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Anne Ely Post Office lobby closed this weekend

July 5, 2006 -- Installation of an elevator in  Anne Ely Hal will cause a temporary closure of the Post Office this weekend.

    The Post Office Lobby in Anne Ely Hall will be closed after normal operating hours at 7 p.m. on Friday, July 7 and remain closed until 6 a.m. on Monday, July 10.  The renovation project includes installation of an elevator to provide handicapped accessibility to second floor operations.

      "Installation of the elevator requires drilling a 30 foot deep shaft," said Tom Deremer, General Engineer with DPW. "Drilling will be done on Saturday and Sunday, July 8 and 9."

    The drilling will be loud, but has been scheduled to cause the least amount of disruption as possible.

    "The crew will begin setup at 7 a.m. Saturday but will not begin drilling before 8 a.m.," said Deremer. "The crew can work as late as 6 p.m. on Saturday. Drilling will continue at 8 a.m. on Sunday if needed.  We regret any inconvenience that may result from the potentially very noisy drilling operations and request your support to complete the renovation project."

    Overall the project is going well according to Deremer.

    "The renovations are progressing well and our goal is to reopen the renovated USPS annex in late July," he said.



TRICARE release

TRICARE Prime Access Standards

"Our commitment to timely healthcare"

    June 20, 2006 -- The military health system is committed to providing TRICARE Prime beneficiaries with timely access to providers within specific time frames and certain drive times from their homes.  We ask for your commitment to these access standards.

Appointment Wait Time

    TRICARE policy requires network providers to meet the following access standards for appointment for beneficiaries enrolled in TRICARE Prime:

Type of care .

Patients must not wait more than .

Urgent care or acute illness

24 hours for an appointment (1 day)

Routine visits

One week for an appointment (7 days)

Specialty or wellness care

Four weeks for an appointment (28 days)

    Patient wait times in non emergency situations must not exceed 30 minutes, except when you are providing emergency care to other patients and the normal schedule is interrupted.  You should notify patients of the cause for the delay and the length of delay anticipated, and then offer to reschedule the appointment.  Patients may choose to stay and keep their scheduled appointment.

Drive Time

   Primary care managers (PCMs) accepting new patients should understand beneficiaries are entitled to a drive time that does not exceed 30 minutes from their home to your office under normal circumstances.

   When helping patients with referrals to specialists, PCMs should also be aware in most cases TRICARE Prime beneficiaries do not have to travel more than an hour form their home to access specialty care.  TRICARE Prime beneficiaries residing outside of a Prime Service Area (a geographic area where TRICARE Prime is offered) have waived their drive time standards and are required to use network PCMs and specialists regardless of distance.

Verifying the Standards

    Meeting TRICARE Prime access standards is essential for network providers.  Network providers must notify Health Net within 10 days of any change to demographics, panel status or ability to meet appointment standards.


Carlisle Barracks establishes motorcycle club

    Ape Hangers, Flatheads, and Straight Pipes are showing up everywhere at this time of the year. It's time for you Weekend Warriors longing for motorcycle buddies to get savvy and join the Carlisle Barracks Motorcycle Club.

    Headed up by Jeffrey Hanks, motorcycle enthusiast, this club is meant to bring bikers together for good times and long rides. The first meeting of CBMC will be held Friday, July 21 at 4:30 p.m. in the MWR Conference Room in 632 Wright Ave. This informational meeting is designed to discuss charter membership, create interest and enjoy refreshments and good times between bikers.

    For questions, contact Hanks at 245-3684 or Safety Manager Jim Aiello at 245-4353.


Bryrony Foltz, Public Affairs Office

Post says farewell to JAG officer

   June 20, 2006 -- Major Kateni Leakehe, who has served as the Post Judge Advocate for the last two years, will be leaving Carlisle Barracks. Leakehe will be moving on to Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah, where his family is from, to assume the role of Command Judge Advocate. 

    Leakehe holds a bachelor's degree in political science from Brigham Young University as well as one Master's of Law degree in Military Laws from the Army Judge Advocate General's School, and a second in Procurement Law from George Washington University Law Center.

    In his time here, Leakehe oversaw the daily operations of the legal office as well as the legal operations of the Garrison staff. 

    "I am very fortunate to have had the opportunity to be here in such a beautiful place with all of the history, and all of these friendly, professional people," said Leakehe.

    Leakehe's replacement is Capt. Lisa Bloom.


Melissa Stahl, Public Affairs Office

Expecting a delivery to Root Hall?

    June 20, 2006 -- The warehouse entrance barrier behind Root Hall will be "up," or closed to traffic beginning June 26 which means that departments expecting deliveries should contact the front security desk at 245-3061 in advance of the delivery to facilitate efficient clearance through the barrier.

    The barrier will be operational from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on normal workdays. All personnel must be identified and their purpose verified before they are granted entrance. Temporary parking passes are required and can be obtained from Log & Maintenance.

Parking also restricted

    Parking inside the barrier is restricted to government vehicles, Carlisle Barracks registered vehicles while performing loading and off-loading, delivery vehicles and vendors with a need to be in Root Hall on a short term basis. Early morning newspaper deliveries will be made to the lock box that has been installed outside the barrier for that purpose.

     Any questions may be referred to Hal Newcomer, 245-4171.


Public Affairs staff report

Elections- what you can and cannot do; politicking rules for government employees


    June 20, 2006 -- With election activity steadily picking up, defense officials remind members of the military and Defense Department civilians that they're subject to rules regulating their involvement in political activities.

    Gone are the days when the military posted troops at the polls after the Civil War, an act that Steve Epstein, director of the DoD General Counsel's Standards of Conduct Office, said intimidated many southerners into not voting.

    Today, Epstein said two sets of rules help protect the integrity of the political process: a DoD directive for active-duty service members and the Hatch Act for federal civilians.  These rules keep the military out of partisan politics and ensure that the workplace remains politically neutral, he said.

Voting encouraged

    That's not to imply that military members and civilian employees can't participate in politics.  Epstein said DoD encourages both groups to register to vote and vote as they choose, and to urge others to vote.  Both groups can sign nominating petitions for candidates and express their personal opinions about candidates and issues-- but only if they don't do so as representatives of the armed forces.  Also, all federal employees can make contributions to political organizations or candidates.

Dos and don'ts

    Beyond that, the list of dos and don'ts differs widely, depending on whether the employees is an active-duty service member, a rank-and-file Civil Service employee, a political appointee or member of the career Senior Executive Service, Epstein said.

    Of all DoD employees, the men and women in uniform have the most restrictions regarding political activity, he explained.  A 1993 revision to the Hatch Act freed most Civil Service employees to engage in political activities outside the workplace that were once forbidden, although many restrictions still apply.

    For example, service members as well as government civilians can attend political meetings or rallies.  Military members can attend only as spectators and not in uniform. They're not permitted to make public political speeches, serve in any official capacity in partisan groups, or participate in partisan political campaigns or conventions.

    On the other hand, civilian employees governed by the Hatch Act may be active in and speak before political gatherings or serve as officers of political parties or partisan groups. They also are permitted to manage campaigns, distribute literature, write political articles or serve as a spokesperson for a party or candidate.

    Military members generally aren't permitted to campaign for a political office.  Civilian employees are, as long as it's a nonpartisan election.

    While the dos and don'ts concerning political activity may vary, Epstein said the basic rules hold true for all DoD workers. They can't use their position to influence or interfere with an election.  And they can never engage in political activity on the job, in a government vehicle or while wearing an official uniform.

