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Lt. Col. Carol Kerr, Public Affairs Office

Garrison looks to IMA, not TRADOC 


  Jan. 29, 2003 -- A good mayor serves all the residents and businesses in town, and the transformed Installation Management concept will help the Carlisle Barracks "mayor," the garrison commander, give standard levels of service to all units and residents of the post.

    The changes are subtle so far with the new Installation Management Agency. The array of command photos in Garrison Headquarters now includes one of Diane Devens, for example. The senior executive, the civilian equivalent of a brigadier general, is the director of the Northeast Regional Office of the Installation Management Office.

    A 1998 graduate of the Army War College, Devens is breaking ground in a whole new way of doing business in garrison operations, or "basops." As of Oct. 1, garrison commander Lt. Col. John Koivisto started reporting to Devens, the NERO director, and his senior rater is the War College commandant.

    Under IMA, mission commanders, like the War College commandant, will see full support from garrison operations even as the garrisons refocus to better serve all tenant units and offer the same services from installation to installation.

   It's about the money, to a great extent.

   The IMA plan is to cure a couple of old problems. One is the "haves and have nots."  Installations like Fort Hood with large populations tend to have more services than smaller ones. Another problem is budgeting, since base operations monies worldwide have been routinely "borrowed" to meet the demand of mission requirements.

    The new IMA director, Maj. Gen. Andy Aadland, was here in January for a workshop on the Installation Management Agency. Underfunding is producing continued facility deterioration across all Army installations, he noted. That's one reason the Army is taking a holistic approach to all installations worldwide.

    "The Secretary of the Army's intent is that we've got to change the way we manage installations and use corporate structure," said Aadland to a full house at his noontime lecture on IMA, in Wil Washcoe Auditorium on Jan. 23.

    IMA intends to eliminate migration of basops dollars to mission, find regional efficiencies, and level out services via 'standard levels of service,' said Aadland. "We've never had that," he added.

   "Garrisons are now becoming part of the IMA - understanding a new way of operating while remaining loyal to the mission commanders on post," said Aadland whose seven IMA regions include Army installations around the world.

    The first year includes new relationships and developing new ways of doing business. Koivisto means to make sure that IMA folks understand the uniqueness of Carlisle Barracks.

   "We have a working relationship with the IMA personnel since our garrison was a TRADOC activitiy and most of the IMA/ NERO personnel came out of TRADOC," said Koivisto. "It will take a year to burn in the regional headquarters. We won't see dollars flow in 'til '04 or '05.

    "We have to work now in '03 to adequately define what we are, and who and what we need to be -- to define our own future instead of waiting for others to define it," he said.

    Ironically, Carlisle Barracks doesn't suffer greatly from "small post" syndrome. "Right now our child development center is one of the best in the army, thanks to a great staff of professionals," said Koivisto. "But, we haven't had a school-age services tutor in 18 months. We've used those dollars in other places because of the luxury of tutor-volunteers. Many things are funded with students in mind, which marginalized the faculty and staff and family members and othe tenants.

    "I'm responsible for supporting the whole population," said Koivisto.

    Looking out about five years, Koivisto said he sees better services that are consistent across the army. We don't have here many of the services that other installations enjoy. With a standard level of service, you'll see a wood shop at every installation. We may see better fitness equipment

or more gym staffing.   

    "Along with the Objective Force and the Interim Brigade Combat Teams, this is the basops piece of Army Transformation," said Koivisto. "The IMA motto is key to the role of garrison: sustain, support, defend."




Jeffrey T. Ege, Public Affairs Office

Dunham briefs clinic workers on smallpox and vaccination


    Jan  27, 2003 --An information briefing on smallpox and the smallpox vaccination was held Jan. 17 in Reynolds Theater for the employees of Dunham Army Health Clinic and their family members.

   Selected clinic healthcare workers at the clinic will receive smallpox vaccinations in February in accordance with a Department of Defense directive after being screened for conditions that may make getting the vaccine dangerous, like HIV, a previous history of cancer, pregnancy, or certain medications.

    It was important that all Dunham workers get the briefing, not just those scheduled to be vaccinated, according to Col. Gordon Miller, Dunham Army Health Clinic commander.

    "Patients aren't just going to be asking their healthcare providers questions; they're going to be asking any and all clinic employees they come into contact with," Miller said. "That's why it's important that all our workers are knowledgeable in this area."

    Miller held a question-and-answer period after his presentation, which covered the areas of the disease's history, how it is spread, how it is diagnosed, how the vaccination is given, care of the vaccination site, vaccination side effects, adverse reactions to the vaccination and how to report them, and what will exempt healthcare personnel selected to receive the vaccination from having to do so.

    After the briefing, a clinic employee asked if it is okay to bathe, or share toiletries with others after receiving the vaccination. The answer is, "yes and no."

    It is okay to bathe after receiving the vaccination, said Miller. But, it is not okay to share toiletries or towels, he said. The vaccination contains a small amount of the cowpox virus, and the site can be contagious for a period after getting it, he explained. If frequent hand washing and appropriate care of the site is not provided, the vaccinia virus can be transmitted to any part of the body, auto-inoculation, or to any other person, contact transfer.  Fever and muscular pain can also accompany infection. Human cowpox most often responds to medical treatment if the lesions do not quickly begin to disappear by themselves, which is frequently the case.




Fire drills to occur in February

To ensure the safety of the civilian and military workforce, students, and family members, the post will conduct emergency evacuation drills during the month of February in these resident buildings and workplaces --
    * Stanwix Apartments -- Young Hall -- Coren Apartments;
    * Collins Hall -- Root Hall -- Anne Ely Hall.



Lt. Col. Randall A. Wright, Acting Inspector General

Introducing . the IG Corner


     Jan 27, 2003 --I would like to introduce myself to the soldiers, civilians, families, and retired personnel of Carlisle Barracks. I am the new Acting Inspector General and look forward to supporting this community.  I have served as an Inspector General in Korea and have been assigned to the USAWC for the past 18 months. 

    As an Acting Inspector General I have a limited scope of responsibility. I will however, provide general assistance to customers. I do not have authority to conduct Inquiries or Investigations, but will forward these cases to the appropriate Inspector General Office.

