Banner Archive for March 2012
Got Something to Toss? Here are your Options

When recycling or throwing away paper documents Carlisle Barracks employees need to be careful that they are not throwing away any document that is labeled For Official Use Only, or any document that contains personally identifiable information because it could compromise overall security.

“All For Official Use Only items are to be protected if they are classified secret or higher,” said Margret Rainey, foreign travel/information security assistant. “They need to be shredded and placed into a trash can and can never be recycled.”

“Any document that contains personally identifiable information such as social security numbers, home addresses, date of birth or any other information that can be used to identify, contact or locate an individual cannot be thrown out or recycled as it is,” said Diane Pharo, security foreign disclosure officer.  “These documents need to be shredded to prevent security compromises and identity theft.”

Shredders can be found in two locations in Root Hall.  One is in the security office (SB17) and the other is located in the copier room (A11). 

However other items such as empty cans, bottles and non FOUO/PII paperwork can be recycled.   It is easier than ever, thanks to Carlisle Barracks new waste management contract with Penn Waste recycling program, which allows employees to easily recycle just about everything in one bin. 

In every office there are blue recycling bins that are picked up by the custodial staff and put in the recycling dumpsters for pick up by Penn Waste.  Unlike previous recycling programs, employees don’t have to sort their recycling into different bins instead everything goes into one as part of the single stream recycling program.

“Cardboard, magazines, junk mail, food boxes, phone books, and plastics 1-7 are recyclable, said Paul Herzer, Carlisle Barracks Deputy Chief and Environmental Officer.  “Basically any paper or paper products with the exception of items with food waste or bodily fluids are recyclable.”

  The Downtown Carlisle Association/ will be unveiling a new way to get around Carlisle this summer. The DCA's Design Committee teamed with the Borough of Carlisle and the Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau, to develop a color-coded mapping system of downtown that will be displayed through new downtown banners.   Borough employees will start hanging the banners in late April right after a downtown wide "spring clean-up."
  "Carlisle's downtown is four blocks wide by four blocks long, therefore we have divided it into quadrants and will highlight the stores and restaurants and tourism attractions in each with the color-coded downtown banners," stated Ed Bidelspach, President of the Downtown Carlisle Association.
  Carlisle's new "way-finding" system will implement color-coded signage on downtown street lights, and these will correlate to new color-coded maps and business listings in the downtown guide, and website.
  The red quad of the downtown will display white and red banners, the same colors as Dickinson College. This quadrant will be adjacent to Dickinson and will overlay West High Street to West North Street to North West Street. This red quad will boast all of the downtown restaurants on West High and North Pitt Streets, along with Dickinson College, the Historic Carlisle Theater, Cumberland Valley Visitors Center, Cumberland Valley Historical Society, Union Fire Company, and the famed Molly Pitcher art mural.
  The blue quad of downtown will display white and dark blue banners, and will overlay North Hanover Street, to East North Street, to North East Street. The blue quad will host all of the restaurants on North Hanover Street, Wednesday's Farmers Market on the Square, along with the various art galleries including the Carlisle Arts Learning Center, the Garden Gallery, and Nancy Stamm's Galleria.
  The green quad will cover East High Street to South East Street and East South Street. This quad will show the Cumberland County Courthouse, and the historic Molly Pitcher gravesite.
  The purple quad covers South Hanover Street, west to South West Street. This quad will be home to the West Pomfret Street shopping district, Comfort Suites hotel, Borough Hall, Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau, and the Pennsylvania State Dickinson School of Law.
  Over eighty banners will be hung on downtown light poles.
  Careful consideration was given to the current flower pots sponsored and hung by the Rotary Club of Carlisle. "We knew the poles would have to share space with the flowerpots, we definitely did not want to interfere with the beauty of the flowerpots or the generosity of our local Rotary in their downtown beautification program," stated White. The new banners will be hung on every third light pole and on the opposite side of the flower pots.
  "This region has over 2.5 million visitors from around the world each year. With the car shows, US Army Barracks and War College, Central Pennsylvania Youth Ballet, Dickinson College and Penn State Dickinson Law, we recognized the need to offer help to the local community welcome all of these visitors," stated Shireen Farr, Tourism Director of the Cumberland Valley Visitors Bureau. "We offered wayfinding signage grants to our Cumberland Valley Region in 2011 and were very excited to be able to team with the DCA and Borough to provide visitors with a very visual means to find their way around town. We anticipate other communities will incorporate wayfinding strategies such as this." continued Farr. 
  The future of this wayfinding project will be to incorporate banners into the various downtown neighborhoods through the Downtown Neighborhood Connection. "We have many active neighborhood associations working hard to improve the quality of life for all residents of the Borough. These banners will provide both a physical sense of place, and an emotional sense of pride." stated Eddy Kaplaniak, Director of the Borough's Elm Street program. 
  Assistant Borough Manager Susan Armstrong added, "This banner project is just another example of the collaborative work among community stakeholders to promote and market our downtown and community. The Borough of Carlisle thanks those involved with this project and the countless others that have occurred throughout the years ." 
  An request for banner design went out to the region in 2010.  Local design group 717 Studios of Carlisle submitted the artwork that was choosen for the design. 
  The Downtown Carlisle Association is a main street development organization that markets and promotes the assets of the Carlisle region for the benefit of downtown shopping, tourism, business recruitment, and economic development. Through various tourism events, downtown beautification initiatives, retail recruitment and downtown residential revitalization, we make Downtown a great place to live, work, shop & play!

         Carlisle Barracks Spouses’ Club Proudly Presents


                Denim To Diamonds

                            2012 Benefit Auction
                                 Friday, March 30, 2012                        
                                          6-11 p.m.
                             Letort View Community Center   
                 6-7:30 p.m. Dinner Buffet and Silent Auction

                                  8 p.m. Live Auction



$15 advance purchase*
$20 after Mar. 26 and at the door while supplies last

Tickets available on:
Feb. 29 – Dance Class at the LVCC
Mar. 1 – PX lobby, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.
Mar. 14 - CBSC Luncheon, LVCC, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.
Mar. 15 – Root Hall Cafeteria, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

 *Advance purchase tickets entitle you to one opportunity ticket.

Carlisle Barracks Spouses' Club Outreach for March 2012
  The National Military Family Association-National, a non-profit organization serving families from all uniformed services, is the Carlisle Barracks Spouses' Club March 2012 outreach recipient receiving $250.
  The organization provides services to the unique challenges of military life--from deployment, to spouse employment, to retirement information, and guidance.
  Operation Purple Camp for children of deployed soldiers, family retreats for reintegration and scholarships to officer and enlisted spouses.  Last year 500 scholarships were awarded and 250 were for spouses of wounded. 
   In addition to these programs, contributions help with press policymakers, military leaders and other emerging needs of military families.        

Suzanne Reynolds, Public Affairs
A lasting tribute to a 'remarkable USAWC professor'
Dr. Sara Morgan's family stand in front of her portrait in the newly unveiled "Sara Morgan Room," DCLM, Mar. 21.
Photos by Scott Finger
March 21, 2012 -- In the last four years of her life, Dr. Sara L. Morgan served with distinction as the Senior Civilian Advisor to the Commandant and Professor of Human Resource Management here at the Army War College.
 Dr. Sara Morgan was honored for her important work with USAWC students and her prominent role in the Army War College at a dedication of the “Sara Morgan Room,” a conference room in the Department of Command, Leadership and Management, March 21.   Many of Dr. Morgan’s mementos and awards from her service at the Army War College and earlier positions with the Army were displayed for her family, friends and colleagues in the Army War College community.
  “This was totally unexpected,” said Larry Morgan about the demonstration of respect for his late wife.  “This is a great honor to what she achieved here. 
  “She set a high mark for excellence,” said Morgan.
  Among her many accomplishments here, Dr. Morgan established a comprehensive civilian education development program highlighted by an orientation program for senior civilian students, activities to build cohesion within the civilian student cohort,  and career counseling for graduating students.
  “She has left a gaping hole in our department and our hearts,” said Col. Michael Chesney, chairman of the Department of Command, Leadership and Management.
USAWC staff members view Dr. Sara Morgan's mementos and awards displayed in the room.
  Retired Col. Ed Filiberti, DCLM faculty, shared an office with Dr. Morgan for four years.
  “I was Sara's officemate for almost four years and ... I still miss her,” said Filiberti.  “I saw firsthand her selfless dedication to developing both her seminar and all the civilian students, everyday.  She was totally committed to them,” he said. 
  “It is a fitting tribute, and I know she would be so proud and humbled by the room and ceremony,” said Filiberti.
  The USAWC Class of 2011 was the last class mentored by Dr. Morgan. Col. Scott King, 2011 class president, represented his fellow students at the dedication event.
  “This is a great tribute to a great lady,” said King.

MCEC workshop for parents and teens


Military Child Education Coalition and CYSS present:

Chart Your Course for Success in High School and Beyond Monday, April 2, 2012

9 am – noon – Parent to Parent Workshop

7 pm – 9:30 pm – Chart Your Own Course for Success in High School and Beyond All sessions held at Letort View Community Center


Sessions will cover suggested curriculum for on-time graduation despite multiple school transitions.  Competitive resume for college applications, College Application Process, Admissions, Portfolio and Financial Aid.  Participants will receive a Chart Your Course Kit with interactive CD.


Middle School and High School students are encouraged to attend the evening session with their parents.  This is a FREE workshop open to the entire Carlisle Barracks community.  Register with the School Liaison Officer, 717-245-4638.

SSG Corey Baltos, USAWC Public Affairs

Exceptional Family Member Program:  Military families living with autism

“I would give anything to have my daughter talk to me, she can’t say I love you,” said Bernadette Jarosz.   “It hurts.  I will never see Gabby graduate from college, get married, or hold her children.  I will never experience any of those milestones with her. Even though she is physically growing she will most likely remain perpetually one and a half years old.”  Gabby is severally autistic.

Bernadette Jarosz and her husband, Marine Lt. Col. Jeffrey Jarosz, a student at the Army War College, have three children, all of them 10 years old.  Bernadette first realized that something was wrong when the triplets were two.

“One in 88 military families has a child with autism,” said Anne Hurst, Carlisle Barracks Exceptional Family Member Program Manager.   “This is far greater than the national average of one in 110.  Every year we get more and more families with autistic children moving on post.”

The Carlisle Barracks EFMP program provides comprehensive support for military families by providing access to two major resources; Dunham Army Health Clinc for diagnosis and Army Community Service for other support.

Exceptional Family Member Program

While Hurst identifies autism as one of the fastest growing segments of  the EFMP program, any spouse, child or dependent parents who require special medical or educational services for their physical, intellectual or emotional condition qualify for EFMP.

The U.S. Army Medical Department estimates that 16 percent of Army Families have members with special needs.  Enrollment in EFMP is mandatory upon identification of a special need, so the military can consider a family member’s special needs when determining assignments for the military member.  Special needs can include cancer, diabetes, asthma, Graves’ disease, depression and learning disabilities like dyslexia or Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

The military’s EFMP program supports families with special needs, and is designed to be a comprehensive, coordinated, multi-agency program that provides community support, housing, medical, educational, and personnel services to military families with an EFMP member.

How Carlisle Barracks is helping EFMP families

EFMP families relocating to Carlisle Barracks have a wide support system.   The Carlisle Barracks EFMP program coordinates with Dunham Army Health Clinic for diagnosis and medical intervention, as well as ACS for referrals and outside support.

To help families with autistic children, and other special needs the Exceptional Family Member Program offers respite care.

“Respite care provides family members with a break,” said Hurst.  “We match caregivers with families, who can watch their special needs family member for a few hours, which allows the family members a chance to have time for themselves and recharge.”

The EFMP manager serves as an advocate for families, both with on-post and off post organizations.  Hurst has accompanied EFMP parents to school meetings and remembers being thanked by a spouse, whose husband was deployed, for being there for her and her family.

Hurst is currently working with EFMP families who will be PCSing here over the next few months and encouraging them to update and transfer their individual education plan before they arrive to make the transition easier.

“I usually start working with the EFMP office about six months before we relocate somewhere,” said Jarosz.  “This way I can make sure everything is in order for Gabby prior to arrival.”

While support for Carlisle Barracks EFMP families primarily comes from Hurst, the clinic or ACS, it can also come from the community.

“The residents and employees at Carlisle Barracks have been great,” said Jarosz.  “When we arrived we needed a fence so Gabby could safely play in the back yard.  At first a small fence was built but the area was too small and Gabby would move a chair over and climb the fence, we needed a bigger area for her,” she said.  “One day I found the garrison commander standing in my yard looking at my little fenced in area.  He said it was completely unacceptable and we got a better fence.”

Diagnosing autism

“As a Mom you know when something is wrong with your child,” said Jarosz.  “I noticed that she was different from her brother Jackson and sister Sophia.  She would fixate on things, avoid eye contact, and she was losing her words.”

After realizing something was wrong, Jarosz called their family doctor who did a hearing test on Gabriella.  Her hearing was fine.  “I was describing her symptoms to my friend, who told me to get her tested for autism,” said Jarosz.  Gabriella was tested and it came back positive. 

