Banner Archive for November 2008

Vietnam War veteran Joseph Galloway was the honorary guest-speaker for the exhibits opening. Galloway served as a war correspondent in the Ia Drang Valley for 16 months before serving three tours of duty. He is also the co-author of We Were Soldiers Once and Young.  Photo by Megan Clugh.  

November 17, 2008 – Forty-three years after the end of the conflict, the battle of Ia Drang is commemorated on the Army Heritage Trail with the opening of the "Vietnam Experience" exhibit Nov. 14.

    "This exhibit portrays the sacrifice of the Soldiers during that time," said Maj. Gen. Robert Williams, U.S. Army War College Commandant.

    The exhibit is a representation of three different aspects of the Vietnam War. It includes a replica Fire Support Base, a UH-1 Iroquois helicopter and the Ia Drang Valley creek-bed.

    The opening featured author and historian Joe Galloway. He was in Vietnam for 16 months in 1965, and on three separate tours in 1971, 1973 and 1975. He is a co-author of three books, including "We Were Soldiers Once and Young", published in 1992. Galloway and battalion commander Harold G. Moore wrote the book, which captured the actions of the 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment in the significant Battle of Ia Drang.  The 450 Soldiers who were airlifted to Landing Zone X-ray near the Cambodian border found themselves outnumbered during several days of enemy attacks. Support from artillery, B-52 bombers and fighter bombers held off the enemy assaults.

    "Many years have gone by since the last American helicopter lifted off…but we still remember it today," he said. "I take this exhibit not as a memorial, but as a living, teaching exhibit of what we went through."


Vietnam War veteran Bill Beck places a rifle at the memorial for fallen Soldiers of the 1st Calvary Division.  The ceremony concluded with the playing of Taps and Amazing Grace.

    Also highlighted were Russell Adams and Bill Beck, machine gunners in the Battle of Ia Drang Valley, and Joe Newsome, 118th Aviation Company, 145th Aviation Battallion.

   The opening ceremony also included a reading of the Veteran's Honor Roll and a Memorial Cross Ceremony by the Michael Novosel Chapter of the Vietnam Veterans Association, Harrisburg.







Russell Adams and Bill Beck, machine gunners in the Battle of Ia Drang Valley, and Joe Newsome, 118th Aviation Company, 145th Aviation Battallion, take a moment of silence during a ceremony Nov. 14 on the Army Heritage Trail. Forty-three years after the end of the conflict, the battle of Ia Drang is commemorated on the Army Heritage Trail with the opening of the "Vietnam Experience." Photo by Megan Clugh.

Taps is played during the ceremony Nov. 14. Photo by Megan Clugh.



Armed and ready, re-enactors gather in the new "Vietnam Experience" exhibit along the Army Heritage Trail. The exhibit held its ribbon cutting ceremony on Friday, Nov 14 with more than a hundred people in attendance.    



The ceremony began with the presentation of colors by the Cumberland County Honor Guard.  An American flag was also presented at the memorial for fallen Soldiers.  

Seminar Volleyball:  4 vs 10
Photos by Spc. Jennifer Rick.

The volleyball standings as of Nov. 18 can be found here.

#6 from Seminar 10 sets up a teammate during a volleyball game versus Seminar 4 Nov. 17 in the Root Hall Gym.


#6 from Seminar 4 tries in vain to block a shot by #6 of Seminar 10.


Seminar 10 tries to set up a shot during the game.


A member of Seminar 4 gets ready to spike the ball.



This holiday season, if you catch a buzz, catch a ride
Designate a sober driver before every holiday party

Nov. 18, 2008 -- The holiday season is supposed to be time for family, friends, and festive celebrations, but it is unfortunately also a time when there is a tragic jump in the number of alcohol-related highway fatalities each year between Thanksgiving and New Year's.

    That is why Carlisle Barrack's Army Substance Abuse Program is joining with other national, state and local highway safety and law enforcement officials to remind everyone this holiday season to always designate a sober driver before each holiday party or event involving alcohol.

    Nationally, more than 17,000 people died in alcohol-related highway crashes during 2003. Every 30 minutes, nearly 50 times a day, someone in America dies in an alcohol-related crash. Hundreds of thousands more are injured each year. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), about three in every ten Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related crash at some point in their lives.

    Remembering to designate a sober driver before the party begins is just one of several, simple steps to help avoid a tragic crash or an arrest for impaired driving during the holiday season. Other reminders include:

  • Never get behind the wheel of your vehicle if you've been out drinking;
  • If impaired, call a taxi – use mass transit if available – or call a sober friend or family member to come and get you;
  • Or, just stay where you are and sleep it off until you are sober;
  • If you are hosting a party this holiday season, remind your guests to always plan ahead to designate a sober driver, always offer alcohol-free beverages during the event, and make sure all of your guests leave with a sober driver; and
  • Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk. Take the keys and never let a friend leave your sight if you think they are about to drive while impaired.

    Since 1981, every President of the United States has proclaimed December "National Drunk and Drugged Driving (3D) Prevention Month" to help underscore the public's commitment to preventing impaired driving and promoting the use of designated drivers and sober ride programs. The month of December and the New Year's Eve holiday are also often highlighted by significant increases in state and local law enforcement efforts to combat impaired driving such as the use of sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols.

    Driving impaired or riding with someone who is impaired is simply not worth the risk. The consequences are serious and real. Not only do you risk killing yourself or someone else, but the trauma and financial costs of a crash or an arrest for driving while impaired can be really significant and not the way you want to spend your holiday season.

    So remember, this holiday season, if you catch a buzz, catch a ride.                                     

The Designated Driver Program on Carlisle Barracks: "You Drink – You Drive – You Lose". LVCC and The Strike Zone support the Designated Driver Program.

  • A designated driver is a person in a group of two or more drinking adults who agrees not to drink any alcoholic beverages and to safely transport the other group member's home.
  • If it is a large group, more than one Designated Driver may be needed.
  • Designated Drivers should not drink any alcoholic beverages and are therefore never the person least drunk.
  • Designated Drivers are also important if someone is taking medication that makes them drowsy or otherwise impaired.

 LVCC - inform the bar tender that you are the designated driver and you will receive FREE non-alcoholic soft drinks or water throughout the event. They will give you a sticker that will identify you as such. (Wear it proudly).

STRIKE ZONE BOWLING CENTER – inform the staff that you are the designated driver and you will receive FREE non-alcoholic soft drinks or water throughout the event. You will receive a sticker that will identify you as such. (Wear it proudly).

    Additional information, contact the Army Substance Abuse Office at 245-4576.





Pamela Cheney, U. S. Army Military History Institute
This week in Army history: Dark Days



The Cost of Battle: Image shows Memorial Day services at Soputa Cemetery near Buna, New Guinea. Photo taken by Corporal Francis H. Tichenor, May 30, 1944. (WW2 Signal Corps Photograph Collection).

Nov. 18, 2008 -- In 1942, after Pearl Harbor and the other dark days of December 1941, the U.S. Army was embarking on a long hard struggle against the Japanese forces in the Pacific. The Battle for Buna, starting November 16, 1942, was the first land victory achieved; however, this victory was hard won by the soldiers of the 32nd Infantry Division. It is not a figure of speech to say they sacrificed blood, sweat and tears to overcome the Japanese forces entrenched on the northern coast of New Guinea.

    The tactical importance of the Buna battle exceeded the size of the two small settlements involved--Buna Mission and Buna Village--which consisted of huts and a couple of buildings. The Japanese forces were on the move. To the Allies, it looked as though the invasion of Australia was imminent, a threat that they had to prevent. The only town in New Guinea, Port Moresby, located on the other side of the island, was just across the Coral Sea from Australia, and it was essential that Port Moresby be kept out of Japanese control. Then, too, the Buna area had an airfield which the Allies wanted to prevent the Japanese from using and which they themselves could use as a base to aid their own operations.

    The misery and the challenge that the men of the 32nd Infantry Division faced during their two months of battle defies description. The original intelligence estimates were that 300 of the enemy were present, but, in reality, there were at least several thousand. As the assault began, it became apparent that the
Japanese would not be easy to defeat.