   The Department of Defense provides all employees a remedy or means of redress. The USAWC Inspector General Office provides this means to pursue any complaint or concern or issue.

    I ask that you utilize your chain of command as much as possible prior to visiting this office.  Several communications channels are available to bring an issue or concern to my attention.

·         Walk in. My office is Room 1011 in Collins Hall, 650 Wright Avenue on post;

·         Phone 717 245 3843, -4093, 3017; or

·         Write to me at CSL, Bldg 650, Carlisle, PA, 17013, ATTN: LTC Randall Wright.

Filing a Complaint

    If you are filing a complaint the following information will be requested:

·         Your full name, rank, duty title, telephone numbers (unless you want to be anonymous);

·         Nature of the complaint/concern;

·         Key witnesses;

·         Specifically state what you want to be done.

The standard Inspector General Request Form, DA Form 1559-R can be found on form filler.

    All requests for support will be reviewed. This office will take appropriate action and will either work the case or will forward to another Inspector General Office.

    Please be advised that if you are a third party complainant you will not be provided results to the findings.

    I am looking forward to serving this community as your Inspector General.




William Cleckner and Christopher Fowler, Center for Strategic Leadership

Army War College professors win international award


 Jan. 27, 2003 -- The Artificial Intelligence community recently awarded the 2002 "Innovative Application" Award to a U.S. Army War College professor for research in building an "instructable" AI agent.

    Professor Gheorghe Tecuci is the AWC Visiting Professor of Artificial Intelligence who accepted the award on behalf of the research team. Their "deployed application with measurable benefits" was honored at the 14th annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence at Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

    "This is a unique and important military application - a tool for performing Center of Gravity analysis for strategic operations," said one of the reviewers.  The American Association for Artificial Intelligence seeks to recognize use of AI technology, innovation, significance, technical quality and clarity.

   Correctly identifying the centers of gravity of the opposing forces is of highest importance in any conflict, according today's joint and Army publications. It's also one of the most difficult problems that senior military leaders face.  Therefore, an integral part of the curriculum at the nation's senior service colleges is center of gravity determination and analysis in campaign planning. 

     Center of gravity is "the hub of all power and movement, on which everything depends," as defined in the classic On War by Carl von Clausewitz in 1832.

   How experts find the center of gravity is the purpose of the reseach at the Army War College. Center of gravity determination requires a wide range of background knowledge, not only from the military domain, but also from the economic, geographic, political, demographic, historic, international, and other domains. 

    The Army War College started this research effort in 1993 to elicit and formalize the knowledge of a number of experts in center of gravity analysis.  This research resulted in a COG monograph in 1996 by MAJ Phillip Giles and CPT Thomas Galvin.  This monograph provided a basis for the application of Disciple to this high value application domain, and to the development of the Disciple-RKF (Rapid Knowledge Formation)/COG instructable agent.

   "The introduction of the Disciple program has increased its rigor, raised our analytical efforts to a higher level and increased student participation," said Prof. Jerry Comello, the instructor in one of the two electives that used Disciple. In Case studies in Center of Gravity Analysis, the students become familiar with Disciple-RKF/COG as end-users, employing the tool as a decision support aid for learning about center of gravity analysis. 

   The second elective, Military Applications of Artificial Intelligence, asks the students, as subject matter experts, to teach Disciple-RKF/COG their own problem solving expertise in center of gravity analysis.  Disciple guides the student to identify, study and describe the aspects of a campaign (such as the US intervention in Panama in 1989) that are relevant for COG analysis. The student/user interacts with Disciple to develop a comprehensive description of all aspects affecting the campaign.  The user is not required to answer all the questions posed, and Disciple can be asked, at any time, to identify and test the strategic center of gravity candidates for the current state of the scenario. 

    Basic and experimental research on developing instructable agents for analyzing strategic center of gravity is a collaborative effort. The AWC Center for Strategic Leadership and the George Mason University Learning Agents Laboratory partnered for four years. They've been helped by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the U.S. Army. 

        "Agents for education of people to solve complex problems is a generally important application area," noted a reviewer of the award-winning research project.  "And, building knowledge-based systems with reduced need for specialized knowledge engineers is an important technical goal."

    One objective of the project is to develop the technology that will enable subject matter experts without computer science or artificial intelligence experience to develop intelligent agents that incorporate their problem solving expertise. These agents could then be used as intelligent decision-making assistants, or as tutoring systems.

    A second objective is to apply this technology to the problem of center of gravity determination, analysis and application. This objective aims at testing the developed technology and also at developing a practical methodology and tool for solving the COG problem.

    Finally, the educational objective is to enhance the learning process of senior military officers through the use of intelligent agent technology.  Research and experimentation with Disciple continues to extend the agent to assist in operational level center of gravity determination, to incorporate new joint doctrine concepts, and to examine centers of gravity for small-scale contingencies and the global war on terrorism. The results of this research at the US Army War College provide the students hands-on experience with the latest knowledge-based tools.




Sgt. Shaun Peeler, Public Affairs Office

Remtech begins phase-in at Carlisle Barracks DOIM    


Jan. 20, 2003 --The final December A-76 decision to go with a civilian contractor is bringing a few new faces around the Chief Information Office and Carlisle Barracks.

    Remtech Services, Inc. signed the contact in December 2002, and William Singleton, a Remtech manager and the new Directorate of Information Management Project manager, has come to get the ball rolling.

    The 90-day phase-in period started early January, and Singleton said he wants the transition to breeze by.

    "We want to make the transition as smooth as possible so we don't affect the staff and cause minimal turbulence for the customers," said Singleton.  "We hope they don't notice the changes, except for new faces and voices."

    The A-76 decision directly affects the civilian and military employees who work mainly in the information technology field. Graphic arts, telecommunications, mail distribution, audiovisual, and administrative missions will also be affected.

    Remtech will get a helping hand from two sub-contractors, Metro Video Productions and Cordev, Inc.

    Metro Video Productions will handle the Visual Information Department for the Army War College.  Jim MacNeil, a retired lieutenant colonel and former AWC public affairs officer, will head up the department.