“Jeff was deployed, I was freaking out,” said Jarosz.  “I was told that Gabby needed 30 to 40 hours a week of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy to help her, but TRICARE didn’t cover the therapy because autism was classified as a special education need not a neurobiological brain disorder.  We were able to come up with some of the money for care by mortgaging our house but there are a lot of military families who don’t have that luxury.  Treatment is a lifetime expense.”

Children with autism usually show signs of delayed development as babies.  Some, according to the Mayo Clinic, show signs of having lower than normal intelligence, while others have a high I.Q.  Autistic children have difficulty communicating and adjusting in social situations.

According to the Mayo Clinic, children with autism generally have problems in three crucial areas of development; social interaction, language and behavior.

The Mayo Clinic recommends having your child tested for autism if the child doesn’t --

  • Babble or coo by 12 months
  • Gesture, point or wave by 12 months
  • Say a single word by 16 months
  • Say two-word phrases by 24 months
  • Looses previously acquired language or social skills at any age

 “Early diagnosis of autism is important to start intervention and treatment,” said Dr. Linda Clark, Dunham Clinic pediatrician.“Pediatrician’s may test for autism if they notice a child under their care is either not reaching developmental milestones, or has lost previously attained milestones such as speech,”

Since there is no biological test for autism, the diagnosis will often include a complete physical and neurological examination.  The child may also undergo genetic testing to look for chromosome abnormalities.  The health care provider may also use a specific screening tool such as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IVto diagnose autism.

If you suspect that your child may be autistic, call 245-3400 to make an appointment with Dr. Linda Clark.

Treating autism

Intensive, early treatment can make a big difference in the lives of many children with the disorder.

“A few years ago children were diagnosed around three years old,” said Jarosz.  “Now the medical community is able to diagnose the disorder in children younger than two years old.”

According to the website, autism is a complex brain disorder.  While there is no cure, there are treatments proven to be effective in helping children with autism lead full, active and independent lives.  However successful treatment depends on quick intervention and intensity of service hours.

Most treatment programs build on the individual interests of the child and are most successful when geared towards the child’s particular needs.  The therapies can include:

  • Applied behavior analysis (ABA)
  • Medications
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Speech-language therapy

“While there are multiple treatments available to treat children with autism, the most proven one has been ABA therapy,” said Clark.

 “ABA therapy is an autistic child’s version of what Annie Sullivan was to Helen Keller,” said Jarosz.  “It gives them away to communicate by improving language and communication skills, social interactions as well as daily living skills.”

ABA techniques for autistic children combine comprehensive, individualized intensive programs that address communication, social, self-care, play motor and pre-academic skills in young children.  This allows autistic children to have the same experiences their peers would have. 

This type of intense theory has shown to enhance some autistic children’s skills where they were able to participate in regular classrooms with minimal to no help.

Military families and autism

The transient lives of many military families complicate efforts to create and maintain extensive comprehensive care.

“The level of care available varies from location to location,” said Hurst.  “So many military families -- when they find care -- try to stay at that location for as long as they can.”

“TRICARE classifies autism as a special education benefit instead of a neurobiological brain disorder,” said Jarosz.  “Since autism is not classified by TRICARE as a brain disorder, treatment is not covered under TRICARE Prime, which is the healthcare service most military family’s use. 

“Treatment is available through TRICARE Enhanced Care Health Option but the financial limit of $2,500 a month for treatment does not cover the therapy recommended for severely autistic children,” said Jarosz.  “We would not set monetary limits for cancer treatments or treatments of Soldiers wounded in battle.  We shouldn’t let money dictate the level of treatment we provide to our military families.  It is not right.”

Hurst advises all military families with autistic children, regardless of rank, to contact the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare/Medical Assistance program for assistance.

“Enrolling in this program provides a lot of free services,” said Hurst.






Jarosz urges wider health benefits for autism

Frustration at the limitations of care within TRICARE led to Bernadette Jarosz to work with lawmakers to include full autism treatment under all TRICARE programs.

“Currently 29 states have laws that make it mandatory for insurance companies to cover ABA therapy but since we are a military family, even if we live in one of those states, TRICARE is a federal program so it trumps state law,” said Jarosz. 

“It was devastating for my family when Gabby was diagnosed with autism,” said Jarosz.  “I can’t imagine what it would be like for a 19 year old lance corporal to be told his child was autistic and he couldn’t get the care needed.  It would probably destroy the family.”

Jarosz noted that legislation has been proposed in the House of Representatives to get ABA therapy covered under TRICARE basic.

“I don’t care if passing this legislation ever helps Gabby,” said Jarosz.  “I just want to see it done because it is hard enough being a parent with an autistic child, you shouldn’t have to worry about how you are going to pay for treatment.”

Mar. 23, 2012 – The U.S. Army War College concluded a week-long Middle Eastern regional and cultural “immersion” seminar here preparing leaders from the New York Army National Guard’s 27thInfantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) for an upcoming deployment.   

The brigade, headquartered in Syracuse, N.Y., with units from across New York and elements of units from seven other states, was in pre-deployment training for missions in Afghanistan when they learned that evolving operations in U.S. Central Command would change their missions.  The brigade headquarters and half the unit would deploy to Kuwait to conduct security force and training missions and serve as a Military Assistance Team (MAT) for ARCENT.

Brigade commander Col. Geoffrey Slack and deputy commander Col. Chuck Crosby turned to the expertise they knew from their Army War College education to fill gaps in their readiness to execute an ambiguous, strategic-level mission.

Led by the Army War College cultural advisor, Dr. Adam Silverman, the Army War College presented a week-long program for 27thBrigade leaders’ appreciation of the modern religious, nationalistic, cultural and historical trends and how understanding of these concepts would improve its ability to execute its engagement mission.

“We wanted to give them enough to get them thinking, get them some concepts and tools to think about going forward and also provide them with reach back to get answers,” Silverman said. “We wanted them to walk away with an understanding of the bigger picture, an understanding of history and culture in a broader context as it applies to current conditions in the region.” 

The week-long program, hosted at the Center for Strategic Leadership’s Collins Hall here, included:

  • Historical, religious, and cultural overviews and conduct of military to military and military to civilian engagements from college faculty Dr. Silverman and Dr. Larry Goodson, USAWC professor of Middle Eastern studies
  • “Regional economic inequities as drivers for discontent,” from Prof. Richard Coplen, professor of economic development at the Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute
  • “Focus on corruption,” from Col. Louis H. Jordan, Jr., deputy director of the Strategic Studies Institute
  • Regional panel discussions with International Fellows in the USAWC student body, and Foreign Area Officers.

“We had a whole-of-U.S. Army War College approach, showing the depth of the ability here,” said Silverman. “Every component of the College was involved here – SSI, PKSOI, CSL, AHEC, and the College – which shows the utility of what we have here all in one place.”

Silverman introduced outside experts from the Defense Institute for Security Assistance Management at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio to discuss security cooperation planning,  and a veteran Foreign Service Officer with extensive experience in the Middle East to discuss current affairs in the region.

The officers and senior NCOs of the 27th also established points of contact at the Army War College for “reach back” assistance, should questions arise while they are deployed. 

“The holistic approach to what we have here – the broad perspective and specialization in specific areas – makes this more pragmatic for any team conducting a military assistance team effort,” said Slack. “We made contacts here and encouraged the team to reach back to discuss emerging issues.”

 “After they analyzed the situation based on our request, they knew more about what we were getting into than we did, and they pulled the right experts together,” said Slack, about the responsiveness of the Army War College team.

 “This turned out to be the ‘crown jewel’ in our military assistance team training and the center of gravity in our reach back.”

The rapid nature by which the program was assembled prompted representatives at the War College to capture the overall framework and logistics of this instruction to be presented as an option for practitioners needing supplemental training or for units who need assistance in preparing for future complex missions in strategic environments.





Lt.Col. Mark McCann, Public Affairs
   USAWC electives: Students learn to manage change

Craig Bullis brings up a key point from a recent guest speaker during a seminar room discussion Feb. 24. This academic year Bullis is teaching the “Systems Leadership: Organizational Theory and Change” electiv

An element of strategic leadership is the ability to manage through the ambiguity and complexity inherent in large organizations, while balancing competing requirements, to achieve a greater end.

Dr. Craig Bullis, professor of management in Army War College’s department of command, leadership and management, provides insight to this challenge in his elective, “Systems Leadership: Organizational Theory and Change.”

Based on Gareth Morgan’s eight metaphors of an organization, Bullis’ elective course provides students with an understanding of the internal workings of large organizations and challenges them to develop ways of thinking to help them work through complexity and ambiguity.

“The course is based on how to define organizational systems, generally focused on processes internal to an organization,” said Bullis, who taught similar courses on leadership at the undergraduate and graduate levels at West Point. “We look at organizations through each of the eight metaphors, paying attention to the many nuances to managing effectively.”

Metaphorically, according to Gareth, all organizations are like machines, organisms, brains, cultures, political systems, psychic prisons, continual transformation and instruments of domination, and these things work simultaneously within an organization, competing for resources and challenging leaders.

“This course is more about the cognitive aspects of managing complexity at the strategic level,” Bullis said. “Strategic leaders focus externally. It also is important that they understand how their organizations work internally so that they will be better prepared to respond to and influence external effects.”

“I really believe that what I owe our students is not what to think, but how to think about challenges they will face, he said. “And from a very personal perspective, like many on the staff, I have children who chose to serve in the Army. If I can make their senior leaders more effective, they will benefit.”

Carol Kerr, Public Affairs Officer
Military Strategy Dept. introduces Building Partner Capacity elective

Retired Col. Mike Marra and Air Force Lt. Col. Mike Thode talk about force management after a recent class. Marra brings his experience to the seminar for the Foundations of Building Partner Capacity elective.

Throughout his Air Force career, retired Col. Mike Marra deployed to multiple developing countries and, in turn, developed insights about the nature of those nations planning for a stable future. A new elective, Foundations of Building Partner Capacity, was conceived with department chair Col. Tom Reilly so USAWC students can exercise and execute strategy immediately upon graduation in the regional theaters.

As our Army and military come back from war, BPC is a way to help units remain politically astute and aware around the world, he said. The Army‘s rotational brigade concept will give our Soldiers knowledge and familiarity within a region.

“BPC allows us to be better partners with other nations. It may start with a military relationship and grow to economic ones. Militaries will learn from each other, e.g., doctrine, methods for training and organizing and equipping a military, and institutional leadership and management processes like budgeting,” said Marra.

The course builds on the concept of security force assistance as part of a bigger picture – challenging students to ask key questions: How do we do this in theater? How do we assess whether taxpayers are getting value? How do we anticipate future challenges and second-order effects?

“This is big -- exactly why it should be taught at the war college,” said Marra. “Building Partner Capacity is a good example of something that’s easy to recognize and hard to define. Everything involved in the program makes it more of a Unity of Effort than a Unity of Command across various activities and programs that are seemingly unrelated.

Building Partner Capacity can only work as a whole-of-government effort led by civilians. Security cooperation and security assistance must be done in close cooperation with the State Department and USAID, he said. “Part of the class is to develop the ability to see seams and gaps and how to work with them,” he noted.

In a previous assignment, Marra worked for USEUCOM to prepare to open airfields in nations throughout Europe and Africa. “The mission was either helped or hindered by what went on in the years preceding that operation,” said Marra about deployments to six major combat operations in the Persian Gulf, Bosnia, Somalia, Haiti, Afghanistan and Iraq.

“Many of the nations had resources and capacities to do anything, and yet were struggling. Beyond building security capacity – a means to an end – there’s a need to build human capacity so that country can get beyond constantly dealing with regional security and attain the time and space to reach its potential.

“With a small investment we may be able to preclude war. But if we cannot, we are inexorably better prepared for a better outcome.”

President nominates USAWC grad as new chief of Army Reserve

FORT BELVOIR, Va. (Army News Service, March 20, 2012) -- Maj. Gen. Jeffrey W. Talley has been nominated by President Barack Obama for appointment to the rank of lieutenant general and for assignment as chief, Army Reserve and commanding general, U.S. Army Reserve Command.

Talley is currently serving as commanding general, 84th Training Command (Unit Readiness), Fort Knox, Ky. His leadership experience spans from serving as an active-duty platoon leader to service on the Joint Staff in Washington, D.C. Talley is currently a member of the Reserve Forces Policy Board.

Talley is president of his own company, Environmental Technology Solutions, or ETS Partners, located in Phoenix, Ariz.

He has a doctorate degree in civil and environmental engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and an MBA from the University of Oxford. He is also an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University.

If confirmed by Congress, Talley will replace Lt. Gen. Jack Stultz. Stultz has served as chief, Army Reserve/commanding general, U.S. Army Reserve Command for nearly six years, the longest tenure of any Army Reserve chief.

During his tenure, Stultz oversaw the transition of the Army Reserve from a strategic force, to an integral part of the operational force, supporting combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and Theater Security Cooperation missions worldwide.

Before assuming his position as chief of the Army Reserve, Stultz retired from Procter & Gamble Co. after 28 years in operations management.