    More details about restrictions on DoD military and civilian employees' political activities are posted on the DoD Web site at

Military, civilian voting assistance

    Military can get help obtaining ballots from their home states and more from the Federal Voting Assistance Program. The voting assistance officers are armed with federal postcard applications and the 2004 Voting Assistance Guide. The guide is also posted on the Federal Voting Assistance Program Web site at

    Civilians who need voting assistance can pick up registration forms at local post offices, county libraries, school guidance counselors and the Motor Vehicle Administration.


(Editors note: Information used in this story came from an American Forces Press story)





Army Substance Abuse "Summer Sense Campaign"

Methamphetamine laboratories--Identification and Hazards

What is a methamphetamine laboratory?

    A methamphetamine laboratory is an illicit operation that has the apparatus and chemicals needed to produce the powerful stimulant methamphetamine. These laboratories vary dramatically in size and output. Large laboratories, known as super labs, produce 10 pounds or more of the drug per production cycle. Much smaller laboratories sometimes called box labs produce as little as an ounce or less of the drug and are small enough to fit in a box or backpack.

How common are they?

   Methamphetamine laboratories are increasingly prevalent throughout the United States. In 2002 more than 7,500 laboratories were seized in 44 states, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) El Paso Intelligence Center National Clandestine Laboratory Seizure System. While methamphetamine production remains most common in the western portion of the United States particularly California seizures of methamphetamine laboratories in the west central part of the country have become more commonplace.

Where are methamphetamine laboratories found?

    Methamphetamine laboratories may be located virtually anywhere. Laboratories have been found in secluded rural areas as well as in residential, commercial, and industrial districts. Law enforcement officers have seized laboratories at private residences, commercial properties, hotels and motels, and outdoor locations. Mobile laboratories have been discovered in automobiles, boats, and luggage.

What are the signs that a methamphetamine laboratory may be present?

    The following often in combination, may indicate the presence of a methamphetamine laboratory:

*       Unusual odors (ether, ammonia, acetone, or other chemicals)

*       Excessive amounts of trash, particularly chemical containers, coffee filters or pieces of cloth that are stained red, and duct tape rolls.

*       Curtains always drawn or windows covered with aluminum foil or blackened on residences, garages, sheds, or other structures.

*       Evidence of chemical waste or dumping.

*       Frequent visitors, particularly at unusual times.

*       Extensive security measures or attempts to ensure privacy (no trespassing or beware of  dog signs, fences, large trees or shrubs).

*       Secretive or unfriendly occupants.

What hazards are associated with them?

    The chemicals used to produce methamphetamine are extremely hazardous. Some are highly volatile and may ignite or explode if mixed or stored improperly. Fire and explosion pose risks not only to the individuals producing the drug but also to anyone in the surrounding area, including children, neighbors, and passersby.

    Even when a fire or explosion does not occur, methamphetamine production is dangerous. Simply being exposed to the toxic chemicals used to produce the drug poses a variety of health risks, including intoxication, dizziness, nausea, disorientation, lack of coordination, pulmonary edema, serious respiratory problems, severe chemical burns, and damage to internal organs.

  • Inhalation --Inhaling chemical vapors and gases resulting from methamphetamine production causes shortness of breath, cough, and chest pain. Exposure to these vapors and gases may also cause intoxication, dizziness, nausea, disorientation, lack of coordination, pulmonary edema, chemical pneumonitis, and other serious respiratory problems when absorbed into the body through the lungs.

  • Skin contact --The chemicals used to produce methamphetamine may cause serious burns if they come into contact with the skin.

  • Ingestion --  Toxic chemicals can be ingested either by consuming contaminated food or beverages or by inadvertently consuming the chemicals directly. (Young children present at laboratory sites are at particular risk of ingesting chemicals.) Ingesting toxic chemicals or methamphetamine itself may result in potentially fatal poisoning, internal chemical burns, damage to organ function, and harm to neurological and immunologic functioning. In addition, methamphetamine production threatens the environment. The average methamphetamine laboratory produces 5 to 7 pounds of toxic waste for every pound of methamphetamine produced. Operators often dispose of this waste improperly, simply by dumping it near the laboratory. This can cause contamination of the soil and nearby water supplies.

  • What can I do?  -- If you suspect someone in your neighborhood is operating a methamphetamine laboratory, report your concerns to the local police department or sheriff's office immediately. For your own safety, do not investigate the suspected laboratory or confront the occupants. In addition to the hazards discussed above, many laboratories are equipped with security devices or booby traps that could cause serious injuries or death.

    For more information on illicit drugs, check out the following web site

    This information is presented by the Army Substance Abuse Prevention Program, and made available by the national Drug Intelligence Center a component of the U.S. Department of Justice.

    For additional information or to schedule substance abuse training, contact the Army Substance Abuse Prevention Office at 245 - 4576.






Tom Zimmerman, Public Affairs Office

Army Heritage Day celebrates milestones of military history

June 10, 2006 - The sky was clear and the sun shone brightly as the rich 231-year history of the U.S. Army was celebrated during the Army Heritage Day June 10 at the Army Heritage and Education Center.

    Living History exhibits re-created a timeline of Soldiers' history along the Army Heritage Trail, a one-mile circular walking trail. As part of the displays, various eras of Army equipment, weapons and buildings replicated key moments in American history.  Re-enactors in historically accurate uniforms demonstrated their research when describing battles and everyday life through Soldiers' eyes.

    "I was impressed the most by the fact that everyone I've talked to really knows all about what the Soldiers from that time period went through," said Rita Johnson of Hummelstown. "This was a really fun event."

    "My favorite part was the gun truck from Vietnam," said Joe Kennedy, 11, who traveled to the event with his parents, James and Evelyn, referring to the "Wild Thing" and "Ace" -- the only two Vietnam gun trucks in the United States with original crews which were on display.

    "It was almost impossible to get him down from there," said Evelyn. 


Baseball also part of event

    Also part of the event was Army Camp Baseball of the 1870s. The vintage baseball club "Gettysburg Sentinels" played its debut game against the "Flemington Neshannock Baseball Club." The game was played under 1870's era rules and conditions with a rubber white ball, underhanded pitching, and fielding the ball without gloves.

    "The game was pretty exciting," said David Thorton, who traveled from Gettysburg to see the game. "It reminds me of playing stickball as a kid."

    Overall, it was rated an entertaining day by those who attended.

    "This is the first time I've been out here," said John Davidson, a retired First Sergeant who now lives in Carlisle. "But it definitely won't be the last.  I hope they have these events all the time."

    The Army Heritage Trail's permanent exhibits are available to the public all day, every day.   




Tom Zimmerman, Public Affairs Office

Deputy Commandant nears end of service with the Army War College

June 13, 2006 - A lot can happen in five years, and the last five years have been especially busy at Carlisle Barracks. If you want proof, you can ask Col. Craig Madden, who will end his 30-year Army career next month after five years of serving as the 47th Deputy Commandant of the U.S. Army War College.

    The Army aviator looked for ways to return to Carlisle after his initial time here as a student.

    "I really got to appreciate and love the War College during my time here as a student," he said. "I knew that if I ever had the chance to come back and help I would."

    Madden assumed the position as deputy commandant in July of 2001, and has been here through many important events for not only Carlisle Barracks but the world. During his time here, Madden has seen the post shift from an open post to a more secure installation following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.  

    "I'd have to say the one thing I'll always remember is how we had to transition after 9/11," Madden said. "We had to find a way to secure the post quickly and even had students pulling gate guard duty since we didn't have a large amount of enlisted Soldiers. It was a hectic time that I won't ever forget."

    One of the other important events that affected Carlisle Barracks was the 2006 Base Realignment and Closure hearings.

    "BRAC was a major emotional event for everyone here at Carlisle Barracks," said Madden. "There are some any people who spent weeks and months making sure that we were ready to answer any question the commission might come up with and in the end they agreed that the best place for the War College was Carlisle."   