    Cordev will handle the help desk, telephone services, and video teleconferences. Hugh Barr, recently retired from the Chief Information Office, will lead the way.  

    During the phase-in period, which ends in March, Singleton said the three companies combined are looking to hire 61 qualified people who can get the job done.

    "We want to provide excellent service.  We're going to work with the best interest of the Army and Carlisle Barracks in mind," said Singleton.

     "The DOIM has lost several key people due to retirement or reassignment," noted Lt. Col. Cary Hilton, the DOIM chief.  

     "The remaining DOIM employees exhibit the highest level of professionalism and loyalty as they provide the information technology services required to run this installation on a daily basis," said Hilton.

     "The current staff has been giving excellent services, and we're going to try and improve it.  It will be hard, but that won't stop us from trying," Singleton said. "We are going to do things as best as they can be done."

    "Some of the DOIM employees have expressed an interest seeking employment with Remtech.  I would be delighted in seeing some familiar faces in the DOIM after April 1st," said Hilton.

    The Remtech office at Carlisle Barracks is co-located with CIO offices in Collins Hall.  Those interested in jobs with one of the three companies can call 245-4965. 




Staff Sgt. Jeffrey T. Ege, Public Affairs Office

MPD loses, gains expertise in midst of change

    Jan 23, 2002 --On one hand, Carlisle Barracks is losing 34 years of personnel administration expertise. On the other, it's gaining 29 of them back.

    Larry Diehl, the former chief of the post's Military Personnel Division who began working there in 1969, retired Oct. 3. Terry Henry has just arrived to fill the gap that was left, however. A retired Chief Warrant Officer 5 with 28 years of service in the Army personnel field, Henry worked the past year with a Department of the Army-contracted civilian personnel corporation.

    "Larry is the kind of person who has so much expertise that he can fix the worst administrative situation easily," said Lt. Col. Michael Godfrey, the director of the post Human Resources Directorate, of which HRD is a part. "But, now Terry, who has a lot of experience as well, has taken things over."

    The organization that Henry now heads is something quite different from what he's used to, though.

    MPD has already begun implementing changes necessitated by a March A-76 decision to go with the section's in-house proposed Most Efficient Organization option instead of a civilian contractor. The A-76 process competed the federal workers against a civilian contractor. MPD's challenge was to show that it could restructure itself into the "Most Efficient Organization" and continue to provide the same service it always has at a lower cost to the government than a civilian contractor.

    Under the MEO plan, MPD had to give up all of its soldiers, and the remaining civilian employees have had to double-up on duties to pick up the load, according to Godfrey.

    "People are now having to handle what was before handled by several people," Godfrey said. "It certainly isn't going to be easy."

    The MEO is effective Feb. 1, but MPD has already made nearly all the necessary changes. Before the MEO, there were 15 total employees in MPD: 10 civilians and five military. Now, MPD does the same job with a total of nine civilian employees. One of the former MPD soldiers was sent to school to be the post's next Equal Opportunity Advisor, four were moved to the War College Personnel Actions Center, and one became the noncommissioned-officer-in-charge of HRD. The division will be taking in two Chief Information Office employees displaced by that section's recent A-76 loss to a civilian contractor when that contract is implemented April 1.

    Picking up the MPD reigns during the MEO implementation is a challenge for Henry, despite - or because of - his many years of experience.

    "MEO is a substantial change from how we've done things in the Army for a long time," Henry said. "This will be challenging for me because I have a classical background in personnel. It will be hard for me to adjust to the changes."

    Henry is currently unaccompanied here, staying with friends. He and his wife Chris are in the process of purchasing an approximately 200-year-old stone farmhouse on three acres outside of Mechanicsburg where they will reside.



Staff Sgt. Jeffrey T. Ege, Public Affairs Office

PX shoplifting stats see spike in December

    Jan. 23, 2002 -- December brought more customers to the Post Exchange. Along with more shoppers came more incidents of shoplifting.

    "I'm sure it was the holiday shopping season that brought them in," said Lt. Col. John Koivisto, garrison commander.

    At first glance, it would appear that the five cases of theft by customers age 60 and older during the month indicate a large spike. There were no cases involving that age group during the previous 18 months.

    Koivisto says that doesn't necessarily mean that more seniors are shoplifting at the PX; it just means that more are getting caught.

    "Although there is a spike in theft by seniors, the monetary losses are not really higher than they have been in the past," Koivisto said.

    Teenagers are the group responsible for the majority of the violations. In the past few months, there were more seniors in the store, and the store's security personnel refocused their attention on them, according to Maj. James Peterson, post provost marshal, whose Military Policemen respond to the cases.

    Shoplifters at the PX pay a much higher price than if they had simply gone through the check-out counter. They get their PX and Commissary privileges suspended for one year, a civilian district court citation, and must pay under the Army and Air Force Exchange Service's Civil Recovery Program.

    Under the program, instituted in March, 2002, AAFES can collect from the perpetrator the actual loss of the merchandise taken and charge a flat rate administrative cost of $200. If shoplifted merchandise is not returned to the store, or is returned but cannot be sold, AAFES will demand the full retail value of the merchandise. If it is recovered in damaged condition but still salable, AAFES will demand the difference between the full retail value and the reduced sale value.

    Shoplifting in post exchanges annually costs service members millions of dollars. AAFES alone catches an average of 11,211 shoplifters each year. The shoplifting losses at the Carlisle Barracks PX reduce the amount of money it is able to contribute to the installation's Morale, Welfare and Recreation fund.

    The PX here averages one shoplifting case per month and 18 per year. Over the past year, it has lost an estimated $25,000 due to shoplifting, according to store general manager Jack Scott.

    "If you steal from the PX or Commissary, you're stealing from soldiers -- you're a barracks thief," said Col. Craig Madden, deputy Army War College commandant.

    There are no shoplifting cases so far in January. Madden and Koivisto would like to keep it that way, but not at the expense of scaring customers away.

    "We want you to shop at the PX," Madden said. "It's a quality place. You just can't beat the AAFES Best Price Guarantee."