    The enemy carried on a strictly defensive battle in their reinforced bunkers. They picked their bunker sites well and were expert in camouflage. They used earth and palm fronds and other native plants skillfully to make them hard to spot both from the air and from the ground. The soldiers who were trying to root out the entrenched Japanese soldiers could only find them by close patrolling. The Japanese weapons had no muzzle flash to give away their position, and the thick walls repelled rifle and machine gun fire. As the American troops had no flamethrowers, the battle became one of storming each fighting position and attempting to throw a grenade into the firing slit of the bunker.

    As the battle continued, the lack of adequate supply lines and the tropic weather conditions hurt the American troops. They were hungry, sick, and constantly wet from the swampy conditions, and the high temperature and humidity were breeding grounds for illness. Due to problems with the supply line, at times the rations were cut to one sixth of a "C" ration a day, far less that a fighting man needed. Insects, too, were determined foes. Casualties from disease and wounds mounted.

    In the end, though, thanks to a change in command, better air support, and improved delivery of supplies, the American Army prevailed. The enemy was defeated, but at a high cost: 620 Americans killed, 2065 wounded, 132 missing, and many of the rest of the Division sick with tropical diseases. The Buna campaign was long, difficult and heartbreaking, but our eventual victory is remembered today as a tribute to the determination of American Combat Soldiers, regardless of the obstacles they encountered.

Department of Defense launches National Resource Directory For Wounded Warriors, families and caregivers

     Nov. 16, 2008 -- The Department of Defense Nov. 16 launched the National Resource Directory, a collaborative effort between the departments of Defense, Labor and Veterans Affairs. 

     The directory is a Web-based network of care coordinators, providers and support partners with resources for wounded, ill and injured service members, veterans, their families, families of the fallen and those who support them.

    "The directory is the visible demonstration of our national will and commitment to make the journey from 'survive to thrive' a reality for those who have given so much. As new links are added each day by providers and partners, coverage from coast to coast will grow even greater ensuring that no part of that journey will ever be made alone," said Lynda C. Davis, Ph.D., deputy under secretary of defense for military community and family policy.

     Located at , the directory offers more than 10,000 medical and non-medical services and resources to help service members and veterans achieve personal and professional goals along their journey from recovery through rehabilitation to community reintegration. 

    "The VA is extremely proud to be a partner in this innovative resource. This combination of federal, state, and community-based resources will serve as a tremendous asset for all service members, veterans, their families and those who care for them. The community is essential to the successful reintegration of our veterans, and these groups greatly enhance the directory's scope," said Karen S. Guice, M.D., executive director, federal recovery care coordination program at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

    "The National Resource Directory will prove to be a valuable tool for wounded, ill, and injured service members and their families as they wind their way through the maze of benefits and services available to them in their transition to civilian life. The Department of Labor is pleased to have the opportunity to work with our partners at DoD," said Charles S. Ciccolella, the assistant secretary of labor for the veterans' employment and training service.  

   The National Resource Directory is organized into six major categories: Benefits and Compensation; Education, Training and Employment; Family and Caregiver Support; Health; Housing and Transportation; and Services and Resources. It also provides helpful checklists, Frequently Asked Questions, and connections to peer support groups. All information on the Web site can be found through a general or state and local search tool.    

      The National Resource Directory's launch in November is a key feature of Warrior Care Month.



Kelly Schloesser, Army War College Public Affairs Office
Middle East fellows debate US role in the region

     Nov. 13, 2008 -- Recommendations regarding U.S. involvement in curbing terrorism, peace treaties, regime changes, water conservation, nuclear energy, and nuclear proliferation, were provided by panelists representing 10 countries in the final International Fellows Panel for the Middle East.

    On Thursday, Nov 13, Brig. Gen. Anwar Ayasrah of Jordan, Brig. Gen. Naushad Kayani of Pakistan, Lt. Col. Abdullah Halim of Afghanistan, Col. Alaa Al Shaikhli of Iraq, and Lt. Col. Eliezer Toledano of Israel, gathered in Wil Washcoe Auditorium to discuss issues affecting the region, allowing all panelists to comment on the U.S. role in the Mid-East.

    The panel, also including Lt. Col. Mohammad Abdullah of Kuwait, Lt. Col. Marwan Azar of Lebanon, Col. Tareq Mubarak of Bahrain, Col. Naif Al Taimni of Saudi Arabia, and Col. Suhail Mohamed of Al Seraidi UAE, began with a briefing prepared by the fellows and followed with a question and answer period engaging students and faculty members in the audience.

The question of an independent Palestinian state dominated the question and answer period, in which panelists urged a peace treaty backed by the United Nations and strongly supported by the United States.  

    This conflict will likely not be the first issue addressed by the new administration, they thought, as Iraq and Afghanistan dominate current U.S. policy.  It was the hope of all panelists, however, that an agreement will be made in the near future.  

   Overall, panelists reflected faith in international institutions to tackle the tensions associated Palestine and Kashmir, as well as terrorism, water conservation, energy, and nuclear proliferation.   Not only did they consider the United Nations for a key role in regional stability, but also the World Bank, the Organization of Islamic Countries, and the International Atomic Energy Association.   

   The influence of the United States, however, is needed for many of these organizations to be effective, according to panelists.  

    In order to curb terrorism in the region, panelist recommended continued U.S. involvement with regard to intelligence sharing, counterterrorism training, and ultimately helping the Organization of Islamic Countries reach a regional consensus on combating terrorism.  

    The fellows also argued that the United States has a role to play within its own borders.  Panelists encouraged Americans to try to spread understanding of a peaceful Islam in hopes to improve relations.



Thomas Zimmerman, Army War College Public Affairs Office
US relationship with EU, NATO focuses Fellows' Europe/Eurasia panel 

Nov. 14, 2008 -- With eyes looking to the west, International Fellows of the second Europe and Eurasia panel discussed the roles of NATO, the European Union and other issues during a presentation to fellow students  Nov. 14 here.

    Members of the panel were Col. Nazmi Cahani of Albania, Col. Wolfgang Richter of Germany, Col. Krzysztor Mitrega of Poland, Col. Torgeir Gratrud of Norway, Lt. Col. Salvador Sanchez of Spain, and Lt. Col. Ihor Hordiichuk of the Ukraine.

    Among the issues discussed was the close connection of European and American forces and strategies. Europe and America share common views on democracy, rule of law, free elections, freedom of speech, separation of church and state, and a shared past.

    Economic relationships strengthen ties. Panel members noted that European nations comprise the largest importer of U.S. goods.

    The Fellows shared insights about the roles and differences between NATO and the European Union.  While NATO focuses mainly on military and strategic issues, the EU tends to focus more on civil and economic issues.

   After the panel discussion, the panel addressed questions that explored nations' force contributions to NATO, the Ukraine's bid to join NATO, and varied views on Russia.


pksoi is awesome

Suzanne Reynolds, Army War College Public Affairs Office
Carlisle Barracks Spouses' Club reaches out to help local organization


A check for $1,600 was presented to Shari Bellish, executive director, Carlisle C.A.R.E.S. by Amy Turner, president, Carlisle Barracks Spouses' Club, at a Spouses' Club luncheon, Wednesday, Nov. 12 at the Letort View Community Center. Photo by Tony Gray.

 Nov. 13., 2008 - Carlisle C.A.R.E.S. (Combined Area Resources for Emergency Shelter) was the recipient of a check in the amount of $1,600 from the Carlisle Barracks Spouses' Club on Wednesday, Nov. 12.

    Amy Turner, president of the Spouses' Club presented the check to C.A.R.E.S. Executive Director, Shari Bellish at a luncheon held at the Letort View Community Center.

    "The check could not have come at a better time," said Bellish. "The economy has impacted so much on donations." "This money will be used to put up four families for a week," she said.

    "Times are tough this year," said Tony Gray, the Club's Outreach Chairman. "Carlisle C.A.R.E.S. has seen a 70 percent increase in the number of local homeless they are supporting, of which nearly a third are veterans."

    "On the day after Veterans Day and the eve of the holiday season, we felt compelled to come to the aid of those with the greatest need," he said.

    According to Gray, the new selection criteria for organizations interested in requesting outreach funds is to provide for health and welfare, some vocational-type training, provide health and wellness to Veterans and their families, and be located within a 10-mile radius of Carlisle Barracks.