    According to others, Carlisle Barracks was also the perfect place for Madden.

    "Col. Craig Madden has been a visionary leader here in his five years as the deputy commandant of the U.S. Army War College," said Maj. Gen. David Huntoon, USAWC commandant. "His legacy is evident everywhere on the installation with dramatic new facilities in every corner of the post, the most ambitious housing initiative in the history of Carlisle Barracks, and the dramatic expansion of the Army Heritage and Education Center.

    "He has always been focused on executing our strategic mission to the highest possible standard, sustaining our strong connections to the Carlisle community and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and always looking out for the needs of our Soldiers and their families."

    Other who worked with Madden agreed.

    "I am going to miss the fact that I finally have him trained and now I have to do it all over again, " said Barb Sadler, Madden's administrative assistant. "But seriously, this is a very stressful job and it takes someone with a special personality to make everything run smoothly and Col. Madden is definitely that person. It is going to be hard watching him retire.  He has been so easy to talk to and such a great person to work for."

    One of the main missions Madden received when he came on board was to help deal with the post's aging infrastructure.

    "[Major] General Ivany asked me to take a look at every building on post and see what needed to be done," said Madden, referring to the former commandant.  "Out of that came the Facilities Action Team and as a result we've been able to make about $80 million worth of repairs, new construction and renovations to the buildings on post."

     Some of the major projects included renovations to Upton Hall, construction of Ridgway Hall, Bliss Hall renovations and the ongoing Anne Ely renovations.

    Throughout the uncertainty of the BRAC process, Madden maintained focus and progress on people-oriented improvements and a key result is the Residential Communities Initiative.

    "Post housing is something that's very important to this community," said Madden. "Along with the work done by Public Works, we helped bring RCI to Carlisle to give our residents the best housing available."

    Madden was active in both the post community and the Carlisle community.

     "When we got here, my daughter Kelsey was involved in playing lacrosse and in the time we've been here we've been able to help stand up a program at the middle school," said Madden.

     "We love living here and are glad to be staying here." Madden plans to find a job in the area and has bought a house in the Carlisle area.

    When asked what he will miss most about the post, Madden responded with two words:  "the people."

    "The people here at Carlisle Barracks, especially the civilian employees are what help make this place really special," he said. "The people who work here are what make this place unique and unlike any other in the Army. That's what makes it special."


Pfc. Elizabeth Jones, 109th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment  

Pa. National Guard welcomes newest combat vehicle


June 12, 2006 - The Pennsylvania National Guard's 56th Combat Stryker Brigade became the first National Guard unit to welcome the Stryker light armored vehicle to its fleet during a rollout ceremony at Fort Indiantown Gap, Pa., June 10.
    The ceremony marked the unit's transformation from a heavy combat brigade to a Stryker brigade, one of seven elite rapid-mobilization brigades in the Army and the only National Guard unit selected for the program.
   "The experience of this brigade from concept development to material fielding is not only serving as a catalyst to lead change across the Army National Guard here in Pennsylvania, but across the entire force," said Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Richard A. Cody. "We in the Army's senior leadership are committed to producing units that are fully ready in terms of training in modernized equipment . in whatever capacity they may be called on to serve this nation as citizen Soldiers."
    "We appreciate the confidence that the Department of Army has placed in the Pennsylvania Army National Guard," said Maj. Gen. Jessica L. Wright, Pa. NG adjutant general. "And I assure you that our Stryker brigade combat team will be the best in the inventory."
    The brigade began training in 2003, adding 20 extra days to their yearly training calendar so Soldiers would have extensive instruction on new electronic surveillance systems, visual communications equipment and driver training for the Stryker.
    "I feel like I'm ready to go whenever they need me," said Spc. Scott Jones, cavalry scout for Alpha Co., 2nd 104th Cavalry.
   "They are enthusiastic about change. They embrace technology and they are warriors," Wright added. "The combination of Soldier and machine will prove formidable forth anywhere in the world, as well as a tremendous asset here at home."
    Lt. Governor Catherine Baker Knoll and U.S. representatives Tim Holden and John Murtha also attended the ceremony.


Sgt. David Hopkins, Public Affairs Office

Army War College graduation marks milestone for military leaders in war on terrorism

 June 10, 2006-The first U.S. Army War College students from Iraq and Afghanistan graduated today at Carlisle Barracks, creating yet another marker in the 231-year history of Army missions on behalf of the nation. As the U.S. graduates head to assignments around the world, the 40 international officers in the class will return to engage the war on terror on their own turf. 

     "I will stay indebted to this college for enhancing my strategic knowledge," said the senior Iraqi officer. "In my consideration, the Army War College is an excellent institution."  

     The graduation speaker, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff retired Gen. Richard Myers, addressed the importance of working together to combat terror and promote peace.

     "It's never more obvious than when we're at war that we are a big family, a big team," said Myers. "Your job is to protect our freedom and you have to do it as a collective team."

      "The War College has given me the tools and experience needed to have the ability to look above the trees," said Col. Kelvin Owens, 2006 graduate, about the curriculum focus on strategic leadership, joint and multinational operations, interagency coordination, and national security strategy.

    "We learned how to make decisions, not what decisions to make. This has been a great experience."

    The Iraqi graduate noted that the Army War College experience extends beyond strategic studies.

     "The most rewarding element of my Army War College experience is the relationships I have now within the class, whether they are International Fellows or American students," he said.

    "The most brilliant point of my experience here is the story told by one of my International classmates that he had was hated all Iraqis because of  what he saw in the media, but now at the War College, he started to love all the Iraqis. This will be a proud reference that I can use as a good representative to my country and my army.

    "These relationships are the links and bridges to build and promote peace worldwide," said the Iraqi.

    The U.S. Army War College Class of 2006 graduated active and reserve component officers of all services. The class includes 207 Army officers, 36 Air Force officers, 21 Navy officers, 16 Marine Corps officers, and one Coast Guard officer. Forty International Fellows and 18 senior federal civilians add to the joint, inter agency and multinational perspectives of the class. The civilians represent the Department of the Army, Defense Leadership and Management Program, Department of State, National Security Agency and Department of Homeland Security are in the class.

    Myers completed his remarks with a personal note and a challenge.

    "You are the leaders we will count on.

    "I had two new grandchildren born last week," he said.  "I'm looking out at this crowd and asking who's going to protect my grandchildren."


Public Affairs staff report
Army War College announces AY 2006 Student Writing and Research Award Winners
The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Strategy Research Paper Contest
First Place Award


Col. Vincent Dreyer

"Retooling the Nation-Building Strategy in Afghanistan"

The Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Strategy Essay Contest
First Place Award


 Lt. Col. Stephen Dalzell

 U.S. Army Reserve

"Where the Streets Have no Names:  Looking Past OIF to Future Urban Operations"


The Commandant's Award for Distinction in Research


Col. David Hain

"The Chinese Century: Sino-American Relations - Change, Challenges, and Opportunities in the 21st Century "


Col. Kevan Jacobson

U.S. Army

"Restoring UCMJ Jurisdiction Over Civilian Employees During Armed Hostilities"


U.S. Navy Capt. John Sanford

 "The Korean Armistice:  Short Term Truce or Long Term Peace?"


U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Lt. Col. Scott T. Peterson

 "East Asia Summit:  Steps Toward Community to Prevent Great Power Hegemony and Implications for U.S. Policy"


The AWC Foundation Award for Outstanding Strategy Research Paper


Lt. Col. Douglas Miller

 "Key International Relations Concepts and The Bush Doctrine:  The Price for Hegemonic Stability in the 21st Century"


Col. Douglas Castle

 U.S. Army Reserve

"Shaping China's Rise Through Strategic Friction"


U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. William R. Lane

"Resourcing for Special Operations Forces (SOF): Should Responsibilities be Passed from USSOCOM Back to the Services?"


