USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for global hunger

Meeting the President’s Challenge to End Extreme Poverty

Progress in the most impoverished parts of our world creates new markets and stability. Photo credit: USAID

We are advancing President Obama’s critical agenda to eradicate the scourge of extreme poverty through Feed the Future, the President’s signature global hunger and food security initiative. Read more >>

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FrontLines Year in Review: A Right to Land

Asilya Gemmal, 14, of Gure Tebeno Union, proudly displays her land certificate obtained from the Ethiopian Government with USAID assistance. Photo credit: Links Media

Property rights are proving to be a solid foundation for economic empowerment for individuals, corporations and nations, and a potential solution to shore up food security in developing countries. Read more >>

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Coding for Hunger: Not Development as Usual

Dr. Maura O'Neill is the chief innovation officer and senior counselor to the administrator at USAID.

Barbara’s mother was desperate – there was nothing in the house to feed her children or herself. Read more >>

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Enough Isn’t Enough: Why Food Security Matters to Me

Roger Thurow, Global Affairs Senior Fellow, The Chicago Council

Traditionally centered around a big meal to celebrate good harvests and time with family, Thanksgiving is also an opportunity to reflect on what we’re thankful for and our wishes for the future. At the top of our list is the hope for a future in which no one goes to bed hungry. Read more >>

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Addressing Malnutrition – Turning Commitments into Action

While we share the same goal—healthy, well-nourished families and communities—too often, agencies, ministries, donors and businesses operate in silos, hindering action and missing key opportunities for collaboration that could improve the health and lives of millions.

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Building Our Legacy

A week ago, against the backdrop of the Olympics, I witnessed history. I was there not for the Games, but for the Global Hunger Event… Read more >>

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Feed The Future Initiative In Tanzania – A Sustainable Agricultural And Food Security Approach

By Gregg Rapaport, Senior Program Manager, Development Outreach and Communications On the highest mountain in Africa one finds climbers attempting to conquer Kilimanjaro, as well as those who live in high-altitude villages struggling daily to grow food to feed their families. Small holder farmers use basic hand tools to work the land and have only [...]

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Food Security Month @ USAID: Expanding Our Toolkit in the Fight Against Global Hunger

Originally published in DipNote,the official blog of the U.S. Department of State. About the Author: Jose W. Fernandez serves as Assistant Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs. I am halfway around the world from Washington, and on October 6, I participated in the Indonesia Joint Agriculture and Investment Forum. I traveled to [...]

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This Week at USAID – August 2, 2010

Administrator Shah will join President Obama at the White House for a town hall during the Presidential Young African Leaders Forum.  As a global leader in empowering and engaging youth, USAID works to ensure that young people have access to skills and opportunities to be active and effective citizens who contribute to their country’s overall stability [...]

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