    Also new this year, organizations may submit emergency requests for funds at any time. The official deadline for funding requests is March 12, 2009. Requests for applications may be e-mailed to:

   The Spouses' Club next fundraising event will be the annual live and silent Auction held on March 20, 2009.


Mass Transportation Benefit Program is coming to Carlisle Barracks

Open to all post employees including non- DoD, NAF employees and contractors 

    Nov. 13, 2008 -- Carlisle Barracks is still seeking interested members of the Carlisle community who would like to take advantage of this great service. 

    Not all riders in the van pool must be federal employees.  All van pool members, whether federal employees or non-federal employees, must pay the same rate for van pool services.  This may mean the employees ride for little to no out of pocket expense each month. The larger the amount of riders means lower costs per user.   

   To sign up, contact Donna Horton at 245-4077. She will provide the enrollment forms.

  "I submit the enrollment forms to Dept. of Transportation who mails the vouchers to me," said Horton. The employee will give the vouchers to the drivers, who receive a monthly invoice from the van company. The Department of the Army provides a credit for users of the program. Any additional costs are paid to the company and are divided between the riders.

    Non-federal van pool members are not eligible for the Mass Transportation Monthly Benefit.     

   The first van is starting Dec. 1 from Chambersburg. It currently has 15 riders and a 4 person waiting list. Contact Donna Horton, 245-4077 for further details.



USAWC celebrates Marine Corps 233rd birthday

Marine Lt. Col. John Merna, student, led the ceremony inside Bliss Hall honoring the 233 years of history and the legacy of the U.S. Marine Corps Nov. 7. Photo by Kelly Schloesser.


Nov. 13, 2008-  Army War College students, faculty, and staff gathered inside Bliss Hall to celebrate the U.S. Marine Corps 233rd Birthday Friday Nov. 7.

    "Today is about taking a moment to celebrate the Marine Corps, reflect on the sacrifices that have been made, and look forward to the challenges we face," said Marine Lt. Col. Frank Donavan, student.

     "For me it's a day to remember those who have gone before us. To carry on their legacy," said Marine Lt. Col. Rick Uribe, student.

     "It's more important than my own Birthday," said Marine Lt. Col. Eric Kraft, student.   

    Marine Lt. Col. John Merna, student, led the ceremony inside Bliss Hall honoring the long history and the legacy of the Corps. After the ceremony, students and faculty were all smiles as they indulged in the cake and coffee outside of Bliss Hall.

Military health system webhall focuses on Warrior Care

Falls Church, Va - The Military Health System (MHS) will host an online town hall on Nov. 19, 2008 from 2 to 4 p.m. EST at The "webhall" is part of the ongoing dialog between senior military leaders and service members and their families about Department of Defense (DoD) medical care programs and services for wounded, ill and injured troops. The online event is also one of many Warrior Care Month activities throughout November.

    Providing care to wounded, ill and injured service members is a top priority of the DoD and the MHS. Senior defense leaders are committed to ensuring service members, families, and care providers are kept informed about the latest warrior care news and improvement of services.

    "We want to share with service members and their families about the progress we've made to find solutions that work," said Dr. S. Ward Casscells, assistant secretary of defense for health affairs.  "We want to hear from you directly, so please join us online on November 19."

    The online event will feature a live web discussion with senior leadership and subject matter experts on a wide variety of warrior and family as well as veterans issues. It will provide participants with the opportunity to interact with an array of service members and families who have been touched by warrior care.

   Town hall participants can submit questions to beginning Nov. 14 and throughout the live program on Nov 19. Instructions on how to participate in the webhall can be found on the front page of For privacy reasons, participants should limit discussions to broad issues and lessons learned and do not disclose personal information. When possible, service members should contact their chain of command to resolve personal issues.

   In addition to the web town hall meeting, service members and families may also share their feedback in an online questionnaire about warrior care by logging onto and looking under the "Top Headlines"


    Learn more about Warrior Care Month at and find more about TRICARE benefits for wounded, ill and injured at


Soldiers, civilians recognized for contributions


Gerri Breitenbach, who works at the
LVCC, receives an award recognizing her 
40 years of service from Maj. 
Gen. Robert Williams, U.S. Army War
 College Commandant, in the 
LVCC Nov. 13 during the Carlisle Barracks 
Quarterly Awards Ceremony.
Photo by Megan Clugh.    

Nov. 13, 2008 – Carlisle Barracks Soldiers and civilians were recognized for their accomplishments during an awards ceremony Nov. 13 in the Letort View Community Center.

    The ceremony was officiated by Maj. Gen. Robert Williams, U.S. Army War College Commandant.

    "Every day you do something that makes a difference," said Williams.    

Special Awards

Young H. Barner, DCLM – Civilian Employee of the Quarter

Spc. Jennifer L. Rick, PAO – Soldier of the Qtr, 4th Qtr FY 08

Staff Sgt. Kevin L. Betton, Jr., Chapel – NCO of the Qtr, 4th Qtr FY 08


Impact Awards

Staff Sgt. Catherine M. Hutson, HRD - Army Achievement Medal

Sgt. George L. Frame, Jr., HRD - Army Achievement Medal

Spc. Janice C. Maldonado, Dental Clinic - Army Achievement Medal

Spc. Thomas R. Fiedler, II, Chapel - Good Conduct Medal

Robert Suskie, DES - Commander's Accident Prevention Award


Certificates of Appreciation for Retiree Appreciation Day

Karen E. Balestrini, MPS

Lt. Col. John E.N. Blair, USA Ret.

Master Sgt. Donald L. Brion, USAF Ret.

Doris Brion

Theresa A. Derr, MPS

David G. Eckenrode, DES

Cdr. H.C. Ted Kelley, USN Ret.

Elton R. Manske, DHR


Length of Service Awards

Geraldine Breitenbach, LVCC - 40 Years

Kathleen Rowland, CYS - 15 Years

Rebecca Stroup, CYS - 15 Years

Robin Campbell, CYS - 10 Years

James Price, Sports - 10 Years

Lisa Olson, LVCC - 5 Years

Jacqueline Schultz, CYS - 5 Years


Commanding General Bonus Program Awards

Mary Connelly, APFRI

Dorothy Finkenbinder, DCIA

Laura Richards, DDE

Karen Slusser, DAA

Roxann Wallace, AHEC




One-way traffic pattern to continue

    Nov. 7, 2008 -- Traffic along Sumner Road at the future Heritage Heights housing area will remain one-way from the intersections with Delaney Road and Craig Road due to an unexpected complication while running a new storm drain. 

    The road is expected to be completed and open to two-way traffic by Nov. 25. 

    To exit through the Claremont Gate or visit the PX and Commissary, you'll be routed along Wright Avenue and Butler Road.  Residents along Wright and Butler roads should be mindful of the possible traffic increase through the neighborhood.  Detour signs will be placed along this route to guide vehicles.

    "As Carlisle Barracks continues its mission to provide better housing for residents, your understanding and patience will help the garrison build a better post," said Lt. Col. Sergio Dickerson, garrison commander.


Suzanne Reynolds, Army War College Public Affairs Office
Local Veterans Day events


    The Carlisle Vietnam Veterans will conduct their annual all-night vigil on the steps of the Old Courthouse to honor and remember all POW-MIAs beginning at 11 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 10.  If renovations to the Old Courthouse are not complete, the vigil will take place in Veterans Memorial Courtyard. 

    The Joint Veterans Council of Carlisle will conduct the annual Veterans Day Ceremony in Carlisle in the Courtroom of the Old Courthouse, 2nd Floor, commencing at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 11.  If renovations to the Old Courthouse are not complete, entrance will be in the rear of the building.  The guest speaker is Maj. Gen. Robert M. Williams, Commandant, U.S. Army War College.  The Cumberland County Honor Guard is providing the firing squad and bugler.


Shippensburg – The Joint Veterans Council of Shippensburg (VFW Post 6168 and American Legion Post 223) will host its annual Veterans Day parade at 2 p.m.  Refreshments will be served at each post.


Red Lion – The Red Lion Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1446 will hold their Veterans Day ceremony at 7:30 p.mThe guest speaker is Lt. Col. Shawn McGinley, U.S. Army War College Class of 2009.  The Post is located at 815 S. Main Street.