U.S. Navy Commander Bruce Peck, Jr.

"The U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve:  Needed Changes to Counter Today's Threats to Energy Security"


Lt. Col. Jeffrey Springman

 "The Rapier or the Club: The Relationship Between Attrition and Maneuver Warfare"


Col. Steven Bullimore

"The Military's Role in Nation-Building:Peace and Stability Operations Redefined"


The AWC Foundation Personal Experience Monograph Writing Award


Lt. Col. (P) Randall E. Twitchell

 "The 95th MP Battalion Deployment to Iraq-OIF II"


The AWC Executive Public Speaking Competition Award


Col. Warren Gunderman

 "Call to Duty:  230 Years of Service to the Nation"


The Excellence in Logistics Research or Writing Award


Col. William Zeller

"Black Berets and the Berry Amendment: Politics, Parochialism and the Press"


The Col. & Mrs. T. F. Bristol Military History Writing Award


British Army Col. Julian Clover

"The British Southern Campaign in the Revolutionary War: Implications for Contemporary Counter Insurgency"


The Lieutenant General Thomas J. Plewes Reserve Components

National Security Strategy Writing Award


Col. Kenneth Newlin

 "The Mobilization of Army Reserve Components:  Addressing Future Capacity Gaps in Power Projection Platforms"


The Red River Valley Fighter Pilots Association Writing Award


U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Michael Jordan

"Merging the Tribes: Streamlining DoD's Acquisition of Unmanned Aerial Systems"


The Military Order of the World Wars Writing Award


Lt. Col. Judith A. Davenport

 "Genghis Khan:  His Overlooked Theories of War and Strategy"


The U.S. Military Academy's William E. Simon Center for the Professional Military Ethic (SCPME) Writing Award


Col. Robert Tipton

"Professional Military Education for the "Pentathlete" of the Future"




Bryrony Foltz, Public Affairs Office

Indian Field softball diamonds near completion

    June 14, 2006 - The Indian Field softball fields, which have been undergoing renovations and repairs since April, are expected to be complete and ready to use by June 26. 

    "In order to play a game on the field prior to the repairs, it cost a few hundred dollars a day to prepare it due to the excess water that would lie on the field," said Chuck Gentile, post sports director.  

    The drainage problem on the field was fixed with a slight sloping of the infield and they are in the process of constructing new dugouts with concrete floors so that they can be swept out.  The dugouts will have new benches in them as well as shelves to store players' equipment.

    In addition to new dugouts, the field will also receive new backstops and fencing, as well as 3,500 square feet of sod and a top dressing for the grass, which will leave the field off limits for the next year, starting in September, so the grass has time to grow.  The field will also receive two tons of soil master to help keep the moisture out of the ground. 

    According to Gentile, the project must be completed by August 11 in order for the Seminar Softball League to be able to play. 

    "I think we'll have it done by the 26th, we've made a lot of progress so far.  We've already done a lot of work," said Gentile.

    Residents are asked to help keep the fields in good condition.

    "We're asking people to keep their bikes off of the track or fields because of all of the hard work that has gone into this project," said Lt. Col. Ty McPhillips, garrison commander. "Young Hall now has a designated play area, so there is no need to be on the fields."



Melissa Stahl, Public Affairs Office

CDC is getting much needed new look


   June 12, 2006 -- The paint on the walls at the Moore Child Development Center has seen a lot of children in the last 13 years, but now we will see some new colors in the building.

    "The CDC is a highly used facility at the Carlisle Barracks and really needed some work done, so we are all extremely enthusiastic for the changes," said Melody Irwin, director of CDC.

   The changes will include newly painted walls, all new kitchen supplies/appliances and the kids' favorite, a new playground.

    "The new playground will be much safer for the children. Splinters can really put a damper in the day. Also, Ryan Nieding, a summer hire, is putting in a butterfly garden," said Irwin.

    The updating has involved everyone, including the children, so the excitement is all-encompassing in the CDC right now.

    "It is so great because the project has not been made up of executive decisions. The children in each classroom actually get to choose the color for their room and have even been helping to get the room ready by taking posters off the walls, etc. The kids are really taking pride in the new CDC and that is a great thing to see," said Irwin.  



Sgt. Sara Wood, American Forces Press Service

DoD will inform servicemembers of data loss on pay statements

WASHINGTON (Army News Service, June 13, 2006) - The Defense Department will inform servicemembers who could be affected by the May theft of personal data from the Department of Veterans Affairs through their monthly pay statements.
    DoD is in the middle of an analysis to determine how many active-duty, Reserve and National Guard servicemembers could be affected by the data loss, which occurred when a VA employee loaded personal data onto a laptop, which was then stolen from his home, according to Lt. Col. Jeremy Martin.
    The VA initially reported that the data stolen included personal information on as many as 26.5 million veterans, and later updated the report to include as many as 1.1 million active-duty servicemembers, 430,000 National Guardsmen and 645,000 members of the Reserves as possible victims.
   These numbers are preliminary, as the DoD and VA are still working to determine what data was on the laptop.
    When the analysis is completed in upcoming weeks, the Defense Finance and Accounting Service will inform servicemembers who are determined to be vulnerable by putting a note on the bottom of their monthly leave and earnings statements, Martin said. The note will include phone numbers and Web sites that will provide more information on identity theft and what troops can do to protect themselves, he said.
    The VA has set up a special Web site and a toll-free telephone number for those possibly affected by the data loss: and (800) 333-4636. Each features up-to-date news and information on the data compromise. The Web site provides steps on how to check credit reports, how to guard against identity theft, and who to call if an individual believes any fraudulent activity is occurring with his or her personal information.
    Information relating to the defeat of identity theft is also available at the Military OneSource Web site:


Carlisle Summerfair 2006

  June 19, 2006 -- Carlisle Summerfair, community-wide events held on several days leading up to the Fourth of July, will be held this year from Friday, June 30 thru Tuesday, July 4. 

  Events taking place this year on Carlisle Barracks include a junior golf tournament (ages 12-16) June 29; a golf tournament (ages 16 & up) July 1; and a 5K run, July 3.

  For a complete schedule of events, times and places, and information on event registration, visit the Summerfair website at


FEMA release

July 4th holiday is here - use caution and be safe

    The U.S. Fire Administration, a component of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Preparedness Directorate, strongly urges all citizens to practice extra caution and safety during the upcoming Fourth of July activities across America.

    Charlie Dickinson, Acting U.S. Fire Administrator, understands the concerns voiced by the nation's fire marshals and first responders.

    "The Fourth of July is a time for citizens to celebrate the birth of our nation and spend time with family and friends," Dickinson said. "Cities and towns all over the country will have marching bands, community get-togethers - and fireworks. Firefighters everywhere know too well it's also a dangerous time for unnecessary fires and serious burns and injuries."

    An estimated 18,900 fireworks fires in 2004 caused approximately $21.8 million in property loss, and about 52 percent of those fires occurred during the month of July around the Independence Day holiday. Children under age 15 suffered 40 percent of the 9,600 injuries from fireworks devices. Firecrackers, sparklers and rockets are the leading contributors to these injuries. These statistics, the most recent available, were obtained from 2004 National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) data, the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA's) Fire Loss in the United States During 2004, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission's 2004 Fireworks Annual Report.

