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  • Hall, K.L., Stokols, D., Stipelman, B.A., Vogel, A., Feng, A., Masimore, B., Morgan, G., Moser, R.P., Marcus, S.E., & Berrigan, D. (2012). Does Team Science Add Value? A Bibliometric Study Comparing the Productivity of NIH-funded Team Science Center Grants with Single Investigator Driven Grants. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 42(2), 157-163.
  • Stokols D., Hall, K.L., & Vogel, A.L. (in press). Transdisciplinary Public Health: Definitions, Core Characteristics, and Strategies for Success. In Haire-Joshu, D., & McBride, T.D. (Eds). Transdisciplinary Public Health: Research, Methods, and Practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.


  • Falk-Krzesinski, H. J., Contractor, N., Fiore, S. M., Hall, K. L., Kane, C., Keyton, J., Klein, J.T., Spring, B., Stokols, D. & Trochim, W.(2011). Mapping a Research Agenda for the Science of Team Science. Research Evaluation, 20 (2), 145-158.
  • Misra, S., Stokols, D., Hall, K.L., & Feng, A. (2011). Transdisciplinary Training in Health Research: Distinctive Features and Directions for the Future. In M. Kirst, N. Schaefer-McDaniel, S. Hwang, & P. O'Campo (Eds.) Converging Disciplines: A Transdisciplinary Research Approach to Urban Health Problems, pp. 133-148. New York: Springer.
  • Misra, S., Stokols, D., Hall, K.L., Feng, A. & Stipelman, B.A. (2011). Collaborative Processes in Transdisciplinary Research and Efforts to Translate Scientific Knowledge Into Evidence-Based Health Practices and Policies. In M. Kirst, N. Schaefer-McDaniel, S. Hwang, & P. O'Campo (Eds.) Converging Disciplines: A Transdisciplinary Research Approach to Urban Health Problems (pp. 97-110). New York: Springer.


  • Börner, K., Contractor, N., Falk-Krzesinski, H. J., Fiore, S. M., Hall, K. L., Keyton, J., Spring, B., Stokols, D., Trochim, W., & Uzzi, B. (2010). A Multi-Level Systems Perspective for the Science of Team Science. Science Translational Medicine, 2(49), cm24.
  • Börner, K., Contractor, N., Falk-Krzesinski, H. J., Fiore, S. M., Hall, K. L., Keyton, J., Spring, B., Stokols, D., Trochim, W., & Uzzi, B. (2010). The Science of Team Science (SciTS): A Beacon for 21st Century Scientific Collaboration. NSF SBE 2020: Future Research in the Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences White Paper.
  • Falk-Krzesinski, H. J., Börner, K., Contractor, N., Fiore, S. M., Hall, K. L., Keyton, J., Spring, B., Stokols, D., Trochim, W., & Uzzi, B. (2010). Advancing the Science of Team Science. Clinical and Translational Sciences, 3(5), 263-266.
  • Falk-Krzesinski, H.J., Hall, K.L., Stokols, D., & Vogel A. (2010). Science of Team Science. In Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc).
  • Stokols, D., Hall, K.L., Moser, R., Feng, A., Misra, S. & Taylor, B.(2010). Cross-Disciplinary Team Science Initiatives: Research , Training, and Translation. Frodeman, R., Klein, J.T., and Mitcham, C. (Eds). Oxford Handbook on Interdisciplinarity (pp. 471-493). Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.


  • Hall, K.L., Feng, A., Moser, R.P., Stokols, D., & Taylor, B. (2008). Moving the Science of Team Science Forward: Collaboration and Creativity. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 35, 2, S243- S249.
  • Hall, K.L., Stokols, D., Moser, R., Thornquist, M., Taylor, B., & Nebeling, L. (2008). The Collaboration Readiness of Transdisciplinary Research Teams and Centers: Findings from the National Cancer Institute TREC Year-One Evaluation Study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 35, 2, S161-S172.
  • Masse, L., Stokols, D., Taylor, B., Moser, R., Trochim, W., Morgan, G., Marcus, S., Hall, K.L., & Croyle, R., (2008). Measuring Collaboration and Transdisciplinary Integration in Team Science: Findings from the National Cancer Institute TTURC Evaluation Study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 35, 2, S151-S160.
  • Stokols, D., Hall, K.L., Taylor, B., & Moser, R. (2008). The Science of Team Science: Overview of the Field and Introduction to the Supplement. American Journal of Preventive. Medicine, 35, 2, S77-S89.
  • Stokols, D., Misra, S. Moser, R., Hall, K.L., & Taylor, B. (2008). The Ecology of Team Science: Understanding Contextual Influences on Transdisciplinary Collaboration. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 35, 2, S96-S115.
  • Trochim, W. M., Marcus, S. E;Masse, L. C., Moser, R. P., & Weld, P. C. (2008) The Evaluation of Large Research Initiatives: A Participatory Mixed-method Approach. American Journal of Evaluation. 29, 8-27


