USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for USAID

USAID Reforms Aim to Strengthen Local Institutions and Systems

Palestinians unload bags of flour donated by USAid at a depot in the West Bank village of Anin near Jenin. Photo Credit: Mohammed Ballas/AP.

“No country wants to be dependent on another. No proud leader in this room wants to ask for aid. No family wants to be beholden to the assistance of other … But aid alone is not development. Read more >>

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Semper Fi USAID: Ooh-rah!

My seminal experience with USAID came in 2007 in Ramadi, Iraq. As a part of President George W. Bush’s surge efforts, I found myself leading a very young, inexperienced Marine civil affairs unit with the mission of conducting stabilization and reconstruction in a badly damaged city. Our USAID representative, in the first wave of the [...]

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USAID’s Policy for Youth in Development: A Timely Opportunity to Rethink Rural and Agricultural Programming

We applaud USAID’s new Youth Policy for recognizing the central role that youth should play in development strategies. Turning this policy into action at the mission and programmatic level is our next challenge.  U.S. Government’s Feed the Future and rural development initiatives in particular should consider how youth can be better integrated into strategies and specific program [...]

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New USAID Policy on Youth in Development

Those of us who are parents know that the sun and moon rise around our children. To those of us who are in development, we know that young people have the strength to move the sun and the moon… and sometimes more.

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Building a More Inclusive USAID

Earlier this week, Administrator Shah administered the Oath of Office to Peter Malnak, USAID’s new Mission Director to Rwanda.  As USAID works to build a more inclusive agency, Mr. Malnak’s swearing-in took on special significance as it marked the first time a same-sex partner of a new Mission Director participated in the event by holding [...]

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Video of the Week

In just a few days, USAID will host the Frontiers in Development Forum. Check out some of the exciting panelists that will be at the conference. The presidents of Liberia, Kosovo, and Malawi, Helen Clark, UNDP Administrator and former New Zealand Prime Minister, John Kufuor, former president of Ghana Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland [...]

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Faith and Development

This year’s National Prayer Breakfast on February 2, 2012 capped off what was a very busy week of events for USAID and our faith-based friends and colleagues.  But above the events and meetings, what was most important was the chance to connect with old friends and build new friendships, to hear personal stories from people [...]

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USAID and Peace Corps Partner for Volunteers’ Return to Nepal

USAID joined Peace Corps this month in Washington and Kathmandu to celebrate the return of its volunteers to Nepal for the first time in seven years. In Kathmandu, Nepal’s Prime Minister, Dr. Babarum Bhattarai, said at an event at his offices that “I am very pleased with the return of the Peace Corps to Nepal. [...]

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USAID in the News

January 3: Billboard Magazine highlighted USAID’s work to launch a public awareness campaign for the famine in the Horn of Africa. Specifically, the magazine praised USAID’s partnership with MTV to not only “forward the facts,” but auction off items to benefit families in East Africa. January 2: Over the weekend, Forbes India published a transcript of an interview with USAID Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah. The interview discusses Feed theFuture and the budget, and took [...]

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USAID-Devex Essay Contest: Last Chance to Add Your Voice

Through a joint USAID and Devex essay contest, you have the exciting opportunity to have your say on the most pressing issues in international development – and to be published along with the most prominent international development leaders of our time. The deadline for submission is this Sunday, January 8. USAID is seeking five of [...]

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