 Photos by Megan Clugh

 Lt. Gen. Claudio Graziano holds the Certificate of Honor after being inducted into the International Fellows Hall of Fame, Mar. 22, 2012, Bliss Hall




Suzanne Reynolds, USAWC Public Affairs Office

Lt. Gen. Claudio Graziano, Chief of the General Staff Italy becomes the 38th International Hall of Fame Inductee


“Throughout his career, Gen. Graziano has been at the forefront of change, strategic transformation and leadership,” said Maj. Gen. Gregg Martin, in honoring a new member of the IHOF.
Today, the Chief of General Staff Italy, Lt. Gen. Claudio Graziano started his military career as leader of a mountain troop rifle platoon, Susa battalion, in Pinerolo, near Turin in 1976. 
His career journey covers a variety of operational command and staff appointments leading to military attache to the Italian Embassy in Washington, D.C. in 2001; commanding general “Taurinense” mountain troops brigade in Turin in 2004; deputy chief of staff for operations to the Italian Joint Operations Headquarters in 2006; UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force commander from 2007-2010; and appointed Chief of Cabinet of the Minister Defence.
Graziano holds a degree in Strategic Military Studies and two Master Degrees, one in Human Sciences and one in Strategic Military Sciences.  He recently graduated in Diplomatic Sciences at the University of Trieste.
 “It is very important for the International Fellows and for our American friends,” said Graziano, who noted with pleasure that the IF program will have doubled in size, from 40 in 1997 to 80 in the next class.  “We are all teachers of each other—we are learning from each other.”
“This was one of the most important years of my life, probably changed my career completely,” said Lt. Gen. Graziano.  Because after that, I came back with different ideas and different opinions,” he said.  And maybe I was even selected by the Secretary General to be force commander of UNIFIL because I had the opportunity to attend this course.” 
In addressing the students, Graziano said, “The running of multinational forces, the ability to negotiate, and the ability to deal with the media for your future career are going to be as much important as to be a good fighter and everything comes under a single definition of a modern leader or a strategic leader and the leadership that I am sure you are learning in this place.”
“It was really a fantastic year something that made me become Chief of the Army,” said Lt. Gen. Graziano.
                                   Lt. Gen. Claudio Graziano stands in the
                             International Fellows Hall of Fame, Mar. 22, 2012

  Photos by Megan Clugh

 Maj. Gen. Timothy Keating holds the Certificate of Honor after his induction into the International Fellows Hall of Fame, Mar. 22, 2012, Bliss Hall.




Suzanne M. Reynolds, USAWC Public Affairs Office

Maj. Gen. Timothy J. Keating, Chief of Army New Zealand, becomes the 39th International Hall of Fame Inductee


  “A leader of tremendous talent and passion, Gen. Keating was destined for greatness from the onset of his career,” said Maj. Gen. Gregg Martin, who welcomed the former New Zealand fellow to the IHOF.
  Maj. Gen. Keating joined the Army in 1982 and became the Chief of Army in February 2011.
  Keating deployed as commander of Task Group Crib 6 to Afghanistan in 2005; was appointed as the assistant chief of general staff, Office of Strategy Management, where he was awarded the Queen’s Birthday Honour and became a member of the New Zealand Order of Merit in Jun. 2008; after promotion to brigadier, Keating assumed the role of Deputy Chief of Army; and was appointed as the chief of staff to the Chief of Defence Force, Headquarters New Zealand Defence Force, Wellington in 2010.
  “I’ve tried to follow the philosophies that have been taught here,” said Keating.  I agree that if it’s underpinned what has made me Chief of Army today what I took out of here when I had that time to reflect on the principles that are taught here, it’s given me such wonderful skills but it wasn’t from my learning it was from my shared learning. I suppose, it was both from the faculty but also from my fellow students.
  Keating shared a long-held memory from his USAWC studies, about former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara’s memoirs about the lessons of Vietnam.
  “McNamara talked about this concept of empathy and one thing that I got out of that he said you got to learn how to emphasize with your enemy and that does not mean ladies and gentlemen “sympathize.”  But until you can stand in those other persons shoes and see it from their perspective, you ain’t going to win because you are fighting two fights,” said Keating.
  “I thank you Commandant and the faculty here for your continued role to train tomorrow’s leaders and upholding this enlightened sense of purpose that we see here, which is really what it’s all about,  “Not to promote war but to preserve peace”  which is our ultimate aim,” said Maj Gen. Keating.
                      Maj. Gen. Timothy Keating addresses the audience,
                             Class of 2012 students, staff and faculty after being
                             inducted as the 39th member of the IHOF.

Carlisle Barracks girl named Army Military Child of the Year

Amelia McConnell, a 17-year old Carlisle High School senior, has been named the winner of the Army Operation Homefront for the Military Child of the Year Award. Operation Homefront is a nonprofit organization that supports military families. 

McConnell is the youngest child of Col. Scott McConnell, director of Army Planning, Department of Military Plans, Strategy and Operations. 

For the second year in a row, the award was given to an outstanding military child from each branch of Service – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard.

McConnell and the other 9 semi-finalists were interviewed by Operation Homefront staff, and award recipients were chosen by a committee including active duty military personnel, Family Readiness Support Assistants, teachers, military mothers, and community members.  

Each award recipient receives $5,000 and will be flown with a parent or guardian to Washington, D.C. for a special recognition ceremony on April 5, 2012.    

Ideal candidates for the Military Child of the Year® Award demonstrate resilience and strength of character, and thrive in the face of the challenges of military life.  They demonstrate leadership within their families and within their communities.

“The sons and daughters of America’s service members learn what patriotism is at a very young age,” said Jim Knotts, President & CEO of Operation Homefront.  “Children in military families understand sacrifice and live with the concept of service.  This is what the Military Child of the Year® Award honors.”













Barry Shughart, Installation Emergency Manager

Carlisle Barracks to test severe weather siren March 21

On Wednesday, March 21 at 8 p.m., Carlisle Barracks will again test our Severe Weather Alert Warning Siren. Carlisle Barracks is conducting weather exercises to train our staff on weather related procedures to better prepare for a weather emergency and protect our community. Due to the volume of the siren, Carlisle residents may hear the alarm.

While this is only a test, in the event of an actual weather emergency residents should check their preferred weather information and if necessary take shelter.  On post you can also call 245-3700 for the latest Carlisle Barracks operations information.

Early warning has proven to save lives and we believe that everyone close to Carlisle Barracks can benefit from the early warning this siren can provide.

The Ashburn Gate "WILL" be closed for no more than one hour during the exercise the Claremont Gate will be closed for no more than 10 minutes. The Ashburn Gate will close at 8 p.m.

Seminar 16 defeats Seminar 15 in championship basketball game

After postponing the USAWC championship basketball game twice, Seminar 16 defeated Seminar 15 by a score of 51 to 40.  The game was played on March 20 in Root Hall Gym.

"This was a great compition," said Col. Bobby Towery, USAWC Deputy Commandant.  "There are no loosers today."


For more photos go to Facebook.

Lt. Gen. Michael Ferriter, IMCOM commander

IMCOM promise: World-class customer service


Every day across our installations, members of Team IMCOM are working hard to provide world-class customer service and make it a great day to be a Soldier, Family member or Army Civilian.

Mia Hunt-Wichmann, Customer Service Coordinator, U.S. Army Installation Management Command, FMWR, listens to feedback from a group of Carlisle Barracks FMWR employees during Operation Excellence Customer Service training.  Photo by Staff Sgt. Corey Baltos.

A prime example at Carlisle Barracks is that all Family, Morale, Welfare and Recreation employees have completed customer service training.  The training, known as Operation Excellence training, is a standardized two-part training program that is offered through the MWR Academy located at Fort Sam Houston. 

The first part of the training is offered on-line and the second part is delivered locally at the garrison level by a trained IMCOM Academy instructor.

During the months of December and February Carlisle Barracks FMWR employees attended the second part of the training.

“We are the image of FMWR,” said Greg Crouse, Commercial Sponsorship Coordinator.   “We are the people that people associate with FMWR.  We are responsible for the image of the garrison, and how it is presented to the people.  Our attitude and image sets the program.”

The first part of the training is offered on-line and the second part is delivered locally at the garrison level by a trained IMCOM Academy instructor.

“The on-line course focuses on foundation-level skills,” said Mia Hunt-Wichmann, Customer Service Coordinator, U.S. Army Installation Management Command, FMWR.  “The classroom training focuses on higher-level skills and the application and analysis of the foundation skills.

“This program has been incorporated by FMWR Army wide, all over the world,” said Hunt.  “The idea of giving good customer service was born a while ago, but now it has backing because we owe it to the Soldiers and their families to give them our best, so they can do their job defending the nation.”

“I found the training to be very helpful,” said Dave Myers, Child and Youth Services Child & Program assistant. “Operation Excellence training taught me the importance of continually improving our customer service by focusing on the needs of, not only our customer, but the employees by promoting teamwork.”

“We in the Installation Management Command are charged with delivering the majority of installation services and Soldier and Family programs, and we know that a critical element of service delivery depends on our people,” said Lt. Gen. Michael Ferriter, IMCOM commander.

Outstanding customer service is also seen at Carlisle Barracks.

“Despite significant budget reductions this year, we take enormous pride in the fact that we continue to provide excellent customer service and execute all programs and services to the same level as last year to our military personnel, civilian workforce, family members and retirees,” said Lt. Col. William McDonough, Carlisle Barracks garrison commander.

“World-class customer service depends on making connections with the customers across the counter—listening to them, working to find solutions, and saying thank you,” said Ferriter.   “It doesn’t cost a penny to make someone feel like a million dollars. It does take a commitment to serve and provide leadership at every level.”

“Our focus on customer service is a promise of predictable service. It is a promise that customers will always be treated with courtesy, respect and an attitude of let’s-make-this-work,” Ferriter said.

“We can see many other great examples of customer service across IMCOM,” said Ferriter. “There’s Ms. Carol Pryer, a Survivor support coordinator with the Florida Army National Guard, who with great persistence and compassion has built a strong network for our most revered members, Army survivors.

“Or Ms. Robin Greene at Fort Sam Houston, who has worked hard to streamline the process for providing housing for Soldiers with medical needs. Or Ms. Jessica Zagelow, Family Child Care Director at Fort Bliss, who goes above and beyond for children who need extra care. Or Mr. Nick Overstake and Mr. Pat Fielder at Campbell Army Airfield, who came in Christmas Day to repair runway lights and make sure a flight with redeploying Soldiers could land. There are way too many great examples to name them all, and to that I say, Go Team!

“Thank you, IMCOM personnel, for setting the standard for customer service. I am extremely proud of our team and what you do for Soldiers, Families and Civilians every day.

“And thank you, too, to our customers for your feedback. Keep sending us those ICE comments. Visit the IMCOM Facebook page and tell us about our team members who deliver excellent customer service. We want to know how we can improve, and just as much, we want to hear about our stars.”

Army strong!

Root Hall construction notice

The air conditioning chiller behind Root Hall was removed March 20 and will be replaced by temporary chiller starting March 27. As a result, the road behind Root Hall from the arched bridge under Ashburn Road to the Log and Maintenance loading dock will be closed and considered a construction site. This area will remain closed until the temporary chiller is removed and all of the demolition of the old units and installation of the new units is complete, which is expected to be mid-April.

2012 AER campaign kicks off

March 9, 2012 – The Annual Army Emergency Relief Campaign has officially kicked off.  This year’s theme is “A Strong Tradition of Soldiers Helping Soldiers.” The campaign will run from March 1 to May 15.

AER  is the Army’s own emergency financial assistance program that provides interest-free loans and grants to Soldiers, family members, retirees, widows as well as the surviving orphans of Soldiers who have died on active duty or after they have retired.  

To meet the changing needs of today’s Soldiers and Families, AER has added four new categories of assistance to include: family member dental care, basic furniture needs, rental vehicles and replacement vehicles.

Soldiers requiring AER assistance should contact their unit Chain of Command or go to their local installation AER office. Under the streamlined Command Referral Program, Company Commanders and First Sergeants have the authority to approve AER loans for their Soldiers up to $1,500. 

 “Last year the Carlisle Barracks AER office raised over $78,000 and gave out $68,000 to help the Soldiers, family members and retirees of the Carlisle area,” said Cora Johnson, financial officer for the Carlisle Barracks Army Community  Services.

AER donations are essential to promote the continued success of assisting service members in their time of need.

“This year’s goal is 100 percent solicitation through personal contact,” said 1st Sgt. Sabrina Washington, Carlisle Barracks AER Campaign Manager.    “AER is our ability to ‘take care of our own.’”   If you would like to donate money see your AER representatives:

DRM & DOL                                                                                                   Lynn Snyder

Dunham Medical Clinic                                                                              Staff Sgt. Maria Morris

RSO (Religious Support Office)                                                               Sgt. 1st Class Andrew Wicks

Network Enterprise                                                                                     Carol Wentzel

PKSOI                                                                                                            Barbara Glasgow

CSL (Center for Strategic Leadership)                                                   Staff Sgt. Joseph Mutaku

AHEC (US Army Heritage & Education Center)                                    Tommy Shird

Letterkenny Army Depot                                                                            Sgt. 1st Class Terry Acie

Department of Emergency Services                                                       Roy Carte

FMWR                                                                                                            Liz Knouse

Army War College Staff                                                                              Laurie Christman

USAWC grads in the news

A number of U.S. Army War College grads are in the news for promotions or new assignments.

