Maxwell School :: Department of Public Administration :: Ines Mergel

Government 2.0 Syllabus: Professor Dr. Ines Mergel

Ines Mergel, D.B.A. | Assistant Professor
The Department of Public Administration and International Affairs
Syracuse University| Maxwell School of Citizenship & Public Affairs
(T) @inesmergel | (Blog) Social Media in the Public Sector


Three related courses are offered as part of the Master of Public Administration program:

Spring semester

PPA 730 - Government 2.0

PPA 730 - Networked Governance

Fall semester

PPA730 - New Media Management






Government 2.0: The Interactive Web in the Public Sector
Course outline

Week 1: Government 2.0: How'd we get here?
• Government 2.0: A new mandate in the public sector
• Course schedule, readings, expectations


Suggested readings:


• Bretschneider, S. I., Mergel, I. (2010): Technology and Public Management Information Systems: Where have we been and where are we going, in: Menzel, D.C., White, H. J.: The State of Public Administration: Issues, Problems and Challenges, M.E. Sharpe Inc., New York, pp. 187-203.
• Carr, N. G. (2008): Is Google Making us Stoopid?, in: The Atlantic Monthly, July/August 2008.
• Coleman, C. (2009): Managing technology - Commentary: The Web 2.0 revolution published online  on August 24, 2009.

• Mergel, I. Web 2.0 in the Public Sector, with Schweik, C., in: Public Service, and Web 2.0 Technologies: Future Trends in Social Media (accepted for publications)
• O’Reilly, T. (2009): Gov 2.0: A Promise of Innovation, in: State of the eUnion: Government 2.0 and Onwards, by Goetze, J. and Pedersen, C. B., AuthorHouse, Bloomington, IN, pp. 29-32.
• O'Reilly, T. (2005): What Is Web 2.0: Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software, published online: 09/30/2005
• Thomson, C. (2008): Brave New World of Digital Intimacy, in: The New York Times, 09/07/2008.

Week 2: Introduction to social media applications

=> Guest speaker: Kara Capelli, USGS: Twitter business case at USGS <=


1. Blogging & RSS feeds
2. Microblogging

3. Online social networks: Facebook, LinkedIn, GovLoop
4. Content sharing: Photo sharing sites, YouTube
5. Student presentations: International practices

Required readings:

• David C. Wyld (2007): "The Blogging Revolution: Government in the Age of Web 2.0”, 
• Netherland, W., and McCroskey (2010): Case Study: Tweet Congress, in: Lathrop, D. & Ruma, L. (Eds). Open Government – Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice, O’Reilly Media Inc., Sebastopol, pp. 177-182.
• Science for a Changing World, USGS Twitter business case


Twitter agreggator: “GovTwit: Twitter & microblogging in the public sector”
(previous guest speaker: Guest speaker: Steve Lunceford, founder of GovTwit)

Required readings:
• Boyd, D. M., & Ellison, N. B. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), article 11. 
• Samuel, A. (2009): Waiting for Government 2.0: Why Do Public Agenices Take so long to Embrace Social media?, in: State of the eUnion: Government 2.0 and Onwards, by Goetze, J. and Pedersen, C. B., AuthorHouse, Bloomington, IN, pp. 111-124.



Week 3: Transparency 2.0


=> Guest speaker: David Fletcher, CIO, State of Utah <=


Required readings:

• GSA newsletter (2008): Transparency, available online:
• Suzanne J. Piotrowski and Gregg G. Van Ryzin (2007): Citizen Attitudes Toward Transparency in Local Government, in: The American Review of Public Administration, pp. 306-323.
• President Obama (2009): Transparency and Open Government: 




- IT Dashboard



Week 4: “It’s no longer the campaign”
• Social media use in grassroots organizations
• … and beyond


Required readings:

