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eJournal USA: Global Generation: The Model UN Experience

23 August 2012
Students posing for photo in UN headquarters (UNA-USA)

Student-powered: Model UN is a simulation of the United Nations that teaches participants leadership, diplomacy and communications skills.

"You are here to step into the shoes of UN ambassadors — to draft resolutions, to plot strategy, to negotiate with your allies as well as your adversaries. Your goal may be to resolve a conflict, to cope with a natural disaster or to bring nations together on an issue like climate change. You may be playing a role, but you are also preparing for life. You are acting as global citizens."
– United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to the 2008 Global Classrooms® Model United Nations International Conference

Model United Nations (Model UN) — a simulation where students role-play UN delegates — is more than just an after-school activity. It is an opportunity to change the world. By stepping into the shoes of UN delegates representing their countries’ interests to the global community, Model UN participants build the knowledge, skills and relationships needed to build a better global future.

Model UN is a transformative experience that deepens participants’ understanding of the world and their place within it. Delegates emerge from Model UN with open minds, fresh ideas and new friends. With the skills they develop in speaking, writing, negotiating and diplomacy, it is no surprise that many go on to become community and world leaders. This issue of eJournal USA explores how young people all over the world are becoming model global citizens through participation in Model UN.

What is Model UN? (And Why Should You Care?)
By Nili Sarit Yossinger
No matter what path you choose in life, Model UN can help you get there.

Acting for Change
By Ryan Kaminski
They may be acting, but Model UN delegates are preparing to make a very real impact in the world.

Model UN Thrives in Argentina
The U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires has been helping Argentine students impersonate American diplomats in Model UN since 1997.


Beth Milton: From Role Play to Role Model
U.S. Foreign Service Officer Beth Milton views Model UN as a tool for peace.

Adrian Rodriguez-Montfort: Passionate About Politics
British Senior Policy Adviser Adrian Rodriguez-Montfort loves the thrill of international negotiation and cooperation.

Soushiant Zanganehpour: Making It Work
Model UN helped Canadian-Iranian consultant Soushiant Zanganehpour choose a career.


How to Participate in Model UN
Learn how you can get involved with Model UN with these step-by-step instructions!

Top 10 Reasons to Get Involved with Model UN
Find out why thousands of students participate in Model UN every year.