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The Wind At Our Backs

In honor of the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, Congressman Carson drafted a "letter to our ancestors" that was recently featured on Huffington Post.  Click to read.

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Carson on Your Corner

Click here for the latest photos of Congressman Carson out and about in Indiana's 7th District.

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The 57th Presidential Inauguration | 1.21.13

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Serving the 7th

In addition to his legislative duties in Washington, D.C., Congressman Carson can assist 7th District constituents with a variety of other issues, including  troubleshooting with federal agencies. Click here to learn how Congressman Carson can help.

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Carson in Your Corner: The Seligman Family

In August of 2007, U.S. Air Force Staff Sergeant Christopher Seligman was injured when an improvised explosive device (IED), also known as a roadside bomb, detonated beside his military vehicle in Baghdad, Iraq.  When he returned home, Chris knew he faced significant challenges and a long road to…

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Rep. Carson Reacts to President Obama’s SOTU Address
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman André Carson released this evening the following statement after President Barack Obama delivered his 4th State of the Union Address:
The President’s State of the Union Address aptly reflected the priorities of a nation ready to take on the many challenges before us and the apprehensions of an American people who are weary of the political strife in Washington.  In the coming months, we must avert yet another economic crisis by replacing sequestration with measures that create jobs, grow the economy, and reduce the deficit.  Additionally, we will be charged with the responsibility of ending the war in Afghanistan, enacting comprehensive immigration reform and doing our part to reduce gun violence throughout this nation.
These are immense challenges that present dire consequences if we fail to act.  The politics will not be easy, but Republicans and Democrats must come together to ensure our nation continues to pursue the prosperity and progress that have defined us for generations.   

Carson Statement on USPS Decision to End Saturday Delivery

INDIANAPOLIS – Congressman André Carson released today the following statement regarding the Postal Service’s recent announcement that they will end Saturday delivery beginning in August:

For too long, political posturing has prevented Congress from taking necessary steps to reform the United States Postal Service, staving off all efforts to maintain high-quality service while also addressing longstanding financial concerns.

In the 112th Congress, Republican leaders refused to end a requirement that the U.S.P.S. fund pensions 75 years in advance, a burden placed on no other company or government entity.  That change would have saved the Postal Service billions of dollars, and it is a reform that we could still enact.  We need legislation that strengthens the Postal Service, maintains their level of service, and protects the hardworking Americans who rely on its success. 


Congressman Carson Commemorates the Signing of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act

INDIANAPOLIS – Congressman André Carson released today the following statement commemorating the 4th anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act:

Four years ago today, President Barack Obama signed into law the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act as his first legislative action as President.  I proudly supported this landmark legislation, which marked a powerful step towards greater economic equality in this nation, empowering women and working families in their fight against pay discrimination.

As we commemorate the 4th anniversary of its signing, we are reminded that the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act is not the conclusion of our work, but rather the beginning.  The 113th Congress must ensure that American workers – regardless of gender, race, disability or age - receive equal pay for an equal day’s work.  Closing the prejudicial pay gaps that persist in this nation will strengthen our economy, our communities and our families. It is long overdue that we drive out the last remnants of discrimination and inequality in this great nation.  


Congressman Carson Reacts to Senators’ Bipartisan Framework for Immigration Reform

INDIANAPOLIS – Congressman André Carson released today the following statement regarding the framework for immigration reform outlined this afternoon by a bipartisan group of U.S. Senators:

I am pleased that Senators from both parties have come together to pursue sensible solutions to immigration reform.  This is an important undertaking for our two legislative bodies, and this framework provides a strong starting point from which we can begin to do the real work of securing our borders, while also providing a pathway to citizenship for the undocumented.

The United States is a country of immigrants, and our nation is made stronger and more vibrant by that heritage. As we move forward, comprehensive immigration reform is a necessary step toward strengthening our economy and honoring the creed on which this nation was founded.


Congressman Carson’s Statement on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman André Carson released today the following statement commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

 On this day each year, we pause to remember the extraordinary life and service of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  We look back on a man who inspired us to believe more was possible in our journey towards equality, who challenged us to see content of character, not color of skin, and who continues to be a catalyst that pushes us forward and urges us to continue working.

 Today, as we commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and as we hold the 57th Presidential Inauguration, we must commit to the ongoing pursuit of a nation free of inequity.  We must commit to working together, to extinguishing discrimination in all its forms, and to finding common ground as we tackle those challenges that remain before us.  We honor Dr. King’s life and legacy by continuing to make this nation safer and stronger for all who call it home.   

Honoring the Life of Rev. Boniface Hardin -- March 28, 2012


On March 24, 2012, Reverend Boniface Hardin, one of the luminaries of the civil rights movement from the 7th District of Indiana, passed away. His commitment to education, compassion, and brotherly love left an indelible mark on the City of Indianapolis. It is with a heavy heart and profound sense of sadness that I express my condolences to the family and friends of Father Hardin. I want my constituents to know and those that knew Father Hardin that my thoughts and prayers are with you. 

Rev. Hardin became a Benedictine monk in 1953 at the young age of twenty, was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1959, and received a master of divinity degree in 1960. While serving as an associate pastor at the Holy Angels Catholic Church in Indianapolis, he soon became a vocal advocate for racial and socio-economic equality during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. 

His spiritual commitment and dedication to self-improvement led to the foundation of the Martin Center in 1969 and later the Indianapolis Sickle Cell Center in 1977.  Under his leadership, the Martin Center College became Martin University, a fully accredited institution offering undergraduate and graduate degrees to low-income and minority adult learners.