  • Maj. Gen. James M. McDonald,USAWC Class of 1999, commanding general, U.S. Army Cadet Command and Fort Knox, Fort Knox, Ky., to commanding general, U.S. Army Fires Center of Excellence and Fort Sill, Fort Sill, Okla.
  • Brig. Gen. Jefforey A. Smith, USAWC Class of 2003, who has been selected for the rank of major general, director, Army Accessions Command Discontinuance Task Force, Fort Knox, Ky., to commanding general, U.S. Army Cadet Command and Fort Knox, Fort Knox, Ky.
  • Brig. Gen. Timothy J. Edens, USAWC Class of 2003, assistant division commander, 2nd Infantry Division, Eighth United States Army, Korea, to commanding general, U.S. Army Combat Readiness Center/director of Army safety, Fort Rucker, Ala.
  • Col. Steven A. Shapiro, USAWC Class of 2007, who has been selected for the rank of brigadier general, deputy chief of staff, G-4, U.S. Army Europe and Seventh Army, Germany, to director, Materiel Enterprise Integration and Retrograde Operations Center, U.S. Forces-Afghanistan, Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan.
  • Col. Robert P. White, USAWC Class of 2006, who has been selected for the rank of brigadier general, deputy commander, Combined Arms Center for Training, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to deputy commander, 3rd Infantry Division (Mechanized), Fort Stewart, Ga.

Lt. Col. Mark McCann, Public Affairs
USAWC electives: Great captains’ inspire students

Prof. Len Fullenkamp, Professor of Military History in the Department of National Security Studies, talks to a group during a recent Gettysburg Staff Ride. He is teaching the Ride with Great Captains elective this academic year. 

“Napoleon’s advice to those who would practice the art of war; ‘Read over and over again the campaigns of Alexander, Hannibal, Caesar, Gustavus, Turenne, Eugene and Frederick. Make them your models. This is the only way to become a great general and to master the secrets of the art of war, ’” said Prof. Len Fullenkamp, Professor of Military History in the Department of National Security Studies here.

“This premise provides the theoretical underpinnings for the Ride with Great Captains elective,” he said.

The elective affords students with an opportunity to, “be more reflective about the subject of leadership in the profession of arms,” according to Fullenkamp.

“There is much to be learned by reading and reflecting on the views of general officers who have confronted the burdens of command and excelled in doing so.”

“Students choose a leader from the 20th century about whom they want to know more and find a way to ‘interrogate’ that individual,” said Fullenkamp. “If you could get into his thoughts, what would you want to know?”

Whether an American military leader from George Washington to George Marshall or wars from the American Revolution to Persian Gulf, insights gained by reading correspondence, memoirs, or a good biography will stimulate one’s thinking about the profession of arms and the consummate challenges of leadership at the highest levels under the most demanding conditions.

“This elective enables students to discuss their research with their peers and ask, ‘what practical use can I make from these insights?’” said Fullenkamp. “They can come away with a deeper understanding of the profession of arms and a more finely developed professional judgment.”

“With this elective, I have fun for 30 hours. I would do this even if no one showed up,” Fullenkamp added with notable enthusiasm.

Thomas Zimmerman, Public Affairs
USAWC takes on cyber during elective

Brian Gouker, National Security Agency Visiting Professor assigned to the Department of Military Strategy, Planning, and Operations, reads over some course documents for his elective “Cyberspace Theory & Strategic Security Implications.”

“Cyber as a whole has evolved extensively and affects us in every aspect of our lives,” said Brian Gouker, the National Security Agency Visiting Professor assigned to the Department of Military Strategy, Planning, and Operations who is also teaching the “Cyberspace Theory & Strategic Security Implications” elective.

The non-technical elective is designed to give students a greater understanding and appreciation of the dynamic cyber landscape they will face when they graduate as strategic leaders.

“Students have been given a taste of cyber in the core curriculum, and I’ll expand on those lessons into various facets of the ‘cyber domain,’” he said. Gouker pointed out that the cyber environment is receiving more and more attention and emphasis throughout the DoD and the federal government.

The class will be lecture based and include guest speakers from industry and government, with seminar-based discussions and extensive student participation and student presentations. The course is designed to compliment other cyber-focused electives taught at the USAWC.

The cyber arena and the issues and challenges are important for USAWC students to understand and be familiar with, he said.

“No matter what role or position our graduates find themselves in, they will be responsible in one way or another for maintaining and protecting a network,” he said. “They need to be aware of the legal issues, roles and responsibilities, policies, capabilities, and what the threats and risks are in cyberspace. This is an ideal place to discuss these issues.”

He added that the course is being taught at an unclassified level in order to include the International Fellows.

“No matter what country you are from, the security of your network is important to everyone,” he said. “A vulnerability on one network can spread quickly and affect others. I think the fellows will bring an global perspective which will benefit everyone.”

He should know, as the USAWC Class of 2003 graduate has served for 22 years at the National Security Agency after retiring from the Air Force. He is the former Deputy Director of the National Security Incident Response Center, and has served in various managerial, technical and advisory positions within NSA’s Information Assurance and Signals Intelligence Directorates as well as in the agency’s Legislative Affairs Office.

Carol Kerr, Public Affairs Officer
Gerras brings critical thinking skills to elective


Dr. Steve Gerras discusses concepts from 'How the Army Runs' with student Col. Lester Moore. Gerras is teaching the “Critical Thinking” elective this academic year.


The USAWC resident year opens with the two-week Strategic Thinking course, introducing key skills and strategies in understanding problems as a precursor to decision-making. A foundation in thinking skills needed by senior leaders throughout the academic year and into future assignments, the course includes critical thinking, creative thinking, systems thinking, thinking in time, among others.

For some, the critical thinking course whets appetites for more depth – and Dr. Steve Gerras’ elective, Critical Thinking, is a deep dive into understanding and applying the critical thinking model.

“I built the course to remedy the miserable command and staff meetings I’ve been in,” said Gerras, who earned his doctorate at Penn State University. A retired Army officer, he refers to the inspiration of myriad meetings in which he’d hear a dozen or so logical fallacies.

“I was brought here as the strategic leadership guy. I’d been the organizational management course director at West Point,” said Gerras. When he was asked to teach critical thinking, he shaped the core lesson and built the elective from scratch. “They let me do what I’ve been passionate about since graduate school: to teach people how to think better,” he said.

The Critical Thinking elective is a deep dive into the model of critical thinking we introduced in the first two weeks of the core course, in August, as a foundation for the academic year. Half of the elective is deep on content and other half on application – with self-awareness exercises to help students recognize their own biases.

The elective is limited to 12 students to create an intimate environment. The class will include at least two International Fellows because we seek different perspectives. They need to have discussions that help identify how they think. Students effectively select their own case study by selecting a published article or op-ed to analyze. They share it with the seminar and then lead a discussion, applying critical thinking skills so as to reinforce what we’ve learned and understand more deeply for future application.

“I know I’m successful when students come to see me and say, ‘Steve, I hate you – I can no longer listen to network news without hearing the logical fallacies.’ I reply that I hope they’ll apply it in the future.”

“Most of our students end up in places where they make a difference,” said Gerras.

Thomas Zimmerman, Army War College Public Affairs
British General Sir Richard Shirreff  delivers Roosevelt Lecture at USAWC

British General Sir Richard Shirreff, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe, speaks to the Army War College Class of 2012 in Bliss Hall March 8 as part of the Kermit Roosevelt Lecture Program.

March 15, 2012 -- As part of the Kermit Roosevelt Lecture Program, British General Sir Richard Shirreff, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe, spoke to the Army War College Class of 2012 March 8. 

Using recent conflicts as examples Shirreff reminded the students that the hybrid conflicts witnessed in recent years may most likely continue to be the way conflict is fought.  He reminded the students that the essences of leadership are timeless and that especially at the strategic level they must be prepared to deal with the complexities these conflicts present.

Shirreff stressed the importance of relationship, like the string one between the United Kingdom and the U.S. He said he felt it was necessary to have clear communication between partners, to ensure a unity of purpose.

Shirreff commanded the 7th Armored Brigade in Kosovo from 1999-2000 and 3rd (UK) Division in Iraq from 2005-2007. Assuming command of the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps in December 2007, he also oversaw the relocation of the corps from Germany to the United Kingdom. He became the 27th DSACEUR on March 4, 2011.

Lecture series background

The Kermit Roosevelt Exchange Lecture Series began in 1947. The idea for an annual exchange of American and British military lecturers came from Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt, who intended it as a memorial to her late husband.

The U.S. Congress enacted legislation in 1945 which authorized the Kermit Roosevelt Fund and established in the War Department a Board of Trustees to implement and administer the exchange program, "…for the purpose of fostering a better understanding and a closer relationship between the military forces of the United States and those of the United Kingdom by sponsoring lectures or courses of instruction…"

The exchange lectures have been held every year since 1947. As of 1997, the lecturer from the United Kingdom spoke at the United States Military Academy, the U.S. Army War College, and the Armed Forces Staff College in addition to the Command and General Staff College. The lecturer from the United States spoke at the Military College of Sciences, The Royal Military Academy, the Joint Services Defence College and the Ministry of Defence. The Kermit Roosevelt Fund was sustained through 1957 by Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt, and through 1969 by grants from the Rockefeller and McCormick Foundations. In 1970, it was mutually agreed that the Kermit Roosevelt Lecture Series would be officially support by the United Kingdom and the United States as a continuation of the program formerly sponsored by the Kermit Roosevelt Fund.

Balfour Beatty Communities is Blogging
Balfour Beatty Communities just launched a new community blog for the residents at Carlisle Barracks.
“This marks our latest effort for getting important, timely, and engaging information to our residents,” said Theresa Steele, Community Manager.“ 
In addition to our new blog, we also have a community website, our very own Facebook page where residents can chat with our staff, as well as a Twitter account.  It is our goal to be able to connect more quickly and seamlessly with residents on the platform of their choosing.”
The blog is designed to serve as an online portal where residents can exchange recipes, read reviews about local restaurants and area attractions, as well as articles promoting healthy living. 
Residents will also find important resident messages and other happenings around town.  In addition to engaging articles, the blog includes helpful links to movie theaters, public transportation information, local review and discount sites, a Walk Score map of the immediate area, and a link to local restaurants.
“We want residents to be informed, utilize these tools to make their busy lives easier, engage with their neighbors, and have fun,” says Steele. “For us, it’s all about putting our residents first in all that we do and creating an environment that they are proud to call home.”
Please join us by visiting your community blog at and the facebook page at

Carlisle Barracks Spouses Club 2012 Military Family Member Merit Scholarship


* Possess valid U. S. Military Family Member ID Card

* CBSC membership current as of December 31, 2011

* If not eligible for CBSC membership, Service Member must be assigned to Carlisle Barracks

* Be a high school senior, home school equivalent; or college student currently enrolled in a college/university/trade school, or spouse entering/returning to a post-high school educational program

* Applicant must agree to enroll as a full-time student as defined by their respective programs during the 2012-2013 academic year

Last year, 13 scholarships were awarded.  This year, spouses are eligible.

For questions, email

See the CBSC website for scholarship application and complete requirements—
Applications must be postmarked NLT April 1, 2012.

Carlisle Barracks-Cumberland Valley Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA)Chapter Scholarship
Each year the local Chapter of the AUSA grants a $1000 scholarship to a local chapter member or their dependent (last year the Chapter awarded an additional $500 and three $250 scholarships). Also, last year only 11 applications were received…so just under 50 percent received scholarship money.
The scholarship is open to current College Freshmen OR High School Graduating Seniors (graduating this year: AY '12) who are members or dependents of members of our local AUSA Chapter (Carlisle Barracks/Cumberland Valley).  
Applications for AUSA membership are available in Room C304, Root Hall for all components (Civilians, Civilian Employees, Active Army, USAR, ARNG) as well as postage-free change-of-address cards for updating your AUSA Army Magazine address to your local area address (also can be used to change your Chapter affiliation to this CB/CV Chapter).
The suspense is Wednesday, May 2, 2012 for those who want to apply.
For questions and applications contact Edward Filiberti, (717) 245-3715; e-mail:

Applications should be submitted to Edward J. Filiberti at USAWC Box 536, or mailed to: Prof Edward J. Filiberti, 1112 Oak Street, Carlisle, PA 17013.


DES plans severe weather drills

The Carlisle Barracks Directorate of Emergency Services will hold several severe weather drills in the new few weeks. The Ashburn Gate "WILL" be closed for no more than one hour and for all three exercises the Claremont gate will be closed for no more than 10 minutes.


  • Mon March 19 - 9:30-10 a.m. at Claremont Gate & Ashburn Gate


  • Wed March 21 - 8:30 p.m. at Claremont Gate & Ashburn Gate (Ashburn Gate will close at 8 p.m. instead of 8:30 p.m. this night)


  • Wed March 21  10-11 p.m. at Claremont Gate & Ashburn Gate

Thomas Zimmerman, Army War College
USAWC faculty bring experience to table for USAWC electives


Dr. Sherwood McGinnis, National Security and Strategy

Having retired from the Foreign Service after 30 years of traveling the world as a diplomat, Dr. Sherwood McGinnis continues to serve his country as a Department of Defense civilian looks to enhance the civilian-military partnership that is a key element of national security.