    Under the guarantee, the PX pledges to reduce their price for an item if a customer finds it advertised for cheaper elsewhere. The PX also gives customers a 30-day grace period. If a customer finds a product they've purchased at the PX priced cheaper at another store within 30 days of buying it, the PX will refund the difference.



Sgt. Shaun Peeler, Public Affairs Office

Post issues surfaced at Town Hall Meeting


    Jan 23, 2003 --Clearing post housing was the hot topic for most of the 50 attendees at the Carlisle Barracks Town Hall Meeting Jan. 16 at the Letort View Community Center.

    "We want people to be aware and consider the different things they have to do to clear, to give them a head start," said  Brenda Sampson, the Community Action Support Council coordinator.  "It's good idea to prepare people to relocate. It helps things go smoothly."

    Typically, cleaning us the main issue with clearing.

    Residents can either clean the house themselves or contract a cleaning team. The cleaning teams can either be one of four contracted by DPW or one found by the residents. If the cleaning team is contracted by residents, they must stand inspection and the residents cannot clear housing or leave until the inspection is passed. 

    If one of the four teams from housing is contracted, all residents have to do is pay a $250 in the form of a money order. The cleaning will be done and the residents may leave, according to DPW representatives.

    The reason this has become a major issue is because if someone has a house inspection appointment and fails the inspection, they might have to wait until the following week to be re-inspected. This might cause people to wait at Carlisle Barracks for an extra week or miss other important dates, according to DPW. 

    Garrison and post representatives used the meeting to make the following points:

·         In order for a service member to pick up their family members' medical records, they will need to present a signed "Authorization for Record Release" form for the family member if they fall into one of the following categories: if the family member is 18 or older, a high school graduate, married, or pregnant.

·         February is Children's Health Month, and the Dental Clinic will make customized mouth guards for kids eight and older on Feb. 22, from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The staff asks that you bring a nonperishable item for Project Share. There will also be an information booth and toothbrush exchange at the Commissary. If you bring a nonperishable item, you will get a toothbrush free. 

·         There are only two approved off-leash exercise areas where dogs may be off-leash: Heritage Park and the field behind the Military Personnel office across the Letort Spring Run.

·         Post drivers must obey the timed, "permit only," and handicap parking spaces.

·         The tax assistance center will be open Feb. 3 to April 11, by appointment only. The tax center, at Garrison Headquarters, 45 Gibner Road, is sponsored by the Staff Judge Advocate office. Call 717-245-3993 for an appointment and more information.

    Chap (Lt. Col.) Sunny Moore had six words: "Come to church. Go to church."

    Garrison commander Lt. Col. John M. Koivisto, shared his command philosophy to, "Do the right thing and leave no one behind."

    He further stressed the issue of doing the right thing by asking parents and dependents to help enforce the skateboard and bicycle regulations.  There is no skateboarding in the driveways and streets, and bike riders must have on reflective gear, Koivisto said.

    While Koivisto said he does his best to make Carlisle Barracks a better place for everyone, he said there are some things that are out of his league and for those issues, he recommended attendance at the Army Family Action Plan Symposium. 

    The AFAP will be held at the Letort View Community Center, March 31, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. It is used to find out issues  residents have that must be handled at a higher level.  

    Some issues already forwarded to the Department of the Army are military retired pay for reservists, issues of military clothing for troops, shortened years of joining and reenlistment, and utilities for single soldier barracks.          

     There are several ways to get a question or comment to Koivisto. Suggestion boxes are  in the Post Exchange lobby and Commissary. Send an e-mail to , or call 717-245-3232/ -4445.




Staff Sgt. Jeffrey T. Ege, Public Affairs Office

Clinic workers sweep awards


    Jan. 15, 2003--It's due to one of three things that the 2002 NCO of the Year, Soldier of the Year, and Civilian of the Quarter for fourth quarter are all from Dunham Army Health Clinic: teamwork, motivation, or just plain old luck, depending upon which of them you ask.



    "I think it's because we at the clinic are doing such a great job of motivating our soldiers to go to the boards that we're earning so much recognition," said post NCO of the Year Staff Sgt. Catherine Pearson.



Pearson, the noncommissioned-officer-in-charge of the clinic's pharmacy, won the clinic's NCO of the Month Board in August, the post NCO of the Quarter Board in September, and the post NCO of the Year Board in November.

    "I put everything I could into studying for those boards, especially the quarter and year boards," Pearson said.

    Having a good memory and having developed good study habits from

taking college courses didn't make the going any easier. "It still took a lot of hard work," she said.

    Pearson said she put her all into preparing for the boards.

    "I didn't limit myself to anything," she said. "I studying everything I could get my hands on - from military related sites on the Internet, to regulations and study guides."

    "I studied so much that I couldn't even think straight," Pearson said. "I would sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with questions in my mind. If I didn't know the answers, I'd have to look them up before I could fall back asleep."

    She didn't have any doubts about her ability to win or fears about someone else doing better. "Whether I won or lost, I could say I did my best," Pearson said.

    Pearson's doing her best to pass the motivation along. "I always encouraged my soldiers to go, but they wouldn't," she said. "So I tried to set an example for them. Now, they're going too."

    Pearson enjoys spending time with her 11-year-old son Kwontavious when she's off duty. She also enjoys volunteering at the post Youth Service Center, tutoring children from 2nd to 5th grade and being a big sister in the Carlisle Big Sisters Program.



    "I think us clinic people are doing so well because we're lucky," said Sgt. Roberto Irizarry, Soldier of the Year. "The people we went up against at our boards, were sharp, just like we were," Irizarry said. "If it had been a day earlier or later, maybe one of them would have won.

    Irizarry, a radiologic technologist, or "X-ray tech," was promoted Jan. 1 -- "the happiest day of my life," he said. He won the clinic Soldier of the Month Board in February, the post Soldier of the Quarter Board in March, the Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Clinic (Dunham's higher headquarters) Soldier of the Quarter Board in April, and the post Soldier of the Year Board in November. He will be competing as an NCO at the Kimbrough NCO of the Year Board Jan. 31.