Rev. Hardin was designated a “Living Legend” in 2002 by the Indiana Historical Society.  The City of Indianapolis is lucky to have had such a caring, giving person in our midst. 

Congratulating the Indiana Blood Center on Its 60th Anniversary -- March 23, 2012

Congratulating the Indiana Blood Center on its 60th Anniversary

On its sixtieth anniversary, I am proud to honor an organization that has helped save hundreds of thousands of lives through volunteer blood donations and blood component distribution to more than 60 hospitals across the state.

Indiana Blood Center was founded in 1952 and is headquartered in my district in Indianapolis.  This esteemed non-profit community service organization delivers more than 700 components of blood each day and provides other vital assistance to modern medicine through specialized blood typing for organ transplants, viral marker testing, transfusion recipients, and the National Marrow Donor Program.  The Center also serves as a vital link in the state’s life science and healthcare infrastructure in the areas of prostate cancer treatment, pharmaceutical research, stem cell and bone marrow donation.  It is the largest independent blood center in the state and ranks among the top 20 nationally.  Indiana Blood Center is a member of America’s Blood Centers, North America’s largest network of community-based, independent and non-profit blood centers – which, coincidentally, is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.

Every two seconds, someone, somewhere will need a transfusion and one out of every seven patients entering a hospital will need blood.  Indiana Blood Center depends on the good people of Indiana and the nearly 4,000 organizations that host blood drives annually to meet the constant demand to serve the citizens of Indiana.  I would like to recognize this valuable contribution to our community and congratulate Indiana Blood Center for its 60 years of faithful and dedicated stewardship of Indiana’s blood supply. 

Recognizing Gilbert Holmes, Executive Director of the ACLU of Indiana, For a Life of Public Service -- March 22, 2012




On the occasion of his retirement, I would like to congratulate Gilbert Holmes for a lifetime of trailblazing leadership and devoted public service. 

From humble roots growing up in Sparta, Illinois, Gil ascended to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army, where he served valiantly for twenty years, including in Vietnam and as aide-de-camp to Major General Frederic Davison.

Upon leaving the service, Gil applied his organizational acumen with venerable Hoosier organizations, including the Indianapolis Museum of Art, Methodist Hospital, and Lincoln National Corporation.

From 1989 to 1996, Gil rendered distinguished public service as Commissioner of the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles, and later, as President and CEO of IndyGo.

Gil’s career culminated in his selection as executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana, where he served ably for three years as both steward and advocate.

Gil has spent his life combating prejudice, proving skeptics wrong, and empowering those with whom he works to achieve great things. On March 31, 2012, Gil will retire, leaving behind a legacy of lives bettered by his mentorship and leadership. On behalf of the 7th Congressional District of Indiana, I wish him well in his retirement and extend to him our gratitude for his commitment to the advancement of civil rights for all and to his fellow Hoosiers.

Honoring the Life of Congressman Donald Payne -- March 6, 2012


From my first days in Congress, I always considered Donald Payne to be a mentor and friend.

He took me and others under his wing and showed us what it means to truly be a Member of Congress—not just a politician.

He showed me, like he showed so many in this Chamber, how much more we accomplish through humility and cooperation than through bravado and partisanship. 

He was brilliant and put thought into every word that he said—and because of that, Madam Speaker, his words carried weight on both sides of the aisle and in both chambers.

Most recently, I was privileged to serve under his leadership on the board of the Congressional Black Caucus. 

I was able to see up close how he brought together the diverse personalities and opinions of our caucus to achieve a greater purpose.

Donald Payne made our caucus strong and united and while we will attempt to fill the gap he leaves behind, I know we will never have another leader like him.

Madame Speaker, learning to serve in the House is truly an honor—but it is also a challenge.  As a young member, I am continuing to grow and find my place amongst my distinguished colleagues.

But I feel just a little more confident because I had a mentor and a role model in Donald Payne.

And as long as I am given the privilege to serve in this House, I look forward to carrying the legacy that he started—to fight for the underprivileged, to bring attention to critical issues that don’t make the front page.

I want to extend my deepest sympathies to his family and to his staff, who know, like I do, how great a Member and how great a man he truly was. 

I’m reminded of a passage of a conversation that Jesus had with his disciples in the Book of Matthew, and they were dealing with this notion of leadership.  

And Jesus said very succinctly and very clearly and very wisely, and prophetically to them, when he said: ‘‘He who wishes to be chief among you shall first be your servant.’’

Let us remember and honor Donald Payne, a true public servant.

Protecting Medicare Beneficiaries -- February 14, 2012

Mr. Speaker,

In 2010, the Affordable Care Act delivered a $250 check to seniors in my District who were struggling to cover the gap between the cost of their prescription drugs and their Medicare coverage.

In 2011, these same seniors benefitted from an average savings of $648 on their medications.  For my Republican colleagues who say health reform is hurting Medicare beneficiaries, I ask them to imagine spending 2 and 3 times that amount on prescription drugs per month.  For most seniors, $648 is significant savings—and it is just the beginning.

The Affordable Care Act will provide more efficient care by bundling Medicare services, investing in our health care workforce, and focusing on quality.  Replacing Medicare with vouchers would erase the progress we’ve already made toward prescription drug coverage and lead to fewer choices for beneficiaries.

I encourage my colleagues to work with me on solutions that guarantee continued access to health care for our seniors.






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300 E Fall Creek Pkwy N Dr.
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