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Security Relations
  • Remarks at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
    Remarks at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

    January 24, 2013 - AMBASSADOR DAVIES: Most of you are not here because I am here, it is because the President is here. But let me go ahead and make a couple of very quick remarks. I do want to follow up on what I said at the airport yesterday, and then maybe we will have time for a few questions at the end of it. But I do want to clear out in time for the President’s departure. I do not want to get in his way.  

  • Remarks Following Meeting with South Korean Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kyou-Hyun
    Remarks Following Meeting with South Korean Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kyou-Hyun

    January 16, 2013 - We are in the midst of really rather intense deliberations in New York in the Security Council led by our Ambassador Rice. We are in very close consultation with South Korean government about those deliberations. I think we have their understanding about the way forward and I think you will see more developments in the days ahead. 

  • Meeting With South Korean President-elect Park Geun-hye
    Meeting With South Korean President-elect Park Geun-hye

    January 16, 2013 - ASSISTANT SECRETARY CAMPBELL: I'd like to take this opportunity to formally present to you letters of appreciation and congratulations from President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  View Video »

  • Statement by President on the Presidential Election in the Republic of Korea
    Statement by President Obama on the Presidential Election in the Republic of Korea

    December 19, 2012 - I congratulate President-elect Park Geun-hye on her success in the election held on Wednesday. I look forward to working closely with the Park Administration to further enhance our extensive cooperation with the Republic of Korea on a wide range of important bilateral, regional and global issues.  

  • Deputy Secretary Burns, Interview With Chosun Ilbo and Kyunghyang Shinmun

    October 16, 2012 - DEPUTY SECRETARY WILLIAM BURNS: Thank you very much for this opportunity today. I’m delighted to be in Seoul for the U.S.-ROK strategic dialogue and to have an opportunity to meet with Foreign Minister Kim, Vice Foreign Minister Ahn, National Security Adviser Chun, Minister of Unification Yu and, shortly, Defense Minister Kim for ... 

  • Secretary Clinton on Korean Chuseok Festival

    September 27, 2012 - On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am delighted to send best wishes to the Korean people as you celebrate Chuseok this September 30. 

  • Secretary Clinton's Remarks on Republic of Korea Independence Day
    Secretary Clinton's Remarks on Republic of Korea Independence Day

    August 13, 2012 - On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am delighted to send best wishes to the people of the Republic of Korea as you celebrate the anniversary of your independence this August 15. 

    Remarks With Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Korean Foreign Minister Kim Sung-Hwan and Korean Defense Minister Kim Kwan-Jin After Their Meeting

    June 14, 2012- SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, let me welcome all of you, particularly our Korean friends, to the Thomas Jefferson Room here in the State Department. Today, Secretary Panetta and I hosted the second session of the U.S.-Republic of Korea Foreign and Defense Ministerial Consultation, what we call our 2+2 meeting. And it is a great pleasure to welcome Foreign Minister Kim and Defense Minister Kim to Washington as we continue to find ways to strengthen the global alliance and cooperation between our countries. 

  • Ambassador Davies’ Remarks to Press at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
    Ambassador Davies’ Remarks to Press at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

    May 21, 2012 - AMBASSADOR DAVIES: Hello everybody. [Pointing to audio recorders on the podium] My goodness, what a collection of machines that you have left here. 

  • Ambassador Davies’ Remarks to Press upon Arrival in Republic of Korea, 
May 21, 2012
    Ambassador Davies’ Remarks to Press upon Arrival in Republic of Korea,

    May 21, 2012 - AMBASSADOR DAVIES: It is terrific to be back in Seoul for the second trilateral consultation between the United States, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. We will discuss North Korea and also other regional issues.  

  • Assistant Secretary Campbell's Remarks on Korean Peninsula
    Assistant Secretary Campbell's Remarks on Korean Peninsula

    April 16, 2012 - ASSISTANT SECRETARY KURT CAMPBELL: I have a quick statement that I would like to make and then I would be happy to take a couple of your questions. I apologize; we are going to the Defense Ministry so I am a fairly tight schedule.  

  • Secretary Clinton’s Remarks with Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan After Their Meeting
    Secretary Clinton’s Remarks with Republic of Korea Foreign Minister Kim Sung-hwan After Their Meeting

    March 9, 2012 - SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, good morning, and welcome to the State Department. It’s always a pleasure to have Foreign Minister Kim back in Washington. And I also have the honor of greeting incoming Ambassador Choi, who presented his credentials at the State Department this morning. I look forward to working with him as well.  

  • 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit
    2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit

    February 2012 - The "2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit" will be the largest summit in the security field that discusses international cooperative measures to protect nuclear materials and facilities from terrorist groups, with participation from more than 50 heads of state and international organizations. Issues to be discussed at this summit are ...  

  • Assistant Secretary Kurt M. Campbell's Remarks to the Press at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
    Assistant Secretary Kurt M. Campbell's Remarks to the Press at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

    February 1, 2012 - ASSISTANT SECRETARY KURT CAMPBELL: Good morning everyone. I have just a quick statement and then I will be happy to take a couple of questions. I apologize; we are running a little behind, so I won’t be able to take too many, but I will be pleased to answer a few.  

  • Assistant Secretary Kurt M. Campbell's Keynote Address to Korea Society Gala Dinner

    January 31, 2012 - Thank you very, very much for that very warm introduction. And let me just say welcome and thank you to all our friends, the Prime Minister, the Foreign Minister, Ambassadors, National Security Advisor, all of our colleagues and friends that we have the honor to work with. Let me also say a special thank you and welcome to the business communities of the United States and Korea. For our American friends who are forward-deployed aspects of our business community in particular, thank you for representing our country so well. 


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