NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Promoting women's roles in peace and security

Women, peace and security: NATO’s implementation of UNSCR 1325

Women, peace and security: NATO’s implementation of UNSCR 1325

NATO and its partners are taking concerted action to support implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325, which was adopted in October 2000. UNSCR 1325 recognizes the disproportionate impact that war and conflicts have on women and children, and highlights the fact that women have been historically left out of peace processes and stabilization efforts.



Afghan Female Security Forces Fight Prejudice

15 Jan. 2013

As Afghan forces grow and develop, taking responsibility for lead security in their country, women too are stepping forward to join the nation's army and police forces. But those who volunteer for their nation's forces often faces prejudice and...

  • Play audio Afghan Female Security Forces Fight Prejudice

    15 Jan. 2013

    As Afghan forces grow and develop, taking responsibility for lead security in their country, women too are stepping forward to join the nation's army and police forces. But those who volunteer for their nation's forces often faces prejudice and...

  • Play audio Women, Peace and Security: Interview with Mari Skåre

    18 Dec. 2012

    Mari Skåre, NATO Secretary General’s Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security, talks to NATOChannel about her objectives and the challenges she faces.

  • Play audio Progress and Problems for Afghan Women

    11 Dec. 2012

    A UN report released today sees progress in the numbers of cases of violence against women reporting, but Afghan female leaders say there's still some way to go in the battle for female empowerment.

  • Play audio Nahid Nazary – female journalist, single mother

    25 Oct. 2012

    Nahid Nazary is a female journalist working for a private TV channel in Kabul. A working mother with 5 children, she lost her husband in a suicide attack in Kabul, but despite continuing Taliban threats, she's vowed to continue reporting.

  • Play audio Promoting Women`s Rights

    28 Aug. 2012

    NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has appointed Norwegian diplomat Ms. Mari Skåre as his Special Representative for women, peace and security.

  • Play audio New Special Representative on women, peace and security

    28 Aug. 2012

    Video blog message by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen



Mari Skåre is the current Secretary General's Special Representative for Women, Peace and Security


Women, Peace and Security 22 Sep. 2010 War and conflict often affect women and children more than men. Recognizing the important role women play in building peace, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 1325 on 31 October 2000. The Resolution called for an end to the historic inequality of male and female participation in resolving conflicts. This Briefing examines how NATO is working to protect women and children in its areas of operations and to increase the participation of women at every level to prevent future conflicts.  

NATO Review

Women and conflict : a frontline issue? - NATO Review, Ed. 5, 2010 01 Oct. 2010 At a recent event, Patrick Cammaert, Dutch Major General (retired) said: 'It has probably become more dangerous to be a woman than a soldier in armed conflicts'. Woman are, through no fault of their own, on the frontline of many conflicts. They suffer disproportionately (along with children) from the effects of conflict. So we ask, 10 years on from moves to improve women's fortunes, has anything really changed? 

Last updated: 26-Oct-2012 16:34