McGinnis, professor of National Security and Strategy, pursued a career in the State Department that has taken him to Afghanistan, Belgium, Bosnia, France, Mexico and Spain. He has served as the U.S. Permanent Representative to the Conference on Disarmament and Political Advisor at the U.S. Mission to NATO and has deployed twice to Afghanistan in the last five years, each time returning to the USAWC to teach and share his experiences.

“Electives provide an opportunity for students to learn from other members of the faculty, broadening the students’ exposure beyond the core curriculum,” he said. “This includes different perspectives and backgrounds which add to the overall learning experience here at the USAWC.  In addition, students have the opportunity to interact in new seminars with additional members of the academic class, thus learning from a wider set of experiences and new ideas.  The course material itself adds to the students' overall knowledge.”

McGinnis brings these experiences to the electives he teaches, a regional studies elective on Afghanistan and Pakistan and an elective in Diplomacy in the Multilateral Environment.

“I feel that what I learned and experienced in Afghanistan coupled with the students’ own experiences help to create a rich and diverse conversation in the electives,” he said.

It’s important for USAWC students to take the time to study these regions and the use of diplomacy, he said.  

“In the current environment, when the President of the United States champions the use of multilateral organizations, development of partnerships and “smart power,” graduates of the USAWC need to understand the elements of multilateral diplomacy,” he said. “There is a good chance that they will be called on to formulate and execute policy in a multilateral environment. 

“Understanding Afghanistan, Pakistan and South Asia will help in follow-on assignments to the region, but more importantly in grasping some of the elements of counterinsurgency, regional politics, and economic development that will impact on future national security challenges and the U.S. response to these challenges.” 

McGinnis said that the classes provide a different learning environment for everyone involved.

“The electives present the opportunity for experiencing new ideas, new perspectives, from both faculty and other students.” 


Air Force Col. Murray “Murf” Clark, Department of Command Leadership and Management

Plato, Aristotle, Shakespeare and John Locke are names known for literary greatness and have been studied by scholars for hundreds of years. Now a group of Army War College students can be added to that list, thanks to  a new “Great Books for Leaders,” directed study.

The individual education experience, led by Air Force Col. Murray “Murf” Clark, takes a look at the works of these authors and to analyze the others thoughts and ideas of respected thinkers through history while integrating their ideas into a broader and deeper world view.

“The chosen texts will relate more or less directly with the pursuit of better leadership, but I believe almost any great work of philosophy or literature can serve that end,” said Clark. Through the readings and discussion, the course attempts to assess the ideas and value of literary works, political treatises, and personal narratives as they apply to living well and leading well, he said.

The class looks at works like Shakespeare’s Henry V and The Republic by Plato and how the leadership and human dimension lesson still apply.   

“This attempts to broaden their perspectives, adding depth to their understanding, and refining their decision-making skills,” he said.

Clark, who has served in the Air Force for 25 years, came to the USAWC in the summer of 2009 as the Senior Air Force Representative and instructor in the Department of Command Leadership and Management. Before his time here he has served as a tanker pilot, specializing in airlift and refueling hubs. 

 “There are great leaders and great thinkers behind us,” he said. “The lessons they have learned have been captured in a way that helps us to better understand the human dimension of leadership.”

Clark said that the lessons that resonate through the books remind the students that some challenges are timeless.


Prof. Chuck Allen, Department of Command, Leadership and Management

The “Creative Leadership” elective explores creative thinking and the creative process as it relates to leading large organizations through complexity, ambiguity and change by promoting cultures of innovation.     

 “The concept of creativity is important, but misunderstood,” says Prof. Chuck Allen, professor of Leadership and Cultural Studies in the Department of Command, Leadership and Management, who has been teaching this elective here for the past seven years.  “Contemporary research on creativity indicates that it is essential to effective leadership.”

By examining selected readings, applying concepts to current issues, and conducting practical exercises, Allen’s students explore creativity from individual, group, and organizational perspectives, and look at ways to apply insights on creativity into building effective teams. 

“The course is about leading organizations with talented individuals.  We do this with USAWC students by testing concepts in the classroom,” said Allen, who also taught an undergraduate course on creative problem solving at West Point. “We look at how to lead an organization full of people who are more creative than you may be, and how to develop an environment for creativity and innovation to thrive.”

One classroom event that tests student creativity is the egg drop exercise. Students are required to apply creative thinking skills to develop a package that will keep the egg from breaking when dropped from a specified height. Last year students also examined the BP oil spill disaster and thought of ways that it could have been minimized or averted all together by applying more creative approaches from the outset of the spill.

“Creativity requires effort and thought. It is about accepting and considering different points of view and withholding judgments before making decisions,” said Allen.

“Leadership is not about being in their comfort zones,” he continued. “It is about the value leaders bring to an organization and what they can do to lead others to become successful.” 


Col. Eric Ashworth, Center for Strategic Leadership
Expertise in emerging topics create USAWC electives

Professor Dennis Murphy and Professor Bert Tussing  are just two of the Center for Strategic Leadership experts who lend their experience to USAWC electives.  Photo by Thomas Zimmerman.


March 13, 2012 -- One of the missions that the Center of Strategic Leadership performs for the U.S. Army and the students of the Army War College is the development of expertise on upcoming topics facing our military. 

This expertise is frequently developed to support potential scenarios for future Strategic Decision Making Exercises but extends to creation of electives for the USAWC resident students during their 2nd and 3rd terms of study and for Distance Education students during both online and resident courses.  

Shortly after the creation of the Center for Strategic Leadership, its director assessed its capabilities.

 “The U.S. Army War College had no designated force structure to research upcoming trends on national security; and therefore, I made it part of the CSL mission to learn as much as possible on these topics,” said Prof. Doug Campbell, CSL director.   The goal was to learn without forcing the teaching faculty to experiment on topics that may not warrant the time required to develop a subject-matter expert. 

Today, CSL’s faculty has developed a reputation as some of the U.S. Army’s leads in areas such as Homeland Defense, Strategic Communication, Cyber Space, and Environmental Security.  

“I consider the faculty of CSL as strategic scouts for the War College and as these topics gain interest to the Army, our faculty has passed on their research to our students,” said Campbell. 

One example of this is Professor Dennis Murphy, who was hired to lead the “Information in Warfare Group” in CSL in January 2005.  As Operation Iraqi Freedom transitioned from major combat operations to counterinsurgency, it was apparent that information and communication would be critical to military success.  Murphy developed and taught information operations and strategic communication electives to both the resident and online courses.  The Strategic Communication: Wielding the Information Element of Power elective was the first of its kind in Department of Defense professional military education.

Professor Bert Tussing is a retired Marine officer who came to the Center in 1999 to assist in Congressional Affairs.  Within a year, however, his focus shifted to what CSL saw as an emerging requirement in Homeland Security. 

Tussing has since garnered a national reputation in the areas of homeland security, homeland defense, and Defense Support of Civil Authorities.  He serves on several DoD and Department of Homeland Security boards and is on advisory councils for four major universities.  From these efforts, Tussing and the other members of the Homeland Defense and Security Issues branch teach an elective, Homeland Security Strategy and Policy that he believes fills a significant void.  

Dr. Kent Butts.


Seeing that regional stability was becoming the chief threat to U.S. national security interests in the early 1990s, and that environmental security issues were drawing U.S. forces into conflicts in Somalia, Haiti and mineral rich central Africa, Professor Campbell directed Dr. Kent Butts to create a group to research how environmental security affected U.S. security and how it impacted the military element of power.  Since then, Butts has developed the reputation as a respected source for research and strategic level policy expertise in the areas of operational energy and environment security.

All of these faculty members are Madigan writing award winners and widely published in Parameters, Military Review, and the Joint Force Quarterly among other scholarly journals.  Their Army War College publications  are routinely used as required readings.    



Karen Finkenbinder, PKSOI
PKSOI electives enrich USAWC student’s experience

Rich Yarger, Peacekeeping Stability and Operations Institute, talks with a student during the recent Army War College electives fair. PKSOI teaches five electives during the academic year. courtesy photo.


March 12, 2012 -- The Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute has been teaching electives at the Army War College since 1995 – when PKSOI was still the Peacekeeping Institute and focused only on peace operations.  Fast forward 12 years and PKSOI is teaching many more electives in peace and stability operations to a larger percentage of USAWC students.  This year, PKSOI is teaching approximately 30 percent of resident students (92) in five electives. 

A highly subscribed  course is Peace and  Stability Operations Concepts, Principles, and Doctrine, an overview course. The classes are a mix of International Fellows, most with broad experiences in peace and stability operations; military students anticipating assignments in such operations; military students that have been engaged in peace and stability operations;   and a sprinkling of civilian students.   The classes prepare students to engage in peacekeeping operations, to gather lessons learned from students recently returned from such operations, and to engage international fellows who have first-hand knowledge of working in a UN environment.

Army War College alumnus, Col. Dave Krall, said he anticipated being assigned to Afghanistan so he took PKSOI Electives on Afghanistan and the survey courses, Peace & Stability Operations Concepts, Principles, and Doctrine andPeace & Stability Operations Strategy and Design

As it turned out, he went to Iraq as the Chief of Staff, Iraq Training Advisory Mission (ITAM)-Police and “used everything I was taught in 2219/2220 … they were by the far the most valuable classes I took to prepare me for my assignment,” he said.  He credits the classes and the experienced slate of instructors for enabling him to effectively work in a police training assignment without a policing background as the courses covered policing and rule of law issues.  He said that it was the combination of this academic experience coupled with his ability to apply it in action that resulted in his desire to come to PKSOI.

As operationally relevant as the courses may be, another great benefit is the opportunity to have the international students bring their wealth of experience to the discussions. Often, they are the only students in the room experienced in UN operations and understand the unique business practices of the UN. This allows for rich discussions between the students and allows the IF’s to share their depth of knowledge and unique perspectives, particularly when most of these operations are conducted in coalitions and sometimes the U.S. is not in charge. 

The electives also provide the opportunity for students to hear about peace and stability operations from the experts in the field - Department of State United States Agency for International Development, United Nations; a “think tank” such as the Stimson Center; or another PKSOI-like organization such as the Pearson Peacekeeping Center, -- participate in the electives, either by providing guest speakers and/or course materials. Thus, the students receive more than the “U.S. perspective.” 

According to Professor Bill Flavin, PKSOI, another benefit to the Army is the PKSOI Elective International Alumni group that has been created over the years.  The international officers that have participated in PKSOI electives are asked to share their knowledge and experiences in creating course materials, case studies, scenarios and other training and education materials.  At present, there are more than 100 international fellows, many at the highest levels of their military and governments, who stay connected to PKSOI.  This long-term relationship allows the electives to stay current but also informs doctrine and concepts.

Jim Garamone, American Forces Press Service
Dempsey details fiscal concerns facing department

 WASHINGTON, March 10, 2012 - The environment facing the military today comes down to balancing strategic challenges with fiscal realities, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said during a Town Hall meeting yesterday on Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii.

Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, who was visiting Hawaii to attend the U.S. Pacific Command change-of-command ceremony, told service members that this will be a long-standing problem that the military must address. "It's not just about this year's budget, it's about an entirely different economic environment," he said.

Coming to terms with record federal debt and deficits is not just the military's problem, but the nation's problem, he said. "But what we've done all through our history is help solve the nation's problems, and this is no different," the chairman said.

As the department absorbs this new fiscal reality, leaders have mapped it against the new strategy and made hard decisions about what equipment to buy, manpower cuts to make, what construction to complete, and what family programs to continue. Any changes must be done in a balanced manner, he said, or the department will be unprepared for the challenges of the future.

Yet even as the department makes changes, there are still challenges ?Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, North Korea and areas not known now ?and these must be addressed, he said.

A monkey wrench in the works is sequestration. This is due to take effect in January 2013 and is the law. It calls for more than $500 billion in further cuts from DOD.

"We have not done any work on trying to figure it out," Dempsey said. "One reason is bandwidth. We just finally figured out a month ago how to absorb a $487 billion cut, and we wanted to make sure we had a strategy that made sense given that reduction."

The department has not received guidance from the Office of Management and Budget in how to make further cuts. When that happens the department will begin work on sequestration, he said.

DOD has been able to absorb the $487 billion cutwhile still allowing the military to remain the same force and retain all the capabilities it had before. "Some have been stretched or contracted," he said. "We lose capacity but not capability."

All bets are off under sequestration, Dempsey said, and capabilities may have to be cut if sequestration kick in. "What we've said to Congress ... is in the interests of national security, they really ought to find some other way than sequestration to balance this budget, and it can't all be balanced on our backs," Dempsey said.

This is especially important given the threats facing America. Dempsey said the risks to America are unpredictable and that non-state actors with advanced capabilities are a greater threat today than at any time in the past.

"Ten years ago, we wouldn't have had a conversation about cyber, but I'm personally very concerned about cyber," he said by way of example. "It is a more dangerous world. And we have to figure out how we do right by the country while not forfeiting our responsibility to protect and defend the nation."

There are some capabilities that will be plussed up, he said. In addition to cyberdefense, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance assets and capabilities will grow, as will special operations capabilities. He said the Joint Chiefs are looking at placing a cyberdefense command in each combatant command.