Enola – American Legion Post 751 will hold Veterans Day ceremonies in front of the Post at 295 Shady Lane commencing at 11 a.m.  Refreshments will be served after the ceremonies in the Post Ballroom.  In the event of adverse weather, the ceremony will be held inside the Post.

McConnellsburg – The McConnellsburg Veterans of Foreign Wars Post will hold a Veterans Day ceremony at 11 a.m., at the Post.  The guest speaker is Col. Patricia Anslow, U.S. Army War College Class of 2009.

Mechanicsburg – Mechanicsburg Area Veterans Council (American Legion Post 109 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6704) will conduct Veterans Day ceremonies at the GAR Monument in the Mechanicsburg Cemetery at the corner of Frederick and Marble Streets beginning at 11 a.mThe guest speaker is John B. Getz, past state commander, VFW.

Mechanicsburg - VFW Post 7530 will conduct Veterans Day ceremonies beginning at 11 a.m. at 4545 Westport Drive, Mechanicsburg.  The guest speaker is Col. Karen Gattis, U.S. Army War College Class of 2009.

Newville – The Joint Veterans Council of Newville will conduct Veterans Day ceremonies at the Community Fountain at 11 a.m.  The guest speaker will be James McNally, curator at the Army Heritage and Education Center.  Refreshments will be served following the ceremony at the VFW Post 6070.  In the event of adverse weather, the ceremony will be moved to the Big Spring Area Community Center, 2 Chestnut Street, Newville.


Thomas Zimmerman, Army War College Public Affairs Office
Wisner brings experience to diplomacy discussion

Nov. 2, 2008 – The job of the next president won't be an easy one, especially when it comes to domestic and international issues, according to a veteran, 30-year diplomat.

    Ambassador Frank Wisner, who served in various diplomatic capacities in the Department of Defense and State Department, spoke to Army War College students and faculty in Bliss Hall on Nov. 3 as part of the National Security Policy and Strategy course. Wisner was most recently the special envoy of the U.S. in the Troika group for the negotiations on the future status of Kosovo.

    "It's imperative that the next president be prepared to use all of the tools in the tool-kit, including military and diplomatic skills," he said. "We have to shape the context when all elements of national power are used. We have to practice state-craft."

   Wisner described state-craft as executing national power by more than just military power, also using diplomacy and organizations like the United Nations.

    "Despite what some may think, we do not limit ourselves and what we can accomplish by engaging organizations like the United Nations," he said. "These organizations give voice to all country-members, no matter their size. They can all help shape the consensus."

    That sentiment fits perfectly into the discussions currently ongoing in the seminars about the situations in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Col. Steven Cummings, student.

    "It's apparent that at times the military is the first element of national power used and that we should look harder at the other options like diplomacy," he said.    

    Wisner did point out that maintaining a powerful military is important, but the use of it was just as vital.

    "We must maintain a military that is second-to-none," he said. "But I do not believe that it should be used unless it's defined by our political objectives. National power can be executed by more than just military means."

    The experience of the speaker made him a perfect fit for the lecture, according to one of the students.

    "Even though he said he has been out of the government for 10 years, his information was still applicable to today," said Col. Keith Sledd, student. "It was very refreshing to see a different perspective."

National Security Policy and Strategy

    Wisner spoke as part of the USAWC course that explores National Security Policy and Strategy. The students will examine all the elements that underpin national security policy and strategy, the global strategic environment, national security policy and strategy formulation, the instruments of national power and the processes employed by the United States Government to integrate and synchronize those instruments in the pursuit of national security objectives.

    Throughout the course, faculty will challenge students to appraise complex national security issues that are often characterized by ambiguity and uncertainty using critical, creative, ethical and systemic thought processes as well as historical/contextual reflection and analysis. The outcome will be a better understanding of how global issues may affect U.S. policy and strategy.



Spc. Jennifer Rick, U.S. Army War College Public Affairs Office
AHEC expert tapped to take part in Gettysburg Presidential visit

President George W. Bush, first lady Laura Bush and 19 of their colleagues and friends visited the Gettysburg battlefield Sept. 5. Dr. Richard Sommers, senior historian at the U.S. Army Military History Institute, was the military historian for the tour. White House photo.

November 5, 2008 – For the first time in several decades, a sitting United States President visited the historic Gettysburg battlefield on Sept. 5 when President George W. Bush, first lady Laura Bush, and 19 of their friends and colleagues toured the area.

    The group was en route to Camp David in Frederick County, Md., and decided to visit Gettysburg, explained Dr. Richard Sommers, senior historian at the U.S. Army Military History Institute. The first family had been invited to attend the reopening of the Cyclorama later in the month, but would not be able to make it.

    The chief guide for the trip was Dr. Gabor Boritt of the Gettysburg College. Sommers was asked to be the military historian for the trip by Boritt.

    The party traveled in four vans, with a historian in each one to narrate the history while they were going from place to place. Sommers was with the second group, including Karl Rove, former Deputy White House Chief of Staff.

    They started at the Robert E. Lee monument, and worked their way to the Texas Monument, Little Round Top, the Angle, the National Cemetery and the new Visitors Center, stopping at each place to learn about it.

    Amazed visitors at the battlefield were greeted by the President, who also posed for photos with them.

    Among those who traveled with the President were:
     -Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings
     -former Attorney General and Mrs. Alberto Gonzales
     -former Deputy White House Chief of Staff Karl Rove
     -former White House Counsel Harriet Miers
     -former Under Secretary of State Karen Hughes
     -former first lady's Chief of Staff Andrea Ball
     -Civil War benefactor John Nau and his wife Bobbi

    Sommers said he was happy and honored to be chosen for this event.

    "This was a wonderful opportunity to represent the Army Heritage and Education Center and the Army War College in serving our country and our Commander-in-Chief," he said. "In my 38 years at the Military History Institute and the War College, I've had many wonderful experiences, but serving directly for the President and first lady is the highlight of my professional career."





2008 Jim Thorpe 5k results


Participants in the 2008 Jim Thorpe 5k take off from the
starting line on the track around Indian Field Nov. 1. For a 
complete list of results, click the following links: 
Men's Results
Women's Results 
Photo by Charity Murtorff.


Eight-year-old Luke Antonnia competes in the race. He finished at 26:00, in first place for his age group. Photo by Charity Murtorff.


Robert Stanley and Col. Ben Leitzel are neck and neck during the race. Leitzel finished first overall for the men, and Stanley finished third. Photo by Charity Murtorff.


Marine Lt. Col. Sean McBride and his wife Michelle run side by side. Photo by Charity Murtorff.











Kelly Schloesser, Army War College Public Affairs Office
Middle East panelists discusses regional issues to SRO audience

    Informed insights about disputed border regions, economic reliance on oil, nuclear weapon proliferation, and the severe lack of water, created a forum for learning for the U.S. students who packed Wil Washcoe Auditorium for the first of two Middle East International Fellows Panels.     

    With standing room only on Wednesday Oct. 22, Army War College Fellows from 10 countries including Lt. Col. Mohammad Abdullah of Kuwait, Lt. Col. Marwan Azar of Lebonon, Col. Tareq Mubarak of Bahrain, Col. Naif Al Taimni of Saudi Arabia, and Col. Suhail Mohamed of Al Seraidi UAE, took questions from students and faculty members regarding strategic issues facing the Mid-East region.

    The panel also included Brig. Gen. Anwar Ayasrah of Jordan, Brig. Gen. Naushad Kayani of Pakistan, Lt. Col. Abdullah Halim of Afghanistan, Col. Alaa Al Shaikhli of Iraq, and Lt. Col. Eliezer Toledano of Israel, began with a briefing that highlighted issues in three main categories: geography, demography, and religion.

    Geography is significant for two resources facing strong scrutiny in the region, oil and water. The panel suggested a problematic future for Mid-East countries as the global demand for oil increases. Since oil remains the only valid resource in the region, growing demand and a finite supply may put regional economic stability into question in the near future, noted one fellow.    

    The briefing dedicated several minutes to the water crisis in the region. With the population increasing in the region, demand rises, and diplomatic efforts should be tackled to negotiate water rights.

    Following the briefing, students took advantage of the opportunity to explore topics out of the headlines.  