    Studying for boards is stressful, according to Irizarry. "If I wasn't already bald, I would be now," he said, smiling. Irizarry studies every chance he gets. "It takes me about seven hours of studying a day," he said.

    Irizarry knew nothing about soldier boards until he was stationed here a year and three months ago, he said. He became curious when his supervising NCO served on a clinic soldier board. Irizarry asked him all about it. "It sounded like something I wanted to try, so I went to the very next one."

    "I was surprised when I won the first board," Irizarry said. "I didn't know what to expect, but I had studied really hard."

    When he's not busy studying for soldier boards, Irizarry enjoys spending time bodybuilding with his wife of two years, Mayra. "She's my best friend," he said. "We're very happy."

    He also enjoys being an all-star shortshop in several softball leagues -- one on post and two outside the gates - and breeding African Cichlid fish in his home aquarium. He doesn't sell them, but occasionally takes some to pet shops to trade for food.

    Volunteerism takes up most of the remainder of his free time. He helps feed homeless people in the Carlisle Salvation Army soup kitchen, in addition to spending time with children at the post Youth Service Center on a volunteer basis.



    "I think we work together as a team here at the clinic really well, and that explains our recent successes," said Kimberly Piper, a medical lab technician at the clinic and Civilian of the Quarter for fourth quarter 2002.


    It's nice to be singled out for hard work, Piper said. "I just basically work hard and do my job," she said. "It's just nice to be recognized for it."

    Piper began her job just under a year ago and had three weeks to learn her way in the hematology department -- the section that does blood testing - before her predecessor retired. The only experience she had in hematology was when she had studied it while working on her Associate of the Arts degree at Harrisburg Area Community College.

    Piper had no idea she was being put in for the award. "My supervisor didn't let on at all," she said. "It was a total surprise."

    Piper's hobbies include shopping, cross stitching, and watching movies. Comedies are her favorite.


Another viewpoint

    Capt. Andrea Zavos said that teamwork and motivation have played big parts in the recent successes of clinic workers. "But the dedication of individuals to their jobs and the support they receive from their supervisors have also been large factors," said Zavos, who is both Clinic Operations chief and detachment commander.



Sgt. Shaun Peeler, Public Affairs Office

Soldiers celebrate MLK birthday


    Jan. 15, 2003--Around 100 post soldiers gathered at the Letort View Community Center for a breakfast birthday celebration in memory of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    Guest speaker Brenda M. Alton, pastor of the Harambee United Church of Christ, addressed the crowd after the meal and between musical performances by the AWC Memorial Chapel Bell Choir and the Black Achievers Gospel Choir of Camp Curtin.

    Alton urged the crowd to pick up King's work, put legs on it, and continue the dream of peace and unity.

    "Not only do we need be united during tragedy, but also during peace," said Alton. 

    Sgt. 1st Class Kimberly Rogers, installation equal opportunity advisor, said ethnic observances like this promote more than just unity.

    "They promote awareness and remind us of the struggles we've been through, present and future. They're also a way of teaching and training," said Rogers, who planned the program with the help of a volunteer committee. 

    "Everyone should be a part of ethnic programs," she said. "Knowledge is the key and power." 

see DoD, Nation, More Than 100 Countries Celebrate Martin Luther King Holiday



Rudi Williams, American Forces Press Service

DoD, Nation, More Than 100 Countries Celebrate Martin Luther King Holiday

Jan. 14, 2003 -- The nation will observe the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Jan. 20, 2003, but the Pentagon is getting an early start with a King breakfast on Jan. 16.

    Other celebrations and activities surrounding the holiday are occurring on military installations throughout DoD. The Pentagon event is its 18th annual breakfast and is hosted by DoD's Washington Headquarters Service to commemorate King's life and works.

    This year marks what would have been the 74th birthday of the slain civil rights leader, humanitarian and clergyman. He was born in Atlanta on Jan. 15, 1929.

    It is also 20 years since the designation of the King holiday. President Ronald Reagan signed a bill in November 1983 designating the third Monday in January, beginning in 1986, as a federal holiday.

As it has been for many years, this year's theme is "Remember! Celebrate! Act! A Day On . Not A Day Off." The theme is issued annually by the King Center in Atlanta, which acts as the national promoter of the King Day observance.

    In a commemoration message, King's widow, Coretta Scott King, said the holiday "celebrates the life and legacy of a man who brought hope and healing to America. We commemorate as well the timeless values he taught us through his example -- the values of courage, truth, justice, compassion, dignity, humility and service that so radiantly defined Dr. King's character and empowered his leadership. On this holiday, we commemorate the universal, unconditional love, forgiveness and nonviolence that empowered his revolutionary spirit."

    She said the world commemorates her late husband's inspiring words because his voice and vision filled a great void and answered the country's longing to become a nation that "truly lived by its noblest principles."

    King knew it wasn't enough "to talk the talk," he had to "walk the walk for his words to be credible," Mrs. King noted. "So we commemorate on this holiday the man of action who put his life on the line for freedom and justice every day, the man who braved threats and jail and beatings and who ultimately paid the highest price to make democracy a reality for all Americans."

    The King Holiday honors the life and contributions of America's greatest champion of racial justice and equality, the leader who not only dreamed of a colorblind society, but who also led a movement that achieved historic reforms to help make it a reality, Mrs. King said.

    Calling the holiday a day of interracial and intercultural cooperation and sharing, she said no other day of the year brings so many peoples from different cultural backgrounds together in such a vibrant spirit of brother and sisterhood.

    "Whether you're African American, Hispanic or Native American, whether you're Caucasian or Asian American, you're part of the great dream Martin Luther King Jr. had for America," Mrs. King said.

    She emphasized that "this is not a black holiday; it's a people's holiday! And it's the young people of all races and religions who hold the keys to the fulfillment of his dream."

    Noting that programs commemorating her husband's birthday are being observed in more than 100 nations, Mrs. King pointed out that he envisioned a world whose people and nations had triumphed over poverty, racism, war and violence.

    "This holiday honors the courage of a man who endured harassment, threats and beatings and even bombings," she said. "We commemorate the man who went to jail 29 times to achieve freedom for others and who knew he would pay the ultimate price for his leadership, but kept on marching and protesting and organizing anyway."

