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The Magnificent “Clearwater” Sloop

2012 April 17

By Larry Siegel

Want to go sailing on a sloop? Come aboard ye landlubbers for an afternoon of fun and education for the whole family.

In 1966, a handful of Hudson river-lovers decided to change the course of events that was destroying the Hudson and reclaim a natural treasure for us all. They wanted to dramatize the river’s plight, recall its history, and help guide its future. They wanted to provide their fellow citizens with a first-hand look at the neglect and pollution of the river, and move them to action. So they built a boat. And what a magnificent boat!

By contacting the Clearwater organization you can find out the details regarding charters (for education groups as well as private parties) and public sails (on which individuals and small groups can purchase tickets).

Clearwater offers a number of educational, volunteer, and fun filled programs, but Clearwater’s “Classroom Under Sail” is the centerpiece of the Clearwater education program. This three hour shipboard program is an exploration of the Hudson River and environmental awareness that forges a lifelong connection with nature.

And, if you like folk music, not to be missed is the annual two day Clearwater Music and Environmental Festival that takes place at Croton Point Park in Croton-on-Hudson, NY in Westchester County. If you can make your way up there it is a great event.

About the Author: Larry Siegel has worked as a writer of corporate policies and procedures and as a technical writer. He currently works as a Pesticide Community Outreach Specialist for the Pesticide and Toxic Substances Branch in Edison, NJ

Editor's Note: The opinions expressed in Greenversations are those of the author. They do not reflect EPA policy, endorsement, or action, and EPA does not verify the accuracy or science of the contents of the blog.

One Response leave one →
  1. Carden permalink
    April 18, 2012

    This looks fantastic — too bad I live in Illinois! NYC always has the greatest environmentally-themed activities.

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