Service members are concerned about changes to military retirement. Dempsey pledged that those serving today will be grandfathered and keep the current retirement system. Any changes will affect those enlisting or commissioned in the future.

"What we have to figure out is what would the effect be (of changes) on recruiting and retention," he said. A commission will study the retirement systems and propose changes.

Leaders are looking at changes in pay and changes in Tricare for retirees. Health care costs have to be brought under control, he said. Ten years ago, the health care bill was $19 billion. Today it is $51 billion. "At that trajectory, we will put the volunteer force at risk," he said. "We've got to get after the costs, but we're not looking at retirement yet, and when we do, we will grandfather it."

A service member asked the chairman what the trigger would be for an intervention in Syria. Can the United States go in unilaterally, or must it wait for an alliance to form? Dempsey answered the question more broadly. U.S. law allows the president of the United States to act unilaterally when the nation or its vital national interests are threatened, he said.

"My personal belief ... is we generally get the best outcome and the most enduring outcome when we act as part of a coalition," he said. "It gives it a greater collective understanding and it always has a better outcome."

An international coalition must have some legal basis and it comes through consent or a U.S. Security Council resolution.

The chairman said all members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff have tremendous confidence in the men and women who make up the military today.

"You also need to know that as we face these financial challenges and these strategic challenges we always approach these, first and foremost, with what is the effect on you," he said.

Jim Garamone, American Forces Press Service
Officials condemn Afghanistan shooting, offer condolences

WASHINGTON, March 11, 2012 – President Barack Obama, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Army Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and International Security Assistance Force leaders all condemned a shooting incident in Southern Afghanistan, and pledged to work with Afghan authorities in fully investigating the incident.

“This incident is tragic and shocking, and does not represent the exceptional character of our military and the respect that the United States has for the people of Afghanistan,” Obama said in a statement released by the White House.

Panetta spoke with Afghan President Hamid Karzai to offer his deepest condolences and profound regret for the tragic incident in Kandahar province. The incident resulted in the loss of life and injuries to innocent Afghan civilians, including women and children.

ISAF Commander Marine Corps Gen. John R. Allen, who is here to testify this week, issued a statement today saying he was “shocked and saddened” to hear of the shooting incident.

“I offer my profound regret and deepest condolences to the victims and their families,” Allen said in his statement.

In a Facebook post, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Martin Dempsey offered his condolences to the victims of the attack and their families.

“I’m confident that General Allen and his staff are taking the appropriate steps to quickly and thoroughly investigate the circumstances of this incident,” Dempsey said.

Allegedly, an American service member left his base in Kandahar province, entered homes in the area and shot the inhabitants. Karzai said in a statement that the service member had killed 16 and wounded at least five others.

“I condemn such violence and am shocked and saddened that a U.S. service member is alleged to be involved, clearly acting outside his chain of command,” Panetta said. “I told President Karzai that the American people share the outrage felt by President Karzai and his fellow citizens. This tragic incident does not reflect the commitment of the U.S. military to protect the Afghan people and help build a strong and stable Afghanistan.”

“I cannot explain the motivation behind such callous acts, but they were in no way part of authorized ISAF military activity,” said British Lt. Gen. Adrian J. Bradshaw in a written statement. Bradshaw is deputy ISAF commander.

The service member is in ISAF custody and will remain there as ISAF and Afghans conduct an investigation, Allen said. Those wounded in the incident are receiving care from ISAF medics. “I am absolutely dedicated to making sure that anyone who is found to have committed wrong-doing is held fully accountable,” Allen said.

Panetta gave Karzai his assurances that U.S. officials will bring those responsible to justice. “We will spare no effort in getting the facts as quickly as possible, and we will hold any perpetrator who is responsible for this violence fully accountable under the law,” he said in his statement.

The incident happens just weeks after rioting over the accidental burning of Qurans at Bagram Air Field.

Both Allen and the American embassy spoke of the partnership between the United States and Afghanistan.

“This deeply appalling incident in no way represents the values of ISAF and coalition troops or the abiding respect we feel for the Afghan people,” the general said. “Nor does it impugn or diminish the spirit of cooperation and partnership we have worked so hard to foster with the Afghan National Security Forces.”

An embassy statement reiterated that the United States is committed to “an enduring partnership with Afghanistan to obtain greater peace and security in the region, which is our common interest. We deplore any attack by a member of the U.S. armed forces against innocent civilians, and denounce all violence against civilians. We assure the people of Afghanistan that the individual or individuals responsible for this act will be identified and brought to justice.”

Army Substance Abuse Office

National Inhalants and Poisons Awareness Week March 18-24

They're all over your house. They're in your child's school. In fact, you probably picked some up the last time you went to the grocery store. Educate yourself. Find out about inhalants before your children do.

One on five students in America has used an inhalant to get high by the time he or she reaches the eighth grade.Parents don't know that inhalants, cheap, legal and accessible products, are as popular among middle school students as marijuana. Even fewer know the deadly effects the poisons in these products have on the brain and body when they are inhaled or "huffed." It's like playing Russian Roulette. The user can die the 1st, 10th or 100th time a product is misused as an inhalant.

Most parents are in the dark regarding the popularity and dangers of inhalant use. But children are quickly discovering that common household products are inexpensive to obtain, easy to hide and the easiest way to get high. According to national surveys, inhaling dangerous products is becoming one of the most widespread problems in the country. It is as popular as marijuana with young people. More than a million people used inhalants to get high just last year. By the time a student reaches the 8th grade, one in five will have used inhalants.

What is inhalant use? Inhalant use refers to the intentional breathing of gas or vapors with the purpose of reaching a high. Inhalants are legal, everyday products which have a useful purpose, but can be misused. You're probably familiar with many of these substances -- paint, glue and others. But you probably don't know that there are more than 1,000 products that are very dangerous when inhaled -- things like typewriter correction fluid, air-conditioning refrigerant, felt tip markers, spray paint, air freshener, butane and even cooking spray. See Products Abused as Inhalants for more details.

Who is at risk?Inhalants are an equal opportunity method of substance abuse. Statistics show that young, white males have the highest usage rates. Hispanic and American Indian populations also show high rates of usage. See Characteristics of Users and Signs of an Inhalant User for more details.

What can inhalants do to the body?Nearly all abused products produce effects similar to anesthetics, which slow down the body's function. Varying upon level of dosage, the user can experience slight stimulation, feeling of less inhibition or loss of consciousness. The user can also suffer from Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome. This means the user can die the 1st, 10th or 100th time he or she uses an inhalant. Other effects include damage to the heart, kidney, brain, liver, bone marrow and other organs. Results similar to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome may also occur when inhalants are used during pregnancy. Inhalants are physically and psychologically addicting and users suffer withdrawal symptoms. See Damage Inhalants Can Cause to the Body and Brain, Long-Term Effects of Inhalant Usage and Signs and Symptoms of a Long-Term User for more details.

What can I do if someone I know is huffing and appears in a state of crisis? If someone you know is huffing, the best thing to do is remain calm and seek help. Agitation may cause the huffer to become violent, experience hallucinations or suffer heart dysfunction which can cause Sudden Sniffing Death Syndrome. Make sure the room is well ventilated and call EMS. If the person is not breathing, administer CPR. Once recovered, seek professional treatment and counseling. See What To Do If Someone is Huffing for more details.

Can inhalant use be treated?Treatment facilities for inhalant users are rare and difficult to find. Users suffer a high rate of relapse, and require thirty to forty days or more of detoxification. Users suffer withdrawal symptoms which can include hallucinations, nausea, excessive sweating, hand tremors, muscle cramps, headaches, chills and delirium tremens. Follow-up treatment is very important. If you or someone you know is seeking help for inhalant abuse, you can contact the National Inhalant Prevention Coalition at 1-800-269-4237 for information on treatment centers and general information on inhalants. Through a network of nationwide contacts, NIPC can help (but not guarantee) finding a center in your area that treats inhalant use.

What should I tell my child or students about inhalants?It is never too early to teach your children about the dangers of inhalants. Don't just say "not my kid." Inhalant use starts as early as elementary school and is considered a gateway to further substance abuse. Parents often remain ignorant of inhalant use or do not educate their children until it is too late. Inhalants are not drugs. They are poisons and toxins and should be discussed as such. There are, however, a few age appropriate guidelines that can be useful when educating your children. See Tips for Teachers for more details on how much to tell your children or students in the classroom about inhalants.

Inhalants are a diverse group of organic solvents, volatile substances, and propellant gases that are intentionally concentrated and inhaled for their psychoactive effects, which range from an alcohol-like intoxication to hallucinations.

The above information was taken from the National Inhalant Prevention Coalition site and the Army Center for Substance Abuse site. For additional information contact the Army Substance Abuse Prevention office at 245 – 4576.

National Inhalant Prevention Coalition
322-A Thompson Street
Chattanooga, TN 37405

Letter to the Army War College Community

Maggie and I will relish being part of this magnificent institution, the U.S. Army War College, for several months more.  We love this mission, the people, and the community that we have come to know so well through my experiences as a student, faculty member, and now as commandant. 

In January I received news of my future reassignment as the next President of the National Defense University.  Now, dates have been determined and I will complete the current resident academic year as the Commandant of the Army War College.

I look forward to congratulating each graduating student and International Fellow I’ve come to know and admire -- for this is an institution that celebrates personal relationships and collaborative investments in each leader. 

I look forward to continuing to guide the transformation of this institution to help create a better future for our nation.  Our USAWC campaign plan, the expanded International Fellows program, our faculty, and the continued transformation of curriculum and organizations will help better prepare us to meet the demands of the new Defense Strategy within fiscal constraints. 

After almost two years, my respect, admiration, and love have deepened for the Army War College and all engaged in our mission.  Maggie and I share the honor of serving in one of the most meaningful and significant missions for our nation’s wise and strong future -- to develop, inspire and serve strategic leaders.

Upon reassignment, I will carry with me a new depth of appreciation for the wisdom and relationships that are hallmarks of the Army War College.  I know that I have been developed, inspired and served by this extraordinary institution.

I am also delighted to announce that the Chief of Staff of the Army has selected Maj. Gen. Anthony A. Cucolo III, Director, Force Development, G8, United States Army, and USAWC class of 1998, to be the 49th Commandant. Tony will be a magnificent leader for the Army War College.  He brings extraordinary experience across the span of Army and Joint missions, to include command of the 3rd Infantry Division.  I know he will embrace this incredible opportunity to guide leader development and make a meaningful difference in the lives of our leaders.   I am confident that the entire USAWC Team will execute a masterful transition and continue to serve the nation. 

Prudens Futuri – Wisdom and Strength for the Future.

Gregg F. Martin


48th Commandant, USAWC

Thomas Zimmerman, Army War College
Exercise challenges students to apply lessons learned at the strategic level

Distinguished visitors like Secretary of the Army John McHugh add to the realism of the Strategic Decision Making Exercise, a capstone event for the Army War College academic program. Photo by Scott Finger.

Want more SDME photos? Check the USAWC Facebook page.

March 8, 2012 – Homeland attacks, multiple nations’ aggressive actions towards others and the possibility for full-blown global conflict were all on the table for the 368-students in the Army War College Class of 2012 during the Strategic Decision Making Exercise, Feb. 29-March 7 at the Center for Strategic Leadership.

Considered the student’s capstone exercise, SDME is a six-day, interactive, strategic-level, political-military exercise based in the year 2025, which gives students the opportunity to integrate and apply the knowledge they've acquired during the academic year to a "real-life" situation.

 “SDME provides the opportunity for the students to see how all of the processes and systems the students discuss in the core curriculum fit together into the US national security process,” said Prof. Doug Campbell, CSL director. “It exposes them to the pressures and the kinds of events that senior national security leaders with on a regular basis.”  

"Learning by doing is the most effective way to learn, and the exercise allows students to apply the principles they learned in the midst of a fast-paced, complex exercise that allows them to see how frictions affect the processes," said Dr. Bill Johnsen, Dean of Academics.  "The SDME exposes students to new issues and areas that they will become involved in for the remainder of their careers."

During the exercise students role-play many of the duties and tasks that they will face once they graduate, including conducting video teleconferences with Combatant Command Staffs, testifying before Congress, and performing bilateral negotiations with foreign government officials.

“This is the most incredibly complex exercise that I have ever been a part of,” said student Col. Ronald Williams. “This is a great opportunity for us to apply what we have learned.”

“I’m amazed at the depth of SDME,” said student Lt. Col. Eric Flowers. “This has helped us see how the lessons we have learned in the classroom apply to the real world and open our eyes to the strategic level.”

“This exercise has been great because it has given me an opportunity to experience and see how the DoD works in areas that I haven’t been previously exposed to,” said Marine Corps Lt. Col. Desmond Reid. “It has really opened my eyes to some of the challenges that face our senior leaders.”

Congressional testimony with staffers and sitting Congressmen and Congresswomen add to the experience.  


“This has been a truly great experience,” said student Col. Al Abramson. “You couldn’t learn like this anywhere else.”

“SDME has made almost every exercise I’ve taken part in pale in comparison,” said Air Force Lt. Col. Ralph Waite.