    Additionally, all panelists voiced their main concern in the region as it relates to their respective country. Overwhelmingly, fellows noted wariness about Iran's advancements to acquire nuclear weapons. Several fellows repeated that weapons of mass destruction would only further damage stability in the region.



Commissary hours for holiday season


Sun, Nov. 23     11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Mon, Nov. 24    9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Tue, Nov. 25     9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Wed, Nov. 26    9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Thu, Nov. 27     CLOSED

Fri, Nov. 28       9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Sat, Nov. 29      9 a.m. - 6 p.m.



Sun, Dec. 21     11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Mon, Dec. 22    9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Tue, Dec. 23     9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Wed, Dec. 24    9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Thu, Dec. 25     CLOSED                                       

Fri, Dec. 26       9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Sat, Dec. 27      9 a.m. - 6 p.m.


New Years

Sun, Dec. 28     11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Mon, Dec. 29    CLOSED

Tue, Dec. 30     9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Wed, Dec. 31    9 a.m. - 6 p.m.  

Thu, Jan. 1        CLOSED

Fri, Jan. 2         9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

Sat, Jan. 3        9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

November is Warrior Care Month for Army, DOD

WASHINGTON (Army News Service, Oct. 31, 2008) -- Beginning Nov. 5, the Army and its sister services will focus attention to one of the Defense Department's highest priorities – caring for wounded, ill and injured warriors.

    As directed by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, November has been designated as "Warrior Care Month." Each branch of the U.S. Armed Forces has events planned during the month to highlight warrior care.

    Since reports nearly two years ago that Soldiers recovering from war wounds were living in a substandard facility at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., the Army has transformed the way it structures and provides military health care to wounded and ill Soldiers, said Brig. Gen. Gary H. Cheek, Assistant Surgeon General for Warrior Care and Transition.

    "We have made great strides in garnering more support and more resources for our wounded, ill and injured Soldiers," Cheek said. "Our key challenge is ensuring Soldiers and families are aware of the various programs and benefits we have to help them with the unique and personal issues each of them face."

    The general said the month is more than a way for the Army and other services to show how far they have come in taking care of their own -- the activities and events during Warrior Care Month also make the programs the Army offers more visible to Soldiers who might need them.

    "Warrior Care Month is a way to highlight these programs across the Army so our wounded warriors and their families know what's being done on their behalf, and how to take advantage of them," he said.

   Cheek said Warrior Care Month is meant to provide a clear message to servicemembers and the public that caring for those who have sacrificed for America is one of the military's highest priorities.

    The Army has unique activities planned throughout Warrior Care Month, which begins with the Department of Defense kick-off event Nov. 5.

    The Army's 36 Warrior Transition Units, in cooperation with military treatment facilities and installations across the Army will be conducting a variety of events and activities to help educate the force on wounded warrior resources, and to thank local communities and elected officials for their support.

    On Nov. 17, designated as Army Service Day for warrior care, Secretary of the Army Pete Geren and the Army Surgeon General are scheduled to host a town hall meeting for Soldiers and families assigned to the Walter Reed Warrior Transition Unit.

    Other events during the November observance include a visit by the Army chief of staff with Soldiers   at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Nov. 2 and 11; Brooke Army Medical Center at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, Nov. 19; and Bethesda National Naval Medical Center Nov. 29 and 30.

    Besides visits by officials to major military medical facilities, caregivers and recovering Soldiers alike will speak at various public venues about the state of care of wounded and ill Soldiers during Operation Tribute to Freedom events.


Spc. Jennifer Rick, U.S. Army War College Public Affairs Office
New Dunham commander assumes responsibility of clinic

Col. Christopher Castle, Commander of Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center, passes the unit's colors to Col. Kenneth Trzepkowski, the new Commander of Dunham U.S. Army Health Care Clinic at an Assumption of Command Ceremony held Nov. 3 at Reynolds Theater. Photo by Scott Finger.

November 4, 2008 – The days of "A ship without a captain, a clinic without a commander" are over for Dunham U.S. Army Health Clinic, said Col. Kenneth Trzepkowski. The reigns were officially handed to him at an Assumption of Command Ceremony Nov. 3.

    Trzepkowski will be commanding the Dunham clinic, the health clinics at the Defense Distribution Center in Harrisburg, the National Training Center at Fort Indiantown Gap and the Occupational Health Clinic at the Letterkenny Army Depot in Chambersburg.

        "As we passed the colors to him [Trzepkowski], he took on unlimited responsibility and liability," said Col. Christopher Castle, Commander of Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center at Fort George G. Meade, Md. "He is an outstanding Soldier, leader and healer. You have a fantastic officer to lead you."

    Trzepkowski mentioned having dinner with a mentor from when he was a captain stationed in Germany, Dr. Gordon Miller.  Miller was Dunham's commander from 2002 to 2006, and now works there as a civilian. He told Trzepkowski that it is the clinic's civilian staff that is the reason why "Dunham has its reputation for providing Carlisle Barracks and all of its retiree population the care that is second to none." 

    Trzepkowski also talked about the clinic's Soldiers.

    "They bring to Dunham the vigor, enthusiasm for learning and the dedication to service that only youth and wearing the uniform can bring to this clinic," he said. "The leadership and devoted effort to the clinic's success is what they bring to the field."

    "As I was writing this speech, I kept looking for those magic words that would be able to define the beginning of my command and sum up my thoughts and expectations for the next few years…It's the words on our unit's crest, 'Service To The Finest'. That's what it's all about."

Maj. Gen. Robert Williams, Commandant, U.S. Army War College
Veterans Day safety message

November 3, 2008 -- On November 11, 2008, we celebrate Veterans Day in honor of the brave men and women defending our freedom and to those who gave their lives for our Nation.

    Many of us will be traveling over the long four-day weekend; this will increase the chance of injury to Soldiers, civilians and their families. Every year, senseless injuries occur as the result of speeding, unsafe vehicles and overindulgence in alcohol.

    I encourage all personnel to perform a safety check on your vehicle prior to traveling over the long weekend. Remember, responsible drivers are always well rested, drive defensively, buckle up and never drink and drive. Let's celebrate this holiday weekend by bringing everybody safely back to Carlisle Barracks. Have a safe and enjoyable holiday weekend.

Postal service sets holiday mailing guidelines 

WASHINGTON, Nov. 3, 2008 – As the holidays approach and military families start thinking about what they're going to send loved ones serving overseas, there are a few dates to keep in mind. 
    "The earliest deadline is for troops that are serving in the Iraq [and] Afghanistan area," said Al DeSarro, spokesman for the western region of the U.S. Postal Service. "You want to send all your holiday mail and packages [to those areas] by Dec. 4."
    Holiday mail, including packages and cards, going to military bases in other parts of the world should be shipped by Dec. 11, he said.
    "We do encourage people to closely follow these deadlines," DeSarro said. "Of course, we make every attempt, even if you miss the deadline, to deliver the mail to our troops."
    Pseudo-Santas who can't beat those dates have another option to get holiday goodies to their destinations in time: Express Mail. But it will cost a bit more and it's not available for servicemembers serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    Priority Mail Flat-Rate boxes are the best value when shipping to military members serving at home or anywhere overseas, DeSarro said. The largest flat-rate box costs $10.95 to ship to an APO or FPO address. That's a $2 discount, and the boxes are free.
    The flat-rate boxes come with another bonus. If it will fit in the box, and weighs 70 pounds or less, it ships at the established rate.
    "We also offer a special military package kit, … and this applies even if you want to send to our troops here in the U.S.," DeSarro said. "If you call … 1-800-610-8734, they'll send you a free kit of packaging materials -- priority mail boxes, tape, labels and stuff that can make your holiday packing much easier."
    When shipping any holiday package, there are some basic guidelines to take into consideration, he added. If a USPS-provided box isn't being used, senders should make sure the box they're using is sturdy. Don't use wrapping paper or string on the outside, and print both the shipping and return addresses clearly. Contents should be packaged securely and in leak-proof containers, and consider the customs of the country to ensure the items are appropriate and acceptable.
    USPS also suggests including the mailing address, return address and the contents of the box on a slip of paper with the other contents, just in case something out of the ordinary should happen.
    Following not only the shipping date guidelines, but also the general packing guidelines can help the USPS get packages where they're going during their busiest time of the year.
    DeSarro urges people to mail as much as they want and

Brad Taft, Registered Nurse, U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine
Beat tobacco addiction: be Army Strong!