• Peter Wallsten (2009): Retooling Obama's campaign machine for the long haul, in: LA Times, January 14, 2009, 
• Andy Barr (2008): 2008 turnout shatters all records, in: Politico, , November 5, 2008
• Jennifer Senior (2009): The Message Is the Message: Barack Obama’s ubiquitous appearances as professor-in-chief, preacher-in-chief, father-in-chief, may turn out to be the most salient feature of his presidency, in: New York Magazine, August 2, 2009, 
• Sifry, M. (2010): “You can be the eyes and ears”: Barack Obama and the Wisdom of the Crowds, in: Lathrop, D. & Ruma, L. (Eds). Open Government – Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice, O’Reilly Media Inc., Sebastopol, pp. 115-122
• Mikolaj Jan Piskorski, Laura Winig (2009): Barack Obama: Organizing for America 2.0, HBS case study

Week 5: Participation 2.0

=> Guest speaker: Dustin Haisler,, former CIO Manor (TX) <=

Required readings:

• Nabatchi, T. & Mergel, I. (2010). Participation 2.0: Using Internet and Social Media Technologies to Promote Distributed Democracy and Create Digital Neighborhoods. In: James H. Svara and Janet V. Denhardt (eds.), White Paper: Promoting Citizen Engagement and Community Building. Phoenix, AZ: Alliance for Innovation, pp. 80-87.

• Noveck, B. (2010): Single Point of Failure, in: Lathrop, D. & Ruma, L. (Eds). Open Government – Collaboration, Transparency, and Participation in Practice, O’Reilly Media Inc., Sebastopol, pp. 49-69.
• Luehrs, R., Feil, B., Rathmann, H. (2009): e-Participatory Planning: Necessity and Advantage, in: State of the eUnion: Government 2.0 and Onwards, by Goetze, J. and Pedersen, C. B., AuthorHouse, Bloomington, IN, pp. 223-237.
• Bryant, L. (2009): People Power can Reboot the Nation, in: State of the eUnion: Government 2.0 and Onwards, by Goetze, J. and Pedersen, C. B., AuthorHouse, Bloomington, IN, pp. 247-256.

Max Chafkin (2010): Why the High-Tech Industry Loves Manor, Texas, Available online:

Week 6: Distributed Democracy 2.0


=> Guest speaker Ben Berkowitz, <=


Required readings:

• Stephen F. King and Paul Brown (2007): Fix My Street or Else: Using the Internet to Voice Local Public Service Concerns, CEGOV2007, December 10-13, 2007, Macao
• Friis, M. (2009): Democracy 2.0, ?, in: State of the eUnion: Government 2.0 and Onwards, by Goetze, J. and Pedersen, C. B., AuthorHouse, Bloomington, IN, pp. 203-209.
• Caddy, J. (2009): Focusing on Citizens, in: State of the eUnion: Government 2.0 and Onwards, by Goetze, J. and Pedersen, C. B., AuthorHouse, Bloomington, IN, pp. 213-222.
• Bovaird, T., Loeffler, E., Downe, J. (2009): Co-Production of Public Services and Policies: The Role of Emerging Technologies, in: State of the eUnion: Government 2.0 and Onwards, by Goetze, J. and Pedersen, C. B., AuthorHouse, Bloomington, IN, pp. 263-280.


Week 7: Wiki-Government


=> Guest speaker: Nick Charney, Government of Canada (GCPedia) <=


Required readings:

• Mergel, I. (forthcoming 2011): Collaboration 2.0 – How managers can use and maintain wikis in the public sector, IBM – The Center for the Business of Government, report.
• Carafano, J. J. (2011): Mastering the art of wiki, in: JFQ, Issue 60, 1st quarter 2011, pp. 73-78, available online: 
• McAffee, A. (2005): Will web services really transform collaboration?, in: MIT Sloan Management Review, pp.78-84.