    Above all, she emphasized, King Day is a day of service.

    "All across America on the holiday, his followers perform service in hospitals, shelters, prisons and wherever people need some help," she said. "It's a day of volunteering to feed the hungry, rehabilitate housing, tutoring those who can't read, mentoring at risk youngsters, consoling the broken hearted and a thousand other projects for building the beloved community of his dream."

    Throughout his years of public service, King encouraged everyone to participate in community service.

    "Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve," he said in a 1968 sermon entitled "The Drum Major Instinct."

    "You don't have to have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. . You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love, and you can be that servant."



Sgt. Shaun Peeler, Public Affairs Office

Thorpe Hall Gym to open in Spring 



Jan. 10, 2003 -- Tired of going to a commercial fitness center and spending money for a membership? Chuck Gentile, Carlisle Barracks sports director, said he has the answer: Thorpe Hall Gym. 

    The opening date is not yet finalized but it looks like Thorpe Hall Gym will be back in full swing in April, up to standard and better than ever, said Gentile.

    "It will be state-of-the-art," Gentile said. "The best equipment on the market will be in the gym. Everything but nine pieces of equipment will be new."

    In addition to the new equipment, the staff has plans to offer martial arts, Tae-Bo, and aerobics classes. The Army Physical Fitness Center will also give health and fitness classes in the renovated building. 

    "We want to make working out fun -- you should enjoy it," Gentile said.  

    There will be three level in the gym. The first level is the main gym with a basketball court, free weights, and locker rooms. The second level will be dedicated to "cardio" fitness, and the third level activities room will be used for classes.

     When renovations began in October 2001, Thorpe Hall was scheduled to open in September 2002. Due to fire, water and terminate damage that was found in the early stages of the renovation project, the date was pushed back.

    Spc. Keith Colbert, computer system information analyst, said he can't wait until the gym opens.

    "There are a lot of people on this small post, and sometimes it gets tight when you're trying to work out," Colbert said. "Also, when we want to play basketball, there might be a class or something going on. When the gym opens, it should help solve some of them problems."

    After Thorpe Hall Gym opens, the Grandstand facility will close as a fitness center. The Army Physical Fitness Research Institute, which operates the facility, will use the space for its primary mission of health and fitness assessments and one-on-one case management for the Army War College students.

    Operating hours for Thorpe Hall Gym will be from 5:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. on weekdays, from 12 to 5 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, and closed on holidays. The Jim Thorpe Physical Fitness Center will still be open from 5:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays and closed on weekends and holidays. Depending on usage of the facilities, hours may change.    

    As the opening approaches for Thorpe Hall Gym, Gentile said he has a few New Year's resolutions.

    "I want to make sure soldiers have the best equipment to work out with and get them out of [commercial gyms]," said Gentile. "That way, they will save money and we'll be doing our job," he said.

    For more information, contact the Sports Office at 717-245-4029.



Staff Sgt. Jeffrey T. Ege, Public Affairs Office

Post bids farewell to Frost in special way


Jan. 9, 2003 --"Special" was the word of the day Jan. 9.

    That was the day that a special award ceremony was held in the Dunham Army Health Clinic conference room to bid farewell to and thank a special member of the post community: Kathi Frost, the former post TRICARE Service Center manager.

    "It isn't every day we get together like this to recognize someone as special as Kathi," said Col. Mike Colpo, U.S. Army War College chief of staff.

    The ceremony was a way for both the post and Dunham Army Health Clinic command groups to recognize Frost for her work since January 1998, when TRICARE coverage began in this region. Frost recently moved on to the position of clinical educator within Sierra Military Health Services, Inc., the corporation that runs TRICARE.

    Colpo and Col. Gordon Miller, Dunham Clinic commander, both lauded Frost's efforts.

    "Kathi had an amazing mission," Colpo said. "There is a tremendous amount of beneficiaries in this region. She's been doing her best to make TRICARE work for all the active-duty military, dependents, and retirees in this area. It takes a special person to work as hard for others as she has."

    "The TRICARE Service Center plays a vital role in our community," Colpo said. "Kathi was instrumental in its success."

    The center's employees help soldiers, their family members, and retiree beneficiaries understand and get the most from TRICARE by giving information briefings, helping to enroll them into the system, assisting with claims issues, and making sure the right providers are obtained when special care is needed. Anyone with questions can either call the regional toll free number at 1-888-999-5195 or visit the center, located in Dunham, on a walk-in basis.

    Both Colpo and Miller agreed that Frost is ideally suited to her new job as clinical educator.

    "Kathi, I know you and all that you've done, so I know you'll be successful in your new role," Miller said.

    Emotions ran high for Frost when Miller presented her with the Commander's Coin.

    "I've received lots of coins, but never one from Carlisle Barracks," Frost said, with tears in her eyes. "This one's special. I'll put it in the center of my collection."

    Frost spoke of her time with the TRICARE center with fondness.

    "I have been privileged to work with so many fine people since I've been here," she said. "It was a rocky road when we started this program.

    She was modest as she shared the credit for the successes of the TRICARE Service Center, however.

    "Dunham Army Health Clinic really helped us rise above the other TRICARE Service Centers," she said. "Everything I've been able to accomplish is thanks to the hard work and support I got from all the fine people I worked with over these past five years."

    "It has been my privilege from the beginning to serve America's heroes," Frost said. "That's what I consider the members of our military to be."

    Frost was awarded the Commander's Award for Public Service, a Dunham Army Health Clinic Certificate of Appreciation, a personal letter from U.S. Army War College Commandant Maj. Gen. Robert R. Ivany, and a Dunham Commander's Coin.






     As of January 13, 2003, Resumix will be used as the recruitment tool for Army Career Program positions that were using Easy ACCES.  
     Career program employees will need to input their resumes into Resumix.
If you have not done so yet, you can access Resumix by going to, click on Employment, then on Army's Resume Builder and follow the instructions.  If you need assistance with Resumix, please contact your servicing Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC).  
    The staff of Career Management would like to Thank everyone for their years of continued support and would like you to know that it was a pleasure serving you throughout those years.  We wish you luck in your future endeavors.