    "Parents and caregivers play a critical role in keeping children safe during these holiday events," continued Dickinson. "Fireworks should be used with extreme caution. Older children should be closely supervised and carefully instructed in the safe handling of legal fireworks. Sparklers and firecrackers may seem relatively safe, but even those types of fireworks are especially harmful to children. And younger children should not be allowed to play with fireworks at all."

    NFPA's newly released Fireworks report, along with fireworks fact sheets and a video showing how quickly clothing can ignite from the use of sparklers, can be found on the NFPA Web site.

    For all their noise and excitement, fireworks account for a large number of fires and injuries that are preventable. USFA reminds those who will be using fireworks to closely heed the safety advice on the packaging, and to practice the USFA fireworks safety tips below. Additionally, users must follow state and local laws regarding the purchase and lighting of these products. The USFA Web site provides access to a wide variety of cost-free fire-prevention and life-safety materials, including tips on barbeque and camping safety.

    "Someone getting burned or maimed can quickly turn a jubilant celebration into unnecessary tragedy. Don't let that happen," Dickinson urged. "Make a commitment to use caution and be safe as you celebrate this Fourth of July."

Fireworks Safety Tips from the U.S. Fire Administration

  • The best way to enjoy fireworks is to visit public fireworks displays put on by professionals who know how to safely handle fireworks.
  • If you plan to use fireworks, make sure they are legal in your area.
  • Never light fireworks indoors or near dry grass.
  • Always have a bucket of water and/or a fire extinguisher nearby. Know how to properly operate the fire extinguisher.
  • Do not wear loose clothing while using fireworks.
  • Stand several feet away from lighted fireworks. If fireworks do not go off, do not stand over them to investigate; douse them with water and carefully dispose of them.
  • Always read the directions and warning labels on fireworks. If the fireworks are not marked with the contents, directions, and warning labels, do not light them.
  • Supervise children around fireworks at all times.


Maj. Gen. David Huntoon, USAWC commandant

Independence Day Message

    Once again, we anticipate the birthday of our great Nation on July 4th.  The July 4th holiday is more than food, fun, and fireworks.  It is a tribute to the men and women who had the courage to dream of independence and see it become a reality.

    Enjoy your holiday and have a safe return to your workplace.  Please follow a few simple rules so that the day may be fun and not turn into a disaster:

  • Keep children away from food preparation areas and use potholders at the barbecue grill

  • Leave fireworks to professionals

  • Don't drink and drive.  Provide transportation for friends who have consumed too much alcohol

  • Always wear your seatbelt when in a moving vehicle.

    Please enjoy your July 4th weekend activities in a safe, healthful, and responsible manner.


July 4th holiday closures\changes in hours

    There are a few of the closures or changes in operation for the July 4 holiday. Visitors are advised to call ahead to other on-post agencies and verify hours in they are not listed here.   

Bowling Center

July 1- July 4  Closed


Thorpe Hall Gymnasium

July 3- Open 6 a.m.- 6 p.m.

July 4 Closed


Skill Development Center

July 1- Closed

July 3- Closed

July 4-Closed


Letort View Community Center

Root Hall Cafeteria - July 3, 4- Closed

Dunham Snack Bar - July 3, 4- Closed

AHEC Deli-July 3,4-Closed


Residential Communities Office

July 3 and 4-Closed


GMH Offices

July 3, Open normal hours. July 4 - closed  


ID card section

July 3-Open 7 a.m.- 1 p.m.

July 4-Closed


Local Independence Day celebrations

    To commemorate the Independence Day holiday, the following communities will be hosting fireworks displays over the weekend:

Saturday, July 1
     Carlisle-  9:30 p.m., Carlisle Fairgrounds
     Marietta-  11:00 p.m., War Memorial Park (rain date July 2)
     Mountville- at dusk, Froehlich Park

Sunday, July 2- Long's Park-  9:00 p.m.

Monday, July 3- Red Lion- at dusk, Horn Field (rain date July 5th)

Independence Day:
Ephrata- 9:30 p.,. Lincoln Heights Outdoor Recreation Area
     Hanover- 9:30 p.m. Moul Field
     Harrisburg City- 9:05 p.m., along the waterfront (rain date July 5th)
     Hershey Park- 10:15 p.m., at the park
     Lebanon- 9:00 p.m., Coleman Memorial Park (rain date July 5th)
     Lititz- 10:00 in the Lititz Park
     Wrightsville- 9:30 p.m., Front St. And River (rain date July 5th)
     York Expo Center-  9:15 p.m.-music begins at 7 p.m.-York Expo Center (rain date July 5th)



Bryrony Foltz, Public Affairs Office

New Methods of Reporting Domestic Violence established

    June 14, 2006 -- The Victim Advocate for Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault, Maureen D'Arcy would like the community to be aware of the newest form of reporting domestic abuse and the responsibilities associated with it, which went into effect last month. 

    Services are provided under a restricted report without law enforcement and command notification whereas unrestricted reporting requires that notification.

    "It is essential for people to know that the DoD intent for the restricted reporting option is to enable victims of domestic abuse and sexual assault crimes the opportunity to receive the necessary medical care and counseling by eliminating real or perceived perceptions of adverse action against the abused," D'Arcy pointed out. Abuse is considered any form of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse or neglect. 

    D'Arcy said that domestic violence is under reported for multiple reasons.

    "Therefore, many victims do not receive the help they need," she said. "In the interest of promoting family safety, to make that first step easier, restricted reporting is now an option as a means for the domestic violence victim to receive medical treatment, safety planning, shelter, and counseling without police investigation and command notification."

      Unrestricted reporting, the reporting method commonly used, remains available to provide those services mentioned as well as referrals to legal, housing, financial, and educational assistance, but does include law enforcement investigation and command involvement.

    "Both are intended to ensure that services for the care and treatment of the victim are met," said D'Arcy. "The victim may change the status of a restricted report to that of an unrestricted one at any time.  Restricted reporting also allows more time for the victim to process information, examine available options, and consider choices for change. "

    In order for a domestic violence report to maintain a restricted status, a person  must report only to certain people.

    "They must report to the victim advocate, Family Advocacy Program manager, or credentialed healthcare providers to include social workers," said D'arcy. "If the incident is made known to anyone else, it becomes an unrestricted report."

    Confidentiality is also suspended when a threat to the safety of the victim or others, (to include child abuse) is suspected. 

    "Both reporting options are available and should be utilized as a means to receive victim services," she said. "Services are provided to active duty members, dependents, and DoD employees who are eligible to receive military medical treatment."  These services are available at the post Army Community Services. ACS offers a 24 hour emergency contact, safety planning, escort services to medical and legal provider appointments, follow up services, education and awareness training, and comprehensive services to include appropriate referrals.

    Safety-planning services and civilian support service referrals will be provided to all personnel who contact the Victim Advocate for assistance.

     For more information contact Maureen D'Arcy at 245-3788 or stop by the office at Army Community Services, 632 Wright Avenue.


Melissa Stahl, Public Affairs Office

NSS speaker focuses on democratization of Iraq

June 6, 2006 -- National Security Seminar week featured speaker Larry Diamond, a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute and author of Squandered Victory: The American Occupation and the Bungled Effort to Bring Democracy to Iraq.  

    Diamond addressed the U.S. Army War College students, faculty and guests on the war efforts in Iraq with a focus on his area of expertise, democratization. During his talk, Diamond analyzed the democratization process in Iraq with a comparative approach. Diamond studies the history and events of nations that have already been through the democratization process and throughout his speech he referred to countries such as Egypt, for examples.  

    "We must allow democratic views to emerge, but this is not done with a focus on elections, but with a focus on promoting and securing free media, professionalism and transparency which will curb corruption. An independent judiciary is central to a democratizing country's success, as illustrated with Egypt," said Diamond.