Week 8: Diplomacy 2.0: Diplopedia

=> Guest speaker: Tiffany Smith Licciardi, U.S. Department of State <=

• Intraorganizational wikis
• Collaboration
• Social sharing


Required readings:

• Bronk, C. & T. Smith (2010): Diplopedia Imagined: Building State’s Diplomacy Wiki
• Bronk, C. (2007, Aug) "May a Thousand Wikis Bloom: The Politics of Ubiquitous Web Publishing in the U.S. Federal Bureaucracy", Paper presented at the annual meeting of the APSA, Chicago. Online Retrieved 2008-05-20 
• Shirky, C. (2011): The Political Power of Social Media: Technology, the Public Sphere, and Political Change, in: Foreign Affairs, January/February 2011, available online: 
• Lord, K. M. and Fontaine, R. (2010): Managing 21st-Century Diplomacy: Lessons from Gloabal Corporations, Center for a New American Security, available online: 

Week 9: Civil Society 2.0


=> Guest speaker Noel Dickover, U.S. Department of State: Civil Society 2.0 project <=



Required readings:

• U.S. Department of State (2009): Secretary Clinton Announces Civil Society 2.0 Initiative to Build Capacity of Grassroots Organizations: available online
• Tech@State (2010): What is Civil Society 2.0?, 
• Civil Society 2.0 (2010):  & 
• Hamel, Michael P., and Charles M. Schweik. 2009. Open source collaboration: Two cases in the U.S. public sector. First Monday 14, no. 1 (January 5, 2009),



Week 10: Collaboration 2.0

=> Guest speaker Bill Greeves, Co-founder MuniGov2.0: Second life: “Virtual Worlds in the Public Sector” <=


Required readings:

• Bruce Damer (2008): Meeting in the Ether: A brief history of virtual worlds as a medium for user-created events, in: Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, Vol.1. No. 1, “Virtual Worlds Research: Past, Present & Future” July 2008.

Mergel, I. (2010): The use of social media to dissolve knowledge silos in government, in: O'Leary, R., Kim, S. and Van Slyke, D. M. (Editors): The Future of Public Administration, Public Management and Public Service Around the World: The Minnowbrook Perspective, Georgetown University Press, pp. 177-187.

• Familiarize yourself with MuniGov2.0: .
• Download Second Life desktop application, create and dress your avatar and familiarize yourself with islands on Second Life. Bring your favorite destinations to class.



Week 11: Information security

Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS)
Online censorship vs. transparency and openness


Required readings:

• Shirky, C. (2008): Forethought Security: Next online Cons, in: HBR: Reprint F0806D.
• Davis, J. (2008): Secret Geek A-Team Hacks Back, Defends Worldwide Web, WIRED MAGAZINE: 16.12.
• David Drummond, SVP, Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer (2010): A new approach to China, Google Public Policy Blog: , accessed Tuesday, January 12, 2010 at 6:53 PM ET

CASE: Mueller, P. (2008): Security 2.0: The Estonian-Russian Cyber war of 2007, Erfurt School of Public Policy (free).


Week 12: Access, digital divide, new media literacy


Required readings:

• Thompson, Clive (2008): Brave New World of Digital Intimacy, NYT, September 5, 2008: 
• Sipior J. and Ward B. (2005) Bridging the Digital Divide for e-Government inclusion: A United States Case Study. The Electronic Journal of e-Government, 3(3): 137-146.
• Pew Foundation: “The Ever-Shifting Internet Population”: 
• Gillmor, D. (2008): Principles for New Media Literacy, available online: for a New Media Literacy_MR.pdf 
• Anderson, J. & Rainie, L. (2010): Millenials will make online sharing in networks a lifelong habit, published July 9, 2010, Available online: 
• Familiarize yourself with the 508 compliance website:  


Week 13: Bringing it all togher: Social media policies and strategies in the public sector


Required readings:

• Mergel, I.: Measuring the effectiveness of social media tools in the public sector, in: Public Service, and Web 2.0 Technologies: Future Trends in Social Media (accepted for publication)
• Mergel, I. (2010): Government 2.0 Revisited: Social Media Strategies in the Public Sector, in: PA Times, American Society for Public Administration, Vol. 33, No. 3, p. 7 & 10, available online: 
• Brian, J. Dunn (2010): How I did it: Best Buy’s CEO on Learning to Love Social Media, in: Harvard Business Review, available online:

• Harvard Business Review Analytic Service Report: The New Conversation: Taking Social Media from Talk to Action, HBR, available online:




Week 14: Looking beyond Government: What can the public sector learn from successful social media practices in the corporate and non-profit sector?


Week 15: Student presentations of Government 2.0 implementation projects







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