  • Stokols, D., Fuqua, J., Gress, J., Harvey, R., Phillips, K., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Unger, J., Palmer, P., Clark, M., Colby, S., Morgan, G., & Trochim, W. (2003). Evaluating transdisciplinary science. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 5, S-1, S21-S39.

Conference Posters and Presentations


  • Feng, A., Stipelman, B.A., Hall, K.L., Stokols, D., Moser, R., Vogel, A., Oh, A., Perna, F., Berger, N., Goran, M., Jeffery, R., McTiernan, A., Thornquist, M., & Nebeling, L. (2011, April). The influence of Transdisciplinary Training in the Context of a Multi-site Team Science Initiative. Poster presentation at the 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
  • Feng, A., Vogel, A.L., Oh, A,. Hall, K.L., Stipelman, B.A., Stokols, D., Nebeling, L., Okamoto, J., & Foster, M.K. (2011, April). Understanding Research Productivity in the TREC Transdisciplinary Training Program. Poster presentation at the Second Annual International Science of Team Science Conference. Chicago, IL.
  • Hall, K.L. (Chair) (2011, April). Kessel, F., Klein, J. & Hall, K.L Cross-disciplinarity: Old and New Problems and Perspectives. Panel at the Second Annual International Science of Team Science Conference. Chicago, IL.
  • Okamoto, J., Vogel, A.L., Hall, K.L., Srinivasan, S., & Shariff-Marcos, S.(2011, April). Assessing the Impact of a Transdisciplinary Team Science Initiative on Scientific Collaboration Networks. Poster presentation at the Second Annual International Science of Team Science Conference. Chicago, IL.
  • Vogel, A.L., Hall, K.L., Stipelman, B.A., Feng, A., Stokols, D., Foster, M.K., & Okamoto, J. (2011, April). Supporting the Advancement and Integration of the Science of Team Science Field: The Team Science Toolkit. Poster presentation at the Second Annual International Science of Team Science Conference. Chicago, IL.
  • Vogel, A.L., Hall, K.L., Stipelman, B.A., Feng, A., Stokols, D., Okamoto, J., and Foster, M.K. (2011, July). Supporting the Advancement and Integration of the Science of Team Science Field: The Team Science Toolkit. Poster presentation at the 2011 INGroup Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
  • Vogel, A.L., Hall, K.L., Stipelman, B.A., Feng, A., Stokols, D., Okamoto, J., & Foster, M.K. (2011, July). Supporting the Advancement and Integration of the Science of Team Science Field: The Team Science Toolkit. Poster presentation at the 2011 Crowdsourcing: The Art and Science of Open Innovation Conference. Bethesda, MD.
  • Vogel, A.L., Stipelman, B.A., Feng, A., Stokols, D., Hall, K.L., & Nebeling, L. (2011). Strategies for facilitating and supporting cross-disciplinary team science on cancer: Lessons from the National Cancer Institute's TREC initiative. Poster Presentation at the 2011 American Public Health Association Conference. Washington, DC.


