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Remote Issuer

The Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Remote Issuer is not located at or near a PIV Card Issuing Facility (PCIF) serves as a proxy to the PCIF Issuer by delivering personalized PIV cards to authorized Applicants who are also remote to the PCIF.

QUICK START:   Click here to access Quick Start information, a one-page summary of your role as a Remote Issuer (Please note that in order to read these files an Adobe Acrobat reader, version 3.0 or higher is required. You may download a free copy of this reader from the Adobe Web site. Please make sure you download the appropriate reader for your operating system.

TRAINING:           Click here to access the training required before a PIV Remote Issuer can deliver a PIV card to an Applicant.  Be sure to print out and retain your certificate of completion with your Remote Issuer ID Number.  You will need this number to perform your role as PIV Remote Issuer.



US Department of Commerce, Office of Security, 1401 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20230
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