U.S. government could help grow the international side of your business?

Brown:  Well, I heard that they can help us identify partners.  They can also assist us with identifying what countries we can do business with and what type of business we can do.  So as a small business, for me, that levels the playing field, because large businesses which are doing business overseas, they have a whole department that’s dedicated to providing these types of services.  And I found out that the U.S. government will help do it for us.  My first meeting with the U.S. Commercial Service, I was told that I needed to find a partner.  Before that, I thought that Amethyst could just go in ourselves and get a contract or look for opportunity.  So they really opened my eyes to:  you need to find a partner.

Barry: Did they provide you with a partner, other than the advice that a partner is needed?

Brown:  They told me organizations to contact.  So in this case, they didn’t actually give me a specific partner, but they gave me leads to identify a partner.  That worked out very well, because I’ve identified several partners in several countries.  And that is very important, because in many countries, as a U.S. company you can’t own a business; you can’t be the primary majority owner.  So you will need an in-country partner. The time involved – again, as a small business, you’re going to need somebody who knows how to do business in that country.  And then the connections – you have to know people.  It’s great advice that I received from the U.S. Commercial Service that is really making a difference in our pursuit of opportunities abroad. 

Barry: Were you a little put off by the fact that it was a government agency?

Brown:  I’ve always had very positive results and had great assistance from government agencies.  My company receives help from the Small Business Administration.  So I never had any hesitance to contact them and am always seeking opportunities to contact government agencies to get resources, especially with doing business overseas. 

Barry:  Do you think that’s a competitive advantage for U.S. businesses to make sure that they know about the government services available and make full use of them?

Brown:  Definitely.  As a small business, and even large businesses know, you need to take advantage of any information that you can receive that is appropriate, that is correct and is free or very affordable. 

Barry:  In working in Africa and with a different culture, have you or your company had to develop a different mindset in order to effectively interact with people from a different culture?

Brown:  We really haven’t had many problems in interacting other than language barriers.  In Tanzania, everything is in Swahili.  So we had to have all our documents translated to Swahili and we hire interpreters.  But other than that, it’s really been a very smooth transition, especially in health care.  That’s a global language.  And everyone understands malaria.  And that’s what we’re doing in Tanzania. 

Barry:  What else are you considering and thinking about now in positioning your company to do more of this kind of work?

Brown:  Well, definitely diversifying, listening to the large businesses like GE.  I attended an event a few years ago, and the CEO of GE talked about going global.  And that always stuck with me, that as a small business we need to do what the large businesses are doing.  Creating jobs in the U.S., doing work overseas is our model.  So we have been aligning ourselves with partners, public and private partnerships; that’s really what we’re focusing on now. 

Barry:  Do you have a person that does that full-time or is that you or do you have someone else in the company?

Brown:  That’s all of us.  Primarily it’s me. But our people who are working in Africa, they often will identify opportunities.

Barry:  As you know, there’s a lot of fear and paranoia, paralysis even, when it comes to thinking about selling something to somebody in a different country.  And what would you say now to the fearful based on your experience?

Brown:  Definitely do your homework.  Use the U.S. Commercial Service to research any country that you are thinking about doing business.  Find out what the markets are, what are the positives, what are the negatives.  And look for in-country partners. And both of those things are resources that the U.S. Commercial Services specializes in helping business with.


Thoughts from Day 5 of Our Historic Trade Mission to Africa

March 11, 2010

Suresh Kumar is the Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Director General of the U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service

Greetings from Johannesburg! I just arrived here last night, on a flight from Dakar, where I have been leading 8 terrific U.S. companies on a Commerce Department trade mission to Senegal and South Africa. This delegation represents the first trade mission of the Obama Administration to Sub-Sahara Africa, and the first trade mission by the U.S. Government to Senegal in over ten years.

Our delegation completed a whirlwind three days in Senegal. We made great progress in laying a foundation for increased commercial engagement that will lead to a stronger Africa and a stronger America. Our Foreign Commercial Service office in Dakar arranged matchmaking meetings for our companies with over 70 qualified Senegalese buyers. U.S. Ambassador Marcia Bernicat and I had frank and constructive meetings with the Prime Minister and other senior ministers. We emphasized the Obama Administration’s commitment to free and fair trade, and open and transparent processes. We also secured a Memorandum of Understanding from the Government of Senegal on following FAA guidelines covering federal air marshals.

I have spent the last few years working with African leaders on strategies for developing their nations. This mission reinforced that trade more than aid leads to sustainable economic stability and prosperity. Clearly, the International Trade Administration, through the US & Foreign Commercial Service, has a pivotal road to play in expanding trade to create jobs, and ensuring that U.S. economic and national security interests are protected.


Big Business at Big Iron

November 2, 2009

(This post contains external links.  Please review our external linking policy.)

Heather Ranck is Director of the Fargo, North Dakota US Export Assistance Center. She is also active on the Agribusiness Team, and in that capacity she promotes the export of US-made agricultural machinery throughout the world.

So Much to Do, So Little Time

I keep telling myself: sleep is overrated! Somewhere between the 1 a.m. airport pickup for my colleague arriving from China; and the 7:30 a.m. Ex-Im Bank finance meeting sleep tends to take a back seat to all the organizing, facilitating, entertaining and crisis management that is inherent in putting on any large event. The Big Iron Farm Machinery Show is the biggest agricultural machinery show in the Upper Midwest, and in 2007 we decided to make it a global event when the former Soviet countries began showing very high interest in our large scale farm machinery built in North Dakota. This, our third year, is once again packed with activity and opportunities for the 150+ foreign buyers who are descending on Fargo to learn about American large scale crop farming.

This year I focused my recruiting efforts on Africa, a new frontier for large scale farm equipment. Having lived in Mozambique and Congo, I wanted to scope out the prospects, so in May 2009 I took a 3-week trip to South Africa, Angola and Mozambique. After 144 meetings I learned a lot about the needs and opportunities for farm equipment in Africa. We had a delegation of 25 Africans at Big Iron this year, and I would like to see American technology helping increase food production in Africa.

The Big Iron International Visitors Program is a collaborative effort between the U.S. Commercial Service (the primary federal government export assistance agency) and the North Dakota Trade Office (a state of North Dakota trade promotion organization); and our combined team of 10 people coordinates very closely on all recruiting, events planning, logistics, interpreting, transportation and programming.

During the show, the hub of all the activity is the International Visitors Pavilion, for which the International Trade Administration’s Market Development Cooperator Program (MDCP) provided substantial funding for the meeting rooms this year. This is Grand Central Station for buyers and sellers, with meeting rooms, food and COFFEE!

We are always coming up with new elements to the program, and one of my new ideas this year was to hold an international soccer match. We had a beautiful, sunny day in Fargo and Fargo Parks let us use the best fields in Fargo. The game ended in a 4-4 tie, further ensuring international harmony.

I also have taken on the activity of ensuring adequate language assistance for buyers and sellers. I speak Portuguese, and therefore did quite a bit of interpreting for the Angolan delegation this year. We are fortunate to have 3 universities in the Fargo-Moorhead area, so we recruit student volunteers to facilitate business meetings throughout the week.

Big Iron 2009 was as exciting as ever this year with representation from 12 different countries, many of them new to Big Iron. It is thrilling to watch the years of effort leading to deals being negotiated before our eyes; and millions of dollars of US agricultural machinery being shipped all over the world.


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