Staff Sgt. Jeffrey T. Ege, Public Affairs Office

Clinic healthcare pros to get smallpox vaccine


    Jan. 12, 2003--Dunham Army Health Clinic will be vaccinating selected healthcare workers against smallpox at the clinic from Jan. 21-24, in accordance with a Department of Defense directive.

    The clinic will give an information briefing for the clinic employees who will be receiving the vaccinations, and for their family members, at 1:30 p.m. on Jan. 17 in Reynolds Theater, said clinic commander Col. Gordon Miller.

    Before any vaccinations are given, all personnel will be screened for conditions that may make getting the vaccine dangerous, like HIV, a previous history of cancer, or certain medications - basically, anything that adversely affects the immune system, Miller said.

    "We need to ensure that the personnel with the highest risk of coming into contact with the disease first are vaccinated," Miller said. "It's the right thing to do."

    According to the DoD directive, no other personnel on post are currently scheduled to receive the vaccination, Miller said.

    More briefings for the post community may follow if requested, Miller said.

    "The Department of Defense is establishing a smallpox vaccination program to protect the health and safety of military personnel. Smallpox is a serious infectious disease. We cannot quantify the threat of it being used as a bioweapon; we know the consequences of its use could be great," said William Winkenwerder, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, in a DoD release.

    "Vaccinating servicememberes before an attack is the best way to ensure that our troops are protected and that they can continue their missions if a smallpox outbreak occurs," he said.

    Like civilian communities, the Defense Department will ensure preparedness by immunizing personnel based on their occupational responsibilities. These include smallpox response teams and hospital and clinic workers. DoD will proceed to vaccinate other designated forces having critical mission workers.

    As part of this plan, the decision at the time is to vaccinate certain emergency response and medical personnel and other designated personnel that constitute critical mission capabilities, to include those essential to the accomplishment of U.S. Central Command's missions, according to the release. The department may expand the program at later date. The decision will be implemented using a portion of the existing licensed supplies of smallpox vaccine.

    DoD will use existing FDA-licensed smallpox vaccine. Like other vaccinations this will be mandated for designated personnel unless they are medically exempted.



The disease
Smallpox is a serious, contagious, and sometimes fatal infectious disease. There is no specific treatment for smallpox disease, and the only prevention is vaccination. The name "smallpox" is derived from the Latin word for "spotted" and refers to the raised bumps that appear on the face and body of an infected person.

    There are two clinical forms of smallpox. Variola major is the severe and most common form of smallpox, with a more extensive rash and higher fever. There are four types of variola major smallpox: ordinary (the most frequent type, accounting for 90% or more of cases); modified (mild and occurring in previously vaccinated persons); flat; and hemorrhagic (both rare and very severe). Historically, variola major has an overall fatality rate of about 30%; however, flat and hemorrhagic smallpox usually are fatal. Variola minor is a less common presentation of smallpox, and a much less severe disease, with death rates historically of 1% or less.

    Smallpox outbreaks have occurred from time to time for thousands of years, but the disease is now eradicated after a successful worldwide vaccination program. The last case of smallpox in the United States was in 1949. The last naturally occurring case in the world was in Somalia in 1977. After the disease was eliminated from the world, routine vaccination against smallpox among the general public was stopped because it was no longer necessary for prevention.


Where smallpox comes from
Smallpox is caused by the variola virus that emerged in human populations thousands of years ago. Except for laboratory stockpiles, the variola virus has been eliminated. However, in the aftermath of the events of September and October, 2001, there is heightened concern that the variola virus might be used as an agent of bioterrorism. For this reason, the U.S. government is taking precautions for dealing with a smallpox outbreak.


Generally, direct and fairly prolonged face-to-face contact is required to spread smallpox from one person to another. Smallpox also can be spread through direct contact with infected bodily fluids or contaminated objects such as bedding or clothing. Rarely, smallpox has been spread by virus carried in the air in enclosed settings such as buildings, buses, and trains. Humans are the only natural hosts of variola. Smallpox is not known to be transmitted by insects or animals.

    A person with smallpox is sometimes contagious with onset of fever (prodrome phase), but the person becomes most contagious with the onset of rash. At this stage the infected person is usually very sick and not able to move around in the community. The infected person is contagious until the last smallpox scab falls off.


The smallpox vaccine
The smallpox vaccine helps the body develop immunity to smallpox. The vaccine is made from a virus called vaccinia which is a "pox"-type virus related to smallpox. The smallpox vaccine contains the "live" vaccinia virus-not dead virus like many other vaccines. For that reason, the vaccination site must be cared for carefully to prevent the virus from spreading. Also, the vaccine can have side effects (see the section "Smallpox Vaccine Safety" in this fact sheet). The vaccine does not contain the smallpox virus and cannot give you smallpox.

    Currently, the United States has a big enough stockpile of smallpox vaccine to vaccinate everyone in the country who might need it in the event of an emergency. Production of new vaccine is underway.


Length of protection
Smallpox vaccination provides high level immunity for 3 to 5 years and decreasing immunity thereafter. If a person is vaccinated again later, immunity lasts even longer. Historically, the vaccine has been effective in preventing smallpox infection in 95% of those vaccinated. In addition, the vaccine was proven to prevent or substantially lessen infection when given within a few days of exposure. It is important to note, however, that at the time when the smallpox vaccine was used to eradicate the disease, testing was not as advanced or precise as it is today, so there may still be things to learn about the vaccine and its effectiveness and length of protection.


Receiving the vaccine
The smallpox vaccine is not given with a hypodermic needle. It is not a shot as most people have experienced. The vaccine is given using a bifurcated (two-pronged) needle that is dipped into the vaccine solution. When removed, the needle retains a droplet of the vaccine. The needle is used to prick the skin a number of times in a few seconds. The pricking is not deep, but it will cause a sore spot and one or two droplets of blood to form. The vaccine usually is given in the upper arm.