 As a Soldier, you are part of a team that is not just strong, but Army Strong. You have physical strength, mental strength and emotional strength. You are "strong enough to get yourself over" and "strong enough to get over yourself." This strength can help you win the fight against the fiercest addiction you may ever face—tobacco addiction.

    Tobacco addiction comes on gradually. You try a few cigarettes and think it isn't too bad. You feel more alert, ready for anything. It is not that expensive either. Just a few bucks a day to feel good.

    But soon, you smoke whenever you can, at whatever the cost; not just in money, but in time and in relationships. Now, you don't want to feel good by smoking; you just want to avoid the bad feeling that comes when you don't smoke. This is addiction, and it only takes about 100 cigarettes to go from "trying it out" to addiction.

    You probably feel the addiction in the time it takes you to go outside for a smoke, or in your personal relationships, or in your wallet. What's worse, you may feel it physically in your performance and readiness.

    According to the surgeon general of the United States, smoking has negative effects on nearly every organ of the human body. Smoking is directly linked to the two leading causes of death: coronary heart disease and cancer. Cigarette smokers are two to four times more likely to develop coronary heart disease than nonsmokers. The risk of dying from lung cancer is more than 23 times higher among men who smoke cigarettes and about 13 times higher among women who smoke, compared with those who have never smoked.

    In addition, recent onset smoking has been linked to a serous and sometimes fatal illness called acute eosinophilic pneumonia, which has occurred among young service members in Iraq.

    Maybe smoking is something that should concern you. Tobacco use negatively affects your health. Why not fight tobacco addiction? For many Soldiers, fighting tobacco addiction is the hardest fight they will ever have.

    Nov. 20 is the Great American Smokeout, a day when smokers are encouraged to go without smoking. If you can't stop smoking for just one day, then you probably are addicted to tobacco. If that's the case, let your healthcare provider know you need help to begin fighting the addiction.

For more information:

·         American Cancer Society,

·         Quit Tobacco,


The U.S. Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine is the Army's public health organization. It supports Soldiers around the world with health education information and deploys its expert medical and scientific staff to deliver occupational and environmental health surveillance everywhere Soldiers go. On U.S. military installations, CHPPM provides environmental health engineering and health hazard assessments as well as injury and disease prevention programs.

Kelly Schloesser, Army War College Public Affairs Office
Volunteers give, receive holiday cheer at Senior Citizens' Holiday Social


An Army War College student and his guest enjoy the holiday
social in this file photo. This years event will be held Dec. 10 and
Public Affairs photo.

Oct. 29, 2008 -- 'Thank you and all the people involved in the Senior Citizens' Holiday Tea. My elderly mother attended your holiday program and has been glowing ever since. The program truly touched her heart, I hope you and all your helpers know how important and appreciated all your efforts are.'         

    The sentiment echoed in this 2007 letter is a reminder that the holiday season is not complete without hosting the annual Senior Citizens' Holiday Social.  On December 10 and 11, students, spouses, faculty, and staff can volunteer to bring holiday cheer and touch the hearts of local senior citizens. 

    "Everyone who participates has a positive and fulfilling experience because we all know that we really did make a difference in someone's life," said Lt. Col. Gerald Goodfellow, a faculty member and student participant last year. 

    This event has cheered both senior citizens and the thousands of Carlisle Barracks volunteers who have kept the tradition alive for 52 years. Each year, Carlisle Barracks hosts nearly 300 seniors from surrounding nursing homes for an event filled with holiday entertainment, visits from Santa Clause and Elvis, and of course, thousands of cookies. 

    Past participants have called it "the most memorable event of the year," and the "most fulfilling experience" of their time here.

    "For many of these seniors this is their only time out of the nursing home the entire year. This is their Christmas celebration," said Goodfellow. "You realize then that those couple hours you give them is the greatest gift you could give."   

    Volunteer veterans said that this is what the holidays are all about.

    "You really get a better feeling for the holidays because you are directly making someone's life better," said retired Col. Bill Lord, a volunteer since 1991.  Though the event is packed full of cookies, Christmas trees, and holiday tunes, participants have said that it is the act of giving that truly places people in the holiday season. 

    "I had a gentleman who didn't say a word the entire time and then suddenly he had the biggest smile on his face.  And then I realized it's because Santa Clause just walked into the room," Lord said of his first time serving as an escort along with his wife 17 years ago. 

    It is moments like this that have Col. Mark Eshelman, a nursing home coordinator for several years, calling himself a "true believer" in the event.

    "I make an effort to support it every year. It's a tremendous payoff and very rewarding," he said. 

    Those planning the event have said that this Holiday Social has been a success in the past because of the outpouring of volunteers from both the college and the barracks.

    "This event doesn't exist without volunteers," said Lt. Col. Pat Sweeney, organizer of the social. 

Whether you have time to escort a senior to the party, attend to them as they get in and out of cars, serenade them with a guitar, or simply bake cookies for them, the Holiday Social is looking for help. 

    The 53rd Annual Senior Citizens' Holiday Social will be held on December 10 and 11 at the Letort View Community Center.

    For more information and to sign up to volunteer one or both days visit the Carlisle Barracks Garrison Web-site at



Thomas Zimmerman, Army War College Public Affairs Office
APFRI: Education is key


Melanie Richardson (left), Army Physical Fitness Research Institute Health Fitness Instructor, shows Staci Hirschman how to properly operate exercise equipment in the Thorpe Hall Gym during a recent strength training class. The class is one of many educational opportunities offered by APFRI. Photo by Spc. Jennifer Rick.   


Oct. 30, 2008 -- He arrived at Carlisle blissfully unaware of the health indicators for future diabetes, despite both parents having diabetes. Since taking part in the Army Physical Fitness Research Institute  program, he has lost 50 pounds, 7 inches of waistline, decreased his cholesterol by 57 points, and his glucose is in the green.

    The former USAWC student and current faculty member credits the APFRI program for his better overall health.

    "The education that APFRI gave me on the importance of diet and exercise followed by the APFRI assessment changed my life," said Air Force Lt. Col. Gerald Goodfellow, an instructor in the Department of Military Strategy, Planning, and Operations. "Before participating in the APFRI programs I knew my diet was bad, and my exercise habits were basically non-existent. The education reinforced this self evaluation, and the APFRI assessment really validated the negative effects of my poor diet and exercise habits. I decided at that point that it was time for me to get serious and implement the proper eating and exercise techniques APFRI had taught me."   

    The program may have not just made him healthier, but also may have extended his life according to Goodfellow.

    "Prior to making these changes I filled out a questionnaire on the website to determine my physical age," he said. "It calculated my physical age at 43, it now calculates my physical age at 33.  I think this means instituting APFRI's education and training in my life will probably add 10 years to my life."   

    The APFRI program has been exported because it's an essential element of leader education. After years of success at the Army War College, it's now been created at the U.S. Sgt. Maj. Academy at Ft. Bliss, Texas, and the Command and Generals Staff College at Ft. Leavenworth, Ks.

    "We have exported the entire program, with only modifications for the age groups of the communities being assessed," said Col. Tom Williams, APFRI director. 


   Changing behavior through education is the goal of the Army Physical Fitness Research Institute.

    As part of the War College experience, each resident and up to 50 percent of distance education students undergoes a complete health assessment. The assessments help to give the APFRI staff a baseline for each student health, fitness, nutrition and well-being. From that information the staff is able to identify each individual's strengths and identify fitness and nutrition and behavioral changes that may be necessary. Then the APFRI staff provides information and guidance through classes and other educational opportunities.     

    "Almost everyone realizes that exercise and living a healthy lifestyle are important, but we seldom give ourselves time to do so," Williams said. "We try and help that by giving you the knowledge of what your risk factors are and by providing opportunities to learn how to reduce them."

    The education aspect is one of the most important, according to Williams.   "The underpinning of the program is to push you into lowering your risk factors," he said. "The best way to do that is to educate you on what they are and what you can do to mitigate them. Another benefit of the program is that it helps to motivate by giving individuals an idea of their health relative to that of others in their age group."

