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Fort Campbell Schools

Fort Campbell Schools


Open Enrollment Policy

The Fort Campbell Schools System endorses the neighborhood school concept and determines school attendance zones with this in mind.  However, we recognize that parents may wish their child(ren) to attend a school other than the one assigned.

Parents may apply to enroll their child(ren) in the Fort Campbell school of their choice under the Open Enrollment plan.  Applications for Open Enrollment should be picked-up and returned to the school of your choice.

The following criteria apply:

Ø      Approval of Open Enrollment applications is dependent on the availability of space in the school of choice.

Ø      Approval of Open Enrollment application to one child in a family will not necessarily support Open Enrollment of another child in the family.

Ø      Transportation of students to and from school outside their attendance zone will be the responsibility of the parent. This includes daily transportation and transportation from after-school activities.

Ø      Approval of Open Enrollment applications is on a year-to-year basis.

Ø      A determination of space available status will be made not earlier than two weeks prior to the start of the new school year for Open Enrollment applications received prior to its start. A determination of space available status will be made not later than five school days after application for Open Enrollment is received once the school year has begun.


Ø      Open Enrollment applications are adjudicated on a first come, first serve basis.


Ø      Should an Open Enrollment application be denied, parents may appeal the decision by submitting a written appeal to the Community Superintendent.






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