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    NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data. NCDC produces numerous climate publications and responds to data requests from all over the world. NCDC operates the World Data Center for Meteorology which is co-located at NCDC in Asheville, North Carolina, and the World Data Center for Paleoclimatology which is located in Boulder, Colorado.

    NCDC supports a three tier national climate services support program - the partners include: NCDC, Regional Climate Centers, and State Climatologists.

    Top of Page Climate Data & Outlooks

    Climate Diagnostics Center Browser
    Climate Prediction Center
    Climate/Weather Outlooks--10-day, Etc
    El Nino Advisory
    Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab (Modeled Data)
    Global Change Directory
    Hurricanes--Historical Data
    Land/Ocean/Weather Data
    Purdue's Archived Images and Maps
    Purdue/Unisys Sfc Data Analyses--Daily, Monthly
    U.S. Historical Climate Network Data
    U.S. Historical Weather Events--Radar/Satellite
    The Weather Channel
    Wind Profiler Data

    Top of Page Weather Data & Maps

    Forecast Model Output/Graphics (UMICH)
    Mt. Washington Weather
    NWS Current Weather and Products
    Penn State Weather Page
    Purdue/Unisys Weather Analyses and Forecasts
    Recent Weather Observations and Data (Texas A&M)
    Snow, Etc Analyses from NWS Office of Hydrology
    The Weather Channel
    USA Today Weather Page
    Weather Data, Models, Etc (NOAA ARL)
    Weathernet Links Page

    Top of Page Severe/Extreme Weather

    Federal Emergency Management Agency
    Hurricanes--Historical Data
    National Hurricane Center
    Severe Thunderstorm Climatology
    Storm Prediction Center Data/Products
    Texas Severe Storms Association
    Tornado Project Data/Info Page
    Tornado Statistics for Year to Date
    Tropical Storm Info--International
    Tropical Weather Page
    The Weather Channel
    WWW Sites w/Natural Disaster Information

    Top of Page Global Climate & Weather

    Climate Prediction Center
    Global Weather Extremes
    WMO Global Datasets

    Top of Page Agriculture & Weather

    Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin
    Drought and Weather
    Economic Research Service
    Risk Management Agency
    National Water and Climate Center
    National Agricultural Statistics Service
    Production Estimates & Crop Assessment Division

    Top of Page Satellite Resources

    General Educational Resources on Satellite Remote Sensing

    Basic Online Guides for GOES and POES Satellites
    Cooperative Institute for the Research of the Atmosphere (CIRA) - GOES Imager Tutorial
    The Remote Sensing Tutorial by Nicholas M. Short (NASA)

    Near real-time Satellite Images, Movies, and/or Data

    Space Science and Engineering Center GOES Imagery
    NASA's GOES Project Science
    Naval Research Lab Monterey Satellite Meteorology
    NOAA-CIRA Realtime Satellite Data Animations
    Interactive Global Geostationary Weather Satellite Data -GHCC

    Retrospective On-line Satellite Images/Data

    NCDC Historical GOES Browse Server
    Univ of R.I. North Atlantic SST images from 1979 to present
    Special Sensor Microwave/Imager (SSM/I)- Global Gridded Products
    NOAA/NGDC's Space Physics Interactive Data Resource (SPIDR)

    Special Events Satellite Images/Movies

    Historical Significant Events Imagery - images from 1960 to present
    NOAA's Operational Significant Event Imagery
    GOES 8/9/10 Scrapbook from NASA's GOES Project

    Satellite Image Interpretation/Discussions

    The GOES Gallery at Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
    Regional And Mesoscale Meteorology Team - Archived Satellite Discussions from the Cooperative Institute for the Research of the Atmosphere

    Near Real-time Satellite Products: Sea-Surface Temperatures

    Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Lab

    Remotely Sensed Natural Hazards Monitoring

    Michigan Technological University - Remote Sensing of Volcanic Eruption Clouds
    Space Science & Engineering Center Volcano Watch
    Climate Change & Weather Extremes
    NASA's Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) Data

    Satellite Documentation/Information

    NOAA Satellite Information Service (POES/GOES Calibration/Navigation/Status reports)
    GOES I-M Data Book
    International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP)

    Top of Page Radar Resources

    CNN Southeast Radar
    Current Radar Images, UCAR
    Current Radar Images--National, Regional, Local
    Radar & International Satellite
    Freese-Notis Weather Service
    Intellicast (WSI Corp.) Weather Service
    Ohio State University
    Unisys Weather
    Storm Prediction Center Reports
    University of Utah - Weather Home Page
    Satellite & Radar Movie Loops

    Top of Page Miscellaneous Organizations & Resources

    American Association of State Climatologists
    Atmospheric Science Libraries International
    Climate Prediction Center
    Color Landform Atlas of the US
    Environment Canada
    Environmental Protection Agency
    Federal Emergency Management Agency
    Global Weather Data Sources Search Utility
    National Data Buoy Center
    National Hurricane Center
    National Weather Service
    NOAA Central Library
    NREL Solar Radiation Data & Information
    North Carolina Arboretum
    Pollution Information Sources
    Regional Climate Centers
    Sunrise/Sunset Times By City
    United States Geological Survey Natural Hazards Gateway
    US States Topography Maps
    Water Resources Information
    World Data Center Meteorology
    World Meteorological Organization