    Diamond discussed the present state in Iraq, and how the fight for democracy fits into recent history.       "If our goal is promoting democracy and freedom around the world, we can take great heart in what has happened in the last 30 years," said Diamond.

    Diamond's take on the best way to continue the war in Iraq focuses on more the product, but the process.  

    "We need to proceed in a gradual way, in a sequenced way. If the process is too rapid the emphasis shifts to political parties and social movements rather than democratic ideals. Moderate views need to be embraced now.

    Diamond has lectured taught and conducted research in 25 countries and is the founding co-editor of the Journal of Democracy. His field of expertise is in U.S. Foreign policy affecting democracy in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Currently, he lectures and writes about the challenges of post-conflict state-building in Iraq and about the challenges of promoting and developing democracy worldwide. Larry Diamond received all of his degrees from Stanford University, including a B.A. in 1974, an M.A. in 1978, and a Ph.D. in Sociology in 1980.

    The speakers and other events for NSS week are sponsored by the USAWC Foundation and USAWC Alumni Association. 


Bryrony Foltz, Public Affairs Office

Economics topic focuses NSS discussion

June 7, 2006 -- Martin Wolf, associate editor and chief economics commentator at the London Financial Times, was a guest speaker for the National Security Seminar in Bliss Hall June 7.

    Wolf spoke about Globalization and National Security Issues with the students, staff, faculty and guests of the USAWC. 

    Wolf credits economics as the reason to why globalization works, saying, "While globalization is not irreversible, it took two world wars and a great recession to stop it the last time.  It would like likely take just as much to halt it this time."

    Wolf graduated from Oxford University with a Master of Philosophy degree in Economics in 1971 and joined the World Bank's Young Professionals Programme, becoming a senior economist in 1974. He left the World Bank in 1981, to become Director of Studies at the Trade Policy Research Centre, in London. He joined the FT in 1987 as Chief Economics lead writer and is now Associate Editor and Chief Economic Advisor there.

    Wolf is the author of Why Globalization Works, published in 2004.  USAWC faculty member Col. Joe Nunez described Wolf as "a man from whom wisdom is sought at the very highest levels."

   The speakers and other events for NSS week are sponsored by the USAWC Foundation and USAWC Alumni Association. 


Sgt. David Hopkins, Public Affairs Office

First sergeant leaves to take on other military challenges


 June 6, 2006-Over the last year, the Soldiers of Headquarters Company at Carlisle Barracks have had a leader who was a supportive disciplinarian, but now he's moving on to take a new position and new challenges.

    1st Sergeant Thomas Gray, headquarters company first sergeant, is leaving this month to either join the 89th Military Police Brigade or serve as the 1st Cavalry Divisions Deputy Provost Sergeant Major  at Fort Hood, Texas.

    "I really am going to miss everyone here," said Gray. "Everyone has been very supportive and has made my job easy. The Soldiers and civilians here are outstanding. I've never been anyplace in the Army where people were so willing to help each other."

New to Carlisle

    Soldiers described Gray as someone who held them to high standards.

    "He seemed to still be in drill sergeant mode when he first got here," said Sgt. Sandra Gaines of the Human Resource Division. "But he really didn't change much in his time here. He always made sure the Soldiers did what they had to do and be where they had to be."

    When Gray first arrived on post he was with the military police, but later was moved into the first sergeant position.

    Everyone has heard the stories about the Soldier who had his or her things packed and was ready to change duty stations when they got a call and were told they were staying, but in Gray's case it is true. Gray, then the provost sergeant, had the moving truck nearly full of his household goods when he received a call. He was asked to take the first sergeant position for Headquarters Company and jumped at the opportunity.


    There were two things Gray focused on during his time here, discipline and physical fitness.

    "I was a direct leader," said Gray. "I wasn't always the most popular guy, but everyone knew where they stood with me. I told it how it was."

  "He brought a lot of needed discipline to the company in a nontraditional military environment," said Capt. Peter Plante, headquarters company commander. "He showed everyone what right is."

    Then Plante added with a smile, reminiscing about hill runs at the Carlisle fairground, "he also believes that physical fitness is the foundation for combat readiness and he thoroughly enjoyed ensuring that we were all in the best shape possible."

A caring first sergeant

    Besides dealing with the Soldiers on a disciplinary level, Gray also was there for them on a personal level.

    "He always took time to talk with Soldiers and was concerned with their personal and professional lives," said Plante. "He took action when necessary. He was also always ready to help with any other tenant unit on this post. That was one of his great characteristics."

    Gray is modest about his impact on the unit and the Soldiers during his time here.

    "I can not take credit for anything the company has done in my time here," said Gray. "The great Soldiers here made it all happen through their hard work and dedication to their missions. They always stayed focused and were always willing to help each other out with tasks."

    "My hope for the NCOs and Soldiers in the future is for them to remain as professional as they are now," said Gray. "They are a small unit, but they do great things. They do an amazing job of taking care of each other and they need to continue doing that."

   Staff Sgt. Arletta Gibson, detachment sergeant, will be taking on first sergeant duties.


Melissa Stahl, Public Affairs Office

Outgoing Omar Bradley Chair honored at ceremony

June 1, 2006- The high level of success of a jointly established academic chair program between the U.S. Army War College and Dickinson College was celebrated at a ceremony today in the LVCC.

    "This year's Omar Bradley Chair had a marvelous year," said Maj. Gen.  David Huntoon, USAWC commandant.

    Don Holder, retired lieutenant general, was the this year's holder of the Omar N. Bradley Chair of Strategic Leadership.

    William Durden, president of Dickinson College, attended the luncheon to celebrate the success of the Omar Bradley Chair 2006 and to help present a gift to Holder: a decorative chair, quite fittingly. 

    "General Holder was many great things to this position. The concept of rigor is something he fully embraced," said Huntoon.

    The next chair holder will be Dr. Richard Kohn, who chairs the Curriculum in Peace, War and Defense at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he is a professor of history. 


    The United States Army War College and Dickinson College jointly established the General Omar N. Bradley Chair of Strategic Leadership in order to provide a visiting scholar the opportunity to explore with students and faculty the nature of leadership and how it can best and most ethically be exercised in a world transformed by globalization, technology and cultural change. The chair is intended to enhance the study of leadership and to encourage civilian-military dialogue.

    The Omar N. Bradley Chair of Strategic Leadership was named in memory of the World War II hero and is a position co-funded by the Army War College Foundation through a generous gift from Mutual of America, in honor of William J. Flynn, Chairman of the Board.

Those appointed to the chair are recognized leaders and specialists on leadership issues drawn from the military, government, academic, business and nonprofit sectors.

    The chair promotes the study of leadership in the context of security and strategy and from the perspective of the liberal arts and sciences.
    General Holder's principal activities in recent years have been in supporting concept development for senior leaders of TRADOC, serving as an operational commander and senior observer in Joint and Army experiments, and in assisting in Army future force development.


Melissa Stahl, Public Affairs Office

Parents donate time and skill to make post a more colorful place

  June 9, 2006 - The Carlisle Barracks Youth Services have some critters, but don't worry, they don't have an insect problem. The YS is now home to a mural featuring the characters from the kids book Where the Wild Things Are.   

    Col. Cindy Murphy, USAWC student, whose son is in the YS middle school program, volunteered her time, energy and skill to paint the exterior of the YS building one day, but she didn't stop there.

    "Cindy had the idea to paint a mural in the entry way, so she showed us a sample; we loved it and now look what we have. It's amazing!" said Brenda Magnin, school age program assistant.

    Murphy did the drawings and others helped her paint. They completed the work during their weekends.