“This exercise demonstrates how important the interagency and international partners are to help tackle the complex world problems,” saidCol. Michael Davey. “We are reminded on a constant basis that we are no longer at the tactical level and how different the world is at the strategic level.”

The exercise takes only six days to complete, but takes a small army of people to plan and execute.

“The number of people involved in SDME changes over time, starting with a small core that plans the basic structure for the next exercise eventually expanding to the entire faculty of the USAWC,” said Campbell.

The exercise brings together more than 600 personnel from the War College and subject matter experts from outside the school to serve as controllers, observer controllers, or exercise facilitators. People participating in the exercise come from numerous government organizations, including the Department of State, Joint Staff, FEMA, CENTCOM, FBI, and the CIA. Each year more than 50 distinguished visitors participate as role-players in the exercise; most as leaders from the military, diplomatic, interagency, business, and education communities.

This team makes sure that the exercise is cutting-edge and provides realistic scenarios for the students to encounter.

“We look at what is happening in the world and based upon the exercises we conduct with senior Army and Joint commands, what issues are those leaders dealing with and think may be an issue in the future,” said Campbell. “Based upon this information we review each scenario to ensure it is plausible, reasonable and reflects fresh issues and challenges and that it achieves the educational objectives for the exercise.”

Collins Hall is a perfect place to host exercise like SDME.

Media interviews press the students to communicate their actions to a variety of world-wide audiences.   

“Collins Hall was designed, built and staffed by HQDA for the purpose of using information technology to support education at the strategic level,” said Campbell. “The Army's senior leadership specifically wanted to see events like these as well as things like the Army's Title 10 exercise and Joint exercises that are conducted here.”

The exercise tests not only the students, but the faculty, exercise participants, observers and others as well.

“From an exercise design perspective it is challenging to integrate all of the events are going on during the exercise and make them happen flawlessly,” said Campbell. “From an exercise development perspective it is how to write scenarios which support the educational objectives we are trying to accomplish.  From a faculty point of view it might be how to understand all that is going on and how it impacts the cell he or she is trying to ‘observe/control.’  From a student perspective it is probably testifying before Congress, or standing up in front of the ‘media,’ whose questions can be rather demanding.” 

The67 international officers in the USAWC Class of 2012 add experience and different perspectives to the U.S. students’ experience. 40 of the officers took part in the “white cell” where they role-played ambassadors and senior military officials for bi-lateral negotiations.

“This is ideal because both the fellow and the U.S. students are able to learn from each other,” said Col. Lou Jordan, who facilitated the white cell activities. “It’s important for the U.S. students to look at issues and challenges from a non-U.S. perspective. This exercise provides them an excellent opportunity to learn about how other cultures and nations perceive an issue and how to come to a mutually beneficial solution. They need to think outside the ‘U.S.’ box.”

Nigerian Col. Charles Ofocheagreed.

“In today’s world not one country can do it all alone,” he said. “To be successful we need to work together and this exercise reminds us how important these relationships are.” 

Another important part of the exercise involves the students interacting with various national and international news media outlets.  During press conferences and interviews, controllers act as reporters from different national and international news organizations. The sound bites from these media events are then incorporated into television news broadcasts televised in Collins Hall each day.

“It was really beneficial to be able to take part in a media engagement as part of the exercise,” said Marine Corps Lt. Col. Duane Opperman who took part in a short notice interview. “We don’t always practice this as much as we should. I think this is an extremely valuable part of the exercise.”  

The filming of the interviews and the television newscasts were produced by Army Reserve Soldiers from the 209th Broadcast Operations Detachment out of Rome, Ga., and the 206th  Broadcast Operations Detachment out of Grand Prairie, Texas.

"This training is a great experience for our Soldiers,” said Capt. Christopher Parker, commander of the 209th. “For us, the SDME injects the concept of training-with-industry into an exercise that improves our Soldiers understanding of global events.  Short of deploying, I can't imagine a better training opportunity for these broadcasters and technicians."

 The exercise teaches lessons that will be valuable for years, according to Johnsen.

 "The SDME requires students to continue to hone the critical thinking and creative thinking skills that they have developed during the course of this year, and upon which they will rely for the rest of their careers.

Pennsylvania law now prohibits texting while driving

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett signed a law banning text messaging while driving, effective today, March 8.

Under SB 314, any driver who is caught text messaging while behind the wheel, will be subject to primary enforcement, which allows law officers to stop and cite offenders for that reason alone.

Fines will be $50.

“In 2010 there were nearly 14,000 crashes in Pennsylvania where distracted driving played a role,” said Department of the Army police officer, Sgt. 1st Class Svend Sheppard, Carlisle Barracks Traffic and Bike Patrol Supervisor.

Law enforced on Carlisle Barracks

The intent of this law, and the earlier law prohibiting using hand-held communications devises while driving on military installations was that it drives an increased attention to the importance of safe driving and that it changes driving behavior,” said Sheppard.

The use of hand-held communications devices while driving has been banned on military installations since Dec. 1, 2005.

“The cell phone regulation increased traffic safety on installations, but more importantly, it encourages safe driving habits,” said Sheppard.

 Vehicle operators on DoD installations are prohibited from using cell phones unless the vehicle is safely parked or they are using a hands-free device.  Drivers are also prohibited from wearing headphones or earphones while driving because the use of these devices impairs driving and prevents the driver from recognizing emergency signals, alarms, the approach of other vehicles and human voices.

Staff Sgt. Corey Baltos, USAWC Public Affairs

Carlisle Barracks Thrift Shop is accepting donations at its new location

Since September, the Carlisle Barracks Thrift Shop has been in its new home at 842 Sumner Road, in the same building that houses the Information, Ticketing, and Registration office and Outdoor Recreation. Its newest initiative will be the addition of a shed, next week, to make it easy for anyone to drop off "gently used" items.

“The shed will be located behind the white fence in between the Commissary and our building,” said Nancy Gibson, Thrift Shop manager.  “It will be accessible by car from Sumner Road.” 

Mary Hoelscher, a Carlisle Barracks Thrift Shop volunteer, tidies up pictures.  The Thrift Shop has relocated to a new location next to the Commissary, and is open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesdays.  Photo by Staff Sgt. Corey Baltos.

The Thrift Shop is open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10 to 3 p.m., and will have a special opening during the Spring Yard Sale, April 21, and Earth Day, May 17. 

There are two ways to add items to the Thrift Shop retail floor: they can be donated or consigned.  The owner determines the price of the consigned item, and if it is sold, pays the thrift shop a 40 percent consignment fee.

“We have increased the number of consignment items per day from 16 to 40,” said Gibson.  "While we cannot sell baby clothes we will be happy to take them and donate them to other organizations in town.”

There are restrictions on the types of items that can be consigned.

*     Items must be clean, free of stains and in good condition.

*     Litter boxes and bird cages must be disinfected and cleaned.

*     No used intimate wearing apparel such as undergarments or swimming suits.

*     No cosmetics or personal hygiene items.

*     No foods, flammable materials, liquid items, paints, drugs, liquor, alcohol, tobacco, R-rated materials, ammunition or firearms.

*     No mattresses or bed pillows.

*     No baby cribs or infant car seats, no children’s clothes, toys or books.

Consigned items will stay at the thrift shop for up to two months, after that, if they have not been sold, they will become property of the thrift shop unless they are picked up by the owner.

Exchange Release

MILITARYSTAR card offers extra savings in March

Shoppers using a MILITARYSTAR® Card at theCarlisle BarracksSubway on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, will save a “wee bit o’ the green” with a 20 percent discount off their entire order.

“Diners using their MILITARYSTAR® Cardat the Carlisle Barracks Subway facility always receive 10 percent off of their entire purchase,” said the Exchange’s General Manager, Eric Desveaux. “But for this one day, Irish eyes will be smiling as our restaurants offer a 20 percent discount on any purchase – from something as small as a cup of coffee to catering orders.”

IFt. Indiantown Gap Express and New Cumberland Express

MILITARYSTAR® Cardholders receive exclusive savings at the pump with a five cents a gallon discount every time they fuel up at  gas stations.

Brig. Gen. Joseph Caravalho congratulates Dunham Clinic staff, Jan. 26, Bliss Hall auditorium.
Photo by Megan Clugh
Dunham Clinic is recognized for outstanding performance
by Dunham Clinic Staff members
  On January 26, 2012, Brig. Gen. (Dr.) Joseph Caravalho, Jr., the Northern Regional Medical Command CG, headquartered at Fort Belvoir, personally congratulated Dunham U.S. Army Health Clinic to include two of its outlying clinics, Fillmore Clinic Defense Distribution Center, New Cumberland, and the Fort Indiantown Gap TMC, for outstanding performance in achieving Level III Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) recognition from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA).  
  Dunham was one of only three NRMC Military Treatment facilities and among a select few in the entire Army to attain this nationally-recognized quality standard, demonstrating superior performance in imbedding quality into their patient care practices.
  “This is going to be huge for us,” said Brig. Gen. Joseph Caravalho.  “Let’s give the patients a memorable experience.”
  The NCQA PCMH Recognition process involves submitting extensive documentation on the following nine standards:
  Access and communication
  Patient tracking and registry functions
  Care management
  Patient self-management support
  Electronic prescribing
  Test tracking
  Referral tracking
  Performance reporting and improvement
  Advanced electronic communications
  This documentation was scored to determine if specific criteria are met, and Dunham received the highest of three recognition levels.
  Dunham received notification in January 2012 and it is valid for 3 years.  Many private and public health insurance plans and employers require NCQA recognition to compensate practices as meeting the quality requirements of a PCMH.
  “Dunham is on the cutting edge and is setting the standard,” said Col. George E. Patterson, Dunham Deputy Commander for Clinical Services.
  Dunham and Fillmore clinics began the PCMH process in 2010
  PCMH is a patient-focused approach to primary care practice that is supported by major health care organizations such as:  the American Medical Association (AMA), American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American College of Physicians (ACP).  It provides a “Team-Based” delivery of healthcare to our Soldiers, retirees and family members.
 According to Dunham Staff,  "Additional Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) and Registered Nurses (RN) are being hired to ensure providers have the right amount of clinical support for their patients.  A Clinical Pharmacist is being hired to optimize the use of medication and promote health, wellness, and disease prevention to include assist in the management of patients taking multiple medications."
  PCMH is mandated by the Office of the Secretary of Defense as the standard practice model for Primary Care delivery across the Military Health System.  It is also the standard of care for Civilian Ambulatory Care Centers.

St. Patrick's Day Impaired Driving Prevention Week March 12-18, 2012


St. Patrick's Day has become a popular night out to celebrate with friends and family. Impaired driving usually happens after drinking with family, friends, and coworkers. Unfortunately, due to the large number of impaired drivers, the night out has also become very dangerous. During this year's Saint Patrick's Day, remember to keep safety in mind during your celebrations. Choose not to drive impaired and encourage others to do the same.

Survey to assess interest, use and satisfaction with MWR programs

MWR Services Survey

IMCOM handles the day-to-day operations of U.S. Army installations around the globe -- We are the Army's Home. Army installations are communities that provide many of the same types of services expected from any small city. Fire, police, public works, housing, and child-care are just some of the things IMCOM does in Army communities every day. We endeavor to provide a quality of life for Soldiers, Civilians and Families commensurate with their service. Our professional workforce strives to deliver on the commitments of the Army Family Covenant, honor the sacrifices of military Families, and enable the Army Force Generation cycle.

Our Mission: Our mission is to provide Soldiers, Civilians and their Families with a quality of life commensurate with the quality of their service.

Our Vision: Army installations are the Department of Defense standard for infrastructure quality and are the provider of consistent, quality services that are a force multiplier in supported organizations' mission accomplishment, and materially enhance Soldier, Civilian and Family well-being and readiness.

To learn more about IMCOM:

Staff Sgt. Corey Baltos, USAWC Public Affairs

Carlisle Barracks works to remove Mold from Post Building

Mold can be found almost anywhere and it can grow on virtually any organic substance as long as moisture and oxygen are present.  According to the Environmental Protection Agency it is impossible to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment.

Last fall, mold was discovered in the Carlisle Barracks Resource Management Building which is located at 314 Pratt Ave.  While this could have caused health problems as well as work disruptions for the employees that worked there, quick action by the Carlisle Barracks Department of Public Works corrected the problem and allowed them to continue to work.

“The Carlisle Barracks Department of Public Works received a service order about something staining the wall,” said Pic Pritchett, DPW employee.  “After checking the site of the stain we requested outside testing of the growth to better understand what we were dealing with.  The results were mold.”

The easiest thing would have been to have the employees of the building move somewhere else while the mold was eradicated, however due to space limitations on post this was not possible.  So DPW and the Resource Management office came up with a plan that allowed the contractor access to the building while allowing the people in the building to work.

“After about three months of effort the actual remediation is completed," said Lynn Snyder, director of the Department of Resource Management.  "Employees are moved back into their work areas after either moving out of the building for the length of the project, or shifting around the building to different work areas when their area was being remediated.”

“Everyone who was part of the remediation team said the mold wasn’t as bad as expected,” said Debbie Teague, Budget Officer.  “I was able to stay in my office and go through a normal business day with the containment shield right behind me.  The mold removal work wasn’t disruptive at all.”