  • Feng, A., Hall, K.L., Stokols. D., Vogel, A., & Stipelman, B. (2010, November). A Multi-Method Evaluation of a Large NIH-Funded Transdisciplinary Research and Training Center Program. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, San Antonio, TX.
  • Feng, A., Vogel, A., Stipelman, B., Hall, K.L., & Stokols, D. (2010, July). Mixed-methods Approaches for Assessing Transdisciplinary Collaborations: Evaluating a Center Grant Program of the National Cancer Institute. Paper presentation at the Sixth International Conference on Mixed-Methods. Baltimore, MD.
  • Hall, K.L. (Keynote) (2010, March). Science of Team Science: Understanding and Facilitating Transdiciplinary Teams. NSF Workshop: Apply the Science of Teams to Inform Policy and Research on Team Science, Orlando, FL.
  • Hall, K.L. (2010, April). Team Science Toolkit. Panel presentation at the First Annual International Science of Team Science Conference. Chicago, IL.
  • Hall, K.L. (Keynote Speaker; 2010, June). Science of Team Science: Understanding and Facilitating Transdiciplinary Teams. National Science Foundations IUCRC Evaluator's Meeting. Arlington, VA.
  • Hall, K.L., King, R. & Cromly, E. (Moderator; 2010, October). 21st Century Transdiciplinary Approaches in b-BSSR. OppNet: Expanding Opportunities in Basic Behavioral and Social Science Research. Washington, DC.
  • Hall, K.L., Stokols, D., Vogel, A., & Okamoto, J. (2011, April). Transdisciplinary Definitions, Perspectives, and Principles. Panel presentation at the Second Annual International Science of Team Science Conference. Chicago, IL.
  • Scott, J., Blasinksy, M., Stipelman, B., Hall, K.L., Vogel, A., Feng, A., & Stokols, D. (2010, November). A Review of Three Decades of Evaluations of Research Center and Network Programs at the National Institutes of Health: Lessons Learned and Recommendations for Future Evaluations. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, San Antonio, TX.
  • Stipelman, B.A., Feng, A., Hall, K.L., Stokols, D., Moser R.P., Berger, N.A., Goran, M.I., Jeffrey, R., McTiernan, A., Thornquist, M., Nebeling, L., & Vogel, A. (2010, April). The Relationship between Collaborative Readiness and Scientific Productivity in the Transdisciplinary Research on Energetics and Cancer (TREC) Centers. Poster presentation at the 31st annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Seattle, WA.
  • Stipelman, B., Feng, A., Hall., K.L., Stokols, D., Moser, R., Morgan. G., Marcus, S., Berrigan, D., Vogel, A., & Masimore, B. (2010, April). A Bibliometric Comparison of the Characteristics and Productivity of the Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers and Tobacco R01 Grants. Poster presentation at the Science of Team Science Conference, Chicago, IL.


  • Hall, K.L (Moderator). Kivinemi, M., Arndt, J., Diefenbach, M. (2009, July). Challenges and Strategies for Conducting Transdisciplinary Team Science Research. The Summer Institute on Social/Personality Psychology and Health, Rockville, MD.
  • Stipelman, B.A., Berrigan, D., Corrigan, J., Feng, A., Hall, K.L., Marcus, S., et al. (November, 2009). A Quasi-experimental Bibliometric Study Comparing the Productivity of the Transdisciplinary Tobacco Use Research Centers (TTURCs) With Tobacco Related R01 Grants. Oral presentation at the annual meeting of the American Evaluation Association, Orlando, FL.


  • Hall, K.L., (2008, October). Transdisciplinary Team Science: Multi-level Challenges. National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Conference on Transdisciplinary Approaches to Mechanisms of Behavior Change in Alcohol, New York, New York.
  • Hall, K.L. (2008, November). Transdisciplinary Team Science: Multi-level Challenges. Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development's Division of Special Populations technical assistance seminar: Building Institutional Infrastructure to Conduct Health Disparities Research (in conjunction with the National Council of University Administrator's (NCURA) annual meeting). Washington, D.C.


  • Hall, K.L., Stokols, D., Moser, R., Thornquist, M., Taylor, B., & Nebeling, L. (2006, October). The collaboration readiness of transdisciplinary research teams and centers: Early findings from the NCI TREC baseline evaluation study. Oral presentation at the NCI Conference on the Science of Team Science: Assessing the Value of Transdisciplinary Research, Bethesda, MD.
  • Stokols, D., Hall, K.L., Moser, R., & Taylor, B. (2006, October). Summary of the science of team science conference themes and directions for future research. Oral presentation at the NCI Conference on the Science of Team Science: Assessing the Value of Transdisciplinary Research, Bethesda, MD.
  • Stokols, D., Hall, K.L., Taylor, B., & Moser, R. (2006, October). The science of team science\ Overviewof the conference and the field. Oral presentation at the NCI Conference on the Science of Team Science: Assessing the Value of Transdisciplinary Research, Bethesda, MD.
  • Taylor, B., Moser, R., Trochim, W., Morgan, G., Marcus, S., Hall, K.L., Croyle, R., Stokols, D. (2006, October). The Evaluation of Large Initiatives (ELI) project at the National Cancer Institute: Key findings and lessons learned. Oral presentation at the NCI Conference on the Science of Team Science: Assessing the Value of Transdisciplinary Research, Bethesda, MD.

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