    "Lt. Col. Jimmie Keenan, Kathleen Rowland and I, all pitched in to get the painting done," said Magnin.

    It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words and Magnin agrees.

    "I just love that they thought enough about us [Youth Services] to do this. It is more than just beautiful art work to me. It shows that they are so grateful for the good job we do with their children that want to give something back; they want to go above and beyond for us too," said Magnin.

    Murphy, formerly Cindy Crowell, will take command of the garrison at Ft. Lewis, Wash., after graduation. 




Public Affairs staff report

IF sponsors still needed


June 8, 2006 -- Interested in learning more about other countries and helping an international student adjust to life in Carlisle? Then you should be an International Fellows Program Barracks Sponsors.

    The USAWC IF program is looking for  sponsors for incoming International Fellows and their families that are due to arrive on/or about June 25. International Fellows from two countries still need a Carlisle Barracks sponsor to help assure that their arrival is a pleasant experience, according to Kevin Bremer, acting director of the International Fellows Program. 

    "Volunteers will be the key to making the IF and his family feel welcome and helping them establish a home in the Carlisle community. The IF and their families often encounter many cultural challenges.  Sponsors' sound advice and assistance are essential and contribute immeasurably to their transition to life in the United States.  Barracks Sponsors work with Community Sponsors from Carlisle and the surrounding area," said Bremer.

    International Fellows are lieutenant colonels, colonels, or brigadier generals.

    A Barracks Sponsor also acquaints the IF and his family with our customs and way of life," said Bremer. "IFs and their families want to make friends and learn as much as possible about our country.  In turn, Barracks Sponsors have a unique opportunity to learn about a foreign country and to promote mutual understanding.  They become a vital key in assuring that the IFs acquire a lasting and favorable impression of the United States and our society."

    Although the sponsorship extends throughout the year, the most important task will be to help the IF during the critical period immediately following his arrival in the Carlisle area. 

    "The first three or four days are the most difficult and a warm welcome is essential.  If sponsors are unable to conduct these initial activities due to leave, absence, etc., they may coordinate with the Community Sponsor or another trusted agent to ensure the IF's arrival is completely covered," said Bermer.

    Bremer invites interested Carlisle Barracks personnel to contact his office at 245-4830 to learn more. 


Melissa Stahl, Public Affairs Office

Army War College faculty makes a difference all over the world

June 8, 2006 -- The U.S. Army War College's  founder, Elihu Root, described the USAWC purpose as, "Not to promote war, but to preserve peace by intelligent and adequate preparation." and still today peace support operations are central to international function and the U.S. military mission.

   At the Sea Island Summit, in 2004, G-8 members called for "an international police training center that would serve as a Center of Excellence to provide training and skills for Stability Police in peace support operations." This G-8 initiative has been a great success and one of the U.S. Army War College's very own, Col. Christine Stark, had a great deal to do with its progress, thus far.

    "CoESPU was established in Vicenza, Italy in March 2005 to serve as a doctrinal hub for stability policing and to provide training for future Stability Police Unit commanders, mid-grade officers, and NCOs," said Stark.  The initial focus of this initiative centers on African Countries; but in addition to Kenya, Morocco, Cameroon, and Senegal, the first classes also included police from Jordan and India.

    Stark spent four months in Vicenza from the beginning of October 2005 through the end of January 2006, as the Deputy Director of the Center of Excellence for Stability Police Units (CoESPU). She assisted with curriculum development, training oversight, and was responsible for overseeing around $ 10 million worth of U.S. investment in the Center.

   "This endeavor is really important to me because it is on the cutting edge. Creation of these units focuses on the prevention of conflict triggers in the security sector and offer an indispensable capabilities alongside traditional military contingents and individual police because they are vital for overcoming the public security gap.  This is truly strategic. This is what it is all about," said Stark.

     "CoESPU was created to address the burgeoning demand for a robust and rapidly deployable policing capability and this is exactly what the center is doing," said Stark.

    The international training center is provided resources from the United States, but recently, the United Nations (UN) has made known its desire to help in the process of preparing police to serve future UN missions requiring these skills and expertise.

    Stark is the director of Law Enforcement Operations with the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute.


Tom Zimmerman, Public Affairs Office

Post residents reminded to take precautions against West Nile Virus

June 6, 2006 - "It's that time of the year again for people to take steps to reduce their risk of becoming infected with West Nile virus," said Pa. State Health Secretary Dr. Calvin B. Johnson. 

    Last year in Pennsylvania, there were 25 cases of human West Nile Virus and two deaths that may have been related to the infections. In 2004, there were 15 human cases and two deaths. 

    Last year on Carlisle Barracks one mosquito pool was found to be positive for West Nile virus.  A pool is a group of up to 25 mosquitoes collected on the same night in the same location.

   Carlisle Barracks has a team that cooperates with local authorities to help fight the spread of the virus. The Department of Public Works, Dunham Environmental Health Office and Allegheny District Veterinarian Command have been monitoring the situation and are doing what they can to keep the post safe.

    While most people infected do not get sick, a small percentage of those infected will experience a fever, rash, headache, meningitis (inflammation of the tissue surrounding the brain), encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or even death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Anyone is at risk, but older adults and people with compromised immune systems have the highest risk of developing severe illness because their bodies have a harder time fighting off disease.

    Simple steps can reduce the risk of contracting West Nile virus.  If you will be outdoors in areas where mosquitoes may be prevalent, remember to use insect repellent containing DEET, especially during dawn and dusk, and wear long sleeves and light colored clothing.

    Residents can take a few simple steps in their own back yards to reduce their risk of contracting the West Nile virus. Mosquitoes will develop in any puddle that lasts for more than four days.

Tips to eliminate standing water:

·         Dispose of tin cans, plastic containers, ceramic pots or similar water-holding containers that have accumulated on your property

·         Pay special attention to discarded tires that may have accumulated on your property

·         Drill holes in the bottom of containers that are left outdoors.

·         Drainage holes that are located on a container's sides allow them to collect enough water for mosquitoes to breed

·         Clean clogged roof gutters on an annual basis

·         Turn over plastic wading pools, wheelbarrows and birdbaths when not in use

·         Aerate ornamental pools or stock them with fish

·         Clean and chlorinate swimming pools that are not being used. Mosquitoes may even breed in water that collects on swimming pool covers or tarps covering equipment or vehicles such as RVs or boats

·         Use landscaping to eliminate standing water that collects on your property.


Bryrony Foltz, Public Affairs Office

PX re-design nears completion

 June 7, 2006 -- The end is in sight for the ongoing Post Exchange renovations which started in April. 

    Among the new renovations are a repaired interior ceiling, new walls with fresh paint, a new floor with new carpeting, new fixtures, and a new red, white, and blue sign to welcome shoppers before they enter the store.

    Not only will the look of the PX change, but the layout will change also as well.  PX Manager Jack Scott expects the biggest change to be the moving of the electronics section. 

    "When they walk in, they will see TVs covering the whole back wall," he explained. "There will also be a self-service shoe department so shoppers won't have to wait for someone to help them."

    The changes were made with the concerns and needs of the shoppers in mind.

     "Basically, it's going to be a whole new shopper-friendly layout, with more brand names than before," said Scott. "We are going to try to minimize the inconvenience to the customers as much as we can by replacing things such as the floors after we close for the night."

    The $500,000 project is scheduled to wrap up at the end of July. 


Bryrony Foltz, Public Affairs Office

Root Hall library roof project nears completion

June 7, 2006 -- After months of work, the Root Hall library roof project is nearing completion. The library in Root Hall is scheduled to receive a new skylight on June 12. 

    "The majority of the work will be done the week of June 12 so as to not interfere with the National Security Seminar and the resident class graduation," said Deamer Davidson, the project manager for DPW.