Strength Training Classes

    Muscular strength is a fundamental physical trait necessary for health, functional ability, enhanced quality of life and increased performance at work and athletic events. It is also an essential component of any comprehensive exercise program. 

    "This program discusses how to use the equipment in Thorpe Hall correctly and then you get hands on instruction by our Executive Fitness Team to make sure you are doing things the most effective way," he said. "This helps because too often injuries will undermine someone's ability to exercise.

    "A little education gives them the know-how to use it for the best results."

Nutrition Education Classes

    APFRI offers assistance in the realm of nutrition as well. Education is offered on proper portion sizes, tips to reduce high LDL cholesterol levels and tips for weight loss.

Stress Management Classes

    Another important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle is managing stress. Stress has been linked to actual physical changes in the body, which over time can lead to cardiovascular disease. To help manage stress APFRI offers stress management classes and individual programs if necessary.

   Success based on this knowledge helps keep up the confidence to continue as well he said.

   "When you see positive results you are far more likely to maintain the lifestyle."

    Participants in the class also receive email reminders to help make sure they remember when classes are being held.  "Each of the classes and educational opportunities are open to everyone in the Carlisle Barracks community," said Williams. 

    "The times the classes are held and the reminders they send out really make it easy," said Ginny Wilson, family member, who attended a recent flexibility class. "Since I've been a part of the class I've really noticed a change. My body just feels better." 

    These kinds of changes are what the program hopes to achieve according to Williams.

    "When you make these health changes it truly can change your life," he said. "Education is key." 



Spc. Jennifer Rick, Army War College Public Affairs Office
New Command Sgt. Maj.,  Dunham Clinic commander arrive

Command Sgt. Maj. Jose Powell


Command Sgt. Maj. Jose Powell talks to Sgt. Radesha Dantzler, Headquarters Company, in his office Oct. 27. Powell recently arrived at Carlisle Barracks from Fort Lewis, Wash. Photo by Spc. Jennifer Rick.

 Oct. 30, 2008 -- Hailing from the small country of Panama, Command Sgt. Maj. Jose Powell has traveled all around the world. His journey now brings him to another small but tight community, Carlisle Barracks .

    "This is a great community of Soldiers, families and students," Powell said. "The leadership is willing to assist in any possible way to create a better environment for our future leaders."

 Powell enlisted in the Army in 1981 and became an ammunition specialist.  Among the places has served are in Germany, Korea, Johnson Island, Honduras and Iraq. 

   "I decided that the Army was the best thing for me," Powell said. "The United States opened so many doors for me, and I wanted to give something back."  

    He said that he has also learned alot from Soldiers.

"I have learned that all Soldiers have different needs, strengths and weaknesses. They are committed to a greater cause; selfless service to our country, family and their friends. They are all driven and motivated by job satisfaction, education opportunities, and public recognition for a job well done.   But most importantly, they want to be acknowledged and recognized for their selfless sacrifices, contribution to our Army, and wanting to be view as the moral and ethical example for the future leaders of our country; our children, and the beacon of hope for world.

  Powell comes to Carlisle Barracks from Ft. Lewis, Wash., where he served as the CSM, 80th Ordnance Battalion, 593rd Sustainment Brigade.

   Powell has two daughters, "the apple of my eye and my future" as he refers to them. Tyra is 17 years old and will be attending college next year, and Teyler is 11.

    Powell earned his Bachelor of Science Degree from Fayetteville State University, North Carolina and is currently pursuing a Masters Degree in Elementary Education from Campbell University.

Col. Kenneth Trzepkowski

    A native of Depew, N.Y., Col. Kenneth Trzepkowski will soon be taking over command of the Dunham U.S. Army Health Clinic.

Col. Kenneth Trzepkowski will formally assume command of the Dunham U.S. Army Health Clinic Nov. 3 at 10 a.m. in Reynolds Theater.

    Trzepkowski enlisted in the Army while still in high school, and after three years went through ROTC the State University of New York. He has been stationed with the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, N.C., Fort Gordon, Ga., Fort Drum, N.Y., Germany, Bosnia, Fort Carson, Colo., and was deployed in Operation Iraqi Freedom from Jan. 2005 to Jan. 2006.

    His most recent assignment was the U.S. Military Academy at West Point as the Chief of the Primary Care Department, where he oversaw ten non-surgical clinics.

    Trzepkowski's wife, Angela, will be joining him in Carlisle this spring, after their son Louis graduates high school. Their older son Jonathan is in his second year of college.

    In his free time, Trzepkowski said he enjoys fly fishing, woodworking and singing with church groups.

    He said that seeing patients and helping people is by far the best part of his job.

    He said he is looking forward to working with the people here, and hopes to impart on people that, "With perseverance and the right tools, you can do anything."

    Trzepkowski will formally take command of Dunham in a ceremony Nov. 3.

    Dunham is a member of the TRICARE Northeast Region and the Walter Reed Health Care System, which partners with HealthNet to provide care to the many beneficiaries in the region. The renovated health clinic is staffed with 9 Officers, 23 Soldiers, and 127 civilians and contractors. Services offered include family medicine, pediatrics, optometry, social work and behavioral health, occupational health, and industrial hygiene.

For more information visit



Suzanne Reynolds, Army War College Public Affairs Office
Army spouse champions for children, named Jefferson Award winner


Wendy Sledd greets guests at the Federally Employed Women’s Breast Cancer Awareness program in the LVCC Oct. 22. Sledd, spouse of  Army War College student Lt. Col. Keith Sledd, has been selected for the Jefferson Award for Public Service.  Photo by Spc. Jennifer Rick.

Oct. 30, 2008 -- An  Army spouse at Carlisle Barracks has been selected for the Jefferson Award for Public Service, recognizing countless hours of volunteer service to her community.

  Wendy Sledd was selected for this award based on her volunteer work with Carlisle Barracks, Cumberland County and Pennsylvania.  Her work in central Pennsylvania, since arriving here in August, continues a decades-long commitment to Army communities and to children's welfare in communities around the world.   

    "My family is the military," said Sledd. Just as you would help any other family member by getting involved in volunteering, I am actually helping my own family.  I am able to connect and feel part of the community immediately after being relocated."

    At Carlisle Barracks, Sledd serves as a board member for both the Protestant Women of the Chapel and Spouses Club. 

Since arriving in Carlisle, Sledd has participated in more than 55 events in support of Special Olympics, March of Dimes, Leukemia Society and Muscular Dystrophy Association. She is chairman of the board of the Central Pennsylvania Division March of Dimes and a participant in the Association of the U.S. Army.

    Sledd is a Pennsylvania Court-Appointed Special Advocate for Abused Children.  This is a special cause for her since she was born to emotionally and physically abusive parents, she said.

     "I was one of the lucky ones," she said. "I had my maternal grandparents so I did not have to go into foster care."  In her role as Mrs. Pennsylvania Galaxy 2009, Sledd expresses her commitment to Army families and children's welfare. She visits schools and organizations discussing an array of topics such as life as a military spouse, cancer awareness, drug and alcohol awareness, fitness, and volunteerism. 

    "She is one of the most caring and giving people I know," said her husband, Lt. Col. Keith Sledd, an Army War College student and previously the commander of the 299th Forward Support Battalion in Schweinfurt, Germany. Her volunteer work with community agencies gave her connections and access to resources that paid off for the Soldiers' families, he noted.

    "Her level of dedication is unmatched by anyone I have ever met and her efforts inspire everyone she meets," he said.

    Sledd previously participated in the Defense Dept. "Operation Tribute to Freedom" speakers program speaking to audiences throughout the nation about the sacrifices of Soldiers and their families.  She is an advocate for Soldiers' benefits and for military spouses' use of the Montgomery-GI Bill.

    A two-time cancer survivor, she has lobbied for research funding for the American Cancer Society.

   The Sledds' daughter Jennifer and granddaughter Paige live in Woodbridge, Va.

Jefferson Award

    The Jefferson Awards for Public Service is a national program to encourage and honor individuals for their achievements and contributions through public and community service.       

 In the Susquehanna Valley, six Jefferson Awardees were selected from applications representing each of the six regions of the Susquehanna Valley.  The awards are sponsored by WGAL-TV 8, PSECU and local United Way Agencies, and will formally recognize the awardees with a medallion, "In Recognition of Outstanding Public Service" at the Jefferson Awards Banquet in Harrisburg, Nov. 6.