    If the vaccination is successful, a red and itchy bump develops at the vaccine site in three or four days. In the first week, the bump becomes a large blister, fills with pus, and begins to drain. During the second week, the blister begins to dry up and a scab forms. The scab falls off in the third week, leaving a small scar. People who are being vaccinated for the first time have a stronger reaction than those who are being revaccinated. The following pictures show the progression of the site where the vaccine is given.

Post-vaccination care
After vaccination, it is important to follow care instructions for the site of the vaccine. Because the virus is live, it can spread to other parts of the body, or to other people. The vaccinia virus (the live virus in the smallpox vaccine) may cause rash, fever, and head and body aches. In certain groups of people (see the section "Smallpox Vaccine Safety" in this fact sheet), complications from the vaccinia virus can be severe.


Benefit of vaccine following exposure
Vaccination within 3 days of exposure will prevent or significantly lessen the severity of smallpox symptoms in the vast majority of people. Vaccination 4 to 7 days after exposure likely offers some protection from disease or may modify the severity of disease.


Smallpox vaccine safety
The smallpox vaccine is the best protection you can get if you are exposed to the smallpox virus. Anyone directly exposed to smallpox, regardless of health status, would be offered the smallpox vaccine because the risks associated with smallpox disease are far greater than those posed by the vaccine.

    There are side effects and risks associated with the smallpox vaccine. Most people experience normal, usually mild reactions that include a sore arm, fever, and body aches. However, other people experience reactions ranging from serious to life-threatening. People most likely to have serious side effects are: people who have had, even once, skin conditions (especially eczema or atopic dermatitis) and people with weakened immune systems, such as those who have received a transplant, are HIV positive, are receiving treatment for cancer, or are currently taking medications (like steroids) that suppress the immune system. In addition, pregnant women should not get the vaccine because of the risk it poses to the fetus. Women who are breastfeeding should not get the vaccine. Children younger than 12 months of age should not get the vaccine. Also, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) advises against non-emergency use of smallpox vaccine in children younger than 18 years of age. In addition, those allergic to the vaccine or any of its components should not receive the vaccine.

    In the past, about 1,000 people for every 1 million people vaccinated for the first time experienced reactions that, while not life-threatening, were serious. These reactions included a toxic or allergic reaction at the site of the vaccination (erythema multiforme), spread of the vaccinia virus to other parts of the body and to other individuals (inadvertent inoculation), and spread of the vaccinia virus to other parts of the body through the blood (generalized vaccinia). These types of reactions may require medical attention. In the past, between 14 and 52 people out of every 1 million people vaccinated for the first time experienced potentially life-threatening reactions to the vaccine. Based on past experience, it is estimated that 1 or 2 people in 1 million who receive the vaccine may die as a result. Careful screening of potential vaccine recipients is essential to ensure that those at increased risk do not receive the vaccine.


Smallpox vaccine availability
Routine smallpox vaccination among the American public stopped in 1972 after the disease was eradicated in the United States. Until recently, the U.S. government provided the vaccine only to a few hundred scientists and medical professionals working with smallpox and similar viruses in a research setting.

    After the events of September and October, 2001, however, the U.S. government took further actions to improve its level of preparedness against terrorism. One of many such measures-designed specifically to prepare for an intentional release of the smallpox virus-included updating and releasing a smallpox response plan. In addition, the U.S. government ordered production of enough smallpox vaccine to immunize the American public in the event of a smallpox outbreak. Right now, the U.S. government has access to enough smallpox vaccine to effectively respond to a smallpox outbreak in the United States.

    Editor's note: This information provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. see related images


Staff Sgt. Jeffrey Ege, Public Affairs Office

LVCC balances cost vs. service

Jan. 10, 2003 -- The LVCC is not a restaurant, although many customers seem to think it is. It's a hugely successful catering operation.

    The fact that many people don't understand the Letort View Community Center's prices highlights this misunderstanding, according to Kim Gardner, the LVCC's business manager.

     The center's prices can look a little steep at times when some customers compare them to off-post restaurants. But that's not a fair comparison, Gardner said.

   "If we were compared to another catering business, we'd be cheaper," Gardner said. "That's an important distinction to make."

    On-post catering for events such as weddings, class reunions, high school proms, and organization parties is the LVCC's main source of revenue, she said. The center's wedding catering services are so popular that it has to schedule them as far out as a year. The center already has some booked for May and June 2004.

    Gardner estimated that the LVCC has lost an estimated $80,000 since 9/11 due to heightened security, which has kept many catering customers away.

     Gardner gambled after 9/11 that the new post security measures would leave many post employees wishing there were somewhere nice for lunch on post by starting-up an LVCC lunch buffet, Tuesday through Friday.

    Jim Baughman, an audio-visual archivist with the Military History Institute here, frequently enjoys eating lunch at the LVCC.

    "I come [to the LVCC] for lunch because the service is excellent and the food is better than what you could get at a restaurant," Baughman said. "It's gourmet quality."

   But the enterprise has been a little short of successful. The center must pull in 40 lunch customers a day to break even, Gardner explained, and it sometimes serves as few as 10. "If we can't sustain 40 customers for lunch, we're going to have to quit that operation," Gardner said.

    Although she isn't sure why the LVCC isn't drawing in the numbers for lunch she expected, she's afraid it might be due to a shortage of parking. "There isn't much I can do about that," Gardner said.

    Gardner is trying to keep from having to quit serving lunches by doing what she can to attract customers and keep them happy.

    "We do our best to keep prices as low as possible," she said, and noted that the LVCC's profit margin is low on lunches at both the LVCC and Root Hall Cafeteria. She runs specials to help keep costs down for the customer and is considering serving food a la carte, running a delivery service on post, or including a short order menu.

    Weekday breakfast at the satellite Root Hall Cafeteria was another new service added last year.

    It's well worth taking the time to use the Letort View Community Center's services, Gardner said.

    "Our staff here is incredible," she said. "What you'll get here is top-notch. We really give you your money's worth."

    Newly promoted Col. George Woods agreed. Woods, an instructor with the Department of Command, Leadership, and Management, attended a promotion party held in his honor at the LVCC Nov. 16.

    "The center did an outstanding job," Woods said. "They really worked with us, trying to understand what we wanted, and making it happen. They did a fantastic job and really made it special."