    "There will be quite a bit of drilling, with the majority of the noise being concentrated in the library area. The noise shouldn't impact the rest of the building too much," said Davidson. 

    The project schedule could shift due to the weather.

    The plaza roof is scheduled to be closed starting June 12 for the installation. Beginning that day, the patio will be closed and a crew will be removing the temporary roof from the library and replacing it with a substructure. Then, weather permitting, on June 14, the manufacturer will come in to install the skylight, which should take at least three days. This process is the last phase in a larger project to fix the roof of the library, which has been leaking since 1967.

    "We are very happy at the prospect of the skylight because the library is underground," said Bohdan Kohutiak, USAWC Librarian.  "This skylight will certainly bring an added dimension to the library as it will be nicely centered in the reading room which will allow people to come in and enjoy the daylight."


Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, United States Army Chief of Staff

Celebrating the tradition of the American Soldier

    As we approach our Army's 231st birthday, I ask each of you to think about what it means to be a Soldier.  You are serving in the best fighting force the world has ever known.  Our Nation rightfully demands that we adhere to the highest standards of conduct at all times.

    Our recent observance of Memorial Day honors the sacrifices of past warriors and heroes.  Their stories are shining examples of what our Nation expects from its sons and daughters.  They remind us of the importance of the Army Values, the Warrior Ethos and the Soldier's Rules.  Think about these principles.  Talk with your leaders, peers, and subordinates about them. And most importantly, follow these baseline standards of conduct at all times.

    Many of you have faced, or will face, deadly situations requiring you to quickly make the right decision.  Keep the Army Values, the Warrior Ethos and the Soldier's Rules constantly in the forefront of your minds.  America expects disciplined, professional conduct from all of us in uniform, and I am confident you will set the standard for others to follow. 


Gen. George W. Casey, Multi-National Force - Iraq, Commanding General also stressed that the Soldiers fighting today have a strong tradition to uphold in a recent message to troops serving under his command.

    Over the last three years, your sacrifices and those of your comrades before you brought the Iraqi people freedom, a democratically elected government, and a chance for a new future. The Multi-National Force is now at the point where we can move from the forefront of the effort to secure freedom to a position where we assist the Iraqis in securing and governing their own country.

    One important way for us to assist the Iraqis is to demonstrate the discipline and values that mark us as professional armed forces of free and democratic nations.

    Discipline, accountability, and adherence to legal principles governing armed conflict are fundamental to every professional military organization. They underscore the primacy of law and exemplify ethical conduct in operations, both of which are central to our campaign against insurgents and terrorists in Iraq. Rules of engagement are concise guidance on lawful and proportionate use of force during all operations. These rules ensure that our forces can accomplish their assigned mission while safeguarding noncombatants, and while exercising the inherent right of self-defense.

     Military leaders are required to make difficult decisions, often in dangerous and ambiguous situations. Our decisions must reflect our professional values: loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage. Individually and collectively, our commitment to these values will ensure our conduct is above reproach in every respect.

    As Iraq enters a new era of democratic government founded on adherence to the Rule of Law, we renew our commitment to uphold our professional military values. Guided by these principles, we will assist the Iraqis in prevailing over the terrorists and their allies that threaten their future unity, security and prosperity.


Army News Service

Current servicemembers may be affected by VA data loss

June 7, 2006 - Personal data stolen on 26.5 million servicemembers included information on more active-duty personnel than initial findings indicated, Secretary of Veterans Affairs R. James Nicholson announced yesterday.
    VA announced over the weekend that information on some active-duty personnel were among the data stolen on up to 26.5 million individuals. Initial findings from VA and the Department of Defense indicated the personal information on approximately 50,000 active duty, National Guard and Reserve personnel may have been involved.
    As the two agencies compared electronic files, VA and DoD learned that personal information on as many as 1.1 million military members on active duty, 430,000 members of the National Guard and 645,000 members of the Reserves may have been included in the data theft.
    In May, the VA learned that an employee took home electronic data without authorization, in violation of established VA policies. The employee's home was burglarized and the data were stolen. Included were names, Social Security numbers, and dates of birth for up to 26.5 million veterans.
    Law enforcement agencies investigating the incident have no indication that the stolen information has been used to commit identity theft.
    The VA receives records for every new accession and military enlistee because active-duty personnel and National Guard and Reservists are eligible for such VA benefits as GI Bill educational assistance and the home loan guaranty program.
    "VA remains committed to providing updates on this incident as new information is learned," said Nicholson. "The Department will continue to make every effort to inform and help protect those potentially affected, and is working with the Department of Defense to notify all affected personnel."
    Nicholson said VA is currently in discussions with several entities to determine how veterans and active-duty personnel potentially affected can best be protected.
   Those who believe they may be affected can continue to go to for more information.
    VA also continues to operate a call center that individuals can contact to get information about this incident and learn more about consumer-identity protections. The call center, at (800) FED-INFO, is open Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
(Editor's note: Provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs Public Affairs Office.)


Army News Service

Wounded warriors can continue serving

June 6, 2006 - The Army is opening doors for severely wounded Soldiers, allowing them to continue serving.
    Representatives from 23 U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command agencies, to include the Army War College,  offered more than 400 military and defense department jobs to men and women missing limbs and suffering from other injuries at a Wounded Warrior Job Fair at Walter Reed Army Medical Center June. 2.
    "We want them to know that they are wanted for continuous service in uniform or as a civilian," said Lt. Gen. Robert Van Antwerp, commanding general of the U.S. Army Accessions Command and deputy commanding general of Initial Military Training, Fort Monroe, Va. "We're giving people who want to serve the opportunity to continue to serve."
    More than 300 service members wounded in operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom participated in the job fair while awaiting the final results of medical boards and surgical procedures.
    Injuries ranging from fractures, broken bones and amputations to nerve damage have left many Soldiers concerned about what future career opportunities are available to them. The chance to transition to the civilian sector and still contribute to the Army appealed to some.
    "There are a lot worse things out there than the military," said Sgt. 1st Class Denis Viau, platoon sergeant, 1st Brigade, 25th Infantry Division Striker Brigade Combat Team, Fort Lewis, Wash., whose right leg was amputated as a result of injuries he sustained from an IED in Iraq. "I think everybody should take this opportunity, even if they are not staying in the military."
    Others wanted to continue serving.
    "I joined the military because I wanted a change of career, and I believe in what we were doing and I wanted to do my part," said Sgt. Nathan Potts, a medic with 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Benning, Ga. "If I can find something that can facilitate me in a different field, I would like to stay; but if not, then I'll go back to being a high school science teacher and football coach."
    Potts lost his right leg to amputation above the knee, also from injuries sustained from an IED in Iraq.
    Senior enlisted advisors from Human Resources Command and installation command sergeants major from around the Army attended the job fair to help Soldiers get an assignment preference or move to another career field.
    "We are offering supply positions, wheel-vehicle mechanics, food service and management skills for those who want to change (jobs), and we may even adjust the position so that it will fit with the environment," said Command Sgt. Maj. Anthony Aubain, command sergeant major, U.S. Army Combined Arms Support Command and Fort Lee, Va.
    The job fair resulted from a new program called CARES - Civilian Army Recruitment of Exceptional Soldiers. TRADOC is the second major Army command to incorporate the program, which is primarily geared toward service members who have received a 30-percent or higher disability due to injuries sustained in the Global War on Terrorism.
    Additional job fairs will be held June 21 at WRAMC, Aug. 9 at Fort Gordon, Ga., and Sept. 19 at Fort Sam Houston, Texas.
    For more details on the Wounded Warrior Program, go to or call (800) 237-1336.