Suzanne Reynolds, Army War College Public Affairs Office
Community Connections -- What's going on in your comunity

New Air Monitor to benefit the Carlisle Community

  A new EPA-certified air monitor called a Met One BAM-1020 will be placed on top of the Sentinel building by Jan. 1 to provide air pollution data in real-time. 

  Pollution levels will be printed in The Sentinel daily, and hour-by-hour updates will be posted on its website, along with information on how to understand the data and other health-related materials.

  These updates will alert people with medical conditions, e.g., heart disease and asthma, as to high pollution days.

  The new air monitor was purchased through a joint partnership between the Carlisle Regional Medical Center, the Clean Air Board of Central Pa. and The Sentinel.

Carlisle's Own Iron Chef 2008

   The Letort View Community Center on Carlisle Barracks will be the site of the 5th annual "Carlisle's Own Iron Chef," Sunday, Nov. 16 from 2 to 6 p.m.

  This event is based on the popular TV show.  For Carlisle's event, chefs from local restaurants compete for the title.  Carlisle Area School District Culinary Arts students will participate as assistants to the chefs.

  This event will benefit the Employment Skills Center and their adult education programs. For more information on the Center, visit their website:

  For tickets and information, call 717-243-6040. 

New Businesses come to Downtown Carlisle

    New businesses ranging from women's apparel and a thrift store to antiques and restaurants have taken up residence in Downtown Carlisle.

  Businesses such as Leonna's, History on High-The Shop, and Better Days Animal League Thrift Store have already opened their doors on Hanover Street.

  Opening in November on High and Hanover Streets are Best Dressed List, Luigi's Italian Restaurant, The Dancing Skirt, and Tony's Pastry and Bakery.   

  For more information and map locations, visit the Dickinson College's  About Downtown website:

For other post and community events be sure to check the Community Calendar


Carol Kerr, Army War College Public Affairs Office
USAWC Fellows collaborate to discuss:  'Europe/Eurasia looks eastward' 

Oct. 21 -- Energy is a conundrum for Europe, said one of five International Fellows who briefed USAWC students on patterns of security concerns across Europe today.

    Energy, migration, and enlargement of the European Union were the three security issues of importance across Europe today, they said.  USAWC Fellows Col. Indrek Sirel of Estonia, Lt. Col. Irakli Dzneladze of Georgia, Col. Pietro Tornabene from Italy,  Lt. Col. Petre Codin of  Romania,  Col. Fatih Altun of Turkey and Col. Ralph Arundell from the United Kingdom,  and offered a compelling picture of the implications of these trends for their nations.  

    The panel on Europe, part I, was the first of the IF Regional Panels offered to the student body.  The student seminar experience is enriched in daily discussions by the perspective of the two International Fellows in each seminar.  Through the Regional Panels, that cultural and experiential perspective is shared beyond the individual seminar room.

    Mutual dependence over energy is a critical element of the EU-Russian relationship, they noted with detail. Russia's sovereign existence is based on large part on taxes of its gas exports, noted one speaker.  Nations of Europe rely heavily on Russian exports, but change is coming as Russian domestic energy demands  grow and other sources gain in significance, e.g., from the Caspian basin.  As European nations negotiates energy issues, there is no common policy or approach to

    Steady migration patterns bring multiple implications. Among them is a diaspora of talent as most European nations lose population, while others manage major population infusions from Africa and Asia.  Migration issues include physical crowding, impact on infrastructure, nationalism, racial tensions, unbalanced economic well-being, and concerns about criminality, human trafficking and terrorism.

    The European Union is a unique, successful experiment, said one.  It wields economic impact now, but change is coming and challenges await. The future of EU may require a completely new way of thinking synergistically.


The European Union --

  • 27 countries with a single market, single currency
  • the world's biggest donor of humanitarian aid
  • contributes 37 percent of the UN budget; the US 22 percent
  • represent s 25 percent of the world economy
  • linked to Russia for energy exports
  • members include Estonia, Italy, Romania United Kingdom
  • Turkey is a candidate country
  • Learn more at

IF Regional Panels in Wil Washcoe Auditorium --

  • Tu, Oct 28  -- Africa Panel: Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa
  • Mo, Nov 3 – Americas Panel:  Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Mexico
  • Th, Nov 6 – Asia-Pacific I Panel: India, Japan, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia
  • Th, Nov 13 – Middle East Panel II: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE
  • Fr, Nov 14 – Europe/Eurasia II Panel: Albania, Germany, Poland, Norway, Spain, Ukraine
  • Tu, Nov 25 – Asia-Pacific II Panel:  Sri Lanka, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Taiwan


Voting Day Information

Pennsylvania Polls will be open on Tuesday Nov. 4 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Polling Locations:

On-Post Residents

N. Middleton Fire Co #2

2061 Spring Road 

Carlisle, PA 17013

Directions: From Ashburn Gate take Right on N. Hanover St. (11).  Turn Left at stoplight onto Calvary Rd. Turn Right onto Carlisle Spring Rd (PA-34).  Polling place on Right.

Off-Post Residents

Visit and enter your address to locate your polling place.

What to Bring:

  • One Approved Photo ID
  • Pennsylvania driver's license or PennDOT ID card
  • ID issued by any Commonwealth agency
  • ID issued by the U.S. Government
  • U.S. Passport
  • U.S. Armed Forces ID
  • Student ID
  • Employee ID

    For more Information please visit or call 1-877-VOTESPA.


 Kevin L. Robinson, DeCA public affairs specialist
Commissaries to promote Warrior Care in November

FORT LEE, Va. – There's no nobler mission than taking care of those who have suffered much to defend us all. That's the message the Defense Commissary Agency will help spread during November when organizations across the Department of Defense participate in Warrior Care Month.

    The observance is designed to inform military members and their families about the many programs that are, and will be, available to assist Wounded Warriors.

    In a memorandum announcing this initiative, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said he wants to focus DoD's efforts in drawing attention to improvements for the support of Wounded Warriors. Through Warrior Care Month, he also intends to send "a clear message to our service members and the public that there is no higher priority for this Department than caring for those who have made personal sacrifices in the defense of our nation."

    Throughout November, commissaries will display posters to help emphasize Wounded Warriors and the programs that exist for their care and support. Throughout the year, personnel from DeCA's human resources and equal employment opportunity offices have teamed to recruit Wounded Warriors along with civilians with targeted disabilities and disabled veterans with a 30 percent or more disability rating.

    "Our men and women in uniform who have been wounded or injured deserve more than our spoken gratitude," said DeCA Director and Chief Executive Officer Philip E. Sakowitz Jr. "During Warrior Care Month, the Defense Commissary Agency will do its part to focus more attention on the resources to support our troops in their recovery and rehabilitation."

    In addition to posters in commissaries to raise awareness, DeCA will use its Web site,, to highlight programs and initiatives being provided through the Warrior Care system and direct visitors to the agency's Wounded Warrior job opportunities.

    To further help Wounded Warriors and their families with any questions, concerns or problems during their recovery process, DoD created to provide a lasting gateway for resources and ongoing programs. The Web page includes a directory to find information throughout the Department of Defense, as well as Veterans Affairs, about the military health system and existing service programs. Over time, will grow as new programs are introduced.

    The term "Wounded Warrior" applies to all wounded, ill and injured military members and veterans. Each military service has specific units to address the needs of these troops. The Marines and the Army, for example, have established Wounded Warrior Battalions and Warrior Transition Units, respectively, to assist their service members as they receive medical treatment.

    Military OneSource also has created a 24-hour Wounded Warrior Resource Center telephone number, (1-800) 342-9647, and e-mail, The resource center is staffed with trained consultants who will direct callers to the military or federal agency that can best help them. The consultant is expected to maintain contact with the caller until their question or concern is resolved. The center is not designed to replace existing military units that currently support Wounded Warriors.

Post Halloween Parade photos
(photos by Megan Clugh)




National Guard birthday celebration Dec. 4


All U.S. Army War College students, faculty, staff, and families are all invited to the National Guard 372nd Birthday Celebration, Thursday, Dec. 4 from 4-6:30 p.m. in the LVCC. The dress is Carlisle casual.