Pact Incorporated

Strengthening the Federal Level Response to Highly Vulnerable Ethiopian Children

Date of Operation: 2011 – 2016

Primary Implementing Partner: UNICEF

Other Implementing Partner(s): IntraHealth International

Regions of Operation: National


To mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on children through improved Ethiopian systems and structures.


  • Build the capacity of national government and key partners to appropriately respond to the social welfare needs of children
  • Increase professional capacity, with specific focus on social work, within key national-level structures mandated with children
  • Strengthen and increase data demand and use regarding status of vulnerable children and provision of services and support by supporting research and situation analysis, facilitating information exchange, providing monitoring and evaluation technical assistance and training, and documenting key lessons learned to enhance project implementation.


"Yekokeb Berhan" Program for Highly Vulnerable Children

See also: Crosscutting Issues

Date of Operation: 2011 – 2015 Primaryyoung girls from Oromia

Implementing Partner: Pact

Other Implementing Partner(s): FHI 360, ChildFund International (CFI), and numerous local NGOs

Regions of Operation: Nationwide in urban and semi-urban areas


Improve well-being by strengthening care and support for orphans and other vulnerable children and their families or caretakers by strengthening systems and structures to deliver quality essential services and increase resiliency.


Strengthening Civic Education in Primary Schools (SCEPS)

See also: Crosscutting Issues, Good Governance

Date of Operation: 2009 – 2014smiling scouts

Primary Implementing Partner: Pact

Regions of Operation: Nationwide


Develop an ethic of civic leadership and responsibility in growing youth that will help to produce a young generation with strong self-esteem who participates in community services and promotes peace, tolerance, respect, equality, justice and dignity.


Improving Quality of Primary Education Program (IQPEP)

See also: Crosscutting Issues

Date of Operation: 2009 – 2014Schoolgirl reading textbook in school

Primary Implementing Partner: FHI 360

Other Implementing Partner(s): Pact

Regions of Operation: Nationwide


Improve the quality of primary education through the development of teachers’ professional capacity, provision of supplementary reading materials to support instruction and strengthening of the planning and management capacity of the primary education system.


Transforming Education for Adults and Children in the Hinterlands (TEACH II)

See also: Crosscutting Issues

Date of Operation: 2009 – 2014

PrimaryGirl wearing a USAID backpack Implementing Partner: Pact Ethiopia

Other Implementing Partner(s): Kalem, Amhara Development Association, Oromia Development Association, Action for Development, Adult Non Formal Education Association in Ethiopia, Relief Society for Tigray (REST), and Bench Maji Development Association

Regions of Operation: Afar, Amhara, Benishangul-Gumuz, Gambella, Oromia, SNNP, Somali and Tigray


Increase access to education of both children and adults in disadvantaged areas and improve the capacity of woreda education officers in planning and managing non-formal education programs for pastoralists and remote communities.


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