Langevin Statement against Postal Service Ending Saturday Delivery

Feb 6, 2013

Congressman Jim Langevin (D-RI) released the following statement expressing his opposition to today’s announcement by the United States Postal Service that it plans to end Saturday mail delivery as of this August. Langevin is cosponsoring a congressional resolution that supports maintaining six-day delivery.

“I’m deeply concerned about the Postal Service’s decision to end Saturday mail delivery, which could have unintended consequences that harm our constituents and the overall economy. Beyond simple inconveniences, this change has broad implications, such as affecting business operations and impacting seniors and people with disabilities who rely on a Social Security check that might otherwise arrive on a Saturday. While USPS will need to adjust to these challenging times, ending Saturday delivery should be an option of last resort and clearly we are not there yet. We can give the Postal Service more flexibility to be competitive and allow for restructuring that would improve its operations without cutting back on delivery.”