“The plan called for us to relocate just enough people to create room inside the building to shift the remaining personnel from one area to another during the remediation,” said Pritchett.

To make sure that the employees weren’t breathing contaminated air, each of the six different containments used to complete the remediation controlled the air by using negative air machines which kept the air filtered and redirected to the outside of the building during the cleaning and testing of each area said Pritchett.

Once cleaning was completed the air tests were completed again to reaffirm the mold was gone.

Since mold appears when oxygen and water mix together, the contractors removed any wall insulation that was showing mold growth and then sealed up any holes.

 “I'm extremely gratified by the employee's attitude and flexibility to work through the noise, dirt and disruption and continue to do their jobs with no disruption in service. In fact, I would be that no one knew the project was on-going if they didn't come into the building,” said Snyder.

Staff Sgt. Corey Baltos, USAWC Public Affairs

Post tax center offers federal, state tax preparation services 

The Carlisle Barracks tax center has been open for a month and business is booming.

Pamela Murphy, a volunteer at the Carlisle Barracks tax center, helps a couple prepare their taxes.  This year the tax center will prepare approximately 1,000 returns.  The tax center is open to all active duty, reserve, National Guard military members, their dependents, as well as military retirees and their dependents.  To make an appointment call 717-245-3986.  Photo by Staff Sgt. Corey Baltos.

“This year, the tax office is poised to prepare nearly 1,000 returns given the current pace at the office,” said Maj. Earl Mitchell, the post Judge Advocate General.  The post JAG office is in charge of running the tax center.

While the office is run by the JAG office, the tax preparers themselves are volunteers.

“We have 12 volunteers and four workstations,” said Sgt. 1st Class Jacqueline Bautista, who is in charge of running the tax center.  “We have one volunteer that has been with us for 16 years.”

"The tax center costs a few hundered dollars for the software and is run by a great group of volunteers," said Lt. Col. William McDonough, Carlisle Barracks Garrison Commander.

"The Carlisle Barracks Tax Center is run as part of the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program," said McDonough.  "This program is a fantastic effort to help our military and civilian personnel, family members and retirees."

“Last year, trained and certified tax volunteers prepared over 630 returns obtaining over a million dollars in refunds and saving individual and married filers over $237K in tax preparation costs,” said Mitchell.

The tax preparation services are available by appointment through April 17.

“April 12 is the last day we will be filling taxes electronically, so there is time to adjust them if they get rejected,” said Bautista.  “After that all returns will be filed by mail.”

Currently many people, even those who file electronically, are experiencing delays getting their refund.

According to the IRS, newly-installed filters to prevent tax fraud and identity theft have held up the processing of refunds for a week or more.  Currently the IRS is reporting that electronic refunds are being deposited in bank accounts within 10-21 days of acceptance.

Phone 717-245-3986 for appointments.  The appointment line will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eligible patrons of the VITA tax service include active duty military and reserve/ National Guard military and their dependents; and military retirees and their dependents.   The tax center is located on the second floor of Anne Ely Hall.

You will need to bring the following documents to your scheduled appointment.

  • Military ID card
  • W-2 form (active duty will receive W-2s though "My Pay")
  • W-2 forms for each family member who earned income
  • Form 8332 or copy of divorce decree for non-custodial parent claiming a child
  • Social Security card for taxpayer and every family member listed on your return
  • 1099-INT for any taxable interest paid to you or credited to your account
  • 1099-DIV for any income from stocks, mutual funds, investment companies or a real estate trust
  • If you sold stocks, bonds or mutual funds during the tax year, you must know your cost basis. If you do not know, call your broker to obtain the information.
  • Documentation verifying your 2009 real estate taxes paid on your primary residence
  • If you are itemizing deductions, you will need to provide proof of deductions – this is a requirement for charitable contributions
  • A voided check or deposit slip to ensure refund monies are dispersed properly
  • A copy of last year's tax return

 NOTE:   Active duty non-resident spouses with income not taxable to Pennsylvania must provide a copy of the service member’s military orders showing they were ordered to service in Pennsylvania.  They must also provide a copy of their resident state’s driver’s license.


Professor Jeff Caton, Center for Strategic Leadership, USAWC, was the guest speaker for the seventh lecture for the 2012 Great Decisions Lecture Series, Mar. 2, Carlisle Barracks Post Chapel. 
Photos by Suzanne Reynolds
 Great Decisions 2012 Lecture Series Updates
Professor Jeffrey Caton, Center for Strategic Leadership, USAWC, addressed the topic, "Cybersecurity" on Mar. 2 at the Carlisle Barracks Post Chapel.
Cyberspace presents the international community with valuable opportunities as well as damaging threats.  Leaders in all areas--to include government, military, commerce, and media--must realize that achieving cybersecurity requires deliberate and cooperative efforts by all nations.
The 2012 Great Decisions lectures to date can be found at:
The last lecture for the 2012 Great Decisions Lecture Series will be held on Friday, Mar. 9, 1-3 p.m. in the Carlisle Barracks Post Chapel with Col. Thomas J. Sexton, U.S. Air Force, USAWC,  on “Energy Geopolitics.”
The lectures are open to all USAWC students, staff and faculty, the Carlisle Barracks Community, and the general public.
Great Decisions is the publication of the Foreign Policy Association. 
The lectures are sponsored by the Carlisle Chapter of the Association of the U.S. Army (AUSA).
The Great Decisions schedule for 2012:
--Friday, Jan. 20, 2012, 1-3 p.m.,  Army Heritage and Education Center (Visitor and Education Center)
"Middle East Realignment" by Dr. Adam L. Silverman, U.S. Army War College
      The popular revolts and upheaval of the Arab Spring have radically changed the face of the Middle East. What lies ahead for the Middle East’s transition to democracy? What are the prospects for the governments that have held out in this new order? With many longtime U.S. allies ousted, how will the U.S. recalibrate its relations with the new regimes?
--Friday, Jan. 27, 2012, 1-3 p.m., AHEC
"Promoting Democracy" by Dr. Sherwood J. McGinnis, U.S. Army War College
      The U.S. has had a history of advancing and supporting democracy around the world. What place does democracy promotion have in U.S. foreign policy today? With a choice of tools ranging from economic aid to military force, what are the appropriate yet effective methods that the U.S. should use to promote democracy.
Friday, Feb. 3, 2012, 1-3 p.m., AHEC
"Mexico"  by Dr. Paul Kan, U.S. Army War College
      Mexico’s border with Central America, as well as the border it shares with the U.S., has been a pathway for people, goods, crime and contraband in both directions. How can Mexico address these trans-border challenges? What is the future of Mexico’s relations with its northern and southern neighbors? How will Mexico’s foreign relations affect its domestic politics?
Friday, Feb. 10, 2012, 1-3 p.m., Post Chapel
"Indonesia"  by Colonel Kevin Richards, U.S. Army War College
      Having emerged from authoritarianism in the last 15 years, Indonesia has made remarkable strides politically, economically and socially. Yet the new, democratic Indonesia is still a developing country facing considerable challenges. How can Indonesia continue its path of growth, reform and prosperity? What is Indonesia’s role in the global community?
Friday, Feb. 17, 2012, 1-3 p.m., AHEC
"Exit from Afghanistan & Iraq" by Dr. James A. Helis, U.S. Army War College
      Ten years after September 11, 2001, the U.S. is winding down its military commitment in Iraq and slowly pulling out of Afghanistan. What exit strategy will help Afghanistan and Iraq build stable democratic nations? How can the U.S. continue to achieve its counterterrorism goals? What is the role of the U.S. in the future of the Middle East?
Friday, Feb. 24, 2012, 1-3 p.m., AHEC
"State of the Oceans" by Dr. Kent Butts, Center for Strategic Leadership, U.S. Army War College
(lecture not recorded)
      The world’s oceans are essential to life on earth, and are tremendously sensitive to global climate change. What are the consequences of climate change on oceanic factors like biodiversity, sea levels and extreme weather systems? How can the U.S. and its international partners address the emerging challenges to this shared resource?
Friday, March 2, 2012, 1-3 p.m., Post Chapel
"Cybersecurity"  by Professor Jeffrey Caton, Center for Strategic Leadership, U.S. Army War College
      The securitization of cyberspace has caused a sea change for both governments and the private sector, faced with new threats, new battlegrounds and new opportunities. Faced with challenges such as international cybercrime and authoritarian control of networks, how will the U.S. and its democratic allies approach the cyber frontier? How does this new domain figure in U.S. strategic interests?
Friday, March 9, 2012, 1-3 p.m., Post Chapel
"Energy geopolitics"  by Colonel Thomas J. Sexton, USAF, U.S. Army War College
       The energy markets have been shaken by the instability of Middle East oil and the vulnerability of nuclear power. Moreover, developing countries like China are becoming bigger energy consumers, while energy producers like Russia see the opportunity to widen their influence. In this changed landscape, how will the U.S.’s energy needs affect its relations with other nations?

Staff Sgt. Corey Baltos

BSAP students respond to local emergency

Stephen Hall and Sean Counihan, both Army majors, listen to a lecture in their Basic Strategic Art Program.  Photo by Staff Sgt. Corey Baltos. 

On Jan. 12, Maj. Stephen Hall and Maj. Sean Counihan, both students at the Army War College’s Basic Strategic Art Program, were sitting in their car at the intersection of Hanover and Pomfret Streets when they saw a woman get stuck by a car as she crossed the intersection. 

The woman was crossing the street when a car, making a left hand turn, hit her.   

 “Before she landed, we were getting out of the car to provide assistance,” said Hall.  Hall and Counihan were returning from lunch when they witnessed the accident. 

“It didn’t even cross our mind not to help the woman,” said Counihan.  “We were already in motion when she was in the air.”

"This type of selfless service deserves some form of formal recognition," said Col. Bobby Towery, USAWC Deputy Commandant, as he presented Hall and Counihan with Army Commendation Medals on March 1. 

 “She was still conscious, but complained of pain in her wrist and hip,” said Hall.  “So we called the ambulance.”

“Volunteer paramedics came out of buildings to offer assistance, some of them already wearing latex gloves,” said Counihan.

Fortunately the woman was not badly hurt, and the officers stayed with her until the ambulance and police came.

According to the police she was taken to Carlisle Regional Medical Center to be treated for her injuries.

Col. Bobby Towery, USAWC Duputy Commandant, shakes hands with Maj. Sean Counihan after presenting him with an Army Commandation Medal for assisting a Carlisle woman who was hit by a car as she crossed the street.  Maj. Stephen Hall was also presented with an Army Commendation Medal for helping the pedestrian.  Both men are currently attending the Basic Strategic Arts Program at the Army War College.  Photo by Staff Sgt. Corey Baltos.

After assisting the injured woman and giving their statements to the police, they then helped calm down the visibly shaken driver.  “The driver was a mother with two newborn twins and another child in her car, she had tried to stop in time, but couldn’t,” said Hall.

Later that night, the woman’s daughter called Maj. Hall to express her family’s thanks for his and Counihan’s assistance with her mother. 

“She said her mother was treated at the hospital and then released,” said Hall.  “She also said she would be OK.”

“They are great officers and typical of the students who attend the Basic Strategic Art Program--concerned and committed. Their actions do not surprise me at all,” said Dr. Michael Matheny, BSAP program director.

"This type of action helps maintain the connection between the military and the civilians we serve," said Col. John Laganeli, USAWC Chief of Staff.

"I applaud their selfless service,” said Dr. William Johnsen, USAWC Dean of Academics.

Staff Sgt. Corey Baltos, USAWC Public Affairs


Carlisle Barracks Catholic and Protestant youth raise money for hunger during Super Bowl.

On Feb. 5, as many Americans were getting ready to watch the New York Giants beat the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLVI, the Catholic and Protestant youth of Carlisle Barracks collected money for Project SHARE as part of the annual “Souper Bowl of Caring” event.

Youth representatives from the Carlisle Barracks Memorial Chapel community pose with a check representing the money they raised for Project SHARE during the nation-wide “Souperbowl of Caring” event on Super Bowl Sunday.  Courtesy Photo.

According to the website,, the Souper Bowl of Caring is a nation-wide event that, “uses the energy of the Super Bowl to mobilize youth in a united national effort to care for people in their local communities who are hungry and those in need.The children collected $2,100 for the Carlisle based charity. 

“As people left the chapel, they tossed money into the stock pots,” said Chaplain (Col.) Gregory D’Emma, the Carlisle Barracks installation chaplain.

On Feb. 28, representatives from the Carlisle Barracks chapel attend the Greater Carlisle Souper Bowl for Caring award presentation where they were presented with the Champions trophy for raising the most money in the Cumberland County.

“We were thanked with a miniature of the Super Bowl trophy,” said D’Emma.  “We get to keep the trophy for a year.  This trophy is a demonstration of the care and concern of our young people and the people of the Catholic and Protestant communities.”

The Carlisle Barracks chapel community is involved with Project SHARE throughout the year.

“We take food collections every month from the chapel but this is about the kids,” said D’Emma. “During the year, our young people and adults go downtown to help those who are less fortunate than we are.  

 “Needless to say we at the Chapel are proud of and thankful for the caring spirit of our young people and the leadership of the staff here at the Chapel for all their hard work,” said D’Emma.